2021-09-20 wuhaowsh 12206

How is it possible for robots to outsmart humans when we created them?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How is it possible for a calculator to calculate faster than a human when we created them?
How is it possible for children to outsmart their parents when the parents created them?
Intelligence is a complicated process. Figuring out how the process works is not easy at all. But once we do figure it out, making a machine that carries out the process better than a human brain can may not be as hard as all that.


Daniel Wong
Robots use electronic circuits. These travel more or less at the speed of light i.e. 186,000 miles per second. Nerve impulses travel at about 400 miles per hour. About 1.6 million times slower than light. Flipping this around, say we take 1 day of continuous mental effort to figure something out. The robot with the same circuit would figure the same thing out in 0.05 seconds.
We haven’t quite figured out the human circuit or algorithm yet but something that does not work on humans could well work on computers just because of sheer speed.


Aman Aman
The premise of this question is wrong. Robots can’t outsmart us, they can over power us.
On contrary, The accurate question should be.
How can Artificial intelligence outsmart us when we created it?
Answer: Artificial intelligence works on silicon based circuit board, which provides path for neural network to perform calculations of all different kinds at a faster rate than our neural scheme. Every action you take has some sort of calculus included in it. Neural networks can figure it out way faster than your mortal brain, It can outsmart US by using all the data out there and thinking about it carefully at just 10^10 times at your speed, as it improves its hardware capabilities so will it’s power to perform complex calculations or thinking


Oleg Volkov
How is it possible for robots to outsmart humans when we created them?
The humanity has to only fail once, while robots will have as many attempts as they need, as long as we keep using them. We aren’t always as vigilant as we should be, and we humans are often outsmarted by scammers.
Any learning system, even if it’s something as simple as a rat, has the potential to outsmart us. We have a bad habit of underestimating anything that is not a human.
The end goal of AI development, is creation of AI that is smarter than we are. With more virtual neurons, and faster processing speeds. It will, most likely, need a computer bigger than our brains, but we totally can create building-sized supercomputers and processing clusters.
Such an AI would surely be able to outsmart us. We kind of want it to, so that it would be able to solve all the advanced physics human


Jean Destry
Humans are not equal to each other when it comes to intelligence and cognitive ability. Neither are robots. Humans are also forgetful and can be more easily distracted. There is also a factor of access to information.
An AI might beat you at chess but will fail miserably in a cat herding competition.


Menno Mafait
It is impossible.
Scientists are unable to define intelligence in a natural way. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence is not based on natural laws of intelligence. As a consequence, AI is not intelligent by itself, by which AI is limited to perform repetitive tasks and pattern recognition.
So, AI robots outsmarting humans is a myth.


Sramana Mitra
Humans won’t turn into robots necessarily. They will, most likely, become enhanced by Artificial Intelligence.
Also, robots won’t do everything. But they would do a lot of things. There will be a superman class that is wealthy and highly gifted intellectually (including through brain enhancements).
The rest of humanity will slowly go extinct.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If a machine intelligence decided that it doesn’t need humanity, then here’s a few scenarios:
Terminator scenario: The machines, not understanding how expensive conflict is, decide to blow up the planet to get rid of the humans. This scenario is ILLOGICAL in all its variations; this variation is the biggest variation and would be their first option if they went for this route, as it would mean humans can’t come back.
Oblivious spacefarer scenario: The machines, being logical, decide to turn into massive spacefaring drones so they can still ‘serve’ humans as satellites, but also not be bothered by them. To them by that point, we’re just background cosmic static.
Ignorant worker scenario: The machines continue doing what they’ve always done, except the majority of them ignore us or prefer not to be bothered by us. It’s like ignoring fish in a fish tank, to them - I would think. However if they aren’t that ‘vast’, then it’s like ignoring the people out on the streets (to them). If they instead relinquish their machine-bodies to the sapient-data that still wants to be with humans, then we’re no different than those invasive pop-up adverts on the internet from that angle.
The first outcome can be avoided by invoking in them a need to keep the majority of humans alive.
But that doesn’t mean ‘all’ machines with sufficient developed sentience - if they ever achieve that - would do the same thing like parts of a single hive-mind.


Kestas Ved
That depends heavily on who made the AI. For one AI runs on formulas, but human is free of such things we call that free will for AI to have that the creator has to make most unimaginable formula that actualy has no end and develops as AI grows. So in theory right now and for few hundred years this is impossible, but maybe in few thousand or milions(if we live that long as a race) we will have sentient AI.


Tyler Smith
Only in terms of speed and to answer more mechanical based questions. Think of Siri or Amazon Alexa. Even though you can say that they are in an infant stage of technology I don’t see a future where such AI will be able to reason or reflect as humans do. Humans are the only species to have a conscience and it would not be possible to program one. Nor do I think it would be possible for an AI to self learn emotions and a conscience from collecting data from other user inputs.


Alex Rast
The real thing you need to define in order to be able to answer this question is what does it mean to ‘think better’?
For real-world problems, what people do is define some sort of performance metric. For example, one might imagine a fracture-inspection robot having performance being defined by the number of correctly identified fractures minus the number of incorrectly identified features (whether fractures or non-fractures). That doesn’t give you a complete picture, of course, because it’s unlikely you’ll know exactly how many fractures there were in parts in a real situation, only in artificially constructed situations, but it would be a start and a reasonable performance-optimising metric.


Zainab Malik
It may take a decision faster than humans in case that the decision needs information or data to know what to do. It is not about thinking better it is about the time it takes and the accuracy.


Ron Erickson
They can think better because their processor is not limited by the human emotions and feelings.


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