2021-09-21 可乐加冰 22429

Is China safe for Japanese tourists?


Jin, studied at University of Manchester
Generally, it’s safe for all tourists.
I take that you’re a Japanese. There’re several rules you must bear in mind:
Don’t display/wave rising sun flag. A lot of Chinese people will take offence. It’s equivalent to the German Nazi flag used extensively before and during WW2.
Try to learn some Chinese language (Mandarin) and communicate with the locals.
Show your appreciation/interest in their culture. Same like tip no.2, Chinese people will appreciate it.
Don’t bring topics about Diaoyu/Senkaku island.
Most importantly, in case you’re visiting Nanjing, as it was one of the places in China faced the most horrible moments in the upper 1930s: Nanjing Massacre which took place on December 13th 1937. The Japanese military made the massive killings of Chinese civilians (men, women, children, elderly, unarmed Chinese soldiers etc.). Do show some high respect and sympathy especially at the memorial war museum. Even if you have not thoroughly taught in Japanese school
Enjoy your time!

最重要的是,如果你正在访问南京,因为它是中国在 1930 年代初期最可怕的地方之一:1937 年 12 月 13 日发生了南京大屠杀。日本军队对中国平民进行了大规模屠杀(男人、女人、孩子、老人、手无寸铁的中国士兵等)。你一定要表现出高度的尊重和同情,尤其是在纪念战争博物馆。即使你在日本学校没有被彻底教过。

Cyprien Rusu, CAE Analyst & Technical Blogger (2012-present)
I am living in China since 2008 and I can tell you that China is generally a very safe country.
Newspapers like to do propaganda against Japan sometimes, but you shouldn’t believe any of it.
Chinese people are very friendly and they understand that one japanese tourist isn’t involved at all with what could have been done by his country many years ago during the war.
Have a nice trip in China!


Xiang Yip,studied at Anhui Agricultural University
Because of the sino-japanese war,For the older generation of Chinese, there may be a hostility toward the Japanese.More modern older groups, if you can have good communication with them and good manners, can also get along well,we can find some examples in real life.But,Some of them are not easy to get along with.
Younger people, because of their love of Japanese culture, have a favorable opinion of the Japanese.But you can still find some people are not very friendly to Japanese.
You can find Chinese are generally polite to Japanese tourists.But you still pay attention to some aspects.
Don't disrespect history,especiallyJapanese aggression in sino-japanese war . If you communicate with Chinese, you should have the courage to admit Japan's guilt . The problem of China and Japan is due to the war and the Japanese government's attitude towards war after the war.The government's revision of its textbooks to cover up its crime is extremely irritating to the Chinese.
There are other issues concerning the diaoyu islands.This is the important cause of the deterioration of sino-japanese relations in modern times and the fuse .so don’t talk about that.
Add to that Japan's recent tit-for-tat with China,Japan's constitutional change and the expansion of the military, the right-wing government in Japan, have made our impression of the Japanese government worse.Japan's far-right party is synonymous with fascism for the Chinese.
In general, the Chinese will be kind to the Japanese,if you are kind to chinese.
Welcome to China.Wish you have a good time in china .

再加上日本最近与中国针锋相对,日本修宪和扩军,日本的右翼政府让我们对日本政府的印象更差了。 对中国人来说,日本极右翼政党是法西斯主义的代名词。

Ray Comeau, Been travelling to China and Asia since 2004
In the past most Japanese travelled in tour groups, but individual travel is becoming more popular. Roughly 2.5 million Japanese tourist arrive in China every year.
The Chinese have no issue with Japanese people. Their issue has always been with Japanese government refusing to acknowledge their deeds during their wars with China.
For Japanese with no knowledge of Mandarin or English, they may prefer areas where some Japanese is spoken.
Roughly 70,000 Japanese expats live in China, mostly in the Northeast in places like Dalian which an IT centre for many Japanese companies.
Dalian is particularly unique in the fact that there are many workers who speak Japanese for the following reasons:
Present-day Dalian City was a Japanese occupied territory, 1905–1945
Dalian University of Foreign Languages is the centre for Japanese studies in China
Since the late 1980s, many Japanese companies have established manufacturing plants employing Japanese speaking Chinese.
Dalian has about two million ethnic Koreans. Linguistically, they are capable of speaking Japanese with ease.


Yuan-Xiu Peng, lives in Freedom the Fomalhaut Planets Alliance
Yes, absolutely.
Chinese are not aggressive group, people are glad to help foreign in our country.
If you have any problem while you traveling in China, don’t hesitate just to ask anyone around you or police, I believe they would give you help.
Chinese usually don’t speak Japanese too much, if you can write Kanji, take a pen with you or you can speak English. Most young people know English.
Welcome to China.


Adam Fayed, lives in Japan
On the whole, yes. Even though Chinese people resent the past from Japan, violence isn't common at all in China. I don't think there are any examples of random Japanese people being attacked, and if so, it will be very rare.
In fact, deep down, the Chinese quite admire the Japanese, even though they don't like them. The Chinese who go to Japan admire the manners. Also, in China, many people do have a hierarchical way of looking at the world.
That hierarchical way of looking at the world means they admire the US, as the most powerful country in the world, even though they sometimes hate US foreign policy. It also means they respect Japan, as a more advanced economy.
In comparison, most Chinese don't dislike India, Cambodia or Vietnam, like they dislike Japan. But they certainly don't respect these countries in the way they respect Japan.
I had a Japanese girlfriend who visited me in China, when I lived there. I was worried that people would bring up history, especially when drinking. I took her out and I could see many Chinese people were admiring her manners and generally behavior. Nobody said anything negative to her.
I would say though that was in the Shanghai-Jiangsu area, which is less nationalist than some parts of China, and also Japanese women are less likely than Japanese men to be met with hostility.


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