2021-09-22 小白菜1823 10811

Tokyo (CNN) — In theory, sushi is a simple thing to be enjoyed in almost any way you like.


Eat it standing or seated, with fingers or chopsticks, dipped in soy sauce, mixed with wasabi, swallowed in one mouthful or more.


However, if you want to eat it like a Tokyo local, remember that sushi etiquette changes with the setting.


The following tips can separate the uninitiated from those in the know, whether you're dining at an economical chain restaurant (which is closer to the dish's street-food roots) or the rarefied establishments of Tokyo's upscale Ginza neighborhood.


Sushi's origins in Japan date back to the 10th century. Narezushi, the most primitive form of the famed food, was made with fermented fish that was preserved with salt and raw rice.


Edomae sushi (Tokyo style), which is what most are familiar with today, is thought to have originated in the 1800s. It typically revolves around nigiri -- fish with pressed rice -- which can be topped with several dozen types of seafood and other ingredients, not just fish.

江户前寿司(东京风格),也就是今天大多数人所熟悉的,被认为起源于19世纪。它通常围绕着nigiri -- 鱼和压榨的米饭 -- 上面可以有几十种海鲜和其他成分,而不仅仅是鱼。

Sushi chef training is intense and requires long hours. Chefs often apprentice for several years before they're permitted to handle pricier cuts of fish.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

With that in mind, let's start at the top: Sushi Sawada, located behind Tokyo's most prestigious intersection of Ginza 4-chome.


With two Michelin stars and only seven seats, Sawada is a shrine to sushi -- and to straight-talking master Koji Sawada's continuous quest for perfection.


Sawada seasons his ingredients with his own soy sauce blend or a sprinkle of sea salt before combining them on the rice, so he says there's no need for additional soy sauce to dip.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But as the customer is king/queen, Sawada provides sauce on request. He suggests the best way to use it is first to take the sushi and then turn it upside down and dip the fish side.


There's a practical reason for inverting your sushi: the rice will fall apart if it's dipped directly. It will also soak up too much sauce, ruining the flavor balance.


The flavor is best if the fish only lightly contacts the sauce.


Then pop it into your mouth.


"The fish should touch the tongue first," Sawada says.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wasabi moderation and other useful practices


Every sushi-ya will give you a personal o-shibori (hand towel) to wipe your fingers with before eating and between bites.


Alongside the soy sauce will likely be a tub of sweet pickled ginger, known as gari, to refresh the palate.


Use your chopsticks to pick some up and place it on your individual sushi board, called a geta for its resemblance to a wooden clog of the same name.


The chef will normally add grated wasabi, hot Japanese horseradish, to the block of rice as the sushi is pressed.


Feel free to ask for your sushi wasabi-free ("Wasabi nashi kudasai") if the herb is too pungent for you.

如果你觉得芥末的味道太刺鼻,可以要求你的寿司不含芥末("Wasabi nashi kudasai")。

Or alternatively, request more, although be warned that an old-school sushi master may frown if asked for additional wasabi, as he will consider his creation to have the appropriate seasoning.


Again, the customer rules, though be aware that slathers of wasabi are a fair giveaway of a novice, as it will overpower the flavor of the fish.


Furthermore, while wasabi may be mixed with soy sauce to dip sashimi (raw fish without sushi rice), this is not generally done with sushi.


Chopsticks: Pros and cons


There's something visceral about eating with your hands, and in the case of people who eat sushi, the practice may also suggest a casual and carefree persona. Sawada understands this, and would rather not see his sushi handled with chopsticks — although he provides them.


"Hands are best," he says. "Like eating curry in India."


However, at the cheap and cheerful Magurobito ("The Tuna Guys") in Asakusa, chef Goh Saito says, "Almost everyone these days uses chopsticks. It's for hygiene."

然而,在位于浅草的廉价而欢快的Magurobito("金枪鱼伙计"),厨师Goh Saito说:"现在几乎所有人都使用筷子。这是为了卫生"。

Several years ago this writer took some classes with Tokyo culinary instructor Yumi Sone. She says she prefers chopsticks for their elegance, and even finds eating with the hands a little affected when practiced by anyone but a natural.

几年前,这位作家参加了东京烹饪教师Yumi Sone的一些课程。她说她更喜欢筷子的优雅,甚至觉得用手吃饭时,除了自然人,其他人都会受到一点影响。

"But chopsticks can be tricky when dipping sushi upside down," she agrees.


A further reason to skip chopsticks is that the rice block in the best sushi is often molded quite loosely. Sawada describes his method as packing "a lot of air between the grains."

跳过筷子的另一个原因是,最好的寿司中的米块通常被塑造得相当松散。泽田将他的方法描述为在 "米粒之间有大量的空气"。

It's what helps create his famous melt-in-the-mouth feel.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chopsticks can compress loose rice grains and alter the texture, or lose their grip, which could be messy.


Ordering and avoiding faux pas

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus, but will instead offer different price ranges for fixed courses; your meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on that day.


You can still order individual items, though this will be more expensive.


Rather than lining up a range of sushi, the master will offer each piece as it's made.


It's not polite to leave a freshly presented piece of sushi for too long in front of you, as temperature, texture and moisture all change. In this respect the sushi-ya makes more demands of the customer than a typical restaurant -- the diner has a role to play.

将一块刚出炉的寿司放在你面前太久是不礼貌的,因为温度、质地和水分都会发生变化。在这方面,寿司店对顾客的要求比一般的餐馆要多 -- 食客要扮演一个角色。

Feel free to ask for a repeat of anything you especially liked. A common faux pas is when a customer fails to inform the master in advance of dislikes or allergies.


That's why, when it comes to foreign customers, restaurants such as Sawada or the famed Kyubey, also in Ginza, may ask to speak to your concierge or a Japanese speaker before taking a reservation.


Ingredients that commonly provoke reactions are shrimp (ebi); shellfish (kai) and sometimes uni (pronounced oohni), sea urchin. Some people dislike the "fishiness" of items such as mackerel, sardines and herring, collectively known as "glistening things," or hikari mono.

通常引起反应的成分是虾(ebi);贝类(kai),有时是uni(发音为ohni),海胆。有些人不喜欢诸如鲭鱼、沙丁鱼和鲱鱼的 "鱼腥味",它们被统称为 "闪亮的东西",或称光怪陆离。

Most mid-range sushi-ya offer courses. If the course you choose includes anything you can't eat, say the name followed by nashi kudasai, "exclude, please". If you're unconcerned about budget and only want the best the master has to offer, tell him o-makase shimasu -- I'll leave it to you.

大多数中档的寿司店都提供课程。如果您选择的课程包括您不能吃的东西,请在名称后面加上nashi kudasai,"不包括,请"。如果您不关心预算,只想吃主人提供的最好的东西,就告诉他o-makase shimasu -- 我把它留给您。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Of course, chain sushi restaurants, usually with conveyor belts, make things easier -- most offer photographic menus and you can simply serve yourself.

当然,连锁寿司店,通常有传送带,使事情变得更容易 -- 大多数提供照相菜单,你可以简单地自己上菜。

Better still, take a stool at the counter and this tip from cookery teacher Sone: "I never take a plate that's going around," she says. "You can order freshly made, direct from the chefs. Also this way, I can ask for a smaller amount of rice (shari sukuna-meh kudasai)."

更好的是,在柜台前拿个凳子,还有烹饪老师Sone的这个提示。她说:"我从来没有拿过一个正在转悠的盘子,"她说。"你可以点现做的,直接从厨师那里得到。另外,这样一来,我可以要少量的米饭(shari sukuna-meh kudasai)。"

This is a common practice among diners who don't want to fill up on rice.


Many sushi-ya serve in portions of two pieces, but most of the cheaper standing places allow you to order singly.


It's worth noting the quality at such establishments can be very good, as their turnover is high and many are operated by seafood wholesalers.


Standing places are intimate and delightfully casual. When pushed for time one can eat well and be out within under half an hour.


Check, please


Sushi restaurants in Japan serve green or brown roasted tea at the end of a meal (and throughout, if you prefer it to sake or beer), before the check arrives. The tea is called agari.


Be warned that at many high-grade and traditional establishments, the check may come as no more than a handwritten number on a tiny piece of paper. This is often a shock.


Though the new generation of sushi chefs makes a point of being customer-friendly, a top class sushi-ya can still be daunting, even for natives.


In fact, very few ordinary Japanese get to enjoy sushi at the absolute highest level, so if you're able to take a local friend along, don't be surprised to learn it's their first time, and they are as much in awe of the experience as you.


Magurobito (standing-style restaurant): 2-18-12 Kaminarimon, Taito-ku Tokyo; 11-9 p.m., open every day. Budget around ¥2,000-¥3,000. +81 (0) 3 3847 7139

Magurobito(站立式餐厅):东京台东区Kaminarimon 2-18-12;晚上11-9点,每天营业。预算约为2,000-3,000日元。+81 (0) 3 3847 7139

Magurobito (seated restaurant): 1-1-11 Hoshi Building 1F, Asakusa, Taito-ku Tokyo; 11.30 a.m.-10 p.m., open every day. Budget up to around ¥4,000. +81 (0) 50 5868 1438 (reservations) +81 (3) 5828 5838 (inquiries) same restaurant name but two different experiences.

Magurobito(坐式餐厅):东京台东区浅草1-1-11 Hoshi大厦1楼;上午11:30-晚上10:00,每天营业。预算最高为4000日元左右。+81 (0) 50 5868 1438 (预订) +81 (3) 5828 5838 (咨询) 相同的餐厅名称,但有两种不同的体验。


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