2021-09-24 JOJOyu 33676


Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord
, one of the working masses
You can find God even in the worst places on earth. Unfortunately, history shows that He is much likelier to be on the side of the oppressors.
There is a reason why both the Boxer rebels of the late Qing Dynasty, and the Communist Party of China today, both view religion (especially Christianity) with suspicion and hostility. Everything the palefaces and their Church did to the native peoples of North America, they did to my people, the Chinese, as well.
The big difference is that they failed to exterminate my people (and not for lack of trying), whereas the Native Americans will never get to tell their side of the story ever again. And this is why I’m writing this answer right now - to tell you our side of the story, to let you know what Western civilisation and their religion did to my country and my people.

There is a famous tourist attraction in the city of Wuhan, simply called “The Grave of 10,000 Infants”(萬嬰墓). The area used to be site of a Catholic orphanage founded by an American missionary named Sylvester Joseph Espelage, back in 1928. Statistically, the orphange's infants had a survival rate of 0.2%, due to malnutrition, forced labour, beatings and torture.

The better-looking children were often sold into slavery when they reached puberty age, or they would be kept by the clergy as their personal playthings. Many of the children died because the orphanage wanted to make extra money by lending them out as test subjects for medicines and whatnot.
In 1951, long after the Communist Party came into power in China, people started digging around the orphanage for construction work, only to find heaps of baby bones buried in the dirt, much to their horror. After an investigation into the the orphanage’s past, the monks and nuns in charge were expelled from the country.
Every single piece of those bones is testament to the church's persecution of the Chinese people. Every single one a human tragedy created by Western Imperialism.
This isn’t unique to Wuhan either - monuments like these exist in every major Chinese city. Christianity leaves ugly scars wherever its self-righteous harbingers go.
They stole the peasant's property, drove people out of their homes, forced them to pay extortionate ransoms, raped their wives, abused and murdered their children, disrespected their culture, lived in opulence, acted in complete defiance because of their diplomatic immunity, and worked closely with the Imperialists who wanted to carve out more Chinese land for themselves.
There was a clear pattern to the way this worked - the church would antagonise the locals, the locals would fight back (sometimes with deadly force), western powers would condemn the attacks against “peaceful men of religion”, and demand even more land and silver from the Qing government by threatening to use brute force.
That's what these messengers of God did, and why the common folk hated them with a burning passion. According to the Boxers, western missionaries paraded around wearing necklaces made of the eyeballs of their victims. Others harvested the livers of those who could not pay rent or tithe, and made exotic elixirs out of them.
No wonder people in the west (including Canada) believe China is committing genocide on the Uyghurs. They hear "special schools" and "re-education", and they immediately think back to their own crimes against humanity. They judge others based on their own experience and worldview.
The West accuses China of that which the West alone is guilty of, which isn't surprising at all. They have been, still are and will always be Imperialists. Their fathers were murderers, they are murderers, their children will be the children of murderers, and it's all they will ever amount to.


武汉市有一个著名的旅游景点,简称“万婴墓”。该地区曾是美国传教士西尔维斯特·约瑟夫·埃斯佩拉奇(Sylvester Joseph Espelage)在1928年建立的天主教孤儿院所在地。据统计,由于营养不良、强迫劳动、殴打和酷刑,孤儿院的婴儿存活率仅为0.2%。


Johannes Sulistyo
This happens to South America as well, not just China or Canada.
Colonialism projects are expensive, and Vatican back then, before the unification of Italy, was a very rich donor. Their church are not taxed, but they received taxes and tithes from the Kings and peasants alike. People today ignorantly think that Rome has always been the capital of Italy, only a few people, especially those who read history, know that Rome and its surrounding territories were once directly ruled by The Papal throne.
Even after that, they still occupy a good portion of Lazio.
We acted as if religion was kind of spiritual thing. Historically, they have been more like political thing.


Ionescu Popa
Looking today at Latin America, Christianity (especially Catholicism) is a big aspect of the regional identity. It is equally legit there as Buddhism or Islam are in South Eastern Asia. I try to warn the Christians to not deft Islam, another God's religion, but it goes both ways. Obviously, their alliance against the world is equally evil. You simply need to discern the good and the bad in everything.


Niko Ništa
What in the ever-loving fuck.
Even the Ottoman Empire never did such things. Or maybe they did and I’m not informed? But honestly, if they did, I’d have been taught about it in school.
Forget the Ottomans, the Mongols of Gingis Khan were cream-puffs compared to this.
I can understand being a mafioso feudal lord and extracting some tribute from subjugated populations, to an extent that is consistent with their biological survival and the maintenance of their culture at least, but “working 10 000 orphans to death” sounds like… something Plato would accuse an obviously fictional evil civilization of, as part of a philosophical point, because literally no one would believe humans capable of a crime such as this.


Imran Roy
Wait until you learn about Unit 731 …


Niko Ništa
Unfortunately I already have an inkling.


Imran Roy
Oh, no young man. You couldn't imagine what they did …
What they did, put Nazi concentration camps to shame.


Wu Hao
This monument is just one block away from where I used to live. The writing on it says “Here buried remains of Chinese babies who were brutally tortured and killed by imperialists. We build this monument so these babies will forever stay on the minds of Chinese, and Chinese people shall forever remember the bloody atrocities committed by imperialists”.


But it's different, the West admit their wrongdoings and have already apologized! *sacasm*

但不同的是,西方承认了他们的错误,并且已经道歉了! *讽刺*

Ewe Yu Yie
They only apologise after the act is done and only after they have immensely benefitted from such wrongdoings. In China’s case they had HK and Macau for 99 years, monopoly in trade with the Qings for centuries which gave rise to the British Empire etc2. If fair trade were truly practiced centuries ago we might have seen Indian, Chinese and Arab merchants and vessels at European ports then.


Damían Cúipéir
In reality Brandon, they only admit to their indiscretions when pressure is applied in ever increasing numbers, to a point where things can no longer be hidden, covered up, or ignored.


Pavan Kumar
This was said by father of kenya. He was a legendry leader. And everyone thinks america is a powerful country because of it military, innovation, democracy and etc. This is absolute bullshit. America is powerful because it funds the evangelical christianity and maintatin a religious based colonialism all over the third world countries like the churches did in europe which is also called as dark age of europe, sadly these idiots control UNHRC and is the most powerful lobby in USA. And china is being attacked not for the genocide or other. It is being attacked because of stunch communism which makes people hardcore atheists. The other reason usa went after communist countries is not because of the ideology but because of how it kicked ass of relogious bigotriy and destroyed the church structure, The churches were afraid of loosing their power which directly threatned the power of the elite and the hierarchey which is coming from ages example (the romonov dynasty, the henry 14 of france ) they completley surrenderd themselves to church and which made people poor and left them frustrated and made them to revolt and the bolsheviks completly repelled churches from ussr.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Abhijeet Kumar
It exist everywhere Indian Subcontinent, China, IndoChina ,Africa Both America continent Middle east etc. I know for sure we(Indian were subjected for 200years of slavery.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Molly D. Reaume
One should not paint all people's with the same brush! All history is full of injustice and tragedy. To blame one culture, country, or civilization over another, even your own, is to ignore, yeah, even to distort truth! And this helps no-one. Remember, we have all failed at some time in our personal lives, all countries have committed atrocities, & all wish they could be forgotten &, more importantly, forgiven.


Imran Roy
Forgiven … even when they don't own their murder and butchery and don't even have the humility to as much as apologize verbally, let alone make reparations?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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