2021-10-05 黎明晖烬 14486

Over 42% of South Koreans in their 30s unmarried


level 1
Well the current way of living doesn't really leave much room to marry and grow children. People are too busy with work.


I would just wish to add to that ... you are working most of the time to get a home or apartment, just to have a place to raise your kids.
Current prices of this are just insane due to speculation and investments from big players.
Simply to say it is hard to find wife and have kids if you can't provide basic conditions for them.


Sounds like where the US is headed.


Headed? Many parts of the US is already there.


I have friends making like $80k who haven't moved out yet because housing is so expensive.


I got priced out of my old apartment building. $1,200 at the end of 2019 (lease was end of summer 2020 so that should give a better idea). Today, the lowest price in the building is about $1,700. My old apartment is north of $1,800. In barely a year.
I made about $43k when I was there. If I wanted to still qualify, I'd need to make nearly $65k. Yeah, my income has definitely gone up by 50% in a year. /s


Yup. I was renting an apartment in the shitty part of town back in 2017/2018 for $800 month. It was a one bedroom and we heard gunshots almost every single night. We moved to the nice part of town from 2018-2020 and it cost roughly $1700/mo for a 2 bedroom, and the apartment was falling apart because it was built in 1972.
We had to move 3 towns over just to find a place to rent for under $1500 in 2021. It's insane how horrible the current market is. My plan to own a house is to inherent my parents when they finally pass on.


Canada, Australia, NZ, UK among others too.


We’ve had this problem for 20 years. Someone figured out that you can extort the local population if you buy up all the property and greedy capitalist pigs are going greed


We’re already there. My wife and I make around $90,000 a year between the two of us and can only afford a small apartment. If we weren’t married we would still need room mates. You can certainly rule out children for us.


The crazy part of Korean work hours is that statistics show that they work late for no reason and are just sitting there. GDP per hour worked in Korea is horribly low.
This indicates that Koreans are just sitting at their desk for long hours without doing anything productive.
Lobor productivity per hour in Korea is around 38. The US is at 110. Korea's productivity per hour worked is less than South Africa. All Korean employees could easily go home at 5 or 6pm. It's tradition forcing them to stay late and they aren't producing any work during those hours.


This is true for most people. There’s a handful of studies that put average productivity for a work day between 3-4 hours regardless of time worked overall. We are basically productive in half hour intervals throughout the day. Either way, it’s a waste to have work days longer than 6 hours imo.


Worked for a Korean company back in 2016. Let me add to this comment.
I came to work 15 minutes early at 7:45 every day. I went home at 5:00pm. (Also, Korea excludes the 1 hour lunch break as "work time", so you're technically spending 9 hours at work)
People started complaining that I'm leaving work on time, so ever since then I had to wait until 5:05pm until I could leave.


Isn't the cram school culture really big in Korea? So parents aren't really able to enjoy being a parent because there is so much academic pressure.


Highschoolers have to stay at school studying until 10pm, some take a bus from the school to English lessons at an academy afterwards. I lived there a few years teaching English and loved Korea and Koreans but the school culture and work culture told me I wouldn't enjoy being Korean. I had a Korean friend slide into a depression when he felt he had almost no time he wasn't working. It's somewhat common-ish for men to stay near their workplace all weekdays and only come home to their wives on weekends, my boss' husband did this for instance.


Koreans are definitely hardcore when it comes to education. I don't think the Japanese education system is that aggressive and the Chinese are clamping down on this problem as well.


I’m currently living in Japan. Between School, club activities, cram school, and English Eikaiwa’s, many Japanese students have 12+ hour school days. Oh, and a lot of them have school for half a day on Saturday.
It’s pretty bad here too.


Lived in Korea for the better part of a decade, so I can give you my input.
Those who get married are expected to have children. Children are pressured to get married and once they are, they are then pressured to have children.
Korea has many of the same issues as most first world countries who fertility rates are decreasing, but a few additional ones as well.
Stagnant wages. Wages haven't kept up with the cost of living. This makes it very difficult for a single person (presumably the father) to be a breadwinner for their spouse and their children. Even both spouses working can still not make enough money to afford the cost of living. Furthermore if both spouses are working, there's no one to really take care of the children.


Cost of housing. Cost of housing has exponentially grown over the last decade in Korea. Families can't afford housing while also trying to support a family. People can't afford housing that can accommodate a family, so they simply don't have children.
Gender equality. Many women in Korea no longer want to be the stay at home housewife. This means they are much less reluctant to have children who will "burden" them with staying at home. They want financial independence, even if married. Without a parent to remain at home with the children, couples don't want to have children. This is one of the reasons why a lot of women don't want to get married. Many are aiming to become a "Gold Miss", which is a term for a financially independent older woman.
Lack of a support network. Maternity/Paternity leave, lack of daycares, etc. If both parents want to work, there's really no one but relatives/grandparents who can help take care of children. Not everyone has access to this and many don't want to burden their families. Without providing a safety net, parents won't have children.


Work - Life balance. Working 9-6 plus overtime 5-6 days a week is not uncommon in Korea. This means people who work long, hellish hours are less likely to want to go home and then take care of their children or spend money to care for their children. They would rather relax and rest and spend that money on ways to help them cope with their work life. Furthermore many men simply don't want to go home to their spouse and children because of how exhausting their work is, so they simply make up an excuse and find a way to relax. This only creates more of a burden for the spouse at home.
Some countries have found ways to handle all 5 of these issues with varying levels of success. Korea has not and they keep trying to combat the symptoms or outright ignoring them instead of dealing with the root of the problem.
Until there's a better support network in place in the form of daycare and company support for paternity/maternity leave, cheaper housing, an increase in wages, improving the situation for women in the workplace, and improvements in work-life balance, the fertility rate will continue to fall.
Then the real problems begin. What happens to a society that is too top heavy? Where there are too many old people who vote and set the policies while no longer contributing to the economy? The young then have to shoulder the responsibility for dealing with that issue. Its not going to be a pretty picture.


I understand the classic 'two income trap' but does anyone know why housing in the developed world is so expensive and rising? Seems demand outstrips supply but a lot of the demand is investor led? How can that get sorted so that people can have a decent roof over their heads without paying 2/3 of their pay on a mortgage or rent? Honest question.....

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because a lot of the developed world treats real estate housing as an investment vehicle first and a basic human need secondarily.
In the US, local/city governments are largely funded by property taxes so they are incentivized to allow any means that gets house prices to rise. This leads to them making it as easy as possible for investors to come in and balloon prices which in turn prices more and more regular people out who just want a place to actually live and accrue equity.
There's simply very few controls on the market to prevent this kind of market movement. It's something that really, really needs to change.


My god I hate that houses are treated as an investment. It’s a place you live! Put your money in the goddamn stock market if you want to invest!


Important to note that this isn't just a personal choice, its been a policy of governments to develop housing as a market. Remember the US housing bubble? It was a consequence of the government and Wall St. doing everything they could to frx housing as a great investment, doesn't matter how much you go into debt, just get a house, any house!


Also, housing has become a business. A coue days ago in Berlin the people pushed through a referendum which forces the city of Berlin to buy up to 200.000 houses (or apartments) off of big investors so actual people can live in them and not use it as a holiday home. We celebrate it like a victory, but then you get noticed the investors only had to give up like 10% of the buildings they actually posses over here in Berlin. It's a fucking disgrace.


Don’t forget that most every municipality enforces rules on housing density that cap the potential number of units possible in a set area.
Therefore, desirable places can’t grow their housing sufficiently no matter who wants to build what.
For example, NYC now has quite stringent regulations on housing density and building height. The city wouldn’t be anywhere near as densely populated if it was destroyed and rebuilt at today’s standards.
Similarly, cities all over California that have boomed may have ordinances making them exclusively single family homes with decent sized lots, even as demand surges and the community would be best served by mid or high rise condos or apartments.
The plain fact is unless it’s suburban sprawl, the vast majority of city ordinances prohibit the type of development necessary to keep prices down.
This is not to say changing ordinances is the magic bullet. There is none. There are a multitude of variables at play and anyone saying “this is it!” is just wrong. It’s not the zoning or the incentives or the buildings codes or the developers or the economy alone. It’s all of it.


What happens to a society that is too top heavy?
Most likely something similar to Japan. Growth will stagnate and there will be so much pressure on the productive youths that they will inevitably push back. Automation might help some sectors but there really needs to be a cultural shift and governmental action to alleviate the pressures mentioned by OP.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan suffers from cultural issues around hyper conservatism and reactionary fears to economic slowdown. So called zombie corporations which in a natural market would fail are propped up by government subsidy to maintain the face of economic success. Employees in a hard-work-ethic culture sleep at their desks and devote long hours to the appearance of work rather than productivity. Companies got out of hand in the 80s and dutifully repaid the loans to the government that saved them from collapse in the 90s, but now are hesitant to seek investor income or loans or more aggressive growth strategies to prevent another runaway train.
A very tragic trainwreck in slow motion but you're not going to get people to turn their backs on ways of life that are centuries old and the foundation of their 'japaneseness'. They'd rather go extinct than fundamentally alter who they are.


You worded it perfectly, best comment on this post. People in Korea put too much of an emphasis on working hard. Of course, there is a certain merit in working hard, but it’s not everything. Our country has (in my opinion) failed to realize that.


But do they have a choice? The comment doesn’t suggest that Koreans are choosing to work harder and longer and for that reason, don’t want children. It seems they don’t have a choice but to work that much to make ends meet, and adding on the time suck and expense of a child seems impossible to many of them.


It's a race to the bottom basically. You have to work hard not necessarily because the work you do is not of sufficient value to justify your pay, but because someone else is willing to work harder for a similar salary.


People greatly underestimate how this applies to most of the world.
The same is true in Canada, Australia and the UK.
US is a dumpster fire so let's not even go there.
It's only western Europe that has a good level of protections for the average person, and even then they have birth rate issues.


"If people aren't having babies, we'll make them have them!"


"But when they have the babies, we ain't doin' shit to support them at all! YEEHAW!"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm in my 30s, went to a university that had a big foreign student population. Of all the Korean friends I had, I can think of only 1 that is married and has a child. The rest are either career focused or have been in school for the past decade to avoid going back home and entering the workforce


Does South Korea have de facto relationships, or is unmarried the same as single?


There.are plenty of unmarried couples. But they are not so often living together and even more rarely have children. A poster above outlined the feminist case, which is legitimate. But men are also fed up with marriage. They complain that after two years of military service they need to devote themselves to work to get a high paying job. Without a prestigious job it is really hard to find a wife. Competition for everything in Korea is insane. Male makeup and plastic surgery are widespread for a reason. It's an arms race to be perfect. 8t has burnt out both men and women.


I am a Korean male and can relate to the Misogyny stuff. My dad is a piece of shit who treated my mom like shit. He did nothing around the house because thats a "woman's job" or hated the fact that my mom made more money to support his sorry ass. Always drunk spending HER money on lottery tickets and she couldn't say anything because it was against the social norm (in her generation) for woman to lash out or leave. Im glad woman are stepping up and starting to realize the BS social standards set by the Korean society. Many people look at dramas and think its all dandelions and roses but really its a garbage society that needs to change. Also like to add that when my mom had the courage to leave, her entire family and dads family shunned her because "woman dont leave their husbands".


Buy a dog and die alone . Easy choice

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I fled South Korea, my motherland, to relocate to the States several years ago in my thirties. I felt so lucky. South Korea has the highest suicide rate among OECD nations. This says it all. It is a challenging place to win breads and live happily. The societal sentiment is too competitive and people are living in a constant cut-throat battle. The marriage is viewed not as a coalition of two individuals but a merge of two families with competing “monetary” and “hierarchical” interests. It is good to visit and spend money on eating/drinking though (food is awesome).


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