2021-10-14 cnbsmt 23499

See, I've been living in japan for most of my life now and everything is fine. But there is one thing that bothers me: Discrimination. See, Im and indian living in Japan and whenever i go to the shopping mall or anywhere there are people staring at me like they have never seen and Indian before. When i go to play with my friends, there are there kids and adults all telling me that this is a Japanese people only park and kick me out of there. I feel sad because sometimes i jut get excluded because im not from Japan. Some people at the park who like actually work there tell me to stop playing with balls or anything while there are like tons of other people in the same place using balls and playing something. I just need help. Thank you!


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm British of South Asian background, living in a small, backwater town in Aichi and I've had similar experiences. I work for an auto manufacturer as an engineer, and live in a nice apartment in fairly upmarket suburban neighbourhood, and drive a nice, new-ish foreign performance car. All this is relevant because of the following:
I get stopped by police while walking around to have my ID checked on a regular basis. Once they caught me whilst I was on a run and started to get my phone out (as I put my residence card in my phone case). Before I could say anything they said I wasn't allowed to take video or call anyone unless I went to the koban with them. Once I showed them my ID, they let me go without apologising.
On 3 separate occasions, I've parked outside the SAME convenience store to get some stuff and come outside to find police officers around my car. Each time, they've asked me for documentation and carried out a full search of me, my belongings, and my vehicle. One police officer even asked me how I bought my car despite only being here (at the time) for less than 6 months.
I've had the police called on me while I was putting my nametag up outside my door. They not only asked me for my ID, but demanded I show them a Juuminhyou (for those not in Japan, this is like a government issued proof of address document). The thing is, a Juuminhyou isn't something people regularly keep on hand - you only really need them if you're doing something that requires proof of address (such as buying a car or setting up a bank account), and your address will be on the back of your residence card anyway. This was shortly after I'd moved in so I had a few spare copies from when I'd registered at the city hall, but most people probably wouldn't have had one.
One Sunday morning, I was on the way back from the convenience store down the road from my place. As I returned to my flat, I stopped to check the wheels of my car for some scratches (as I was afraid I'd kerbed it the previous evening and couldn't check in low light). Next thing I know, these two cops (who I'd already noticed) come up to me and ask me why I'm looking at my own car. Despite pulling out my keys in front of them and unlocking it, they demanded to see my license, registration, and insurance documents. Once all those were sorted, they demanded to see my parking certificate to prove that I was authorised to park in that specific spot in my building's parking lot (in Japan, all cars must have a police-issued certificate that specifies its "home" parking spot).
People stare at me as I walk down the street, mask on, completely normal clothes. I've had people literally stop and stare while I'm in the supermarket, like I'm some kind of zoo animal.
To be clear, most people here are really nice and courteous (even if it's just superficial and for the sake of appearances). And, for the most part, my interactions with the police have been neutral at worst, courteous at best (albeit just annoying and embarrassing when in a particularly busy area or near my actual residence). I think a lot of people here have what I'd call "benign ignorance". They just don't know how to deal with people who are different, and don't know that the things that they do are offensive in particular. Also, there are clear "tiers" of foreigners, and other Asians are one of the lower tiers in terms of the public perception here.
This is all just part of life in Japan.


This is spot on. Discrimination based on skin color is rife in Japan.
I'm British and white. My friend is British and black. Came to Japan at the same time, same background, live in the same area, went to the same university here. Almost carbon copies. I've never been stopped by the police, he gets stopped all the time.


I think black people have it the worst here... although an argument could be made for Chinese and Korean people, too. As South Asians, we're kind of just underestimated and unknown. My South Asian friends in the big cities don't get too much grief.
However, black people are straight up assumed to be criminals or anti-social - see: the video of the guy who got stopped and searched in Tokyo, and the police officer admitted to stopping him because "people like him often carry drugs". As for Chinese and Koreans? The amount of vitriol towards them that's common and somewhat socially accepted is frankly insane.


This. The biggest difference I've seen between being black in Japan and America has been that in Japan, I'm less likely to get shot. That's literally it. People often say that I look scary cause I'm just a large black dude vibing in the streets. By nature, I go out lf my way to not bother people, so in that sense I fit right in. Unfortunately, every little thing we do is under a microscope. My favorite is if I ask someone a question in Japanese and they panic and start saying "Ai Kanto Supikku Ingurishu." It happens every time. I know my language skills aren't the best. I think I suck at Japanese tbh, but most people who know me are able to get what I'm saying--even if it's just the gist of words I don't know yet.
The only thing that's kept me here so long is my relationship to my bf. It's not like we can get married in Japan anyway and he cant come to America with me due to expensive medications and when I go back, I'd have to find a job immediately. (He also can't speak English to save his life lmao). He's been one of the very few native Japanese people I've met who has treated me like a human being and not just some walking frightening stereotype. (His mom is also cool and his dad...well otoosan doesn't need to know we're dating just yet...he has a big mouth).

作为一个黑人,我觉得在日本和在美国最大的区别是,在日本我不太可能被枪击。这是真的。人们经常说我看起来很吓人,因为我是个在街上晃悠的大块头黑人。我的天性不喜欢打扰别人,所以从这方面来说,我很适合日本。不幸的是,我们做的每一件小事都会被放到显微镜下观察。我最喜欢的是,如果我用日语问某人问题,他们会吓一跳,然后说“Ai Kanto Supiku Ingurishu【我不会说英语】”,每次都会这样。我知道我的语言能力不是非常好,我的日语很烂,但大多数认识我的人都能听懂我在说什么——哪怕是我还不知道的词义。

Hey! I'm an Indian too and it sucks that everyone glares at you for no reason and when you get subjected to extra scrutiny. I guess it would take some time for things to be not this way here as the number of foreigners currently are low and brown people even lower. The number feels incredibly low. I have traveled to Europe and US and can say the colour diversity here is really low given that it's one of the first world country.


To be fair, I've seen police beat people for nothing at all; store owners smack their (probably lower caste) staff across the face; and other such while traveling in India. Not that that excuses Japanese racism, and maybe that's not the experience of an Indian able to come work in Japan, but all things considered.....


India is still developing, Japan is developed.


Economic development has nothing to do with anti-discrimination or a culture of racial/ethnic tolerance.



i'm surprised they confronted you about it. Usually Japanese people just whisper behind your back and avoid confrontation. If they're coming to you to kick them out, I would ask them to show you where it says that the park is Japanese only. Then I would accuse them of 人種差別 as well. You can't do anything about them staring, thats the downside of being a minority in a homogenous country. I'm pretty sure what they're doing is illegal. You can also try recording them when they kick you out and make a video about it (make sure you're very respectful on camera so that it's obvious they are in the wrong)

I'm Asian, but because I'm a little tanned, a lot of people think I'm Philippina. I'm not. My family is from Okinawa.
Once, I went to a very small local drugstore after being at 7-11, where I bought only food.
I put the bag from 7-11 on the counter and was looking into my purse to get the money to pay. The cashier/owner opened and checked the contents of my bag. She didn't say anything, just did it. She saw everything was food, closed the bag and didn't say a word. She didn't apologize, nothing. It was if nothing had happened.
I was so in shock, I just paid and left the store. I couldn't process what just happened to me.


As a cashier I would never search anyone’s bag, my store has a policy if you think someone is stealing let it go, if you get it wrong you can be in serious trouble. It is also very rude and disrespectful. You can ask is anything in the bag from this store?


Exactly, ask first. If she did it, I'd show her right away. I have nothing to hide. But the fact that she didn't even ask permission to touch my things was disrespectful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would have completely assumed that she thought you were putting the bag on the counter to cash out some stuff you had put in your bag


Why would I put a merchandise from that store inside a bag from a different store? Or inside any bag I was carrying before entering the store? That's why there are shopping baskets.


Tbf I do that sometimes, the supermarket baskets around my area can be filthy so id rather use a bag I already have


I’m sorry that you’re going through this. It’s definitely a struggle to live outside your own country. I can’t say that I have this experience, although like yourself I am visually foreign.
If people are bothering you for the wrong reasons, stand your ground is my advice. Ask for the manager, threaten to call the police, demand an apology. In my experience, Japanese people really hate it when you make a scene and involve them in it. Being troublesome will likely discourage them from bothering you (and potentially others) in the future.
And in the case of shopping or housing, you can vote with your wallet and refuse to do business or live around discriminatory people.
I have plenty of friends and family in Japan, and I could care less what some stranger thinks. I hope that you can find your own peace here. Good luck!


My best friend was Indian and she married a boy from Hiroshima. His family never accepted her. She was always one to speak her mind. They divorced. It was a really hard time in her life and I remember her talking about the people in the neighborhoods thinking she was a prostitute because her skin was darker than Japanese skin. It is really hard in Japan for other Asians, I think.
Best advice I have is to remember how small those people are. Their Japanese pride hurts their ability to see the world as it is. Rise above it. Not all Japanese are like that. You will make good friends. You will be seen by some as something more than the color of your skin.
Believe in yourself. Be strong. Chase your dreams.


It seems Indian women marrying Japanese is far rarer than the other way around.


I don’t think you are living in a right area for you. If it’s a small town or whatever, of course they would see you as someone different, but that’s not a problem ONLY in Japan. It happens anywhere even in the U.S. if you live in a big city where any ethnicity exist everywhere, then they wouldn’t bother you. Majority of Japanese people are not that aggressive, and try to avoid as much trouble as possible. If you don’t do anything bad to them, they wouldn’t do any to you either. That my opinion.


Weird people are in every country and every region. I recommend that you ignore it.


I’ve heard of people staring at people but kicking you out of the park? That’s a dick move. Sorry you have to go through this.


In any other country I would say „call the police“ if someone would claim that a park is only for a certain nationality. But that definitely doesn‘t work in Japan, the police will just treat you like a criminal and it will make you feel even worse. I‘m curious how they kick you out though? Do you just leave voluntarily or do they use violence to remove you? If it‘s the first situation, just ignore them. Seriously, just turn your back to them and keep on playing. If they get agressive and try to grab or push you, you should record that and only then go to the police, because only then they can‘t blame you and they‘ll actually be forced to do something. You should also try sending such videos to journalists.
I don‘t have any other advice. The only thing I can add is that if park or restaurant employees want to kick you out because you‘re a foreign national, you can get a lawyer and launch a civil lawsuit, but it‘s not really worth it. You will pay more for your lawyer than you will from the lawsuit, if you get any compensation at all that is.
Unfortunately I don‘t see things changing in our lifetime, since the government definitely want pass a law against racial discrimination. The government itself even participates in discrimination of foreign nationals, so there‘s no way they‘ll do anything to help us. That being said, never accept discriminational treatment. You should always try to fight it somehow, but the reality is that there‘s nit a lot of optiins in Japan.


As far as the park thing goes, that's pretty scummy. Anyone is allowed in a public park, so you don't have to oblige anybody who tells you that you can't play ball in a park because the park is for "Japanese people only". And brown and black people are probably at higher risk of this kind of discrimination, I totally believe that, and it's awful.
But foreigners get stared at all the time. If it's any consolation at all, even as a white man I often got the curious glare when I lived there. Funny story, a couple of weeks after I moved into my student apartment when I was on exchange, I was standing outside my door when two Japanese girls came out of an apartment a few apartments down the hall, and as soon as they saw me they grimaced in pure terror and hurried back in, only to then gently peek out from behind the door in utter bafflement of my existence.
I was also once profusely yelled at in the bus for standing up to get off because the bus was still in motion. In my country, there is no such rule, but I didn't know this about Japan. Imagine me sitting down at a milisecond's notice after suddenly hearing "PURISU SITTO DAUN, PURISU SITTO DAUN!!!!!". I thought the attitude was uncalled for, but it is what it is.

还有一次,我在公交车上因为站起来想要下车而被大喊,因为公共汽车还在行驶。在我的国家没有这样的规定,但我不知道日本有这样的规定。想象一下,突然听到“PURISU SITTO DAUN,PURISU SITTO DAUN!!【请坐下】”后,我立马坐下来的景象。我认为这种态度是不必要的,但事实就是这样的。

I'm not Indian, but I lived in a small town in Aichi and I would have similar problems in certain places. My best advice on this is to rise above it. Those are small minds you're dealing with there, don't go down to their level. I did notice that when I traveled to Yokohama, Tokyo and Osaka, I NEVER had that problem. People in those cities seem pretty used to seeing foreigners so they either don't care or are at least smart enough to keep it to themselves.


I may be downvoted at all here but
That's why I don't get all mad when I see some gaijin smash situations. Like, some japanese are so "white adorers" at same time they are racist against SE/South Asians that's funny to see they getting mad when a western shits on their faces.

这就是当我看到一些gaijin smash的情况时我不会生气的原因。比如,一些日本人是极端的“白人崇拜者”,同时他们对东南亚、南亚人又是种族主义者,当西方人打他们脸时,他们会很气,这很有意思。

what is a gaijin smash??

gaijin smash是什么??

When a gai-jin, foreigner, breaks Japanese cultural conventions intentionally or mistakenly, and then ignores anyone who tries give a reproach for their behavior.
Pretending not to understand the Japanese language and intentionally speaking bad Japanese to get out of any situation.
Basically speaking it's when you give a fuck to any japanese social rules (and japanese people too) at all just using the excuse you're a foreigner.


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