2021-10-27 鹧鸪哨 8302

Sindhu Satish
If you are at rockbottom, don’t fret. The only way to move from there is by going forward.
Your partner might have broken up with you. Your parents might be disappointed in you. Your best friend is probably pissed off with you over something silly. Your boss calls you at 10 pm telling you that you did not do the job right. You feel like a complete mess. You feel that your life is at rockbottom. You don’t know what to do.
Take this time as a blessing in disguise. The day you hit rockbottom might be your worst, but it will only get better. Your rockbottom day probably made you go to sleep in a pool of tears. The next day will be characterised by you feeling lighter because you shed those tears. The following day will be characterised by you being fed of feeling like a mess and going to the gym to feel better. The day after that will be characterised by you loving your workout, followed by going on a drive with some amazing music.
Look at Day 4. Much better than Day 1 right?
I know how this works because I have been through it. So you my dear friend, if you believe you have hit rockbottom, embrace it. You are only going to get better and better!


Sanyam Maheshwari
15 Things Everyone Should Know About How to Live a Happy Life
#1 Be yourself. As I mentioned above, learning to be yourself should be the highest priority in your life. In order to be happy, you have to be comfortable with who you are. Everyone should know that they’re unique and amazing as is. Strive to let your true self shine every chance you get.
#2 Let go of negative thoughts. If you think down about yourself all the time, you’re going to feel bad. Those negative thoughts will penetrate through to your everyday life and it’ll be hard to be happy. This is crucial for living a happy life.
#3 Get rid of negative people. This is by far the most important of all the things everyone should know. If there is someone in your life who is dragging you down, get rid of them. Cut them out. Never let that negativity stay in your life. When you have someone who’s always ruining your happiness, they shouldn’t be around.
#4 Never apologize for your passions. Unless your passions are harmful to yourself or others, never apologize for them. You love what you love. No matter what someone says or thinks about the things you’re passionate about, never stray from them. Being passionate about something is essential for a happy life.
#5 Don’t compromise your values. Your values are who you are at your core. They’re what make you, you. That means you can never compromise them. No matter what or who for, don’t. If you lose sight of your values and the things that are important to you on such a deep level, you lose yourself and your happiness.

#1 做自己
#2 放弃消极的想法
#3 摆脱消极的人
#4 永远不要为你的激情道歉
#5 不要在价值观上妥协

#6 Respect others. You may not realize just how important to your happiness it is to respect others, but it’s definitely one of the things everyone should know. When you are respectful to other people, they respect you. It’s also just about being a good person and understanding how to treat people right. You’ll value yourself more when you respect others.
#7 Do something just for yourself every week. You may not think this is essential for your happiness, but I promise it is. With life, we get so caught up in work and doing things for others that we often neglect ourselves.
You need to go out and do something to make you happy at least once a week. Whether that’s just seeing a movie by yourself or getting your nails done, pampering yourself is a must.
#8 Don’t apologize for your beliefs. What you believe in is super important to keeping you happy. One of the things everyone should know in order to live a happy life is that they can’t apologize for those beliefs. If they’re moral and don’t harm you or anyone else, hold firm with them.
#9 Stop comparing yourself and your life to others. Everyone does this. There isn’t a soul out there who has never compared themselves to someone else. But it’s still horrible for your happiness. Nothing good will come from looking at what someone else has and you don’t. Appreciate what you have.
#10 Trust your intuition. You know that gut feeling you often ignore? Stop ignoring it. We all have an intuition for a reason. Humans evolved successfully because of this intuition. If you believe something is wrong or too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your gut and your life will be happier.

#6 尊重他人
#7 每周为自己做一些事情
#8 不要为你的信仰道歉
#9 不要拿自己和自己的生活与别人比较
#10 相信你的直觉

#11 Know when to forgive and forget. I’m not saying that forgiving and forgetting every time will make you happy, but learning when to will. There are certain times where you just have to accept an apology and move on. It can be harmful to hold onto such negative feelings about a person and situation.
#12 Learn that it’s okay to say no. You don’t have to always please someone. You don’t exist for the purpose of pleasing others and making them like you. Learn when to say no and that it’s actually okay to say no. You will be much happier in life this way.
#13 Eat healthily and exercise regularly. This is definitely one of the things everyone should know and actually DOES know, but don’t often follow. You only have one body. One life. You need to start treating yourself better. Not only will you just feel better from the inside out, but it’ll give you a longer life.
#14 Gain perspective. I think we all bitch and moan about our lives too much. We all complain about things that we can actually change. Think about other people who can’t change their misfortune. When you put your life into perspective, you realize that there’s really a lot more to be happy about than there is to be mad at. This is definitely one of the best things everyone should know that can change lives.
#15 When you love someone, tell them. I’m not just talking about a significant other. You have friends and family that I know you don’t say this to enough. Expressing your love for others can actually make you feel really happy and complete. In order to have a happy life, spread that love around and you’ll receive a lot more in return.

#11 知道何时原谅和忘记
#12 学会说 "不 "
你不必总是取悦别人,你存在的目的不是为了取悦他人让他们喜欢你,学会何时说 "不",说 "不 "其实是可以的,这样,你的生活会更快乐。
#13 健康饮食,定期锻炼
#14 换个角度看周围世界
#15 当你爱一个人时,告诉他/她

Apoorv Anand
As soon as we gain maturity and become aware of the world, every now and then we start thinking about questions like this. Surprisingly, instead of all the advancements mankind has made in all the fields, there are no definitive answers to questions like this. So, I will share with you my take on this -
Life is a journey and we all are just travelers in this world.
The purpose of life is not to own the fanciest car or get famous or any worldly thing you can think of. These all are the materialistic worldly things which can give you a moment of joy in your journey.
Your time in this world is limited. You are just a visitor here. So, have as many adventures as possible.
The only true feeling in this world is Love. All other feelings are just reaction to some thing. Love is omnipresent.
Thus, most important thing in your life is to love yourself. You can only love others if you love yourself.
Its alright to feel sad sometimes. No matter how difficult things seem have patience and keep loving yourself.
Your life is just a pathway created by your decisions. You are the one who has control over your life. Never let anyone else control your life at any point of time. Make choices which you will cherish not the ones you will regret.

# 生命是一个旅程,我们都只是这个世界的旅行者。
# 生活的目的不是拥有最豪华的汽车,或者出名,或者你能想到的任何世俗的东西,这些都是物质的、世俗的,可以给你的旅程带来片刻的欢愉。
# 你在这个世界上的时间是有限的,你只是这里的一个过客,所以,尽可能多的去冒险、探索。
# 这个世界上唯一真实的感觉就是爱,所有其他的感觉只是对某些事情的反应,爱无处不在,因此,你生命中最重要的事情就是爱你自己,你只有爱你自己才能爱别人。
# 有时候感到悲伤是正常的,不管事情看起来有多么困难,都要有耐心,并且要爱自己。
# 你的生活只是一条由你的决定创造出来的道路,你才是那个掌控自己生活的人,不要让任何人在任何时候控制你的生活,做出你会珍惜的选择,而不是你会后悔的选择。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shreeya Shastri
Everybody should know their worth:Everybody should know that if they work hard,they can reach their goals,they are efficient enough to do so. Nobody is superior or inferior than other. We all are amazing in our own unique ways. We should never look down upon ourselves.
Self-care or self-love isn’t selfish:All of us should love and care for ourselves,no matter what.Self-love and self-care is of utmost importance for our health,confidence and mental well-being,nothing is wrong or selfish about it.
Being honest is great but you need to convey it in a proper manner:”Honesty without tact is cruelty.”Being honest is a very good quality but if you are not conveying it in a proper and polite way,you are just being mean.
Feminism is all about equality:Real meaning of feminism:”the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes” and what people assume it to be:”hate and injustice against men by females”.The women that believes that women are more superior than men and is a sexiest is to be considered as a ‘feminazi’ and not a ‘feminist’.I have seen a lot of people confusing between these two very different terms.
Everybody is beautiful:Beauty is subjective.If somebody calls you ugly,it is their ‘opinion’ not a ‘universal fact’.Everybody is beautiful in their own unique way,it just depends on the way we perceive them.The beauty standards of society are ugly,not the people.

1. 每个人都应该知道自己的价值:
2. 自我照顾或自爱并不自私:
3. 诚实很好,但你需要以适当的方式传达它:
4. 女权主义的重点在于平等:
女权主义的真正含义: “在性别平等的基础上倡导妇女权利”,而往往有人认为它是: “女性对男性的仇恨和不公正”,那些认为女人比男人更优越、女人才最性感的人是”女拳”(feminazi),而不是”女权”(feminist),我见过很多人把这两个完全不同的术语搞混。
5. 每个人都是美丽的:

Shalini Porwal
Self-control ability
Control the things we can control.
Back when basic survival was difficult, practicing the kind of self-control we need today wasn't always necessary. We'd have to hunt for our food if we wanted to eat, and we'd eat what we could find in order to live. Eventually we figured out that this isn't the most efficient way to work and invented one of the biggest life hacks of all time: agriculture. Suddenly there was food when we needed it, and what was once a constant fight for survival became (relatively) simple. Readily-available food made it possible for a surplus of certain foods which made it possible to overeat. It took a long time for this to become a serious problem, but today we face a problem of excess consumption. Shifts such as this helped create a serious need for self-control in new aspects of our life. For example, computers and other personal technology made all kinds of work much easier, but their side effects include tech addiction, shortered life spans from too much sitting, and even a few pesky etiquette issues. As technology continues to satisfy our desires—for anything from food to information—we have to practice self-control in new and different ways. The problem is, this isn't easy to do. One’s greatest challenge is to control oneself.
Developing Self-Control
1) First we need to identify in what areas of our life we need to gain more self-control. Where do we find ourself lacking in self-control?
Possible areas could be:
Eating.Shopping.Drinking.Work.Gambling.Smoking.Obsessive behavior


2) Try identifying the emotions that lack control, such as anger, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, resentment, pleasure or fear.
3) Identify the thoughts and beliefs that push us to behave in uncontrolled manner.
Once we have applied self-control to numerous areas of our life (if we were previously very undercontrolled), we will hopefully begin to become attuned to where and how delay of gratification can increase our life satisfaction. As we successively apply self-control to numerous thought processes and life behaviours, we will hopefully also begin to see some life improvements.
Those who are highly impulsive tend to think only in the short-term, or about immediate reward. For example, a typically impulsive individual might think, "l am happier when I eat chocolate so it must be good to eat it.” Developing more self-control means learning to consider the bigger picture with regards to your decisions. And eventually – if we develop self-control with regards to enough areas of our life, applying self-control will begin to become more automatic, and we will also be able to see much more clearly which decision will bring about the highest level of life satisfaction.
Self control is not some kind of negative and limiting behavior, as some people might think. When it is used wisely and with common sense, it becomes one of the most important tools for self improvement and for achieving success.

3) 识别促使我们行为失控的思想和信念。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Purni Gunawardana
Nothing is permanent, everything vanishes one day
Karma is real if you do good you will get in in return and same for the bad.
Love / marriage can turn your life into a heaven or hell so choose wisely.
Knowledge will never be wasted so learn as much as you can.
Eat healthy if not your body will pay back for it soon.
Spend time with your self and learn to love and reward yourself so even if the world leaves you you got your back.
If your are struggling now. Trust me everything is gonna be okay. Have faith and work towards it.
If you feel everything is f’d up and you are nowhere take a time out from everything and figure out what's wrong by yourself.
Learn to do our things alone. Cooking,washing etc
Do not go after God all the time cz if the God is there for everyone every human will be living in hotels and no one will be starving. Have faith in your self and work towards it. Just believe the reality. You can climb up to the highest.
Make few good friends it will turn your life beautiful.
Travel enjoy and take risks!

. 没有什么是永恒的,一切都会在某一天消失
. 因果报应是真实的,如果你做了好事,你会获得回报,做了坏事会遭到报应。
. 爱情/婚姻可以把你的生活变成天堂或地狱,所以要明智地选择。
. 知识永远不会被浪费,所以尽可能多地学习。
. 健康饮食,如果不健康,那么你的身体很快就会为此付出代价。
. 花点时间独处,学会爱自己,奖励自己,这样即使世界离开了你,自己也会支持自己。
. 如果你现在在挣扎,相信我,一切都会好起来的,要有信心,朝着这个方向努力。
. 如果你觉得一切都糟糕透顶,你无处可去,那就抽出一点时间来想想自己到底哪里出了问题。
. 学会独自做事,比如做饭、洗衣等等
. 不要总追随上帝,因为如果真有上帝,每个人都会安居乐业,没有人会挨饿,要对自己有信心,并为之努力,相信现实吧,你可以攀爬到最高处。
. 结交一些好朋友,这会使你的生活变得美好。
. 享受旅行,承担风险!

Barbara Ann Webber
That you get out of life, exactly what you put into it!…..
And that the bonus comes when you continually strive to put more into it!
Life does not come up to you, tap you on the shoulder and say:”. iI have decided to make you a millionaire, give you a prestgious place in society, automatically make you a super parent of accomplished loving children, feed you the finest cusine, or make you happy!”
Each of those gifts are earned with effort, compassion, commitment,, and blood sweat, trial and tears!
It is the resilience and determination that you bring to the adventures, hopes- gone-awry, misadventures, difficulties and griefs, that shape what you get out of life!, and how you get it.
The truly happy people, who really have success and happiness in their lives, have risen above the worst that life has dished up, triumphed over adversity, tried, failed, picked themselves up, and started all over again. They have not whined nor withdrawn.They have shared the fruits of their labours, forgiven their enemies, honoured and cherished their loved ines…. And carried on…..regardless!
A sapling grows to be a great oak, rooted deep and strong, from weathering the storms, absorbing the Sunshine and wintering the cold and dark.
We should all emulate that sapling!


Manoj Charantimath
First thing is “Hardship”.
Yes, you read it right. Due to nuclear families in middle class or above people, extra care given to their children and the facilities provided to their children beyond the capacity of the parents, children hardly know the hardships and the difficulties.
Due to this the present generation kids are highly pampered and always unsatisfied. They feel that the things they wish should come to them.
When they start working and earning independently they find any short comings and difficulties unbearable as they had never come across these difficulties. They feel depressed.
Someone who has gone through the hardships and seen the difficulties can relate what is happiness, how it can be enjoyed. How little things bring happiness.

首先要知道的第一件事就是 "困难"。

很赞 1