2021-11-18 兰陵笑笑生 14507

Why was mighty Spain humiliated by small England in the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)?


José María Trevijano
, knows Spanish
If you believe your own propaganda and national myths to build your nation it is up to you. Now go and read the terms of the Treaty of London 1604 and find out who won that war. I won’t tell you to read history as it was because that would be too much for you.
Spain renounces intentions to restore the Church of Rome in England.[14]
An end to English wartime disruption to Spanish trans-atlantic shipping and colonial expansion (article 6).[15][16]
The English Channel opened to Spanish shipping.
An end to English intervention in the Dutch Revolt (articles 4,5,7); England withdraws military and financial support to the Dutch rebels.
Ships of both countries, merchants or warships, could use the mainland sea ports of the other party for refit, shelter or buy provisions (article 10). Fleets of less than eight ships did not even have to ask for permission, which provided an extensive network of naval bases for the Spaniards in England to help their war against the Protestant Dutch.
The treaty restored the status quo ante bellum.[17][14] It amounted to an acknowledgement by Spain that its hopes of restoring Roman Catholicism in England were at an end and it had to recognise the Protestant monarchy in England. In return, England ended its financial and military support for the Dutch rebellion, ongoing since the Treaty of Nonsuch (1585), and had to end its wartime disruption of Spanish trans-Atlantic shipping and colonial expansion.
Ok, Spain did recognised England was a Protestant Monarchy. That was all.

·结束英国战时对西班牙跨大西洋航运和殖民扩张的干扰(第6条)[15][16] 。

Luis Alberto Molina
Yes, I have also wondered how the US were humiliated by Japan in WWII…


Leonardo Morán
“Ok, Spain did recognised England was a Protestant Monarchy. That was all.”
Not quite.
Recognition meant that Spain would no longer seek the active overthrow of England’s Protestant monarchy. Spain admitted defeat, a significant admission of failure.


José María Trevijano
You better read again the terms of the Treaty. This time all of them, slowly, in high voice and without crying.


Leon Paul
Spain negotiating and coming to terms with heretics? Sell outs i thought better of Spain


Rowan Males
They also lost quite a few ships…


José María Trevijano
You better count your English losses.


Iain Cam
James I wanted peace, he was tempted once and allowed Sir Walter Raleigh out of prison to see if he could bring back treasure but failed. He was thrown back into prison and James I went ahead with a peace treaty. If you want peace your negotiating position is usually weaker. However, England gave up nothing given that it had no interest any longer in attacking Spanish shipping or wasting money sending troops to Flanders.


José María Trevijano
That pirate, Walter Raleigh, lost his head in 1618 for attacking territories of the Hispanic Monarchy in peacetime. Had Elisabeth made the same with pirates as Drake and Hawkins, Spain and England could have avoided a war.
The terms of the Treaty of London are evident treason to Dutch Protestants that must have been very difficult to swallow. Let’s not forget then that England has no friends, only interests.


Iain Cam
Now you are showing your subjective view rather than being obxtive.


José María Trevijano
What do you mean by that? that the obxtive view is that it was “Sir” Walter Raleigh instead of the cruel pirate he was? He ordered to burn a Spanish town San José de Oruña destroying it to the ground and murdering the people living there including women and children, just for his convenience to offer her Queen Elisabeth a colony in Guyana. All the people of San José de Oruña were either decapitated or burned alive under his orders of extermination.
It was of poetic justice that the murderous and cruel pirate Raleigh was decapitated too in England under the demand of Spain.


Iain Cam
I don't care what you call Raleigh. However your hate is pouring out for something 500 years ago. You are not being very obxtive. This was a time of absolute Monarchy. A country's whole position and interests would change over night when the Monarchy changed. So the only interests and friends a country had were based on the monarch who ruled. This applied just as much to Spain, France, etc. With Spain's wealth it had sacophants who sucked up to including unfortunately the Pope who regularly puts politics ahead of scxture.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yvonne Alonso
It’s funny how the English regularly scorn the Catholic pope putting “…politics ahead of scxture.” when their own kings and queens are heads of the Anglican church.


Iain Cam
Unfortunately at that time politics played a large role. To a degree it still does. I have nothing against Roman Catholicism or Protestantism but any political plays should be thoroughly assessed as they usually have adverse results. I dislike American evangelicals for this too.
As for the Anglican Church it was always an umbrella for multiple denominations that all agreed to try to work together in a conciliatory fashion which is why it is in such a mess today. The Monarch was head of the church but in reality had very little to do with it. Henry VIII wanted the wealth owned by monasteries. Edward VI wanted the country to become Protestant due to his faith. Mary wanted to change the country back to Catholicism. Elizabeth I just wanted religious peace and a bulwark against Catholic sedition. James I pretty much left it alone but passed laws on withes, etc. that was based on his superstitions rather than his faith. After that the monarchy played a very small part, just like in the running of the country after William and Mary came to the throne. Politics usually had little to do with it outside of the monarch's faith and wish for security of the realm, Henry VIII was the only one who used it for private gain and that was due to his wish of a male heir over everything else and his need for money due to his mismanagement.


Mateus B.
“We have never lost a war, we are the greatest nation ever” is certainly something that was transmitted well to the colonies…


David Carling
Nobody wins a war. It’s just endless suffering for the poor families who die for the rich families. Every developed nation is guilty of it.
The only ‘just’ war is a war with the sole purpose of protecting life and defending your land.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mateus B.
I was just mocking how the Us (the colony) believe they have never lost a war and create all kinds of subterfuges on Vietnam or Afghanistan…


David Carling
I see a lot of silly business when I read through these posts. And please forgive me if my response was to your post and not the original one.
I have to admit though that the vast majority of American people that I’ve met are friendly and decent.
it’s the same the world over. The minority make the loudest noise.
I find people in general to be mostly decent regardless of where they were born.


Erwin Dijk
So Spain admitted that removing the protestant monarchy was a failure. And from 1604 Spain went into decline while England and the rebel scum in the Netherlands became more powerful than ever. I call that a massive strategic failure for Spain


Eric Weston
And what happened to Spain and England in the three hundred years that followed? One became the Empire upon which the Sun Never sets - what happened to the other one?


José María Trevijano
Spain was the first Empire upon which the Sun Never sets. British were only second, in fact they copied that theme from the Hispanic Monarchy, as it was first said by King Felipe II of Spain. Then as all Empires they fall. Spanish Empire lasted for over 300 years and British Empire lasted about 150 years.


Alex Wiley
British empire lasted for well over 150 years, more like 300 years. In which it managed to by far and away surpass that of the Spanish in terms of size and population.


José María Trevijano
The British Empire after the independence of the USA could not be considered an empire but mere small territorial possessions until late XVIII or early XIXth century, particularly after the independence of the USA. It did not last 300 years, otherwise it would be existing today and many decades more for it to last.
By population, yes it was the largest as it included India that had many hundreds of millions of people even if I am not sure if the British care for them at all as I have not seen in India the expected British colonial legacy in their cities other than New Delhi’s goverment premises built as late as just 100 years ago.


Alex Wiley
That’s completely untrue. It was certainly considered an empire with its colonies around the world including many in Africa, Canada, and India - far exceeding the size of Britain itself, multiple times in fact.
India has been hugely influenced by Britain through politics, laws, and through to the army itself. English is a national language of India.


Unodepueblo Is Back
It,s incredible to see how propaganda still works in2021. Until 1640 Spain was the leading power. For 150 years Spain was the most dominant monarchy, although the empire last until the end of napoleónic wars. Then, after 1640, France supersede Spain. In the second half of the 18th century France and UK could be at the same level. And even during 18th spanish armada defetead UK,s Navy Many times (and in the other way around of course).UK only could be considered as the first power in the world during Xix century. During the xvi century english monarchy was a second level actor in Europe. Far from Spain, France or even far from the italian regions or the ottamn empire. What makes difference between UK and other european countries with glorious past like France, Spain or Italy is that england (and dutch) always had a good propaganda and in particular that nowadays we are still influenced, somehow, by this propaganda because the us móvies and pop culture consider itself as a continuation of the UK history.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Wiley
None of what you have said contradicts what I have said. U.K. was the dominant power in the 19th century and on the world stage perhaps a bit before then.
The Royal Navy was far and away better then it’s contemporaries


Robert Walker
Jose please don’t confuse England, a middle ranking European country with the Great Britain and Northern Ireland, often shortened to Great Britain, which was at one time The worlds largest unitary authority. They are not the same geopolitical organisation.
Great Britain gloriously embraces the Celtic nations of these islands which England largely does not. ( my apologies to our Cornish cousins)


José María Trevijano
No, certainly I do not confuse England with Great Britain. However, due to the long previous historical relation with England and its capital London, since the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Aragon, it is usual in Spain to denominate England and English to the whole of Great Britain and the British who have maintained the capital in London and speak English. Wrong as it is this Englishzation of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, I try to not fall into the error. I also take note of the Celtic component of your claim.


Luis De Medina
Actually, the Spanish Empire reaches its biggest extension during the second half of the XVIII Century. That was just before Britain stabbed its supposed allied Spain (and maybe even Portugal) in the back, getting sure the Napoleonic Wars on Iberian soil resulted in the biggest level of destruction while supporting revolts in America. Nice allies, you seem to be, yes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Carling
Why do people respond to such ridiculous questions? Non of us were even born back then, we’re all friends these days although the Spanish are better at football and dancing and we make better rock bands


Fran Avilés Navarro
Not about what’s the current status. I know what is current status and the history of XIX and XX centuries. But the question is about XVI century. And in the XVI century , yes or yes and the history is there for study it, Spain ruled the world. And in the XVII and XVIII too. And England was an ongoing and growing power (but weaker than Spain) and Netherlands… Netherlands was nothing important. They were good commerciants and their naval power was built around that concept (in fact, british too) but it was a medium power. Never was a big power.


Yomismo Tutambien
Spain for 300 hundreds years was the country that dominated the world .Spain mixed with every culture not like anglo saxon culture that killed aborigins and then made films telling aborigins were demons


Al Roy
Tell that to the Aztec’s and multiple other South American nations of the period. I’m sure they would disagree, if they could, but they mostly didn’t survived the brutal and ruthless religious and political oppression and exploitation by Spain. The Spanish nation was almost completely funded by South American plunder of gold and other precious minerals; that was the purpose of it’s Empire, not for some fanciful notion of peaceful congress with foreign peoples.
What did Spain import in return; the Spanish Inquisition, religious intolerance and a style of politics so dysfunctional it’s left it’s mark up to the present day.
I’m not defending the British Empire either, but I am countering you Rosie picture of a benign Spanish Empire. It was very far from that!


Yvonne Alonso
Sorry mate, but Spain was indeed very benign to the indigenous populations in comparison to other European nations in America, Africa and Asia. What laws did England or Holland set out to protect the indigenous populations? What Cortés and his handful of men did was to liberate the many tribes that were subjugated by the brutal and ruthless cannibal Aztec yoke.
The inquisition did not judge indigenous populations it brought them a loving god, not one to whom to offer human sacrifices.
“they mostly didn’t survived the brutal and ruthless religious and political oppression”
Oh but they did survive; their descendants are the current inhabitants of Mexico, central and South America. From the very start the Spanish monarchy encouraged marriage with the Aztec and Incan monarchies…
…they are represented at the royal palace in Madrid.
Excepting Argentina and Chile, who were influenced by the English masons, to exterminate the indigenous populations, as they did in Australia and New Zealand, to clear the land for sheep and cattle herds.
“plunder of gold and other precious minerals” since when is the mining business a matter of plundering? So it’s ok to mine in Australia, that’s not plundering, that’s building a nation right?
Spain has had to suffer the most hideous and slanderous propaganda through centuries. It’s about time they start defending themselves from outright lies and deformations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for that answer. I am tired of these revisionists british thinking that there country were better at war. England/Britain always fought with a powerful coalition; and still failed most of the time; not like Spain, France Germany or Poland.


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