2021-11-24 阿煌看什么 12992

Becky Eve studied English & Psychology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2020)
1. Most people don't want you to live better than him. Some of your relatives and friends just want to see your jokes, but when you succeed, they will come to you like a pug for good.
2. 99% of women want to find a boyfriend with high appearance, good figure and rich family, but it's a pity that most of the girls are not rich and handsome. Men are the same.
3. There is no big difference between men and women in the matter of lust. Boys talk about how hard a beautiful woman is in the dorm, and girls are crazy about the 8-point handsome guy on the street.
4. Most people have weak willpower and lack of patience.
5. The influence of the original family on a person is much greater than imagined, especially the personality and consumption habits. Everyone has the shadow of parents, whether it is good or bad.

4. 大多数人意志力薄弱,缺乏耐心。

6. The reason why the rich look good is 80% because they have money and resources, and 20% because they are good at packaging themselves,
7. Don't take it too hard. Try to live anyway. If you die, you will have nothing.
8.The people who finally achieved the leap of social stratum have basically paid 200% of their efforts and huge invisible sacrifice from outsiders.
9.After the age of 18, we are more and more far away from our parents. If they are free, call their parents at least once a month, even if it is only five minutes, they will be very happy.
10. Don't break up easily, because once you say it, it may mean that you and the person in front of you will never see each other again. Life is not an idol drama. You think you may be reunited, but in fact, you will only be separated completely like two straight lines, never to be seen again.


11. Couples who have a harmonious sexual life are not easy to divorce. When you lose your passion after marriage, you should have sex regularly and try some new tricks. If you love a person, you have the obligation to satisfy him in bed.
12.Spending money is not necessarily consumerism. You can save, but you also have to learn how to spend money and spend it where you need it. If a person can only save money and not spend money, then such a life will not be happy.
13. There is no real friend in the workplace. Go to the company to work, is to make money, not to make friends. Deal with the relationship between colleagues, superiors and subordinates, try not to be humble or arrogant, be polite, keep a certain distance from colleagues, do not disclose too much personal privacy, and don't speak ill of the boss in front of colleagues.


14. Pay attention to health, sit in front of the computer for a long time, exercise your cervical spine, and eat less high calorie junk food when you stay up late.
15. Pay attention to your appearance. Most people are not bad in appearance, but they are always reluctant to tidy up. Boys do a good job in facial cleaning, regular hair care, pay wages, spend 1 / 5 of the monthly money to buy their own clothes.
16. Reading is the fastest way to improve one's thinking ability, but don't think reading is omnipotent. After reading books, you must practice more and improve yourself repeatedly in practice.
17. Life is a process of constant mediocrity. 80% of people can't achieve financial freedom and love freedom in their whole life, no matter how hard they try.


18. Lack of security and worry about the future, just because you make too little money now, and are not sure whether you can be rich or not in the future. Setting a goal for yourself can be to buy a house or a car, which may be more motivating.
19. There is no pure friendship between men and women. The uglier the relationship is, the purer the relationship is.
20. If a person hates you, it may not be because you did something wrong, but because you touched his interests.
21. Most people are lying when they say they are not cheating. Only in the face of countless temptations, but not wavering, is worthy of admiration; a person who has not seen temptation tends to overestimate his bottom line.


22. If the boss criticizes you in front of all the people, he must be offended by you and don't listen to his nonsense there;
23. The world has never been equal. Some people were born in Rome, others were born in garbage, but compared with those born in Rome, those who got up from the garbage and walked all the way to Rome are more admirable.
24.People who say they have high EQ generally have low EQ and low IQ.
25. People who have perseverance in doing things and persist to the end are more likely to succeed in career and love in life.


Theju Paul
* Asking someone to do you a favour makes them like you more.
* About 80% of human group conversations are complaining.
* Bananas contain a chemical that naturally helps make someone happy, it's the same chemical as Prozac.
* Being alone for a long time is as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
* Confidence is the key. If you do not believe in yourself, no one will do it.
* Convincing your brain that you have slept well, cause your brain to think it was the case.
* Couples who laugh together for at least 10 minutes each day will have a stronger relationship.
* Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system.
* Daytime naps improve memory and reduce the risk of heart attack.

* 让别人帮你一个忙会让他们更喜欢你。
* 大约80%的人对话都是抱怨。
* 香蕉中含有一种化学物质,这种化学物质能让人自然而然地感到快乐,这种化学物质和百忧解一样。
* 长时间独处对你的危害与每天抽15支烟一样大。
* 自信是关键。如果你不相信自己,没有人会相信自己。
* 让你的大脑相信你睡得很好,这样就会让你的大脑认为你睡得很好。
* 每天一起笑至少10分钟的夫妻关系会更牢固。
* 拥抱可以消除抑郁,减轻焦虑,增强免疫系统。
* 白天小睡可以提高记忆力,降低心脏病发作的风险。

* Depression is the result of excessive thinking. The mind tends to create problems that do not even exist.
* Doing things that scare you will make you happier.
* Do not chase people. Work hard and be yourself.
* Do not feel sad for someone who abandoned you, have mercy on them because they abandoned someone who would never have abandoned them.
* Dreams are the conversations between you and your subconscious mind.
* Eating an orange has been effective in reducing stress. That's why doctors recommend having an orange before going to work.
* Even the illusion of progress is motivating.
* Experts say that a good relationship is more important for a long life than exercise.
* Funny people are more depressed than others.

* 忧郁症是过度思考的结果。大脑往往会制造一些根本不存在的问题。
* 做一些让你害怕的事情会让你更快乐。
* 不要效仿别人。努力工作,做你自己。
* 不要为抛弃你的人感到难过,要怜悯他们,因为他们抛弃了一个永远不会抛弃他们的人。
* 梦是你和你的潜意识之间的对话。
* 吃橘子可以有效减轻压力。这就是为什么医生建议在上班前吃一个橘子。
* 即使是积极的幻觉也能激励人心。
* 专家说,对于长寿来说,良好的人际关系比锻炼更重要。
* 有趣的人比其他人更抑郁。

* Good morning and good night text activates the part of the brain responsible for happiness.
* Humans love colours and do you know that colours have a huge impact on the purchase of any product or connection with a company?
* Humans cannot be "just friends" with members of the opposite sex.
* If a person speaks less, and when they speak, they speak quickly and straight to the point, they are more likely to keep secrets.
* If you are worried about what others will think, you will never be happy.
* If you do not love yourself, you will always chase people who do not like you either.
* If you suspect someone staring you, check your watch. If they start checking the time, it means they are staring you.

* “早安”和“晚安”的短信会激活大脑中负责快乐的部分。
* 人类喜欢颜色,你知道颜色对购买任何产品或与公司的联系有很大的影响吗?
* 人类不可能与异性成为“只是朋友”的关系。
* 如果一个人很少说话,当他们说话时,他们说得又快又直截了当,他们更有可能保守秘密。
* 如果你担心别人会怎么想,你永远不会快乐。
* 如果你不爱自己,你就会追求那些也不喜欢你的人。
* 如果怀疑有人盯着你看,请看一下手表。如果他们开始看时间,那就意味着他们在盯着你。

* If your mind goes astray, there is a 85% chance that you will be unconsciously unhappy with your life.
* If you meet someone for the first time, you only have 7 seconds to make a convincing first impression.
* In the modern lifestyle, the internet addition is a mental disorder.
* Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by more than 95%, and this marriage is more likely to last a lifetime.
* Meditation can change brain structure in just 8 weeks. It also increases the grey matter in the parts of the brain associated with learning.
* Most people send SMS faster when it's someone they like.
* No matter how strong you are, there is always someone who can make you weak.
* Nearly twice as many serial killers were born in November than any other month.

* 如果你的思想不正道,有85%的可能性你会无意识地对你的生活感到不快乐。
* 如果你是第一次遇见某人,你只有7秒钟的时间来给对方留下令人信服的第一印象。
* 在现代生活方式中,网络成瘾是一种精神疾病。
* 与你最好的朋友结婚,可以减少95%以上的离婚风险,而且这段婚姻更有可能持续一生。
* 冥想可以在8周内改变大脑结构。它还会增加了大脑中与学习有关的部分的灰质。
* 当对方是自己喜欢的人时,大多数人发送短信的速度会更快。
* 无论你多么坚强,总有人能让你变得软弱。
* 十一月份出生的连环杀手人数是其他月份的近两倍。

* Optimistic beliefs about the future can protect people from physical and mental illnesses.
* People are more likely to cry at night because lack of sleep makes emotions difficult to control.
* People get more happiness by spending money on others rather than on themselves.
* People seem more attractive when they talk about things that really interest them.
* People see you as 20% more attractive than you think according to one study.
* People who are easily distracted usually have high IQs.
* People who give excellent advice usually have the most problems; similarly, those most affected generally have the best healing ability.
* People who speak two languages may unconsciously change their personality when they switch from one language to another.

* 对未来的乐观信念可以保护人们免受身体和精神疾病的侵害。
* 人们更容易在晚上哭泣,因为睡眠不足会使情绪难以控制。
* 人们把钱花在别人身上比花在自己身上更能获得幸福。
* 当人们谈论他们真正感兴趣的事情时,他们看起来更有吸引力。
* 根据一项研究,人们认为你的吸引力比你想象的要高20% 。
* 容易分心的人通常智商高。
* 给出很好建议的人通常有最多的问题;同样,那些受影响最大的人通常有最好的愈合能力。
* 说两种语言的人在从一种语言转换到另一种语言时,可能会无意识地改变自己的性格。

* People who sweat a lot tend to be more honest and loyal with their friends.
* People with a great signature usually have a high self-esteem.
* People with the highest IQ stay up late at night because their brains have increased mental stimulation.
* People who try to keep everyone happy end up feeling most alone.
* Researchers estimate that two-thirds of humans have no idea what they are good at or what their strengths are.
* Severe depression can cause us to age more quickly, increasing the process of cellular aging.
* Singing reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
* Sleep makes you more creative and reinforces your memories.
* Smart people usually have a rough handwriting.
* Some people are genetically more likely to perceive negative events with more intensity and severity than others.

* 流汗多的人对朋友更加诚实和忠诚。
* 签名很漂亮的人通常有很高的自尊心。
* 智商最高的人熬夜是因为他们的大脑受到了更多的精神刺激。
* 那些试图让每个人都快乐的人最终会感到最孤独。
* 研究人员估计,三分之二的人不知道自己擅长什么,或者自己的长处是什么。
* 严重的抑郁症会使我们老得更快,加速细胞老化的过程。
* 唱歌可以减少抑郁和焦虑的感觉。
* 睡眠让你更有创造力,增强你的记忆。
* 聪明人通常字迹潦草。
* 有些人天生比其他人更容易感知负面事件的强度和严重程度。

* Smart people tend to have fewer friends than average. The smarter the person, the more sextive they becomes.
* Sometimes the eyes can say more than the mouth.
* Studies have shown that praise rather than criticism is the best way to help employees improve.
* Success is not a coincidence. It's hard work, perseverance, learning, study, sacrifice and, above all, loves of what you do.
* The memories are deformed with time, everyone has at least one false memory that they believes real.
* The memories triggered by the smells are stronger than the memories triggered by any other sense.
* The first impression is always made in the first 7 seconds.
* The people you cherish most often cause you the greatest pain.

* 聪明人的朋友往往比一般人少。越聪明的人,他们的选择性就越强。
* 有时候眼睛比嘴巴更能说明问题。
* 研究显示,帮助员工提高的最佳方式是表扬,而不是批评。
* 成功不是巧合。这是艰苦的工作,毅力,学习,牺牲,最重要的是,热爱你所做的事情。
* 记忆是随着时间变形的,每个人都至少有一个他们相信是真实的错误记忆。
* 嗅觉引发的记忆比其他任何感觉引发的记忆都要强烈。
* 第一印象总是在最初的7秒钟产生。
* 你最珍惜的人往往给你带来最大的痛苦。

* The average time a woman can keep secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
* Today, the average high school student has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient of the early 1950s.
* The deeper your feelings are, the more difficult they are to express.
* The feelings of pain and loneliness are treated in the same part of the brain.
* The human body is recreated every six months.
* The left side of your face is more expressive than the right.
* The strangers in your dream are actually people you have seen in your real life.
* The way parents talk to their children becomes the child's inner voice.

* 女人能保守秘密的平均时间是47小时15分钟。
* 今天,普通高中生的焦虑程度与20世纪50年代初普通精神病患者的焦虑程度相同。
* 你的感情越深,就越难以表达。
* 痛苦和孤独的感觉是在大脑的同一部分处理的。
* 人体每六个月重建一次。
* 你的左脸比右脸更有表情。
* 梦中的陌生人实际上是你在现实生活中见过的人。
* 父母对孩子说话的方式成为孩子内心的声音。

* Using your non-dominant hand for everyday tasks (eating, cleaning, opening) for two weeks can help you improve your self-control.
* When it's hot outside, you're more likely to fight.
* When people lie, they tend to cover or touch their mouths or noses discreetly.
* When you talk to someone, use their name, it will make them more like you.
* When you're in a group of people and someone says something fun and everyone starts laughing, try to notice who's laughing at you. People tend to look at the person they feel closest to when they laugh.
* Women are more attracted to attentive men, those who remember their details.
* You will be more likely to reach your goals if you keep them for yourself.
* Your shoes are much important than you think. People draw many conclusions about a person based on the shoes they wear.

* 用非惯用手进行两星期的日常工作(进食、清洁、打开箱子),有助提高自我控制能力。
* 当外面很热的时候,你更容易打架。
* 当人们撒谎时,他们会小心地捂住或触摸嘴巴或鼻子。
* 当你和某人交谈时,称呼他们的名字,这会让他们更喜欢你。
* 当你在一群人中,有人说了一些有趣的话,然后大家都开始笑,试着注意谁在对你笑。当人们笑的时候,他们倾向于看他们感觉最亲近的人。
* 女人更容易被细心的男人吸引,那些能记住她们细节的男人。
* 如果你留着目标,你就更有可能达到目标。
* 你穿的鞋子比你想象的要重要。人们会根据一个人所穿的鞋子得出许多结论。

Bimlesh Yadav Know a thing or two about psychology
* If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer, then just wait. If you stay silent and maintain eye contact, they will usually continue talking.
* When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.Good way to know who wants to sleep with you, right?
* If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you. It doesn't always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time.
* Chew gum when you're approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping. If we are 'eating' something, our brain trips and it reasons 'I would not be eating if I were danger. So I'm not in danger'.

* 如果你问某人一个问题,他们只回答了一部分,那就等等。如果你保持沉默和眼神交流,他们通常会继续交谈。
* 当一群人笑的时候,人们会本能地看人群中他们觉得最亲近的人。这是了解谁想和你上床的好方法,是吧?
* 如果你让自己看到其他人时感到非常开心和兴奋,他们也会对你有同样的反应。第一次不总是这样,但下次一定会发生。
* 当你接近一个会让你紧张的场合时,嚼口香糖,比如公开演讲或者蹦极。如果我们在‘吃’什么东西,我们的大脑就会思考‘如果我处于危险的话,我就不会吃东西了’。所以我没有危险。

* Pay attention to people's feet. If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation, and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don't want you to join in the conversation.Similarly if you are in a conversation with a coworker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction, they want the conversation to end.
* When people are angry at you, if you stay calm it'll get them even angrier, and be ashamed about it after.
* When you take somebody out on a first date, take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating. For instance—a roller coaster or horror film. This gets their adrenaline up. It makes them think they enjoy spending time with you

* 留意人们的脚。如果你接近正在聊天的两个人,他们只转过身体而不转过脚,说明他们不希望你加入聊天。同样的,如果你正在和一个你认为正在注意你的同事聊天,他们的身体转向你,但是他们的脚朝向另一个方向,说明他们希望聊天结束。
* 当人们对你生气时,如果你保持冷静,他们会更生气,之后会为此感到羞愧。
* 当你和某人第一次约会时,带她们去一个能让他们心跳加速的刺激的地方。例如,过山车或恐怖电影。这会让她们的肾上腺素上升。让她们感觉更喜欢和你在一起。

* People will remember not what you said but how you made them feel. Also most people like talking about themselves so ask lots of questions about them.
* Always be honest so when you have to lie, people will believe you.
* If you make the biggest smile you can, you will automatically feel happier. Just don’t do it while staring at somebody. Unless you want to come across as a creep.
* Refer to people you've just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name, and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away. Say your friend introduced you to John. After 5 minutes he decides to leave. Don't just say, "bye", but instead say "Bye John!"
* If you want to stare at someone unashamedly, look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes. When they fail to do that, they'll look around (usually nervously for a second) and won't look at you again for some time. This is your chance to straight up stare at this person for at least 45 seconds.

* 人们记住的不是你说了什么,而是你给他们的感受。而且大多数人喜欢谈论自己,所以问很多关于他们的问题吧。
* 永远要诚实,这样当你不得不撒谎时,人们就会相信你。
* 如果你能笑得最灿烂,你会自然而然地感到更快乐。只是不要盯着别人看。除非你想给人留下讨厌鬼的印象。
* 用你刚认识的人的名字来称呼他们。人们喜欢被称呼自己的名字,这会立刻建立起一种信任和友谊的感觉。假设你的朋友把你介绍给约翰。5分钟后,他要离开了。不要只说“再见”,而是要说“再见约翰!”
* 如果你想厚颜无耻地盯着某人,直视他们,等着他们试着看你的眼睛。当他们做不到这一点时,他们会环顾四周(通常会紧张一秒钟),然后有一段时间不会再看你一眼。这是你直视这个人至少45秒的机会。

* When you’re studying/learning something new, teach a friend how to do it. Let them ask questions. If you’re able to teach something well, you understand it better.
* 99 per cent of guys that don't fight often will instinctively throw a right hook when provoked.
* If you really want something from someone, frx it as an offer rather than a request. When Teddy Roosevelt was running for president, his campaign printed out 3 million leaflets with a picture of Teddy and a copy of a campaign speech. The campaign then realized that they didn't have the rights to the photo. Instead of explaining the situation to the photographer, which would have given him leverage to ask for a lot of money, the campaign made an offer that they would use the picture, giving the photographer lots of publicity if the studio paid them $250. The studio paid the money.

* 当你学习新东西的时候,教一个朋友如何做。让他们来问问题。如果你能够很好地教授一些东西,你就能更好地理解这些知识。
* 99%不经常打架的男人在被激怒时会本能地用右勾拳。
* 如果你真的想从某人那里得到什么,把它当作一个提议而不是请求。当泰迪 · 罗斯福竞选总统时,他的竞选团队印制了300万张印有泰迪照片和一份竞选演讲稿的传单。竞选团队随后意识到他们没有这张照片的权利。竞选团队没有向摄影师解释情况,这会让他有筹码来要钱,而是提出如果摄影工作室付给他们250美元,他们就会使用这张照片,会给摄影师带来很大的宣传效果。随后摄影工作室付了钱。

* People are extraordinarily aware of their sense of touch. If someone 'accidentally’ rests their knee on yours, they may not act like they realize it, but they definitely know that it's there.
* Ask your interviewer as many questions about what they do for work and really listen. They will walk away from the interview in a good mood because they got to talk about themselves and they will then think that the interview went well.
* You have a much higher chance of success in a relationship if your parents and your friends like your romantic partner.
* You can judge the character of a person by how they treat people who can do absolutely nothing for them.
* You know how a joke ceases to be funny when you have to repeat it? Well use that to your benefit; if that asshole in the group is making jokes at your expense, act like you can't hear him and ask him to repeat it like 3 times. By the time he says it a 3rd or 4th time, no one’s laughing.

* 人们非常清楚自己的触觉。如果有人“意外地”把他们的膝盖碰到你的膝盖,他们可能不会表现出意识到的样子,但他们肯定知道碰到了。
* 问面试官尽可能多的关于他们工作的问题,并且认真倾听。这样他们会带着好心情离开面试,因为他们可以谈论自己,然后他们会认为面试进行得很顺利。
* 如果你的父母和朋友喜欢你的爱人,那么你在一段感情中成功的机会就会大得多。
* 你可以通过观察一个人是如何对待那些对自己毫无帮助的人,来判断他的性格。
* 你知道当你不得不重复一个笑话的时候,它就不再有趣了吧?好好利用这一点;如果有个混蛋在开你的玩笑,假装你听不到他说的话,让他重复个三遍。当他说了三四遍的时候,没有人笑了。

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