2021-11-25 龟兔赛跑 9027

Where can we find happiness?


Avni Rawat, lives in India


You can find happiness within yourself. Only you can make yourself delighted.
That's why we say self-love is crucial.
Sometimes, you find happiness within the smallest things which you never even thought of.
To find happiness within yourself, there is a need to self introspect yourself. What do you love to do? If you're doing something, what's the purpose of doing it? You've to ask yourself.
I recommend that you must listen to music?? , make sure you vibe in the music, admire it.
Spend some time alone in peace till you feel fresh, have coffee, talk to yourself.
If you ever feel low or want to share something, feel free to share.
Smile honey


Ritesh Kumar Mishra, Keen to share philosophic topics

Ritesh Kumar Mishra,热衷于分享哲学话题
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A farmer was digging well for the purpose of finding water. He dug a few feet and when he didn't find water, he would start digging another well.
This man was digging well like insane.
Jalaluddin Rumi was standing there with his disciples, he said, “You can see this farmer is digging a well, if this man had put his whole energy into just one well, he would have reached to the deepest source of water long ago but the way he is digging, he will surely destroy his whole field.”
Where can we find happiness - If we will put our whole energy at one place, doesn't matter what we are doing, we will get instant happiness, instant blissful moment, a moment of ecstasy, a moment of totality, you become divine as you have invested your whole energy to bloom in this moment.


Brandon Goldfarb
I struggled my whole life with happiness. In America, it is embedded into the society that happiness is something which must be pursed. Basically everyone always feels that something is missing in their lives; Even amidst good times, there is this undertone that something is missing in our lives and we spend our whole lives trying to rectify this feeling. We all know we’re looking for something, but not quite sure what that something is. So we follow along the path prescribed by our parents and society which is to acquire obxts. We hope that by doing so, we hope that this air of dissatisfaction will be removed and we will have a life we can be truly satisfied with. Just to be clear, by obxt I don’t necessarily mean physical obxts like money, cars and houses. Even subtle obxts like friends, knowledge, status and power are obxts because they are acquired through time. In our lives this looks something like “I was that, I am this, I will be that.” This equates to time or becoming. Essentially, we never feel adequate as we are and feel we must do something, get something or become something remedy this sense of inadequacy. So our lives consist of spurts of pleasure with a never-ending struggle to regain such pleasures.


We work, struggle, strive and battle to get xyz and when we finally get xyz we feel happy. But this happiness is always temporary. The issue is that we assume a causal relationship between the acquisition of our desires and happiness. We think, “Obviously, I’m happy because I finally got the promotion/car/diploma.” I too was stuck in this trap. Eventually amidst deep depression. What is the point of struggling all of our lives just to die and have nothing to show for it in the end? Even if you get what you want, you’re defeated and if you don’t get what you want you’re defeated. This was true from my experience at least. I knew that no material obxt was capable of bringing the lasting happiness I wanted. We live in fear, we all have this looming threat of death hanging over our heads and we want to know that our short time here isn’t wasted. All we want is to be happy so that we can die with absolutely no regrets, we want to live such a good life that we can face our own mortality with absolutely no fear whatsoever,

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anyways, seeing the usual pursuit of happiness wasn’t capable of bringing real lasting happiness and satisfaction, I began looking for it in the only place I hadn’t looked, my own self. Sages from all across time have always told us in one form or another that happiness comes from within us. They said that the kingdom of heaven is within us, they said it’s possible to be completely satisfied under all circumstances, they said that we are what we’re seeking. I was determined to find out if this was true or not. We don’t control external circumstances in our lives, but if outside events can determine how we feel inside, that is the worst kind of slavery. So I questioned myself, inquired into myself all day long. Questions like: Who am I? Who is the one suffering? What am I scared of losing when I die? Happiness always comes from within us, therefore all I was doing was trying to remove the internal barriers barring my happiness. I doubted everything, I didn’t care about what the Buddha’s and Christ’s of the world said other than to find out for myself if what they said was true?


I wanted to be free from suffering, free from fear, free from this great sense of alienation we all know and I was determined to make this happen. Hours per day I questioned and observed. Then it hit me. I simply am what I am and that’s all I ever could be. I am my senses. I am my thoughts. I am my feelings. I am my reactions. I cannot get rid of sadness because I am sadness. I cannot get rid of fear because I am fear. I simply accepted myself completely. I accepted life completely and all of its components. My whole life I wanted to control myself, control my feelings, control my reactions. But sadness comes all by itself, fear comes all by itself, thoughts come by themselves. I don’t control these anymore than I control my beating heart. If I could control my feelings, thoughts and reactions, then they would always come just the way I wanted them to. Our lives would be 24/7 non-stop pleasure trains if we could choose that. We think we can fight our emotions and thoughts but the harder we try the more energy we give to them.


Life doesn’t trouble me because I offer no resistance to it. I am not the one picking my thoughts, I am not the one picking my feelings, I am not the one picking my decisions. I am simply watching. Watching is absolutely free from all of this. Our lives are like books playing out in real time, but we aren’t the words in the book. We are like the pages the book is written on. Awareness is the ocean, people are like the waves and the currents and ripples are experiences. When we think we are the wave, we limit ourselves and inherit the problems of the wave. Waves are born, waves die. Awareness molds itself like water and is intimately one with experience. Awareness is always free from its content. With freedom there is love. Pure love in which nothing binds us is what we are. Seeing this, one is able to live a normal life whilst being completely detached from all that happens.
We are eternity itself. When we go to sleep at night, nothing is there and we remain with ourselves in our infinite, timeless perfection. Do we not love sleep? We relinquish all limitations of time and space and remain one with ourselves as perfect, eternal, infinite nothingness. When we wake up in the morning, we forget ourselves. We forget what we are. We are the nothing which gives birth to all somethings. We are the nothing that gives birth to thoughts and feelings. We are the ocean which gives birth to all waves and currents. This nothing is pure awareness, pure consciousness or pure being. Call it God if you want. You are one with that. Stop trying to be this or that . Must you do anything to simply be? Does awareness require any effort at all on your part? Simply be with whatever happens; Thoughts, feelings, sensations and reactions have never impeded your being for an instant. Love is what you are. Happiness is what you are. Be free from control and you will have the control you want. You are what the whole universe is doing at this moment, not some small person which needs to make money and have a family before death.
The wave is scared of dying until it realizes it was always the ocean in the first place. Let your wave crash in one instant and you will see. Relinquish all attachments to experience, thoughts, feelings, memories and instantly you merge into eternity. You don’t need to stop having thoughts or feelings, you simply need to know they don’t belong to you.


Robert Roth, Meditator in bayside New York


Happiness is elusive. The more human beings pursue it the more it eludes us. The philosopher Immanuel Kant said people can pursue the horizon forever, but only small children think we can actually reach it. Pursuing happiness is like pursuing the horizon. The more we chase it the further it is from us.
The Buddha said that desire is the cause of all suffering. Today people desire wealth, success, power, and fame. None of these things seem to bring lasting happiness. Happiness is always fleeting. The Christian writer C.S. Lewis said “ when we moderns now look up to the stars, it is not to the firmament of angels looking kindly back, but out, endlessly out into the lonely void. “ People in the Middle Ages felt a sense of awe and enchantment at the vastness and mystery of the universe. Today with the decline in religious faith we have lost that sense of awe and enchantment. Science and technology have replaced religious faith in modern times. People have lost a sense of gratitude for being alive. Albert Einstein said “ a calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it. “.
Meditation helps calm your restless mind and resolves doubts and conflicts so that you will have a greater sense of peace and happiness. It will expand your consciousness so that you will have a sense of wonder and appreciation for each new day. With your expanded consciousness you will have a sense of gratitude for the miracle of life and the universe.

幸福是难以捉摸的。人类追求它的次数越多,它就越逃避我们。哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)说,人们可以永远追求地平线,但只有小孩子认为我们能够真正到达它。追求幸福就像追求地平线。我们越是追逐它,它离我们越远。

Marcus Lundgren, Annoying music snob
It’s not too difficult to know where to find happiness, but actually getting there can be a lifelong challenge. But first things first.
Where is happiness?
People are ego-driven pleasure-seekers. When we talk about having a “purpose”, what we really mean is that we want to have and do things that we find enjoyable. Things that seem worth the effort. That’s why when we get things for free, we don’t enjoy them quite as much because our sense of purpose is directly lixed with making an effort. It only gives us more time left over to wonder what to do with all the free time we now have; time we otherwise would’ve spent making the effort to get what we wanted.
Happiness can be found in having a sense of purpose. If we don’t have purpose, then everything we do can easily feel pointless and routine.


How do we become happy?
Most people want to have their basic needs covered before they start thinking about anything else. That usually means a roof over their heads, food on the table, a decent job, a good salary, a couple of kids, a pet or two and a few weeks’ paid vacation per year. There are, of course, many people who only want a few of these things, but in general, most of us need a home and something to eat. And clothes to wear.
Any further needs beyond that is mostly subjective and directly reflect the tastes and desires of each and every individual person.
Some people dream big, others dream small. Some are career people, while others find pleasure in the simple things of life.
Then you have artists and dreamers, for whom the typical blueprint of life isn’t sufficient to fill the emptiness they feel inside. These people need something more.


What that is, is once again subjective, but given the sheer number of things a person could want beyond what’s socially expected, I think it’s safe to say that this group of people is the one most likely to embrace progress, change and variety.
But what most people have in common is the need to get what they want.
It doesn’t matter if they want all the world’s riches or if they settle for less, at the end of the day, they won’t feel happy if they’re denied the chance to even work for what they want.
Some people have selfish ambitions. Others find happiness in helping others.
Ultimately, however, everyone is driven by ego. Whatever makes you feel good, that’s what makes you feel happy.


People need a sense of purpose. This can be found by having goals and either fulfilling or working towards fulfilling your ambitions and desires.
If you’re greedy, happiness will be found in acquiring material wealth.
If you’re giving, happiness will be found in helping out those in need.
If you’re none of the above, the sky’s the limit. You can find happiness in working on a personal project, solving a great problem, making new discoveries or being a lazy bum who sleeps under a newspaper together with a pet rat called Barry, etc.
The point is that it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do what YOU want to do. Sometimes just trying to get what you want is enough. You can find happiness in striving for something as well. Sometimes striving for something is even better than actually getting what you want.
But you need to want something to find happiness.
And the less you want, the easier it is to be satisfied and feel happy.
That’s the great irony of it all.


Medhini Seshadri, former Professor

Medhini Seshadri,前教授

Happiness is not a place,you may take many vacation but if you don't know how to find joy within your self you will always stay miserable. In the busy corporate world of bangalore, software and other professionals have a 5 day per week working style. On weekends they trek, or visit nearby places of interest to rewind. So do they find true happiness in those two days? They get recharged to stay awake and alive for the next week? If someone truly loved their job they do not take any break to recharge or recover. But look at our youth, most of the people hate the jobs they are in, how can they find peace in life. If you can't love what you do then do what you love. The numerous loans you have taken for buying things which you thought will give you happiness, their regular EMIs prevent you from leaving your job. So, did you find happiness in these things you bought (luxury apartment /car/expensive branded clothes)?
You can find happiness only in one place. within your self. Yeah you have heard this before. People who are lonely and ‘wierd’ say such things. If you search for happiness outside of you, you will be only in an illusion of happiness and not true happiness.
Remember no thing/place/person can give you happiness permanently. You are the source of absolute joy. This realisation is only the beginning of a long journey. It may take ages for you to even reach the beginning. But the journey will be your final destination.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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