2021-11-27 辽阔天空 5980

Do parents have a favorite child?


Lenaigh Higgins, Paraprofessional Teacher

Lenaigh Higgins,辅助专业教师

Being the youngest of 4 I have several points of view on this.
I know for sure my parents each had favorites.
My oldest sister was a favorite because she was first born and also she was the smartest and had perfect grades all the time.
My oldest brother was my mother's favorite. Typical oldest son. Even my dad acknowledges this!! My brother was the most rambunctious, risk taker, driven personality…ambitious.
My 2nd brother was always in his older brothers shadow. He was the peacemaker, typical middle child…not oldest or the youngest? Not particularly driven like older brother.
Then me!! Not particularly smart, not a high achiever. I was more laid back, creative, a dreamer!!!


My sister states our parents pushed her…expected a lot from her…she had more responsibilities than the rest of us. She ended up becoming a doctor.!
Oldest brother felt he was also expected to achieve a lot. But I also feel it was in his personality. So maybe my parents just encouraged him too. He was the first to get a job, make his own money, graduate from college, have a career. He became a police officer!
Youngest brother also graduated college and became a police officer!!! Following in older brother's shadow…but is very successful and well looked up to by his superiors and his community.
Then... me. The eternal “baby". No one asks for my input in decision making…every family gathering is planned before I even hear anything about it. I'm not a college graduate although I do have some college and trade school certifications and a career I enjoy.
It's strange how we all just kind of fit into our roles in the family order.
I guess “favorite” is the wrong term. Maybe each of us has strengths that parents recognize. They'll go to my sister for medical advise .
They go to oldest brother for help with logistical problems and support.
They go to my youngest brother for common sense .
Humm. Me?? Lol!! I guess when there's no other answer to a problem they want someone to think outside the box I can dream up some pretty interesting (creative) ways to solve a problem.
Hope that every child can see (are shown) their value in a family. But its important to let each child shine.


Andy Kashen, Daytime Dilettante, Nighttime Renaissance Man
This question hits home for me on multiple levels. I was the favorite child of my mother over my younger sister and she was the favorite of my father. Both my parents told us they didn’t pick favorites and that they thought that was wrong but it was quite evident to us and others that they did, and it did damage – particularly to my sister who had problems with self-esteem. I swore to myself that when I had children I would not make the same mistake. .
My wife and I both believed in not picking favorites and we made a commitment to each other before we had kids that we would not favor one child over another. We ended up having two boys, two years apart, and they are now wonderful young men. I am very proud of both of them but raising them was not without trials and guilt on my part.
My elder son Jason was very much like me; very intelligent, artistic, and sensitive yet very independent. As a child he rarely got in trouble, did well in school without much prodding, and his friends were all the type a parent wishes for their children. Like me, he loved Superman and even wore his Superman suit to kindergarten, just like I did back in 1966. In many ways. But he was much more mature and risk-averse than I ever was.


My younger son Ethan is also quite intelligent, but he needed more incentive to do well in school. For example, early on in middle school he wanted to have long hair and we told him he could grow out his hair if he went from a C to a B-average. He made it within one semester and kept a B average until a couple years later when he decided he wanted a mohawk. His mother and I were dead set against that idea but agreed if he got his grades to an A-average, thinking that was a bridge too far. But our skepticism was confounded by his 3.5 GPA about a year later. Fortunately, by then he no longer wanted the mohawk. Working to get good grades had become a habit. Nevertheless, Ethan always felt second-rate to his brother academically despite our efforts to shun such comparisons.
Ethan tended to hang out with mischief-making underachievers who would boss him around. I could tell at a very early age that this boy was going to be a challenge. If we expressed any disapproval of his friends, it only drew them closer. So his mother and I bit our tongues a lot. No matter what setting we put him in, he gravitated to the same type of kids. Ethan still has a bit of a naughty bad-boy air about him to this day, but in an endearing way (and sexy according to his girlfriends). And as a boy, I often was his partner in crime, for example, hiding him from his mom at bedtime – once putting him under the sofa cushions and sitting on him. He loved to take risky chances – something we share. He once shot the rapids with me tubing at age 7 and we capsized and he hit a rock and went under. I thought he might drown but was able to find and pull him out safe and sound. Ethan was always up for a wild dare – like getting thrown outside into a mound of snow naked in below-freezing temperatures.
Ethan also liked comic book movies but, unlike his brother, he always preferred the villains.


There was another big difference between my boys. Ethan liked to give and receive hugs. Jason, not so much. Jason was more of a loner, preferring drawing and reading while Ethan just gravitated to wanting to spend time with me. Simple stuff mostly, he didn’t ask for much. We used to spend a lot of time in streams fishing or looking at wildlife. We liked to turn over big rocks together and I’d say, “there’s a surprise under every rock.” Then one day we took his best friend to the river and Ethan showed him his technique and said, “there’s a surprise under every rock.” He didn’t know I was in earshot when he said it and for some reason, this produced a well of warmth in me I have not forgotten to this day.
One day I was telling my best friend about my boys, in particular how Ethan was very honest and confided stuff to me most kids won’t. It dawned on me that I was spending more time talking about Ethan, just as in this answer, and I felt I needed to interject that I didn’t want him to think I loved one boy more than another. His reply was, “No I don’t think that, but it is obvious you feel closer to Ethan.” He was right. And then a wave of guilt came over me. He was my favorite. I felt I needed to discuss this and my guilt with my wife. I didn’t know what to do about it. How was it affecting the boys? She just said she hadn’t noticed any signs of it and said not to worry. So I just accepted it and tried to make sure I didn’t favor one boy over the other and tried to be more proactive to include Jason in doing stuff with me, which made little difference. But I tried. Otherwise, how could I help how I felt?


Now I need to fast-forward to Ethan’s first year at college. He’d worked hard to get into a great school, but unbeknownst to us, he’d followed his friends in high school into opiates and had developed a devastating addiction. He pawned his computer, stole from us, and our family began a two-year nightmare that is all too frighteningly common in this country across every state and socioeconomic level. Gone was the boy who never lied to me. He had to leave school and go into treatment and rehab. I can’t do justice to this experience in this answer but there are two things I want you to know. Ethan worked incredibly hard with the support of his family to regain control of his life and he has been completely clean and sober for over 9 years now. He is now completing his studies to be a psych nurse practitioner at Vanderbilt and continues to work to maintain his sobriety and help others with addiction.
The other thing I want you to know is what prompted me to write this answer in the first place. After Ethan failed his first attempt at rehab and relapsed is when he completely began to break down and open up to us. This was complicated and aided by the fact that our home had recently been destroyed by a fire and we lived in a cramped apartment (by this time, Jason lived in another city on his own). …Not exactly a banner year for us. Ethan held back tears as he told us everything he was ashamed of and what had hurt him in his life. He then looked at me and said he felt he could never measure up to Jason and that he had always felt that Jason was my favorite.
“Oh my God”, I said, “Please don’t think that, it isn’t true”. His mother nodded in agreement but it did not seem to assuage the situation. So I added, “Maybe I over-compensated trying not to show favoritism. I don’t know. But the truth is, Ethan, I’ve always felt closer to you. You are and have been my favorite son.” His mother nodded and interjected that I’d told her and my best friend about this years ago because I felt guilty about it. He could tell it was true. Ethan and I both broke down sobbing and hugged. I don’t think this was the event that turned Ethan around. His addiction and recovery were too complicated to ascribe to any single event. But I do think it was a key event and most of the progress was positive from then on.


Ashwin Ranganathan, Father of two fantastic boys.

Ashwin Ranganathan,两个神奇男孩的父亲。

I have two kids - a 4 year old and a 1 year old. My oldest can be a doting, caring older brother but he will get frustrated at times when my wife and I split our attention between two of them when the attention was previously reserved only for him.
When I do that, he'll sometimes ask "do you like me or A better?"
I reply "J, you are my most favorite first son in the whole world."
It's misleading, but technically, it isn't untrue. I love both of them equally. Most importantly, he seems satisfied with the answer and usually walks away with a smile on his face.


Sarah Schneider Gold, High Tech Program Manager

Sarah Schneider Gold,高科技项目经理

I’m going to try to be as honest as possible. After all, you didn’t ask if a parent loves one child more than the other, but rather if they have a favorite.
I have two sons and they are very different. My oldest (11) is often demanding, anxious and superficial. He’s also sensitive, popular, and easy to like. We have to work at our relationship sometimes, but we also have great talks and he’s a solid human with a huge heart and I prefer his company to most anyone else’s.
My youngest is one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met, an intuitive mystic-type of person and quick-witted and hilarious. I have an easy time getting along with him, unless we are both holding our ground in which case the battle could be epic. He’s logical and insightful and he has an uncanny ability to make me smile, no matter what else may be happening. He's one-in-a-million and I’m lucky to be his mom.
At any given time, I probably do have a favorite. It switches daily or hourly, though. Sometimes I’m just basking in (or missing) both of them.
When they ask me who’s my favorite, I usually answer something like, “whichever one of you takes out the trash.” So I’ll go with that.


Rose Voorhose, MSW Graduate - University of Southern California

Rose Voorhose,垃圾处理研究生-南加州大学

This is a question I've been exploring myself, as a parent of three sons and one daughter. I think the word "favorite" isn't quite on the mark, because that implies a personal preference, and even more specifically, a conscious choice between children. I don't think it quite works that way, at least for me.
I used to think that this question was really asking if you love one more than the others, but I've come to realize that it's more about whether you identify more with a particular son or daughter, whether perhaps you "see" more of yourself in one of them. And my answer to that would be, absolutely yes.
If you refrx this question as , "Among all your friends, do you have one that is favorite?", then it's much easier to understand the why behind my answer. Of course we have a "best" friend.


Connie Ellison, former English Teacher, Retired


How interesting: I was just talking about this with close friends yesterday! I am going through major maudlin mom anxiety and teary episodes because my younger child, my son, just graduated from high school. It’s absolutely stupid, and I want Cher to come and slap me across the face and yell, “Snap outta it!” (Moonstruck: what a movie!) I didn’t carry on like this when my daughter graduated four years earlier. And she was heading to a college FIVE hours away in the fall, whereas my son is going to community college, and staying at home for the next year, at least.
So, do I need to heap guilt upon myself because my son is my “favorite’”? I think not. My son was always the child I understood best: he is more like me. Like Hermione Granger, my solution to any problem is to go to the library. I read, I went to lectures, I did research. The bottom line is, I understand my son better than I understand my daughter. She is, in her thinking and her philosophy of life, much like my husband. He just “gets” her in a way I do not.
So, is the boy my favorite and the girl her dad’s? Not going there. We both adore them both. If my daughter feels the need to “just talk to Dad about it” that’s ok. When my son relates better to me, that’s ok too. Love isn’t quantitively measured.
Both of my kids know they are well and truly loved by both of their parents. . That’s all that matters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Michael Harper, Father of three sons

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Even though we're not supposed to, it is true.
I was my mom's favorite because I was the one who didn't get in trouble. I was my dad's favorite because I was his son.
As for myself, my middle son is more of my favorite because he's the one that loves to spend a lot of time with me. My oldest is a year from graduating high school and he's hardly ever home because he'd rather spend the time with friends. My middle son and I seem to have more common interests. My youngest son would rather spend time playing video games.
Will this feeling of favoritism change over time? I believe it will. The favoritism I described my parents had with me changed once my sister and I were old enough to be on our own. I believe my sister is my mom's favorite because they are both females and they share more common interests than my mom and I do.
I love my three sons equally.


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