2021-11-28 Kira_Yoshikage 17774

What historical events are so absurd that they would be too strange for a fiction story or a movie?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I got one for you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ex-Nazi and Cult Leader Pedophile Paul Schäfer was so obsessed with having the Children of his compound, Colonia Dignidad, love him and only him that he once took all of the children of the compound to a river where he had someone dressed as Santa Claus floating on a raft.

前纳粹、邪教领袖、恋童癖Paul Schäfer曾经特别执迷于让他的秘密基地“尊严殖民地”里的孩子们爱他并且只爱他一个人,以至于他有一次把基地里的所有孩子都带到了一条河的前面,他让一个人打扮成圣诞老人坐在划艇上漂在河里。

He then shot and killed Santa, in front of all the children and told them all that "Santa's dead. The only holiday we ever need to celebrate here is my birthday!"


reminds me when I was a brat and threatened my mom (hard working single mother) I’d throw the game boy and Pokémon game my mom had gotten me for Christmas against the wall that she had said was from Santa and she said ‘ don’t do that I spent a lot of money on that’

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s when the illusion was shattered.


Santa was never real.


That’s also when the truth started to sink in. My mother loved me so much she’d work to buy something that is not essential and say it was from someone else so that I could believe in the magic for just a little longer. God bless my mother and all the parents giving their all for their children to be happy and healthy


It's just like.


Ex-Nazi? Been there, done that.


Pedophile? Almost vanilla when it comes to terrible people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cult Leader? Meh. Lots of those these days.


Killed fucking Santa out of Jealousy? Whole new level of fucked.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just imagine what's got to be wrong with you to be so jealous of how much kids love a fairy tale character that your reaction to it is. "The kids love Santa? Well, can't have that getting in the way of things. Guess Santa's just gonna have to die in front of the children."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Absolutely WILD thought process.


The RMS Carmania


In 1914, just after the outbreak of the First World War, Germany had a cunning idea. They needed to ensure naval superiority in the Atlantic, but there was no way they could manufacture enough new battleships in order to contest what was traditionally Britain’s inviolate domain.


So, they took the SMS Cap Trafalgar – an 18,700tn luxury ocean liner, and retrofitted it with two 4.1inch guns and six 1lb “pom-pom” autocannons – and also had one of its funnels removed so that this colossal Frankenstein’s Monster of a ship would appear (for all intents and purposes) to be a cruiser under the command of the British Merchant Navy.


The ruse complete, it would prowl the South Atlantic under false flags; ‘dressed’ as a British ship, it could approach the British supply line and at the last minute fly the German colours before wreaking havoc and undermining the until-now-unimpeachable British Navy. They even renamed it the RMS Carmania – 'RMS' standing for 'Royal Mail Ship', a type of fast steamer used to carry international post - to complete the illusion and ensure that it would never be recognised as being formerly a German passenger/cargo ship until it was far, far too late.

改装完成之后,这艘船会升着假旗在南大西洋四处潜行,“打扮”得像一艘英国舰船一样。它可以靠近英国的补给线,然后在最后一刻升起德国军旗,给看似坚不可摧的不列颠海军带来毁灭。他们甚至给这艘船重新命名为“RMS 卡尔马尼亚号”——“RMS”是“皇家邮轮”的缩写,这是一种通常用于携带国际快递的快速蒸汽船——来让这种假象看上去更真实,以保证绝对不会有人能在事态无法挽回之前认出这曾经是一艘德国的客货船。

Military historians generally concur that it was a bold but brilliant plan. At a fraction of the time and cost of a new custom-built battleship, the newly christened RMS Carmania should cost the British fleets thousands of lives and millions of tonnes of lost ships before it could be reliably identified….


…..Except for one tiny problem.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On the 14th of September 1914, after a fruitless first voyage ending with no sightings of any targets and being forced to refuel empty handed, the “RMS Carmania” met its first ever opponent just off the coast of Trinidad.

在1914年的9月14日,经历了一次毫无收获的处女航,没有见到任何目标,被迫两手空空回港补给的“RMS 卡尔马尼亚号”,在特立尼达港外遇到了它的第一个对手。

It was *THE* RMS Carmania, a 19,500tn ocean liner retrofitted with eight 4.7inch guns and deployed as a cruiser by the *REAL* British Merchant Navy.


From four miles away the real RMS’ crew realised that the ship they were looking at was not in fact the ship that they were standing on and opened fire. It took 2 hours of vicious age-of-sail style broadsides, but eventually the doppelgänger was sunk with the maimed victor limping away under escort to Brazil for repairs.


I bet the Germans saw the real Carmania and went "aw man, you gotta be kidding me"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Spanish conquistadors found platinum during their search for gold, and dumped all of it in the sea, because they thought platinum was inferior to silver.


Wojtek, the soldier bear! He served in the Polish army in WWII, helping his fellow soldiers by carrying heavy creates of ammunition into battle, saving precious time during combat.


He had been recruited as a soldier when his division had to board an English ship which didn't allow animals on board. Outraged, the Polish then made him a soldier and he lived through the war to die of old age in a zoo in 1963.


An extra bit of the story is that after ww2 soldiers who were close to wojtek would hop into his exhibit bringing him beer and wrestling with wojtek


...and to give him lit cigarettes, ostensibly to smoke. Wojtek was known for being a smoker, though more than one real-life account from soldiers who served with him said mostly he'd just eat the cigarettes.


Best story is some insurgent snuck in and tried to steal weapons from the unit. He breaks in and there are 6 guys sleeping. The thief thinks he can get an easy time stealing from them, turns around and a bear is snarling at him. Dude started screaming and waking up the soldiers and begging them to arrest him and not leave him to the bear.


Back in the 1780’s, after being elected President, George Washington decided to send a letter to Congress that basically said, “Hey, looking forward to working with y’all, this will be exciting!”


However, George wasn’t very eloquent, and was generally busy and stressed, so he asked his friend James Madison to compose the letter to Congress, which James did.


When Congress received the letter, they decided to respond in kind, not wanting to slight the new president. They wanted to send back a letter that essentially said, “We’re glad you’re excited, so are we!” They decided there was no one better in Congress to write the letter than their very own…James Madison.


So, James writes a response to the letter he wrote in the first place, and Congress sends it to George. George decided to respond with something along the lines of, “Oh, good, I’m excited that you’re excited, too!” — and since his buddy James did such an excellent job with the first letter, George again went to him and had him compose the response.


Congress received the letter and again not wanting to be awkward and ignore the PRESIDENT, decided to reply with yet another letter that basically said, “Hey, we’re excited that you’re excited that we’re excited!” …and once again, they had James Madison compose the response.


So James Madison, future 4th president of the United States, wound up writing himself 4 letters back and forth between “George Washington” and “Congress”, and was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it while it was going on.


One time I had a friend call me and tell me how she was having a conflict with someone whom she did not name and, being at different schools, I assumed I did not know. I analyzed what I thought the other party was trying to accomplish and suggested an angle to approach resolution from.


The next day my other friend calls me and says she was in an argument with her friend but now that friend seems to want to make up and is asking what she can do to fix the situation.


So I told Friend 2 to tell Friend 1 what I'd already prepped Friend 1 to hear from a successful reply to her overture. They both thanked me later for helping them solve their problem so diplomatically. I felt like a supervillain.


Hitler, Tito, Stalin, Trotsky, and Freud were living in the same Vienna neighborhood in 1913


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day. The day? The 50th anniversary of the Fourth of July. Adams’s last words were, “Thomas Jefferson still survives”.


Which is ironic, because Jefferson was already dead.


A guy broke into the Prime Minster of Canada's house with a knife, intent to kill the Prime Minster.


The Prime Minster's wife hears someone walking around downstairs and tries to wake her husband. The PM just tells her its nothing, go back to sleep.


She gets up and investigates - finding the knife wielding assassin. She grabs an Inuit statue of a loon and beats the shit out of the guy. Our PM then runs into the hall and helps his wife take down the assassin. These are two people in their 60's just kicking the shit out of some dude in his late 20's.


She calls the local police who arrive, only to realise they forgot the fucking key to the front gate, so they send someone back to the station get it.


The assassin was later confirmed to have major mental health issues. Less than 5 years later, he was successfully treated for his schizophrenia, released from his treatment facility and formally apologised to the couple.


May have been said already, but when Napoleon returned to France from his exile, a Regiment of French soldiers were sent by the Coalition Powers to intercept him. Upon seeing them, Napoleon approached and simply said, "If you wish to kill your Emperor, here I am." The Commander of the Regiment ordered his men to open fire. Out of the 2,000 soldiers present, not a single one obeyed the order. They all joined Napoleon and marched to Paris with him. Truly a real life Mary-Sue. At least until he was thoroughly beaten and exiled again, permanently this time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are so many Napoleon facts that are this level of over-the-top, his life is basically unadaptable.


Maybe not an event, but pretty absurd.


In an attempt to claim control of the former Spanish Empire's territories in the Americas, the French ruler, Napoleon III, created the term "Latin America." Because if the territories were Spanish (or formerly), then the French had no right to them, but if he got the world to call it Latin, which the French were considered a branch of, then Napoleon III could attempt to take them for a new, glorious, French Empire. This would also reassure the British, US, and Dutch that he was not going after their American territories, since they were not "Latin" countries.


In other words, we call Hispanics of the Americas Latin because it was French propaganda used to legitimize their rule over South and Central America.


Edit: Forgot to mention this would also affect former Portuguese holdings (Brazil) and lost French territory (Haiti and whatnot). Not just the Hispanic territories.


Edit 2: Turns out Napoleon III only popularized the term. It had existed a few years before he latched onto it. So, although he didn't coin the term, he is the one that made it popular.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Much of European history was Kings trying to re-establish themselves as the rulers of the "new Roman Empire". It's astounding how much effort was put into that.


The last ruler to use the term Caesar was deposed less than 100 years ago (Ottomans referred to themselves as Kasyer-I-Rum - or Caesar of Rome. Ottoman monarchy was abolished in 1924 IIRC).


That title had incredible longevity


The Marathon at the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis.


The first place finisher did most of the race in a car. He had intended to drop out, and got a car back to the stadium to get his change of clothes, and just kind of started jogging when he heard the fanfare.


The second place finisher was carried across the finish line, legs technically twitching, by his trainers. They had been refusing him water, and giving him a mixture of Brandy and Rat Poison for the entire race. Doping wasn't illegal yet (and this was a terrible attempt at it), so he got the gold when the First guy was revealed.


Third finisher was unremarkable, somehow.


Fourth finisher was a Cuban Mailman, who had raised the funds to attend the olympics by running non-stop around his entire country. He landed in New Orleans, and promptly lost all of the travelling money on a riverboat casino. He ran the race in dress shoes and long trousers (cut off at the knee by a fellow competitor with a knife). He probably would have come in first (well, second, behind the car) had it not been for the hour nap he took on the side of the track after eating rotten apples he found on the side of the race.


9th and 12th finishers were from South Africa, and ran barefoot. South Africa didn't actually send a delegation - these were students who just happened to be in town and thought it sounded fun. 9th was chased a mile off course by angry dogs. Note: These are the first Africans to compete in any modern Olympic event.


Half the participants had never raced competatively before. Some died.


St. Louis only had one water stop on the entire run. This, coupled with the dusty road, and exacerbated by the cars kicking up dust, lead to the above fatalities. And yet, somehow, Rat Poison guy survived to get the Gold.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It gets crazier, you neglected to mention the one water stop was an intentional design choice and not simply lack of oversight.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The director wanted to test his theory on “purposeful dehydration”...during a marathon...on unpaved roads....while it was over 90F outside...


Truly next level incompetence.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Russian delegation arrived a week late, because they were still using the Julian calendar. In 1904.


Somehow the fact that 3rd was unremarkable makes it so much funnier


3rd place should be played by Michael Cera.


They keep showing all these scenes of chaos, and every now and then they just cut to Michael Cera just casually jogging down the road. In fact, use the same ten-second clip each time. No different camera angles or anything, just the exact same clip.


Then he goes "hey I did pretty good!" at the end, accepts his awards in a gracious manner, then goes on to a live long, healthy--if uneventful, life afterwards.


First place guy on the podium giving a speech about how long and hard the race was while not even sweating, second place guy on the middle podium vomiting bile and honestly half dead, and Michael Cera just awkwardly standing there looking confused.


Carvajal was sexted to represent Cuba in the 1906 Olympic Marathon at Athens, Greece, with his expenses funded by the Cuban Government. However, he disappeared after landing in Italy, and never arrived in Athens. He was thought to be dead, and his obituary was published in the Cuban newspapers, but he later returned to Havana on a Spanish steamer.


Another story from this guys wiki lol


The assassination of U.S. President James A. Garfield.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Basically this guy named Charles wrote some essays campaigning for Ulysses S. Grant's failed 1880 nomination, and when Garfield ran for president Charles Ctrl+F'd the other politician's name and replaced it with Garfield's name. When Garfield won Charles marched up to the White House claiming to be owed some credit for that and wanted to be rewarded for his efforts by being made a consul to Vienna or Paris.


He was told to scram and he was so mad that he decided then and there that he'd teach them a lesson by killing Garfield. So he went to a store and chose to spend a little extra cash on the ivory-handled pistol because he thought it'd look better in a museum as the gun that killed the president. He was short a dollar so the shopkeep lowered the price. Charles then set about making plans for his eventually arrest, such as trying to tour the prison where he assumed he would be jailed.


His first opportunity to kill Garfield came as the president was seeing his wife off at a train station, but Charles felt it'd be cruel to kill a man in front of his sick wife so he opted to wait.


His next chance popped up as Garfield was hanging out with Robert Todd Lincoln who had a knack for being close with presidents who got killed. Charles walks up, fires and was immediately arrested. Thankfully Charles wasn't all bad and as he was being loaded up he handed the cop his gun which the cop had forgotten to grab from him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Garfield was taken back home and doctors dug around inside him with dirty fingers looking for the bullet - we'll come back to that. The navy rigged up a makeshift air conditioner for Garfield to help with his fever and they even called in a cameo from Alexander Graham Bell to make a metal detector to find the bullet, but they didn't account for Garfield being on a metal-frxd bed or bother to check the side of his body where the bullet was lodged.


Not getting better, they sent Garfield by train to a cottage on the beach where volunteers even helped build a rail line to the cottage to make it easier.


Remember how they kept digging in the wound with dirty fingers and tools? Yeah, that got infected and after nearly 80 days of misery Garfield died. Modern doctors and historians believe he would've likely been fine if they'd just treated the wound and not worried about digging out the bullet, or at the very least been smarter about getting the bullet out.


Charles sat in jail until his trial where he insulted his lawyers, gave his testimony in the form of poetry, and passed notes to people in the audience asking for legal advice. He sang, he put out ads in the paper looking for a wife, and had plans to go on a speaking tour once he was found innocent.


He wasn't.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Charles was sentenced to death by hanging, danced his way up to the rope, and sang a song he wrote (the orchestra he requested was denied). He was hanged and now part of his brain is on display in Philadelphia.


hanging out with Robert Todd Lincoln who had a knack for being close with presidents who got killed.




It's true!:


While he wasn't present when his father was shot, he was nearby and quickly came to his father's side.


In 1881 he was in the company of Garfield when he was shot.


Then 20 years later he was just outside the building when McKinley was shot.


I forget what president it was purported to be, but apparently some years later he was invited to some presidential function and declined saying, basically, "nah, I'm good. Presidents tend to get shot when I come by."


For extra insanity, after he was hanged Charles was autopsied and the doctors of the time concluded that the reason for his mania that led to him assassinating president Garfield was because his foreskin was too tight for him to retract it, no really.


The last known kill by bow and arrow in combat was actually during the battle of Dunkirk, 1940. Jack Churchill landed a well placed arrow into a german soldier's chest


He also chose to carry bagpipes, and a scottish longsword


That guy's story is insane. It also includes:


Working as a model and actor before the war


Getting captured, chucked in a PoW camp, escaping, getting captured again, being liberated and then walking 93 miles to Italy


Becoming a surf instructor after the war


Confusing the crap out of commuters by launching his briefcase into his garden as his train passed so he didn't have to carry it home


One of eleven children born to Charles and Maria Sax, Adolphe was an extremely accident prone youth who barely made it to adulthood. At three he fell three floors down bashing his head on the stone floor at the bottom. He drank a bowl of acidic water believing it was milk. He swallowed and subsequently passed a large needle. He flew across his fathers workshop and was burned badly when a barrel of gunpowder exploded. He fell upon a hot cast-iron pan on a stove burning his side. He frequently slept in a room where varnished furniture was drying, somehow avoiding poisoning and asphyxiation. He was hit in the head with a slate roof tile while walking down the street. He fell in a river and nearly drowned.


Then this same child, who some force was failing miserably to unalive, grew up and had the audacity to invent the saxophone.


The assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand. If a screenwriter wrote a fictional scxt with the same chain of events he’d be laughed out of the room.


Let's see. Background: Out of the more powerful figures in Austria-Hungary, Ferdinand was one of the most sympathetic to the Serbians. The route he would take was published. And...


The first would-be assassins couldn't do it.


One throws a bomb that lands in a crowd (might've been the same one that jumped into a river and took expired cyanide), and one's guns jammed.


Ferdinand, instead of going back to Austria-Hungary, decides instead to visit the wounded in a nearby hospital.


On the way to the hospital, his driver makes a wrong turn to a street with a sandwich shop, where his assassin just so happened to be eating a "our plan failed, I need something to take off the edge" sammich.


For example: immediately after being shot, Theodore Roosevelt continued by giving a 90 minute speech before going to the hospital.


Actually all of Teddy’s life is fairly absurd now I think about it


Teddy Roosevelt once had his boat stolen. so he made a new boat from a tree, then went after them. Held them at gunpoint, (he was a deputy) and then took them in to justice.


he caught people who stole his boat, by building a new boat then giving chase.


Here's One:


During the 1901 Republican nominations, TR was unanimously voted to be the Vice President except for one vote...his own. He was adamant about not becoming the VP because he claimed: "It is a stepping stop to nothing but oblivion". The big republican bosses figured he could actually do the least amount of damage as the VP because every other role TR ended up in he would make it powerful and gain more popularity. Senator Hannah said to McKinley when TR became the VP that "your only duty to the country is to live for four years." McKinley was, of course, shot and killed, making TR the youngest president ever to serve the nation.


He would also read a book a day while president, and could memorize entire passages and pages. This was amazingly helpful because he would plan a meeting, read about the subject, and become an expert on the matter almost overnight.


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