2021-12-01 兰陵笑笑生 11193

How did Sweden become so powerful and then go into decline?


Mats Andersson
, lives in Sweden
Through a skilfully executed Ponzi scheme.
In the late 1620s, the king of Sweden, known in English as Gustavus Adolphus, landed in northern Germany with a small force. Sweden was, at the time, almost broke and didn’t have the population to field even a moderate-sized army.
He proceeded to hire absolutely every mercenary he could get in touch with, at truly handsome salaries. At the time, Europe had been at war for quite some time, and the number of mercenaries available was massive.
In a very short time, he had one of the largest armies on the continent, at a cost of the entire Swedish GDP.
So before the salaries became due, he attacked and looted a major city. He was helped by a number of tactical inventions, which he coordinated into a new and highly mobile battlefield army.
With a major victory under his belt, and with the surviving soldiers paid off, he attracted even more mercenaries, and attacked another city.
It didn’t stop until he was halfway to Italy.
And of course, all Ponzi schemes run down. Gustavus had fallen in battle, but the remaining Swedish leadership managed to extract themselves from the situation without going completely bankrupt, a feat almost as big as the military exploits in the first place.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steve Rapaport
I think all expansionist empires run on this precise Ponzi model. Sweden is just one of the few to execute it without catastrophic failure when the limits to expansion are reached.


Crooked Teeth
Some succeed. It is, broadly speaking, how Russia and China came about.


Ieong Nathan
British empire?


Martin Baines
Actually most of the “overseas” empires of European powers were not built like this. They were certainly about exploiting the territories, but not in a slash and burn way. They were about creating a bigger economy whether by settlement or trade with puppet rulers, and hence relatively sustainable.
That’s not to pretend they were somehow benign towards the conquered areas and people, just that this sort of Ponzi funding was not how they worked.


Alex Marquès
The treatment of native populations was not uniform. Rather than stereotypes and propaganda we could see wether the native peoples survived in significant numbers or not, if those who did survive were allowed to live freely or put in reservations, if their cultures and languages were respected or if there was a politically conscious attempt to restrict any trace of their civilization to museums and tourist shows. Also, whether or not the colonisers and the colonised mixed and intermarried despite the racism they suffered or if that racism was so overwhelming that no significant mixing took place in the first place.
You may also find that the independent countries after colonial times were oftentimes much harsher than the colonial status quo that preceded them. This happened in both English and Spanish North America. However, it’s always the offspring of Empire, the same people with the same ideology adapting to new circumstances.


Martin Baines
It’s certainly true that the independent successor states often behaved worse that when part of the old country. The USA treated native Americans worse than the British and French colonies to the north (that eventually became Canada) did. Not to say Canada and its predecessor colonies were perfect either of course, just not as bad as south of the border.
The other thing that often gets forgotten is that none of the empires was the same over time. The early British and Dutch empires in Asia were almost accidental empires with trading companies becoming more powerful than states and effectively ruling vast areas through complex webs of trade, patronage, alliances and simple conquest (but in the name of trade rather than ideology) which was very different from what they became once those trading companies were nationalised (to use a modern term), but also vastly different from the empires in the Americas and later Africa.


Luke Hatherton
The Dutch and British East Indian companies were noted for their cruelty and callousness towards the natives, and once nationalized, relations began to improve. It took awhile, though. For example, in Company-ruled India, famines were notoriously bad. Under the British Raj, the famines continued, but due to reforms, after about 40 years famine was brought under control.


Charles Monia
Does the Belgian Congo fit that model?


Arani Das
That was personal property, not exactly a colonial land.


Luke Hatherton
Congo Free State, 1885–1908, was the personal property of Leopold and where the genocide happened. The Belgian Congo was the name it received after the Belgian government seized it from Leopold after reports of what was happening there reached Europe.
The expose started when one journalist noticed how vast resources were being deposited at Belgian docks and only chains were being sent back…


Arani Das
Ah, semantics… I like how they called it “free state".

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Luke Hatherton
Modern politics is all about misleading or ironically titled names. All the way back to the French Revolution and the Committee of Public Safety, which was responsible for the Terror


W Baggette
Nazi Germany, too. Nothing about that, in any way, was "sustainable." Just a huge scam that hurt (and killed) many people.


Ed Leeper
I don’t know about that W.B.,, If Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbor,, would we have been as quick to go to war in Europe? And had we delayed a year,, Europe would be vastly different than it is, today. History turns on very fine points and who’s to say things wouldn’t have been far different had our POTUS, at the time, favored Hitler?


Tilman Ahr
Well, no. Great Britain wasn't about to fall, the Soviet unx wasn't about to surrender…
Without direct US involvement, the war in Europe would have been longer, and bloodier. Potentially quite a bit longer and a lot bloodier.But there really wasn't a way for Nazi Germany to win by that point.


Ed Leeper
I don’t know that I agree, Tilman. Thankfully, we weren’t forced to find out which way it would have gone. My point was, and is, that Europe would be much different than it is. If more of the “powers that were” had agreed with Lindbergh or even Ford, we might have ended up on the opposite side.


Billy Bremner
The likelihood is most of the continent would have ended up speaking Russian not German.


Michael Jørgensen
So, we could repeat this procedure and “Make Sweden Great Again” :-D

所以,我们可以重复这个步骤,"让瑞典再次伟大" :-D
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paddy Murray
…but Swedish dominance in the Baltic continued well beyond the death of Gustavus, which suggests, at worst, that this “Ponzi Scheme” was either sustainable for close to a century, or was in reality based on secular attributes of the Swedish kingdom and army which didn’t actually rely on robbing new people to pay off old ones.


Mordi Avigdor
It´s a brilliant, but not totally original scheme. Muhammad ibn Abu ‘Amir (b. ca 938-d 1002), better known by his honorific title al-Mansur (meaning “the Victorious, the powerful vizier of the Córdoba Umayyad kingdom, played it with dramatic, but totally unanticipated consequences. al-Mansur is best remembered for the numerous, devastating raids (razzias) –some 57 in all– directed against the Christian north. He swept across Christian lands, from Barcelona (985) to Coimbra (987); he attacked León and Zamora (988), and numerous smaller places. The high point was the raid on Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) in 997, in which the town was razed, the church destroyed and its bells taken to Córdoba –on the backs of prisoners-of-war– to be used as lamps in the Great Mosque. All that remained apparently was the tomb of Santiago which was spared because it was a holy place, and because al-Mansur was impressed by the courage of an old priest who refused to abandon it.
The fact that in many instances churches and monasteries were the victims of the expeditions probably has less to do with religion than it does with the riches they contained; the Church very simply was probably the wealthiest institution around.
Under al-Mansur´s leadership, al-Andalus reached the pinnacle of its power, with its influence stretching from the Pyrenees well into North Africa.
However, one should not assume that these raids were inspired solely by religious zeal. They were also a practical source of booty and served as an important incentive, especially to the mercenaries, with promises of wealth, slaves, livestock etc. al-Mansur recruited mercenaries, especially Berbers from the Maghreb –and even Christian soldiers– to provide the manpower that the raids required.
Al-Mansur’s death in 1002 when returning from a successful expedition in the Rioja area effectively marks the end of Córdoba. His older son, Abd al-Malik, succeeded to the same authority but died in 1008, possible assassinated. After them, there was nobody left who could play the dangerous game of hiring Berbers mercenaries and use them to pay their own salaries. The Berbers mercenaries eventually rebelled and al-Andalus fell in a political and military anarchy that ended with the collapse of the nearly two-century old Umayyads dynasty in 1031 and its total effacement from history.
The small Muslim kingdoms – taifas – that resulted from the dissolution of the Córdoba kingdom were no match for the Christian polities and Islam was doomed in Spain.

这(古斯塔夫的)是一个出色的,但并非完全原创的计划。穆罕默德-伊本-阿布-阿米尔(Muhammad ibn Abu 'Amir,约生于938年-1002年),以其荣誉称号al-Mansur(曼苏尔,意为"胜利者",科尔多瓦倭马亚王国强大的宰相)而闻名,他的行动具有戏剧性,并且难以预料后果。曼苏尔最令人难忘的是对基督教北部的众多破坏性袭击(razzias),总共有57次。他横扫了基督教的土地,从巴塞罗那(985年)到科英布拉(987年);他袭击了莱昂和萨莫拉(988年),以及许多小地方。最高潮是997年对圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉(加利西亚)的袭击,在这次袭击中,该镇被夷为平地,教堂被毁,其钟被带到科尔多瓦--放在战俘的背上--用作大清真寺的灯。剩下的显然只有圣地亚哥的坟墓,因为它是一个圣地,而且曼苏尔被一位拒绝放弃守护它的老牧师的勇气所打动,所以得以幸免。

André Gomes
“Use berbers to pay their own salaries"
Capitalism in a nutshell. That man was an entrepeneur.


Luke Hatherton
A history prof someone I know had once joked that Sweden pretended to be a Great Power so hard that it managed to convince the rest of Europe.


Howell Caton
Very clever, building a Ponzi scheme among people, knowing that a large number of them will not live to collect.


Sweden became rich by robbing.
the payroll etc are just details.


Margery Caroline Whittle
Brilliant. Can you tell me- I know someone called Gustavo Adolfo but he is Nicaraguan. Why?


Curro B
he bears the name of a Spanish poet named in honour of the Swedish conqueror.


Bill Johnson
And don’t forget that Sweden settled the New World in 1638 with it s colony, New Sweden ,in the Delaware River Valley. My ancestors arrived in 1644.


Thomas Månsson
I think you simplyfied the situation during the thirty years war. It was a war between katolic and protestant. However, pragmatic it was a war about trade and the dominante trade unx for 150 years or so was the Hansa. Denmark and Sweden gained help from the Duch to trade in the Baltic. That pissed the Bömian emperor off (katolic) so he tryed to for Naval superior in the Baltic and help the Hansa wich was in decline. By doing so, he unfortually manage to unite Denmark and Sweden in a join action to beat his Naval forces in the Northern Germany. That lead to the treaty of Stralsund and the Danes was Happy about that and was out of the war. Sweden however get payed from France to continuie to fight and they do so. Later in the war France joined Sweden becourse Spain interviend and almost run over France. So the fight go on and on and no Peace where to find due to the fact that all nations involved could not pay their armys if a treaty where in in fact. When that finally happend in Westfalia 1648 most of central Europe was in ruin. However the sneaky Swede attac Prag after the treaty and plunder the city before they went back home. The Silver Bible was stolen then.
Codex Argenteus - Wikipedia

阿根泰斯法典 - 维基百科

Asacit Saydam
You are doing great injustice to King Charles XII by not giving the credit that he deserves. His bravery was legendary. With a smaller army, he defeated the Peter the Great’s armies a number of times and chased them across the plains until he was finally defeated at Poltava by a much bigger Russian army. If he was not so ambitious, Sweden could hang on to some of her gains south of the Baltic. Let’s call it a lapse of judgement.


Andreas Svensson
, lives in Sweden (1995-present)
Martin Cohen
, Student of economic history and history of technology
Sweden's Stormaktstid (Era of Great Power), which began with the crowning of Gustavus Adolphus in 1611 and ended with the loss of the Great Northern War in 1721, was the result of several Swedish monarchs being brilliant military strategists.
Gustavus Adolphus, who is sometimes credited as the father of modern warfare, brought several strategic ideas which at the time where in their infancy to the forefront — most notably the tactic of combined arms. While Europe largely still utilized regiments separated by unit types — cavalry being pure cavalry, infantry being pure infantry, and so on — Gustavus Adolphus supplemented his cavalry with musketeer support and his infantry with cannoneer support, which proved so successful that it made the tactic of combined arms into a must across Europe, and from there it has remained the dominant tactic of warfare to this day. It is said that if you brought Gustavus Adolphus back to life and dropped him off on the frontlines of World War 1, he would have a fundamental understanding of the tactics being used.
Gustavus Adolphus would bring Sweden into the 30 years war, the major war between the Catholics and Protestants of the Holy Roman Empire, and nearby nations that likewise involved themselves. Despite Sweden not fielding a particular huge army, Gustavus Adolphus would through his strategic brilliance bring the losing protestant side to a position where a peace could be signed where Protestants would be allowed to remain Protestant, known as the Peace of Westphalia, bringing an end to Catholic dominance of the Christian faith in central Europe.
The tactics of Gustavus Adolphus would remain the default for Sweden after his death for several monarchs until we reach father and son Charles XI and Charles XII, who would further revolutionize Swedish warfare, bringing the Swedish Empire to its peak, but also cause the end of Sweden's Stormaktstid.
Under Charles XI, and later solidified by Charles XII, Sweden would field an army known as the Carolean Army. The Caroleans were, by design, a small army to minimize manpower costs, were heavily disciplined, and utilized shock tactics; overwhelming and terrifying their enemies into retreat; a strategy known as Gå-På (Go-On).
Gå-På had the Caroleans walk calmly, braving musketeer fire upon them, until they “could see the whites in the enemies eyes", after which musketeers would line up to fire, followed by portions of the musketeer regiment drawing their swords and charging, more musketeer fire followed by more charging until the entire regiment had charged, after which the rest of the force would join the charge — notably with heavy use of pikes and rapiers, both used offensively. Charles XII would embed himself into the front of this main charge, surrounded by the elites of the elites of the Carolean army — some of the most disciplined, trained and experienced soldiers in the world at that time.
This tactic was so brutally effective that Sweden could make armies several times larger than the Carolean army retreat out of absolute terror. It perfectly sent the message of “We're not scared. Flee or die.”.
Then come the Great Northern War. Russia, in a coalition with Denmark-Norway and Saxony-Poland-Lithuania declared war upon Sweden. Sweden now fighting a 1v3 (or 1v6, arguably) war, although other nations would intervene on both sides periodically. Sweden quickly routed Denmark-Norway and peaced them out of the war, then decimated the Saxony-Poland-Lithuanian army before going on a campaign through Poland to install a puppet king. Then it was time for Russia.
The Caroleans served a decisive victory over the Russian army, causing it to go into retreat into the Russian mainland. Russia at this point offered peace, but this was rejected by Charles XII who wanted to completely destroy Russia for declaring the war. The Russians would scorch the earth behind them, utterly destroying the supply of the Carolean army, yet Charles XII refused to stop giving chase. And this single decision would cause the end of Stormaktstiden.
The Carolean army, becoming severely undersupplied and overextended, would be met by a fresh Russian force coming from the Ukraine, and was utterly defeated, having to retreat to Ottoman territory.
Denmark-Norway and Saxony-Poland-Lithuania would rejoin the war in response to this, and Sweden couldn't recover. Charles XII would return with the remaining forces he had to Sweden in attempt to salvage the war effectively by redoing everything, however his decision to negotiate an alliance with the British Jacobite party would cause Great Britain to join the war against Sweden.
In the preparations of a siege of Fredriksten, Norway, in 1718 Charles XII would be shot in the neck by a Norwegian soldier, from which he died, after which Sweden would immediately retreat and the war was, effectively, over.
Karl XII:s Likfärd (roughly, Charles XII's corpse's travel), Gustav Cederström 1878.
For three years Sweden would try its best to return to a position where they could sign a peace without territorial changes, to no avail. Sweden would in 1718 and 1719 accept peace deals with Great Britain and Brandenburg-Prussia (who joined the war, by the way), ceding Sweden's German lands to Brandenburg-Prussia and Hanover, and in 1721 would cede its Baltic lands to Russia, reducing Sweden to its modern borders plus Finland.
You'll have to excuse me for omitting a lot and simplifying even more when it comes to the Great Northern War; it was an absolute mess and countries joined and left the war left and right. Great Britain even fought on both sides of the war. It's simply impossible to accurately detail the war without effectively writing seven Wikipedia articles.
I also simplified the Caroleans, as a significant part of their strength came from specific formations, but i simply do not know how to detail formations.
Edit: i had mistakingly written that Russia annexed Finland in the Great Northern War, which is just false. That occured in 1809 after the Finnish War.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Karl XII:s Likfärd(大概是指查理十二世的尸体的运送),古斯塔夫-塞德斯特伦1878年作。

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