2021-12-09 兰陵笑笑生 16763

How did Spain manage to overcome both the Aztec and Inca Empires with less than a thousand soldiers, and then successfully suppress any revolts?


Anthony M Anderson
, Interested and loves spain
This is really an interesting question to answer!!
Spain had advanced weapons such as swords and guns while as for the aztecs and the incas, their weapons were made out of wood. The Spanish Conquistadors did encounter strong resistance from the aztecs in 1521 but on august 1521, they managed to defeat the aztecs.
Spain did get support from native american tribes who were hostile towards the aztecs cause they felt oppressed and thus spanish allied native americans played a role in defeating the aztecs at the battle of tenochtitlan.
As for the inca empire, 168 spaniards did get support from the inca population, native american tribes mostly who fought against atahualpa during the inca civil war as well as pro inca spaniards especially those part of the incan royalty like manco. The spaniards managed to defeat the incas using advanced weapons which overwhelmed the inca forces.
By 1533, the inca empire was defeated however the remnant of the inca empire '’neo inca state'' managed to survive as a spanish vassal. Despite that, most sapa incas resisted against spanish reign. The neo state continued to be a spanish vassal until tupac amaru I in 1571 resisted spanish rule and thus the neo inca state ceased to exist in 1572 with the capture and execution of tupãc amaru I.
Don't forget that francisco pizarro in the inca empire managed to capture atahualpa in 1533.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eduardo Marqués Collado
, Read lots of books, made my own conclussions
Thanks to several different factors:
First, the Spanish didn’t go into the fight alone. The small conquistador expeditionary force received critical support from dozens of American Native tribes, chiefly Totonacas and Tlaxcaltecas, which allied with Cortés and other conquistadors, supplying them with huge amounts of soldiers and resources. Forget about muskets, diplomacy was the most effective weapon, as it gave the conquistadores the numbers they needed. The Spanish empire recognized the native’s contribution in the war effort and let their allied tribes have their own independent nations, fiefdoms and city-states (repúblicas de indios), granted by officially recognized treaties that Spain, unlike other European nations, uphold. Centuries later, when latin american nations fought for their independence, many allied native american tribes sided with the Spanish crown. Needless to say, that inconvenient, messy part of history was swept under a rug in order to make way for neat nationalistic narratives where everyone inside the newborn nation’s borders fought on the same side.
Divide et impera. Both the Aztec and the Inca empire had a lot of native enemies and century-old grudges that Spain successfully exploited. Discard the false “native americans against Europeans” modern tale. Neither native americans nor Europeans are a monolith, nor felt any kind of kinship between their peers. Spain, like any other empire, used the divisions of her enemies. The Aztecs were hated by other American natives thanks to their blood sacrifices. The Inca were hated by… well, the incas, since they were in the middle of a civil war. And so on.
European illnesses did play a pivotal role, but not during the initial conquest, which only had the “usual” plages associated to war and famine, but rather on its aftermath. Like any biologist can tell you, illnesses don’t travel fast when you don’t have fast transportation networks, and they do need time (years, even) in order to kill their hosts, they are not an instantaneous virus bomb. However, its long term effects were indeed devastating, and led to sustained demographic collapse.
Spanish armies had some of the most advanced combat doctrines of their time, and tons of combat experience from the reconquista. Note how Spain was the first European nation to organize a professional army as well. While cannons and gunpowder are hard to ship over an ocean, warfare prowess can be kept intact inside the soldier’s heads. And many conquistadores already had an extensive “frontier mentality”. For them, the Americas presented a familiar extension of the same dynamics that they found on the Iberian peninsula.
And finally, there were indeed, many rebellions against the Spanish rule, as it was to be expected of any invading power, specially during the initial years of the conquest. Aztecs, Incas and Araucans revolted against Spain with varying degrees of success. However, long term dominance over the American territories was achieved thanks to several policies: Co-opting the American native leaders, which became part of the Spanish imperial ruling class (Spain got its first Native American general just 30 years after the fall of Cuzco), allowing the free mixing of races at every social level (the process known as mestizaje), religious conversion which heavily tilted towards syncretism (note how the inquisition was banned from persecuting native americans in order to not add additional religious tensions), and the first native american anti-discrimination laws, which despite of being systematically ignored by conquistadores and landowners, were centuries ahead of their time. The deliberate effort at making the natives an active part of the imperial project had as a result +300 years of control over the Americas. A quite effective policy, if you ask me.


Mithur Sheridan
, lives in Madrid, Spain
Those empires where quite bloody, and a bit like rome, they worked only through oppression of outside tribes.
The Spanish conquerors, though very few, were incredibly powerful, due to their tech and their war tactics. They were a coalescing point for all the outside tribes, and they made, freely and happily, pacts with them.
For the Conquerors, the tribal kingdoms were just kingdoms. They did pretty much the same that did a century before in Naples and Sicily, or a few decades before in the south of Spain, or a few years after in Flanders: they made pacts when they could, using the means they had (including political marriages with natives), they fought, they killed, they tricked and they conquered.
For them there wasn’t any difference between a Inca princess and the daughter of the king of Alsacia.
Hell, one of the first governors of Peru was mixed. Nobody gave a shit, except for the natives, who were governed by one of theirs.
If you ask how come that UK defeated Germany in WWII? Well, they made a lot of alliances, and while they played an important part, they weren’t even the bigger player, even if at the end they looked like they were. The Spanish in America were pretty much the same.


Luis Ángel Soto Tenorio
, English teacher
For some reason you have only counted Spanish soldiers, while it was actually native soldiers who supported the Spaniards and fought with them against the Incas. Take the case of the Cañari he the Huanca, just two mention two nations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thomas Musselman
Natives had no immunity to disease, and in an era before knowledge of virus and bacterium the deaths demoralized people even more than seeing death now does: it looked like the gods viewed the Spanish as chosen since they died less often. See “Guns, Germs and Steel” for the overall explanation: men on horseback with steel blades were superior in battle.
Amerindians were also not united. While the Spanish were not completely united, launching unapproved operations, the locals with the most organized power also were imperialists that had left many enemies happy to team up with the Spanish to overthrow their previous oppressors. If the Indians had united they could have overwhelmed the Spanish but they did not so unite nor consistently and for a long enough time. Seeing a new power in place at first was little different since the Spanish took over previous overlord positions. the Spanish after all mostly were not killing you if you didn’t resist, compared to the Aztecs happy to cut out your heart even if your tribe was pacified.


Cameron Walker
, Adjunct Professor
Prior to actual contact, diseases such as Smallpox. Measles, and Influenza was devastating indigenous populations all over the Americas. This seriously weakened them, but the Spanish also had the advantages of guns, steel swords, and war horses (never seen before in the Americas). The Spanish were able to gain allies among the enemies of the Aztecs, which increased their fighting forces in the tens of thousands. Finally, the Spanish were a tight-knit fighting force, while the Aztecs had only a layer of professional warriors overseeing an army made up mostly of farmers. Once they killed the leaders, the army was much less effectual. The Aztecs also practiced a ritualized form of warfare with the ultimate goal to capture as many high-ranking warriors as possible to take back for sacrifice. The Spanish strategy was to destroy and kill as many of the enemy as possible. Once the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, they began to declare the indigenous beliefs and practices as illegal and began the forced conversion to Christianity.


Hunter Eden
, Writer
Thanks for the A2A.
Spain had the deadliest ally in the world on its side: smallpox.
The Aztecs defeated the Spanish, nearly slaughtering them when they finally rose up against Cortes’s puppet regime. If it hadn’t been for the deadly smallpox epidemic that struck Tenochtitlan after that, Mexico could very well still be speaking Nahuatl. When Pizarro got to Peru, the Incans were exhausted from a civil war provoked by a succession struggle between Atahualpa and his brother Huascar—the result of their father Huayna Capac’s sudden death from smallpox.
Also, the Spanish made good alliances. Cortes managed to (fairly ingeniously, though I don’t like the bastard) utilize resentment of the Aztecs among other groups in Mexico (especially powerful states like the Totonacs and Tlaxcaltecs) to his advantage. Conquistadors in Peru managed a similar diplomatic coup, though it was more drawn out.


Tomaž Vargazon
, Practicing atheist
Christian Desaix
, PhD History, Louisiana State University
A key factor was that neither Inca nor Aztecs were long-running established empires. Both entites only became empires in living memory.
Aztec empire began as an alliance between Mexica peoples in 1428 C.E. and went on a spree to subdue their neighbors. Most lands were brought under their empire only ten or twenty years before the Conquistadors came to the region.
The Aztecs were not adored by their subjects. You can only take a mans’ child away to be tortured and sacrificed to your gods so many times before he will seek out ways to stop you. Conquistadores provided the subjugated peopels of Mexico that option and they rallied to the Conquistador cause.
History says Aztec empire was defeated by Cortes and his 3000 men, but they also had approximately 100,000 native allies to counter the 100,000 or so Aztec warriors. Aztec empire would not have fallen to the Spanish without those allies.
The Inca Empire has a similar story, it was established about ten years after the empire of the Aztecs, wrecked by internal strife and plagues brought over by Europeans. The Inca nobility saw the Spanish as the lesser evil and welcomed them as their new rulers, after they had deposed of their political enemies.
Plagues helped too, but Latin American empires weren’t so much conquered by the Spanish as they were liberated from their rulers, who were in turn replaced by the Spanish. For quite a while the Spanis were seen as liberators, or at least the lesser evil compared to the myriad of domestic rulers. By the time attitudes could shift the European plagues combined with colonization already ensured resistance was futile and the natives would become colonial Spanish, their cultural diversity added to the Empire on whom the Sun would never set.


Levtraru Kallfülikan
Actually, everyone in Mesoamerica practiced sacrifices and the Spanish were not seen as liberators from evil rulers. The Aztec empire was just so hands off and didn't interfere with it's subject cities and towns that they still viewed themselves and essentially were still indepedent city-states with their own goals and amibitions. The Spaniards were actually used by the Tlaxcalans and other peoples, who wanted to steal from the Aztecs so that their own nations could thrive. That’s why the Spaniards HAD to give them countless benefits after begging them to join the Spanish empire. In the battle of Tenochtitlan, the Spanish only managed to outnumber the starving Aztecs because smallpox killed up to half of the city’s population, which led to many states joining the Tlaxcalans out of fear. What led to racial and ethnic stratification in most of Spain’s American “empire” were diseases and their role on Amerindian populations.
The Incan empire was a real, centralized empire and not similar to the Triple Alliance at all like you claim. In the Incan empire, the Spanish worked for the elites and were not welcomed as rulers. Their major accomplishment was the capture of Atahuallpa, (A noble and not an emperor, ruler or claimant to the throne like a lot of deceiving sources claim) which was planned by the elites to free the cruel Emperor Huascar and involved the killing of thousands of innocent, unarmed citizens instead of soldiers. Atahualpa killed Huascar as soon as he was captured, which obviously placed Huascar’s family in power rather than the Spaniards. The capture of Atahualpa did not give the Spanish any sort of authority over the empire and at no point did the Incan elites see the Catholics as the lesser evil.
From 1532 to 1537, there were only 9,000 Spanish Conquistadors in the Tawantinsuyu and they were only auxiliaries/mercenaries of the Incan elites. They gained status and wealth (Not authority) by providing cavalry, artillery, technology, Mesoamerican forces and Afican slaves (Of which 1,000 were labeled Negros de Guerra as they had vast military experience) to the Huascarist faction in their war against the smaller Incan faction. Even with the 15,000+ Mesoamerican soldiers that arrived in the Andes, the Spanish were vastly outnumbered, had their armies led by Incan generals many times and tried to run away when things got too violent for them. The Spanish Church only began co-ruling some parts of the Andes alongside the Incas in 1537, after the rebel Manco Inca destroyed the empire in his war against his own brothers.
Manco Inca was stopped, (by the Huascarist Incan faction, not by the Spanish. We actually have letters from Francisco Pizarro and other conquistadors crying for help and trying to escape during that period) but the capital city was still obliterated, the vast majority of ethnic claimants to the throne were dead and the empire collapsed, which led to a lot of vassal states gaining complete autonomy. Francisco Pizarro, who never lived in a palace, was killed by other Spaniards in 1541 and the Viceroyalty was later established with the approval of their Incan allies (who still practiced all kinds of idolatry) only because the Incas would remain as aristocracy, above most Spaniards. The Spanish weren’t really rulers in the complete sense of the word before the 17h and 18th centuries. They “allowed” Incan males to marry Spanish ladies, etc and, while there were some changes, such as the Sapa Inca being replaced by the Viceroy, the Viceroy’s authority stilll didn’t reach 25% of what used to be the Tawantinsuyu by the 1580s.

从1532年到1537年,只有9000名西班牙征服者在塔万廷苏尤,他们只是印加精英们的辅助人员/雇佣兵。他们通过提供骑兵、大炮、技术、中美洲部队和非洲奴隶(其中1000人被称为Negros de Guerra,因为他们有丰富的军事经验),在华斯喀特派与较小的印加派的战争中获得了地位和财富(不是权威)。即使有15000多名中美洲士兵抵达安第斯山脉,西班牙人的人数也远远不及印加,他们的军队多次被印加人的将军所领导,当战事变得太过激烈时,他们还曾试图逃跑。西班牙教会直到1537年才开始与印加人一起共同统治安第斯山脉的一些地区,而在此之前,叛军曼科-印加在与自己兄弟的战争中已经摧毁了这个帝国。

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