2021-12-10 魏晋余孽 26880

Why did Germany and Japan surrender to the U.S. instead of to the Soviet unx at the conclusion of World War II? What would have happened if they surrendered to the USSR?


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Matt Finkel
How about you stop being a self absorbed Yank philistine and go read a book or a documentary on YouTube about WW2 rather than asking a stupid question formulated solely on your nation’s self important arrogance which is etched deep in you brain. Oh and btw you Yanks didn't win the war either, it was a group effort and you jerks didn't join in until it was nearly half way over.


Wes Frank
, Masters in American History from Northwestern University
Ralston Heath
, lives in The United States of America (1958-present)
Neither Germany or Japan surrendered to the “U.S.” in 1945. They surrendered to the Alliance of United Nations, Germany in May, Japan in August. Germany made repeated attempts to surrender to the Western Allies but all such offers were refused. The United States and Great Britain were determined to keep their agreements with the Soviets, dating back to 1942, on not offering Germany any separate peace agreement.
The German military expected, with considerable justification, that they would be more likely to survive captivity if they surrendered to the British or Americans and would be treated more humanely. The Russian-German war had been a war of unspeakable cruelty and brutality and the Germans assumed that the Russians would be cruel and brutal in their treatment of German prisoners. They were correct. 2.8 million Germans were taken by the Soviet unx and used as slave laborers for five years or more. Three hundred thousand died in captivity.
The Japanese considered the Russians to be barbarians and also assumed that the Western Allies would give them better treatment as victors and occupiers. This was also a correct assessment. The Russians took a half million Japanese prisoners in Manchuria in 1945 and used them as slave laborers. Some did not return to Japan until 1952. Sixty thousand did not return at all.


Shakir Bakari Williams
Actually, the number of German pows who died in the Soviet unx is a lot higher than 300,000. That number comes from Soviet sources, which have often been unreliable. According to the German Red Cross, 1.4 million German pows are “officially” listed as missing. At list 85,000 of the 150,000 German pows taken at Bagration were shot on the way to gulags. Moreover, historian William Nimro contends that over 300,000 Japanese pows died at the hands of the Soviets.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tom Williams
On May 7, 1945, the German High Command, in the person of General Alfred Jodl, signs the unconditional surrender of all German forces, East and West, at Reims, in northeastern France.
At first, General Jodl hoped to limit the terms of German surrender to only those forces still fighting the Western Allies. But General Dwight Eisenhower demanded complete surrender of all German forces, those fighting in the East as well as in the West. If this demand was not met, Eisenhower was prepared to seal off the Western front, preventing Germans from fleeing to the West in order to surrender, thereby leaving them in the hands of the enveloping Soviet forces. Jodl radioed Grand Admiral Karl Donitz, Hitler’s successor, with the terms. Donitz ordered him to sign.


Chad Mysliviec
Why would Japan surrender to the Soviets? It was America that crushed the Japanese Empire. The Soviets only fought the japs for an extremely short period, and contributed nothing to the defeat of Japan. It was all the US. People will complain and say other countries helped America fight Japan. That’s true, but only in very small numbers and again, they had no impact on the outcome of the war whatsoever.


William John Pelletier
The main opponents in Europe were Germany and Britain. Germany surrendered to it's major opponents because terms were more tolerant. The USSR would have seized the ground they conquered and subjected the people to the worst they had known.
Japan declared war upon USA and America dropped the Bomb upon that country. The principal country taking its surrender would only be America with all other countries after them.


Gary Ritholz
Japan surrendered to the US because the Russians were poised to invade. If the Russians had invaded they would have ended the the imperial dynasty


Profile photo for Peter Pehrson
Peter Pehrson
The US had little involvement in WW2, although they like to think the opposite.


Das Dritte Reich
Henry Hrebien
, Years of Standing Still While the Film Played (1956-present)
Oh but they did, they did, they did.
Actually there were two surrenders of Germany. The first occurred on the 7th of May, 1945, before delegations of both the Americans and the British in a red brick schoolhouse in Rheims, France. The instrument of surrender was signed by Alfred Jodl and other representatives of the German armed forces at 02:41 in the morning, Central European Time, and was to take effect by 11:00 pm on the 8th of May 1945.
A second surrender occurred in the Karlshorst district of Berlin on the evening of 8th of May 1945 before the Soviet delegation. This time, the text of the surrender was the accepted definitive one and was signed by Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel and other signatories representing the German armed forces.
So, it was not just a surrender to the U.S. alone, it was two surrenders and to the principal Allies, the Big Three. A widening gulf that was morphing into what would become the Cold War was already manifesting itself between the Soviets and the Western Allies, which is why there were two surrenders.
Joe Stalin took offence to the surrender being accomplished in the West without a Soviet presence there. Well, he had a point. The Soviet unx had grievously suffered an invasion and a devastating war conducted on its territory both against the civilian population and the Red Army. Stalin felt that a proper surrender must occur between the Fascist beasts and the Red Army and in the Reich capital of Berlin, the locale of all the Hitlerite plans of conquest. So, that’s why the Karlshorst surrender happened.


The Soviet declaration of war against Japan came on the 8th/9th of August, 1945 when the Soviets invaded Manchuria by way of attacking the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo headed by the former emperor of China, Pu Yi and Korea and took the Japanese by complete surprise. The defeat of the Japanese Kwantung army was rapid and devastating. The Red Army managed to capture Pu Yi and took him prisoner.
The invasion and the rapid advances of the Red Army prompted the Japanese Emperor Hirohito to issue the Gyokuon-hōsō, a prerecorded message for radio broadcast informing the Japanese that the Imperial Government of Japan had accepted the terms of unconditional surrender as outlined in the Potsdam Declaration of July 26th, of 1945. The Soviet unx was a signatory to that Declaration. There had been several days delay due to behind the scenes negotiations and a failed coup attempt to prevent the Emperor’s radio broadcast The Emperor’s message was finally broadcast on the 15th of August, 1945.
For the Japanese hearing it, it was confusing. The idea of surrender was unthinkable in their minds and the Emperor spoke in a formal and in an archaic language style, did not mention the word surrender, and the recording was poor and crackly, people were not exactly sure what he said or what the Emperor’s broadcast meant.
Because of this confusion, the Japanese cessation of hostilities was not immediate. There was a significant lack of coordinated communication in passing on the orders for a ceasefire between the Imperial Japanese Army HQ and officers of the Kwantung army in the field. Officers either did not understand it or simply ignored it, and so pockets of hostilities still went on. Despite the isolated resistance in some parts, the Soviets made huge gains in territorial conquest. They made short shrift of Mongolia and agreed to occupy North Korea while allowing the Americans to occupy the south as their zone with the demarcation occurring at the 38th parallel.
The long held view is that the atomic bombings by the Americans of Hiroshima on the 6th of August, 1945 and of Nagasaki on the 9th of August, 1945, are the events that led to the Japanese surrender.

1945年8月8 /9日,苏联对日宣战,苏联入侵满洲,袭击了以中国前皇帝溥仪和朝鲜为首的日本伪满洲国,让日本人大吃一惊。日本关东军的失败是迅速和毁灭性的。红军设法抓住了溥仪并把他俘虏了。

But that narrative has in recent years been debated and disputed by an American military historian, Richard. B. Frank, as not the full and true picture of what led to the Japanese surrender.
He, and American Japanese historian, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa in his research, both men assert that Japan was already seeing its situation as hopeless before the bombings and was tottering on the brink of surrendering anyway.
But it was the Soviet invasion that made it abundantly clear that Imperial Japan had no more options left. The strategy of the Imperial Japanese Army was to concentrate their forces in central Japan to fend off an anticipated American invasion of the homeland from the south.
But now, with the Red Army engaging their forces in Manchukuo and Manchuria, there were no more spare troops to deploy for this defense strategy nor to meet the threat from the Soviets in the north. And with the Soviets now as a belligerent in conflict with them, that fact shot down what hopes there had been for a negotiated surrender to the Americans by using the Soviets as intermediaries.
The occupation of Japan as led by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), General Douglas MacArthur, began on August 28th, 1945.
The formal surrender did not happen until the 2nd of September, 1945 when dignitaries from the Emperor signed the instrument of surrender to the Americans aboard the USS Missouri.
Despite the surrender call, there was still some renegade Japanese forces in far flung parts of Southeast Asia that refused to surrender.
The Treaty of San Francisco signed on April 28th, 1952, formally reestablished peaceful relations between Japan and the Allied Powers on behalf of the United Nations.
The state of war between Japan and the Soviet unx did not formally end until the signing of the Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956, signed by both countries on October 19th, 1956, reestablishing diplomatic relations.
So, Japan ended up surrendering twice as well, to both the Americans and the Soviets.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Allen Edwards
, Interested in WW2
The Germans surrendered to all three of the allied powers, The agreement between the allied powers was not to accept a separate peace deal with Nazi Germany. The British and the Americans refused to accept Germany’s first offer of surrender because it didn’t include the Soviet unx.


Peter Lewerin
, Algorithmician, history buff, non-practicing hedonist.
Germany surrendered to USA, UK, France, and USSR. After signing on May 8, it was discovered the Soviet representative did not have proper authorization, and the document signed was found to have some errors. So Germany surrendered again to the same countries, with a new Soviet representative. This is why most countries remember VE day on May 8, but Post-Soviet countries remember May 9.
Japan surrendered to the United States, the Republic of China, the United Kingdom, the unx of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of Canada, the Provisional Government of the French Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Dominion of New Zealand.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Andrew Wiltshire
, History buff and mystery buff
The Japanese surrender on USS Missouri was signed by military representatives of ALL allied countries fighting in the Pacific theatre of war, not just the USA and Japan.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
, cyclist, farmer, teacher, a lifetime of study, 50 yr married
Was the US actually involved in the war against Germany? I thought that it was Britain that declared war on Nazi aggression in Europe and the US named Hitler as man of the year.
Then claimed that the war was simply a “European conflict” while avoiding being involved.
But to get to the war itself, ask yourself how many Russians died compared to the numbers of personnel from Britain or France or the US. You would understand the hatred that the Russians had for Germany and their desire to seek vengeance.
Just as the USA did in using atomic bombs on two cities in Japan.
No German would want to fall into the hands of people who had such a desire for vengeance.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Timothy Paulino
The Germans kinda surrendered to the Allies in Berlin as a whole. The main Allied Nations had representatives there, but the surrender was to Soviet General Zhukov. The Soviets were the ones who controlled Berlin and also fought the bulk of the Nazi military.
The same way the Americans accepted the surrender of the Japanese in the Pacific.
There was a preference to surrender to the Western Allies due to stories of cruelty, neglect, abuse in Soviet POW camps. So there are stories of Wehrmacht units evading encirclement by the Soviets to surrender to the Americans.
Also there is speculation that one of the reasons Japan surrendered was because the Soviets were advancing into Manchuria. The writing was already on the wall for the Japanese and allowing the Americans to control post war Japan was more ideal than a split Soviet-American situation. Similar to what Germany and the Korean Peninsula had post war.


Tony’s Think Tank
Richard Morris
, former Database Analyst at Microsoft (2000-2017)
Japan surrendered to the USA because Japan was at war with the USA and attacked Hawaii. The USA dropped two atomic bombs in Japan and this lead to the surrender.
as for Germany , the surrender we for the allied forces. The allies were a combined force from several nations. Both the USA and the Russians were fighting the Germans as allies.


Global Politics
Allan Kay
, former & Current Ardent Geopolitical Observer
There were two English speaking countries compared to one Russian speaking. Therefore majority wins.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Terry Douglas
When the German high command surrendered to the Americans or British they were transported to the Soviet Command post and they surrendered again.


on Diplomacy & Warfare
Richard Davis
, Design Engineer
As far as Germany goes, they surrendered overall to the allied forces which included the USSR.
If you are talking the fall of Berlin, they preferred surrendering as individuals to the US side as their chances of starting alive were far better. Germany has just finished looting, raping, and murdering Russian civilians in the invasion of the USSR. In return, the Russian soldiers where doing the same to the Germans as they rushed towards Berlin.
As far as Japan goes, again the surrendered to the allied forces in Sept of 1945. The USSR did not join them until Aug of 1945 so they were only in the fight for a month.


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