2021-12-10 辽阔天空 8749

What are some signs that you are throwing away your life?


Rafael Eliassen
Having the sheep mentality — afraid of not fitting in and never thinking for yourself.
You escape into drugs, alcohol, Netflix
You consume a lot of self-help and are afraid of taking imperfect action.
You don’t have a priority goal — whether it be health, wealth, relationship.
You live in a loop — the same experiences in relationships, habits, career, etc.
You let the day run you without having any agenda.
You try to please everyone you meet to feel good about yourself.
You are waiting for the right time — to change jobs, ask someone out, etc.


Gurmeet Bishnoi, studied at Master of Science Degrees

Gurmete Bishnoi,攻读理学硕士学位

When you can't imagine your life without smartphone.
More smart phone making us studpid.
Letting every distraction to fill the day.
Saying “yes” to every got a minute request.
Spending lot of time doing things which we shouldn't be.
TV, reality shows, Video games.
Often find yourself compalining or making excuses.
Complains about job, boss, family, work etc.
Not taking care of your body.


Letting yourself down more often.
Your thoughts “I can't”, “I am not smart” becomes reality with time.
Spending too much time with people who don't empower you.
Find postitive people.
Spending money of things that don't matter.
Preferring “wants” over “need”.
Not stepping out of comfort zone.
Scared from taking risks and adventures.
Clicking selfies, pics, your activities and uploading them everyday.
Rather than showing moments, it's better to live the moment.


Lukas Schwekendiek, Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, INC & Huffington Post.


Your life isn’t getting better - Looking back a year ago you realize nothing much has changed. This is the sign of someone settling for the life they have and not using their power to improve. You are throwing your life away if this is not on purpose!
You are spending more time consuming than you are producing - For every hour you study, work or create, you spend four hours watching TV, playing games or reading books.
Your Resolutions stay the same - How often did you say you would work out? Stand up early? Or do more tomorrow than you did today? Why are you still having those same resolutions?
The problems in your life aren’t getting bigger - You are still trying to solve the problem of how to pay the $200 fine on the speeding ticket instead of worrying about how to save your $1,000,000 business from bankruptcy. Which problem would you rather have?
Complaining happens more often than appreciating - You point fingers at other things, embody the negativity you have and complain and complain and complain without lifting a finger, instead of doing something about it and appreciating every time you have lifted your finger to bring forth a change.


You have no big aspirations - Your goals include living an okay life, in a nice house with a nice family. You keep from going for big goals to prevent disappointment, acting out of fear rather than desire and inspiration!
Life seems like a drag - You hardly remember yesterday, much less what you did for most of the year. The days seem to go on forever and life just doesn’t seem to get any better.
You have time to spare - At the end of the day you are not falling dead into your bed but instead staying up until 4 in the morning because you didn’t exert yourself at all. You have time to spare and energy as well.
You feel fear over excitement - When you look at a problem, your future, or something troubling you become massively afraid instead of excited over the challenge. A sign that fear broke you into giving up on your life.


Sean Lana, studied History & German at University of Hamburg

Sean Lana,在汉堡大学学习历史和德语

You keep repeating the same mistake, thereafter throwing out your anger, frustration at other people.
Getting married just because of sex.
Taking loan in order to impress people that have bigger assets than you.
You talk a lot but you act less, nothing work for people who refuse to do the work. You should hustle hard in silence and impress people with results.
You believe in gambling and Ponzi schemes are the only way to financial freedom, so you ignore working hard.
You lack patience, persistence but love shortcuts which makes you skip some major steps in life.
You seek excessive validation on social media.
You love entertainment more than learning something new. Victims love entertainment while victors love education.
You are not ready to discomfort yourself first for comfort.


Ayodeji Awosika, I'm a published author who focuses on personal development.

Ayodeji Awosika,我是一位出版作家,专注于个人发展。

You’re doing anything besides the thing you want to do with your life - Before I dive into the point further, let me preface by saying there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing what you have to do to take care of your family, especially short and medium-term. But if you never make an attempt to escape the rat race and you spend the vast majority of your time doing things you don’t want to do, you’re throwing at least one major part of your life away. Having control over your time and doing the things you want isn’t everything, but it’s a hell of a lot more than something. Most people won’t admit that, but it’s true. The point isn’t to make people feel bad for being stuck in situations they don’t want to be in. Often, forces outside of your control help shape those situations. But I do encourage people to create ‘escape plans’ because failing to do so means you’re giving up a significant portion of your existence on this earth. And when I say you’re wasting your life by doing things you don’t really want to do, it applies to any scenario. You can be rich doing things you want to do or doing things you hate doing. You can live a modest life doing things you want to do or doing things you hate doing. An accountant can be in alignment with their purpose and a pop-star can be misaligned. It has nothing to do with what you do, but why you do it.


You’re staying in a relationship when you know it isn’t working - This is a tough one. I don’t give relationship advice, per se. I don’t know anyone’s personal situation nor do I feel qualified to tell them what to do with such an intimate issue. Here’s what I do know. Being in a co-dependent relationship where both partners won’t leave due to fear of being alone and starting over will have long-term negative psychological effects. There are a ton of variables to consider, e.g., having children together. But you also have to weigh all the pros and cons, e.g., is it better to stick it out for the kids while knowing your relationship isn’t working or is it better for your kids to not have parents in toxic relationships? Sometimes people cut things short too quickly because we’re in a culture that promotes exiting relationships when things get tough. But then there’s such a thing as too tough where you shouldn’t have to work that hard to be with someone. Again, not giving advice, but if you know deep-down you shouldn’t be with that person, I’d encourage you to think deeply about the implications of staying with that person. I stayed in a relationship far too long and even got married when I knew deep down I shouldn’t have. Sticking things out to see if I could work it out only made leaving more difficult and painful. Ripping the band-aid earlier would have hurt, but it would’ve been much less painful than what inevitably took place. Work and love — those are the two biggest traps people fall into and waste large chunks of time.


You’re spending all of your time on entertainment and distractions - I watch Netflix. I drink alcohol. Sometimes I even do illegal drugs. I waste time. I blow entire days being lazy. I’m not a self-improvement robot, a puritan, or someone who will judge you for enjoying life and having vices. But let’s call a spade a spade. If you’re doing the work a job you hate, go home and watch Netflix nightly 3–4 hours, and drinking all weekend, you’re wasting your life. When you’re engaging in that level of entertainment and distraction, you’re trying to hide from something. You’re coping with something. As soon as you feel you need to do those activities instead of wanting to do them, you’re in the trap. I’ve been in that trap myself. And I escaped by finding something compelling enough that I no longer needed to fill a void. I found writing. For you, it could be a hobby, a side business, a new skill you want to learn, a means to build your knowledge. Again, not because you need to be some self-improvement robot to have a good life, but because a life comprised of hedonism in distraction is a waste. A life of all work and no play is also a waste. You’re smart. You know what I’m getting after. You can do both. Say you get up on a weekend at 8 a.m. You could do something positive and meaningful for a full 8 hours and still enjoy an entire evening after that. You could watch one less hour of Netflix and put it into a beneficial activity. This isn’t rocket science, but we hide and we cope and we distract because we’re so afraid of having to experience our life in full clarity, face our demons, and fully come to grips with the present moment. Many people suffered during the pandemic because they lost some of their outlets and had to spend time thinking about their life. If your life isn’t good without your vices, you’re not living a good life, period.


You give too much of your time to people who don’t deserve it Learning to say no is a superpower. We feel this guilt and obligation to freely give away our time and often people don’t deserve it. A line I like to use, “I just can’t make that a priority.” That frx lets both you and the other person know that you’re conscious about what matters in your life. It’s not that certain opportunities aren’t cool or that you wouldn’t like to do them, but you just can’t prioritize everything at once. Most people suffer not because of a lack of time management, but a lack of priority management. When you treat everything equally, nothing truly gets done. When you give your time away freely because you want everyone to like you, fewer people love you. If you look at a ‘wasted’ life, you’ll see a long, long, long, long series of tiny concessions — saying yes to things that don’t matter until it builds this inertia in your life where you’re trapped by all your obligations.


You base your actions more on what others think than what you want - If you disagree with this post, you should probably just click away and go about your life, yet some people will comment. Why? Because they don’t mind giving away their time based on someone else’s opinion. If you look at the life of someone who’s wasted time, wasted relationships, wasted their work, wasted energy on distractions, you see the common thread of fear. Fear of not fitting in, fear of social rejection, fear of lowered status in the tribe. You care because your brain is wired to care, but you can fight that wiring. Your parents don’t approve of your career choices? Well, as much as you love them, their opinion doesn’t matter because they’re not living your life. Society doesn’t approve of your choices? Well, I’ll keep in short in saying that ‘society’ is not the friend of individual success by any stretch of the imagination. Your friends and peers are naysayers? They’re naysayers because they can’t do it, not because they don’t think you can do it. Ultimately, when you decide to live your life on your terms and march to the beat of your own drummer you reflect people’s insecurities back onto them. You’re a mirror showing them what they could be but aren’t willing to do the work required to be. The weight of their insecurities is theirs to bear though, not yours. You’re only responsible for yourself, your family, and the people you care about most. And your ability to be your fullest self does impact those relationships. That’s the classic mistake people make — shrinking because they think it’ll help others. Your children don’t want you to shrink and become martyrs for them. They want to see you living boldly, making mistakes, and getting back up anyway. You’ll be able to be more present and caring with the people you love when you meet your own needs first. Society as a whole is better off with you finding your path and being happy . Do what you want to do. Not what society, your friends, your family, or even I want you to do.


Arella Hsiao, Talk psychology to me.


Rumination - the act of overthinking or over-obsessing a negative event such as life, work, relationship and so on.
Solution - Positive Distraction (socialize with friend, gym, hang with friends.
Inability to set tangible goals - No goal means no motivation. No motivation means no drive. No drive means staying the same while everyone is moving forward.
Solution - Think of 3 long term goals and 3 short term goals, then work on the steps to achieving that.
Drug/Substance abuse - Constant abuse of drugs and substances is incredibly unhealthy both physically and mentally.
Solution - Research shows that you are more likely to overcome addiction if it’s intrinsic (I can do it) than extrinsic (some organization workshop)
Not willing to step out of your comfort zone - Countless opportunities awaits for those that are willing to step out. It can be frightening and it can be uncomfortable. But do you really want to stay the “same” 5 years down or improve yourself and take those risks?
Solution - Do something that you don’t typically do weekly. Challenge yourself.
Self-handicapping - cognitive strategy by which people avoid effort in the hopes of keeping potential failure from hurting self-esteem.
Solution - Go for mastery. Learn for your own personal benefits rather for the satisfaction of others.
Social Media Addiction - Do you honestly need to know what your “friends” are doing 24/7? People tend to only post their best while never showing their worst. This offers an unrealistic expectation of life when you compare it to your own.
Solution - There are recent research showing the depression is lixed to social media addiction. Just dexe those apps. It’s a couple clicks away.


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