2021-12-16 魏晋余孽 21884

Do Japanese kids know what their ancestors did in WW2? Or are they aware of that? How do Japanese kids feel when they learn the real version about what their ancestors did in WW2?


Itzy Uchino
, former Retired Surgeon, Ww2 Enthusiasts. Born in Japan.
The answer is no. The Japanese kids do not have a realistic appreciation of what happened in Japan , let’s say from 1931 Manchuria invasion to 1945 the end of ww2. In an immediate post war era, there was a great deal of discussions made in Japanese government regarding how much the school children should be taught about the origin of the war and more importantly their war atrocities. These were not always transparent even under the American governance. During this period, the Department of Education came up with a very lukewarm approach to teach the kids about them. This was a quite contrast to the decision Germany took at that time.
Today the average people in Japan see the critical period of 1931 to 1945 as rather blur, black hole and something that should be left alone unopened. But as a consequence they don’t know the real extent of culpability committed in ww2 . If anything , their first response is to deny it. This attitude of course brings the unending arguments regarding war crimes between the neighboring countries.
The time changes the things and I see the elements of truth seekers are emerging in Japan especially in younger population. I am cautiously optimistic that this movement causes the average Japanese to realize the truth about Japanese involvement in ww2.

回答是否定的。日本孩子对日本发生的事情没有一个现实的认识,比如从1931年入侵满洲到1945年二战结束。在战后时代,日本政府中有很多关于应该教给学生多少关于战争的起源,更重要的是他们的战争暴行的讨论。即使在美国的统治下,这些机构也不总是透明的。在此期间,教育部采取了一种非常不温不火的方法来教育孩子们。这与当时德国的决定形成了鲜明的对比。 如今,日本的普通民众将1931年至1945年这段关键时期视为模糊的黑洞和不应该被打开的东西。结果是,他们不知道二战中所犯下的罪责的真正程度。如果有的话,他们的第一反应就是否认。当然,这种态度引发了邻国之间关于战争罪行的无休止的争论。时代改变了一些事情,我看到真理寻求者正在日本出现,尤其是在年轻人群中。我谨慎乐观地认为,这一变化使普通日本人意识到日本卷入二战的真相。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Baiyan Zhao
I'd like to share some thoughts that occured to me the other day.
I was checking out some Japanese anime for my little niece as a way to give her some exposure to basic Japanese. As such, i got a chance to review Chibi Maruko Chan(ちびまるこちゃん), a long-running anime series about a little girl named Maruko. In a certain episode, the WWII experience of Hidejii(ひでじい), a respectable elder adored by all kids, was brought up.
Hidejii's story runs like this. The War between Japan and the US broke out. Hidejii, a young man then, was drafted, and sent to the frontline against his will. He hated every minute of it and missed his families dearly. In the mean while, Japanese cities were bombed and Japanese people suffered tremendously. Hidejii knew Japan was heading to a defeat. Right before the end of the war, Hidejii and his buddy ran into an American soldier in the tropical woods. Somehow this unexpected encounter ended up with Hidejii saving the wounded American soldier who had tried to kill them. Hidejii returned home and rebuilt his life.
The message to the kids is that war is a terrible thing. But even in war, humanity prevails.
It's obvious that many crucial elements of the war are kept from the kids. I, for one, could have raised questions like "who started the war?", "who is the victim exactly?", etc, except that this time I had in mind a very clear intended audience, my little niece. With her being so innocent, sweet, soft, and dear to me, I just feel uncomfortable introducing the whole war episode to her. I doubt how, or if at all, the gruesome knowledge at such an early age is going to help her, or any little kid for that matter, become a happy and healty person in the future.
Kids are very special creatures, as anyone who happens to have one tagging along would come to know. One thing I have noticed is that their brain capacity is fast expanding but at present stage, still very very limited.


Dennis Weidner
There is nothing wrong about what you write or your conclusions.
The problem is that there was not a lot of humanity shown by Japanese soldiers during the War as suggested by the comic book, either by Japanese commanders or individual soldiers. As for POWs, the Japanese killed ALL Chinese POWs. As for the western POWs, many were also killed and those held in camps, were beaten, starved, tortured, and denied medical care. There was also cannibalism and POWs used for medical experiments.


Dennis Weidner
The crimes committed by the Japanese Army were committed in China, Southeast, Asia, and the Pacific. As far as I can tell, when the Japanese soldiers came home they did not tell their children and mothers about what they did.
The schools do teach World War II and some of the atrocities are known, but there is not an appreciation for the scale and brutality of the atrocities nor the viciousness of the Japanese army. . Much more emphasis is placed on the atomic bombs. As a result, many Japanese have the idea that they were a victim of the War, not the aggressor country that launched the war. If you visit the very tasteful memorials at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is not one word of explanation as to the crimes committed by Japan throughout Asia and the Pacific. Nor is there any explanation as to why the Americans drooped the bomb. Children visiting the memorials are lft with the impression that the Americans for no reason dropped the bomb on a peaceful nonthreatening country..


Bill Smith
War is a horrible thing and I learned from many of the answers here. I'm half Japanese, but an American born and educated in America. Anecdotally from spending time in Japan, having many Japanese family members and being generally interested in history, I think most Japanese adults are aware of the atrocities committed by Japan during WWII. And I'd add that most are remorseful, at least as remorseful as anyone can be for something they did not directly participate in.
But I have two issues with your question:
First, children are rarely indoctrinated into the darker side of their country's history. That's the case with nearly every person and nation I can think of. American kids learn about slavery, but rarely in the nightmarish detail that the subject deserves. German kids are aware of the Nazi party, but I doubt that they study gas oven executions until they're old enough to absorb and comprehend the events. So asking how children react when learning about the rapes and murders committed by the Japanese soldiers is, at best, poorly worded. At it's worst, the question is awkwardly leading.
Second, war is horrible. The Second World War may be the most horrible of all. It's maybe odd that you'd single out one of the Axis nations to direct your question. Maybe you're just interested in Japanese culture? Or maybe you have a surfacing prejudice against Japanese? If you're an American, let me drop this bomb on you:
Did you know that there were plenty of Allied war crimes committed? Do some digging, you may be shocked. One statistic that is especially disgusting is that the estimated number of European women raped by American GIs during the war approached 200,000. I don't remember covering that in elementary school.


Japna Sethi
I thought the same thing when I read this question. I am afraid to find out what atrocities American soldiers committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. We probably won't find out for another 15-20 years at least. Usually the crimes of the winners are hidden in history, and the crimes of the losers are the only ones mentioned.


Dennis Weidner
Well it is true that Soviet historians have hid their crimes. This is not the case for America and Britain. There is a very accurate historiography of the war. Al you have to do is look at the newsreels of Allied troops liberating Western Europe to see who was committing atrocities.
A for atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. This has been covered in great detail by journalists way before the historians get to it. And the numbers of people affected are a small fraction of the people being brutalized by Saddam.


Japna Sethi
Actually its quite false that we have very accurate historiography of all our wars. Most journalists can't even get access to everything to even discover stories and secondly even if something WAS discovered, it definitely wouldn't be publicized or taught in public school, because, again, history is portrayed the way the winner wants it. Today, we are still uncovering stories from Vietnam War, Cold War, Guantanamo, etc.
Also, your point about the number of people doesn't even matter -- why should the number of people affected matter?? An atrocity is an atrocity, doesn't matter who committed it or when... people have a right to know it exists.


Peter Wood
Exactly the atrocities committed by allies are equal (I regard them as overall morally worse because they constantly targeted civilians)


Dennis Weidner
What are you taking about? The strategic bombing campaign? I might point out that 1) It was the Axis that began bombing civilians and 2) The numbers of civilians killed in the Allied strategic bombing campaign were a small fraction of the MILLIONS of civilians the Axis countries murdered. .


Peter Wood
I'm talking about carpet bombing, knowing very well, and specifically targeting civilians. And not even killing them fast but specifically having them burn. And this from the highest command. Disgusting.
I'm not interested "who else" did it or how much. If you want to be the "good guy" you dont just start murdering babies because "someone else did it first"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mārcis Kadeģis
So if axis bombs civilians, it's ok for Allies to do it too? Your logic is flawed.


Dennis Weidner
It is your logic that is flawed
I am saying that it is wrong to invade other countries, bomb cities, and murder civilians in the millions. But if another country does so, you not only have no choice, but to respond -- and in fact you have the moral obligation to do so.
The greatest moral failure that America could have made was not to respond to Axis aggression and the destruction of Western civilization.,.
Japan bombed civilians for 10 years (beginning in 1931) before 1 bomb fell on Japan.(1942) And they only stopped bombing civilians when the bombs began destroying Japanese cities (1945)


Aki Marushima
Yes. Just like any other history classes, this does come with a limitation. However, from elementary school to junior high, we all took Japanese history classes. If your question is how much do they learn from these Japanese history classes, then the answer will be different. Very nasty part of Japanese history is not covered much in textbooks, at least when I attended Japanese school system, we only learned very neutral and somewhat nasty part of Japanese history.
To give you my version of answer to your second question. I guess it is the same thing as what do americans think about dropping atomic bombs upon two different cities of Japan. Some kids will definitely have more reaction that others and some will not show any reaction at all. So it really depends how one perceives the history.
I, for one, was taught by my grandparents who suffered from WWII, that you learn from your past, and never make the same mistake twice. and I did have this attitude throughout high school. And this is what I told to one of the teacher in Texas who asked me the same question you are asking now :-)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robert J. Kolker
did you learn of the suffering caused by the Japanese military on people outside Japan?


Aki Marushima
Yes. I would say this though, I did learn a few things when I took US history class in high school in Texas. I guess history needs to be looked at from different angles. Just like what I learned about US in Japan is slightly different from US history taught in US.


Jason Xue
That's exactly what I feared...From what I was told, the current leaders of Japan are making efforts to rewrite history books used in classes? I wasn't told about details, but if that was true and they are going to conceal much more of the history, I can't imagine what will happen next. Though I have a deep love for Japanese and your culture, this is pretty scary for me.
I can understand their action to change what was written in books, but at least, the kids should know about their ancesters' doing. It's all the same in China: I believe our government is putting too much awful pasts into our education so as to damage the kids' impression on Japan...It's all political stuff, and that neither you nor me could change.


Christian Desaix
Eighty years on, most Japanese young people really don’t care that much. The Pacific War was a long time ago, and it’s not really part of their lives. Too much time has passed, and too many new issues have arisen for them to waste time worrying about the WW2 era.


Charlie Wilkinson
My SO is Japanese and her grandfather fought in the war, he is regarded as a hero and a veteran in just the same way as American soldiers are.
The truth is whilst Hitler had an evil agenda his army comprised of mainly ordinary men who believed they where fighting for good not evil. The same goes for the Japanese they where simply fulfilling there emperors wishes.
Sadly both sides committed atrocities, but since the allies won they have had the power to cover up there atrocities by not releasing details or propaganda through countless war films depicting evil nazis and well mannered allies.
Ever thought that it is strange that Russia Germany and Japan are all known to have committed atrocities and the British and French where regarded as weak until the Americans arrived? Are America the only moral country in the world?
Japanese children learn more about the Hiroshima and nagasaki bombings than they do about there ancestors war.
And in complete honesty most Japanese people don't care about the war anymore they are happy to continue with there lives in a free country that has not been in a war for a long time as they have a constitution forbidding the act of war.


Henrique Carneiro Zhu
But the government now is another story. It keeps trying to say that the war they did was for peace, and that they didn't commit any atrocities like the nanking massacre


Angel Ojukwu
I am half-Japanese and I knew what happened I read the books but how should I feel? It is not something I can change what is more how do english/europeans people feel now knowing that their ancestors killed 95% of native americans, took their land, converted them to Christianity and built those boarding schools so that children will not be able to stay with parents and learn their traditions? How do europeans feel about killing so many aboriginal Australians? How do spaniards feel knowing that their ancestors killed and raped south american native population? How do germans feel about killing so many jews?


Ryunosuke Numata
Ofcouse.We learn WW2 in histry class. Unfortunately we lost.But teachers usually teach that ''Japan was wrong. We shouldn't do war forever.''
So most Japanese aren't sad that about WW2


Robert J. Kolker
The educational establishment of Japan has sanitized the history of the war. The youngsters do not learn in school just how vile their grand daddies and great uncles were.


Thomas Cochran
Well I mean they were a warrior society what’s atrocities to us are glorius conquest to them. Then again the modern Japanese culture has a different view than their ancestors.
But every country has an ugly past at some point. My teacher called the samurai Savages while another called them a noble example of the human race.
I’ll never hate anyone I haven't met so if they want to call them heroes who am I to tell them they're wrong.
There’s no wrong way to live life so it doesn't matter what they're taught I think.


Mark Buchman
Having been to Japan several times some of them learn the basics, some of them seem to skip the entire period almost, and some know more than a lot of other countries.
As for how they feel, this is not a subject I ever asked the kids.For the most parts these kids were just looking for someone to practice their English with.


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