2021-12-17 地平线123 35528


Pedro Augusto Steinhaus, knows Portuguese
1st group (next 5 years) - Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Khazakhstan, Malaysia and Chile.
2nd group (next 10 years) - Uruguay, Panama, Romania, Petrostates (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrein, Qatar, UAE and Brunei), Turkey, Russia, and Iran (if its economy return to growth).


3rd group (next 15 year) - Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil*, Argentina*, Mexico* (* if they growth more than the projections), Thailand, China, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Serbia.


Jorge Ortiz, Student of World Languages at University of Nevada, Las Vegas
50 years from now, we shouldn't be surprised if these countries have reached our current idea of developed.
EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIA: Malaysia, Thailand, China
Indonesia*, Vietnam* and Philippines*


WEST ASIA: UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kazakhstan.
Lebanon*, Turkey*, & Iran*
EASTERN EUROPE: Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia,
Ukraine* and Belarus*


LATIN AMERICA: Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Perú, Dominican Republic, Trinidad
Mexico*, Argentina*, and Brazil*
AFRICA: Tunisia, Morocco, Botswana, Namibia, Mauritius, Gabon
South Africa*, Algeria*

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Tan, lived in Jakarta
I would say Chile.
According to the latest Human Development Index, Chile ranked 35th, better than some developed countries in the EU such as Portugal and Slovakia.


Based on GDP per capita, they have also done quite well, where they successfully attained a similar level to several EU countries such as Croatia.
They are also relatively clean from corruption. In the latest Corruption Perception Index, they are ranked 26th, significantly better than some established European countries such as Spain and Italy.


The combination of relatively excellent educational attainment and health, moderately high income per capita, and good governance makes Chile just one step more from becoming a developed country.


Ozgur Zeren
Inequality Adjusted Human Development Index is the key. HDI just measures how rich a country is. Not whether many people are actually able to benefit from it.


Mark MacAulay
There is still poverty (20%+) and huge shantytowns. Very high inequality and low class mobility. Chile will not be a developed country until these problems are solved.


Jurjen van der Laan, studied at Wageningen University
The IMF describes countries with a GNI per capita of more than $15000 as advanced economies.
Countries that have an GNI of almost $15000 are:
Chile: $13530
Argentina: $11960
Uruguay: $15230 (but somehow not categorized as advanced economy)
Panama: $12140
Costa Rica: $10840

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Poland: $12680
In a couple of years also countries like Malaysia, Romania and Mauritius will follow, and later on Brazil and China.
Also some gulf nations like the UAE and Qatar have a very high GNI per capita, but are still not categorized as advanced economies


Stefan Ong, Corporate Slave at Human Resources
'Second' World countries such as Hungary, Slovakia Poland and Romania have the best chance to become developed countries in the future. They are already part of the EU and cheaper alternative for European companies setting up factories without having to invest in a less familiar setting such as Indonesia and Thailand.
These countries already have good infrastructure and already in the European unx. If these countries have the same GDP per capita with more developed countries such as France and Germany. I think that they are a developed country by default.

匈牙利、斯洛伐克、波兰和罗马尼亚等 "第二世界 "国家在未来最有可能成为发达国家。他们已经是欧盟的一部分,对于要设立工厂的欧洲企业来说,他们不必一定要到不那么熟悉的印度尼西亚和泰国投资,匈牙利这些国家都是成本较低的可替代性选择。

He Shuang, Engineering Designer (2018-present)
I read many answers of this question ,you netizens listed many countries here which you think will become developed countries in the future,but there is no China. Don’t you guys think that the world’s second largest economic entity will become developed? or you think China has been a developed country?


Bacon Si
China is a developing country forever.China should become a leader of developing countries, not a developed country.


Mohd Zulakmal, Inventory Supervisor at Panasonic Air Cond. Msia (2016-present)
In the next decades it will be China. With the most potential. And I think China will be the last country in this world to be included inside Developed nation bracket. Strongly developed and not weakly developed.
Country like India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia(my country), Indonesia, Philippine, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico can just dream.


Arch Stanton
Argentina, Mexico and Malaysia SHOULD become “developed” The rest NO.


Saptarshi Rakshit
The last line is just pure BS. Indonesia and Sri Lanka will develop in a decade or two. Malaysia/India will take some more time but they too will develop in 3–4 decades, Malaysia will probably outpace India in this process.


Jorge Ortiz
Actually Argentina, Mexico, Malaysia and Sri Lanka have a standard of living similar to China and economies that are diversifying more and more everyday.


Chen Zhigong
The diversity of economics of these countries is nowhere comparable with China’s.


Matthew Zayeneh
Argentina has a chance


Kaan Küçükemiroglu, Studying Economics for 5 Years
Many countries around the globe are close to becoming developed countries but as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak, their efforts have been hampered quite a lot…


The economy has suffered a lot as a result of corruption and bad policies in the last years but Turkey is, at least in some of its regions, Western and Central, could be considered developed soon.
The country is open to trade and is a democracy.
All and all, close to being one if it was not for the latest economic catastrophes.


Ever since opening up to the International World and Market, they have been steadily developing after being shut off for decades.
It is as most developing countries plagued by corruption and other mismanagement issues but the countries potential is huge as it has the world's greatest energy reserves.


China is the world’s second largest economy, but that does not mean that it is a developed country as the GDP per capita is very low compared to the USA.
China has a huge population, the world’s largest, and is open to the World Market.
They have the world’s largest manufacturing industry and it is where almost all of our goods are made. The country has colossal potential and is a great rival to the USA.


India is a developing country, which is said to pass China’s population in the coming decades.
The country has vast resources and is rivalling China in manufacturing.
As with most developing countries it has huge potential and is steadily improving however the Cast System is causing it some issues in development and the development is not spread around the country equally.


Mohamed AlDerweish
I don’t think India will ever become developed.
1.35 billion people and it keeps rising. Even the EU which has done everything right for 70+ years has less than 450 million people. India reaching the level of EU countries with its ever-growing population “soon” sounds extremely unlikely.


Afif Muflih
I'll agree with China, somewhat agree with Turkey (not fully agree especially because its rising Islamism), but I doubt Russia because its major economic activity relies on raw materials, and India because its huge gap between the rich and the poor, illiteracy percentage, minority oppression, and caste system.


Mahantesh Mallanagouda
I am Indian. Caste system is there, but it is not hampering gdp.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Semel, lives in Bear, DE
First is China.
Second (my guess) Chile. Their geography of (1) being a coastal country, (2) having a large desert region, and (3) the world’s demand for lithium over the next 20 years will propel them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Xinghe Li, Lived in China for 20 years
As of now, China is the only certain answer to this question.
There are a few other candidates: Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and a few other Latin American countries, but their economies are not as innovative as China’s, so they may well fall into the Middle income trap.


Brian Collins, I took Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Going off the HDI, most formerly-communist countries that joined the EU are developed or close to being developed. In the 1990s they were very poor.
These include Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary.
Ireland is pretty much considered a developed country by everyone now, but as late as the 1990s it was a lot poorer than most mainland Western European countries.


Thailand and Malaysia are also considered to be close to developed.
Aside from that, Chile and Argentina are close to being developed, or are developed by some measurements.
Venezuela was close to being developed for a few years after 2010, but since then, it has collapsed and is now poorer than Colombia.


Zi Jian Yow
Not sure about Thailand.
Although Bangkok is quite developed, it is messy, and there are no settlements outside of Bangkok with more than 1M people, showing the relative lack of urbanisation.
Malaysia is much closer to being developed- better governance (especially after the recent change in government), English-speaking, lots of natural resources, a skilled workforce. With less than half (32M) of Thailand's population, it has at least 10 cities larger than 1M, indicating much higher urbanisation.


Gustavo Ceballos, designing and learning the floor plans
China will be one of the next Developed Countries since it has a very strong economy and a sharp drop in poverty.


Baqir Rizvi
Tanzania is going to be one of the fastest developing nation soon.
It already has the unique advantage of being the only sizeable country in Africa which has not suffered any political upheavals since independence. All transfer of power has been after free and fair elections.
Keeping the stable political climate in mind, Tanzania has recently in past five years discovered oil, gas and uranium.
This is in addition to the booming tourism industry which is thanks to Zanzibar, and Mt. Kilimanjaro.


Nabila Shukri, Chemist
Malaysia is the strongest candidate to be a developed country..malaysia have recently join “very high" HDI club at 0.802 score and have gdp per capita of 11k..malaysia will be high income nation around 2020–2024..and will be fully developed at 2025..romania, chile, argentina and uruguay will also be developed..china also have potential..kazakhstan and turkey will also join the group


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