2021-12-29 碧波荡漾恒河水 22908


A Dalit woman who served mid-day meal at a government secondary school in Uttarakhand's Champawat district was allegedly removed from her job after upper caste students refused to eat the meal cooked by her.


The incident occurred at a school in Sukhidhang in Champawat district. A day after her appointment as the 'Bhojanmata' earlier this month, students stopped eating the meal cooked by her because of her caste and began bringing their food from home in tiffin boxes. Reportedly, out of 66 students in the school 40 had refused to eat the meal prepared by her.


Even the parents of the students obxted to her appointment as 'Bhojanmata' when an upper caste woman had also been interviewed for the job.


However, Chief Education Officer of Champawat R.C. Purohit said her appointment had been cancelled as it was found that the norms had not been followed in her appointment.

然而,champaat的首席教育官R.C. Purohit说,她的任命已经被取消,因为发现她的任命没有遵守规范。

Kay Nathan
Regardless of the reason for the removal of that lady from the school, the fact that some of the so-called "upper caste" students refused to eat food cooked by a so-considered 'lower caste' person, is an obnoxious depravity in itself - and what makes this odious behaviour even worse is that the parents of those students have encouraged this utterly wretched and dehumanising discrimination.


> behaviour even worse is that the parents of those students have encouraged this
you are putting words in someone's mouth here. where does the article state what you speculate above?


Kay Nathan
... students stopped eating the meal cooked by her because of her caste and began bringing their food from home in tiffin boxes.
Of course, unless they're cooking and packing their lunches themselves.


Hariharan Pv
When will India get rid of these meaningless, dehumanized ethos, with so-called Upper caste and other connected groups ruling like 2,500 yrs old civilization?


S Subramanian
Teachers should correct the students. They should not be allowed to break the National Pledge.


Kay Nathan
Just imagine the situation: the students at school receive from their teachers an instruction which is exactly the opposite of the values that their parents believe, and indeed inculcate in them when at home. What chance, sir, does the noble idea of brotherhood, especially when preached by 'merely' a school teacher, stand when the malevolent and hideous "caste" system is assiduously preserved and influentially preached through the regular practice of by their own 'god-like' parents??


Are we living in 22nd century or media society ? What an insult to a human being. And what we are teaching our descendants ? It is totally unacceptable. School and government should take proper measure so that this do not happen again.


Rabindra+Nath Roy
Here we Indian are who preach to the world and practice untouchability at home. One must recollect Mahatma Gandhi's taking a Dalit Family in his Sabarmati and thereafter the businessmen around stopped donation to the Ashram and Ashram when about to come to a halt, Mahatma Decided to move to the Dalit Basti from where the Dalit family had come when this was known to the people someone without letting people know started donating and Ashram kept on moving. Compromise with principals was not in his blood. But the same country is now practicing what Mahatma fought against.


I m not sure what syllabus and values are being teacher and preached in school these days.
I think, with this rudimentary mindset - our nation future and prospects gets doomed.


Aneesh Menon
Present day castes all were separate sects, just like sects in any religion in the world. Westerners simply called the whole subcontinent as "Hindus", everyone went along with it and the so called upper castes enjoys the dominance


Indian society is sinking fast


Disrespect and Humiliation. Even after learning the deeds of students, that lady was removed and students were not given lesson on humanity and moral values. What a shame for everyone. Incidents of these kind will keep happening until people like the higher authority of this school will b on that position. Her sextion wasn't considered cancelled until the upper caste students stopped eating. That's the unfortunate state of our beautiful country ruined by these so called educated but hollow from the concept of humanity and moral values people.


GS Krishna
40 out of 66 students of Indian education system run based on the so called modern educational values of equality opposing a cook and depriving her of livelihood along with officials later cancelling her appointment on "procedural reasons" is just so pathetic that we can't help feel a tinge of regret and feel sorry for the women who is facing such issues in thia day and age especially in a school that is supposed to make students think and develop.
Saddest thing is that this line of thinking is not among the previous generation but the next generation, that too children which makes future potentially more divisive.


Sooraj Ramankutty
It just says to me that caste issue wouldn't spare the next generation.


What is even more painfully appalling is that this madness is happening in a centre of learning! Totally unconscionable!


Kay Nathan
The photo here begs asking the question whether the man who seems to celebrate "Nari Shakti" is aware of this horrific treatment meted out to that poor (and defenceless-by-caste) lady and if he is likely to do anything about it.

这张照片让人不禁要问,这个似乎在庆祝“Nari Shakti”的男人,是否意识到这个可怜的(没有种姓的保护)女人所遭受的可怕待遇,以及他是否有可能为此做些什么。

Helraiser Lastdaysofhell
Caste system will die in pandemic situation, global warming and climate change situations as lots of upper caste people suffered and were helpless.


Its a tragedy actually that these 40 (and may be more) are being groomed by school and families in a backward approach !!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Comment removed by user


Sooraj Ramankutty
What's wrong with you buddy? Open up your eyes. If Indians are discriminated on the basis of caste regardless of their religion you have to raise your voice. Caste/religion is the first barrier that we all have to break for the prosperity of this great nation.


Yeah read this in many news outlets.


Side note : Cooks can be changed.its not permanent job. the cooks that are hired (on temp/adhoc basis) may not be all upper castes and similarly may not have been sacked for the mentioned reason.


Whatever happened is very saddening. I hoped it to be a false news but the words used by the President don't bring much confidence. He literally said Cook should be from upper cate because majority of students are from upper caste. This is very inhumane.


Wow .. how f**ked up a society has to be to have a formal system of discrimination. You don't even need to have a different skin color, or sexual orientation, or religion, or gender to be discriminated.
Basically you can be born discriminated FOR LIFE. This is as f**ked up as it can be.


I grew up with this. “They are Dalit because that is their fate. You are WRONG to try to improve their situation- it contravenes divine law.” Absolutely disgusting.


That's what always got me about this sort of stuff. I read a story once of a tale in India where a king took wealth away from a wealthy Dalit precisely because of their caste and because Dalits aren't supposed to be wealthy and successful, or something along those lines. I wish I could find that story again! Because it basically literally said that you're not allowed to rise above your station even by your own merits.


I'm one of those that posit that what was developing in the USA was a form of race-based caste, but outside the Black Wall Street bombing, it never fully had the chance to become the full thing. Castism is something else.


Why not just move to another area and claim to be some other caste?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indian upper class families keep a registry (yes) for that exactly, to prevent people from claiming they're not Dalit


I think you dont understand hoe bad the caste system is. Imagine being so poor you have never been to school, have literally no money and have spent all your life malnutritioned and starving. You literally have no frx of reference on how the upper castes live besides from movies. Its also culturally ingrained that the lower castes are worthless and upper castes are important. Its hard to even come up with an example but its like a poor Mexican illegal immigrant laborer who speaks no English trying to pass themselves off as a cape cod millionaire CEO. Its almost guarenteed that 99% of all indians you meet outside of india are in the top 10% of indians before they even board the plane.


If you are lucky and/or very smart of course you can trick or work your way out and they probably do, the other 99% have no hope besides their kids being born into horrific levels of poverty. It honestly is very sad.


When I travelled to Nepal, Sri Lankan born guy I travelled with wore lots of gold and pretended to be high caste. It worked. So, yeah, why not?


Yeah, fuck the higher caste, let them cook their food. Move elsewhere and get another job under a new name.


You don't even need to have a different skin color
Most of the upper caste do having lighter skin tone and the lower caste having darker skin tone from toiling under the sun, so that is still a factor.


In South India that's less true. Upper caste people are often also dark but there's still a strong caste system.


Are there other real or arbitrary features people call out. “Oh my those people have giant pinky toes”.


its very obvious in Singapore for example, the guys doing roadwork and empty garbage are from same country as the IT and banking people, but they never meet, they are from same country and still from different worlds.


the guys doing roadwork and empty garbage are from same country as the IT and banking people, but they never meet
Do they ever twine in any country apart from rare instances? Most people's social circles are dictated by their socioeconomic status, this isn't unique to any particular group or country.


Most people's social circles are dictated by their socioeconomic status
Not true in any country with servants, cooks, maids, etc. Poor women (and men) work with the families closely. So yes they interact every day. I have some friends who work as maids, for very little pay, and they raise the children and live with the family.


Many people don't get any days off and just work 7 days a week, in many countries. It's not only the caste system - many countries keep very poor servants working for the richer people. Note, this doesn't happen the same way, or as universally as it does in many countries. In some countries almost every well off family has servants. Either from poor people from that country, or brought from poor countries to work there in bad conditions.


Wanna know what's also fucked up? Even if it's not well enforced, India has laws on the books against caste discrimination and has slots reserved for the best lower caste students at top universities. But many Indians come to America for work and will discriminate based on caste within American companies and HR departments are not in the least equipped to understand or deal with it. Outside of standard harassment, it's not illegal.


https://www.npr.org/transcxts/923736245 Yeah they have brought that bullshit to silicon valley I wonder if they are discriminating against each other like this how horrible they must be to other minorities.


To my knowledge it does exists. Especially because of some ignorance about the historical background of some groups.


Wait til you learn about all the fucked up things Ghandi believed in. He was all about the caste systems.




Exactly like the USA then, where many States are issuing bills targeting black voters.


It’s human nature. People discriminate each other based on what sports team you root for, your political party, your accent, the city you were born… etc


Thinking Indian society is worse than western because they don’t take the additional steps to hide their discrimination like we in the west do - is a little too cute. Unfortunately it boils down to all of us being awful.


The untouchables ( as they are called) can never rise above the level they were born into.To a devout Hindu even their shadow is offensive.They are not permitted to do certain things that higher casts do as it is seen as impudent and " above their station in life'. A groom riding a horse to his wedding risks being dragged off. Perhaps the right wing conservative Hindus will reintroduce the good old widow burning tradition ( when a higher cast man dies his wife would be tied up and put onto the funeral pyre and burned alive) During the British empire days the Brits banned it, but it was impossible to enforce.The Indian hierarchy said that it was interference in the traditions of the land.... the reply was...(+/-) if you insist on your traditions then we must be allowed to practice our traditions.... traditionally we hang murderers.


I am no expert on Indian society religion or history but I read something that pointed out that the caste system is literally based on melanin. Darker skinned people are in lower castes, lighter skinned people are in higher ones. The word caste is an anglicization from the Spanish casta colonial system like the one in Puerto Rico. The Sanskrit word for the system literally means color. Maybe someone with more knowledge can sort out the nuances.


Yes, in Sanskrit the word for caste in Varna which means colour.
However, most languages derived from Sanskrit have their own word for caste separate to the Sanskrit word. For example, in my language Sinhala, the word for caste is 'Kulaya' which didn't originate from the word for colour. The word Kulaya explicitly was invented to mean caste.


This lix has alot of information about the caste system.
In Sri Lanka, we have a caste system separate from that in India. However it is not as crazy as that of India and caste mainly comes into place in arranged marriages which are getting rarer.


Starve the fuckers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But they are bringing their own food


Fuck those parents, what a bunch of assholes


Caste system is just semi-legitimized prejudice. It needs to end.


It's literally the Indian equivalent of Jim crow.


More like the equivalent of racism since this isn't any actual legislation just a backwards ass practice in Indian society.


Jim crow was used to also refer to cultural practices but yes your point stands.

Jim crow(黑人的蔑称)也被用于指代一种文化行为,但你的观点没错。

Very sad. Poor woman, I know about the Dalits and how they are treated.


Just let the upper caste students go hungry. The problem solves itself. They die of starvation or they get over it...either way all good.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Caste system in India was created on the basis of most revered to least since 3000 years at least:
Priest Class (Brahmin)
Political/Warrior Class (Kshatriya)
White Collar Class - Farmers/Traders/Metal workers (Vaishyas)
Blue Collar Class - Unskilled Labor (Dalit/Shudar)
Foreigners (Maleech)


Didn't know about that last one. Explains a lot.


Now THAT is privileged


Wrong, foreigners don’t fit in the caste system anywhere. Maleech simply means “dirty”, and no, foreigners are not considered dirty. This classification is applicable only to people who are born in the Hindu society. Now other religions such as Islam, Sikhs have their own versions of Dalits, and then the onus lies on those religions to not consider them Dalits because Hindus wouldn’t know who’s who and wouldn’t care, for them they would simply be Sikh, Christian, Muslim etc


I don't understand the caste system.
I don't understand why it's tolerated by Indians, or anyone else, for that matter. I don't understand how the "higher" castes haven't been strung up in the streets and flayed by the "lower" castes. I don't understand how India isn't ablaze with revolution every day this continues.
I just do not get it. I'm not even willing to make an effort. It's just too obviously wrong. You can't justify it, don't even try. I don't care how long it worked, so did slavery.
Fucking stop it, India. Grow up.


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