2021-12-29 龟兔赛跑 5402

How does it feel to turn 40?


Nick Serio, Decades of Health Insurance Industry Experience

Nick Serio,数十年的医疗保险行业经验
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am 42. The year I turned 40 was one of the absolute best years of my life. I won’t go into details because it may sound like bragging but I can tell you what it’s (was) like from my perspective.
For the average person (I think), it should be pretty good. Kids are old enough to not be babies and can fend for themselves, meaning by 40 you probably have kids that are at least in school of some sort and don’t need to be burped or changed and can sleep through the night. That makes your sleep time easier, which was terrible for the first few years.
At 40, you’ve typically been out of school long enough that you have a career or at least enough experience in the working world to have a stable position, earning a good salary and possibly in a leadership role. You probably can afford things that you want - certainly not everything, but scraping by most likely isn’t an issue.
When I turned 40, I learned that my supply of fucks to give became drastically limited.I stopped caring about keeping up with the Jones. Pop culture is no longer targeted toward you; you’re too old you don’t care. It was a transitional time for me to sort of turn into my parents - I have no idea who a lot of pop stars and celebrities are. I’ll see a product, commercial, movie, etc. and do the typical confused, “Who/what was that???” And usually I’ll follow up with, meh, don’t care.


Your friendship base is most likely pretty stable as well. You keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. You know that time is extremely valuable and wasting it on petty drama isn’t worth it.; you truly live, love & laugh together. Outside of being with my wife/kids, being with my friends is what makes me happy. And since bars are too loud, too expensive and crowded, at 40 you’ve learned that when you drink at home, it’s cheaper, you can listen to the music you want, and choose the company you keep.
At 40, I dedicated a lot of time to fitness and nutrition. You know people/have friends that have died, are sick and/or on medication; same with parents. Your body doesn’t recover as fast as it once did but I think you also appreciate the machine that it is more. If you’re really lucky, half your life is over…and that’s a bit of a tough pill to swallow.
My tips of being 40+:


If you drink, have good wine/beer/spirits, it’s more rewarding than slugging down Busch Light Draft.
You are too old for Taco Bell. You’re digestive system and home’s waste management system will thank you to get somewhat real Mexican food.
Tell people you love them - family AND friends. They will not be there one day.
Take care of your body - if it isn’t ideal to you by 40, it probably won’t ever be. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to be comfortable in it. You’re 40, if you’re looking for a mate by then, he/she won’t be perfect either.
Cheers! Feel free to downvote - I don’t give a fuck!


Andrew Weill
Physically, or emotional maturity
Physically, still feeling on top of my game, but starting to realize that I wasn't unlimited and that recovery time was important.
Maturity, there was no sign that I've left adolescence. Still true.


Amanda Harris, grand-daughter, daughter, niece, aunt, cousin, sister, mum, friend, neighbour
Turning 40 took remarkably little effort.
I woke up on 29th August, 2014 and it just happened.
It didn’t seem particularly significant, and to be honest, I hadn’t expected it would be. Friends had said that turning 41 is the killer, but I’ve done that since and it was fine.
Age is relative, and coming from a big family, I have lots of relatives. Back in December, I bought my second 90th birthday card: for my youngest grandad. As boring, middle-aged women go, I couldn’t be a luckier one, and if I hadn’t choked up whilst buying that card, I would be a total scumbag.
One of the benefits of having such a family is that there is always someone living life well who is older than you. Much older, in quite a few cases. I have seen with my own eyes relatives getting to 70, 80, 90 without changing as a person. They haven’t morphed into ‘old people’, they are themselves, but old.
I wonder whether that is because, within the family, we have such a vast age range and always have. There’s no narrowing down of that interaction with babies, children, teenagers, young adults, older adults and much older adults. If there is one attribute we all have, regardless of age, is that we all know how to play. Without shame, we grub around on the floor with the little ones, read, draw, play cards and board games, go on the swings and slides at the park and use our imaginations.


The dirty, great secret is that it is fun. And age doesn’t matter.
I started going grey at 15 and I’ve been dyeing my hair brown ever since. I don’t actually want to know what colour my hair naturally is now, but having seen the roots when the damn stuff starts growing out, I’d guess that I am completely white-grey haired. On the positive side, going grey was never going to be an ‘OMG I’m old’ moment in my 40’s.
When I look in the mirror, I’m pretty sure I don’t see my actual reflection, despite the mirror being fundamentally indifferent to what I might see. I don’t think it’s the mirror’s fault either: I’ve known my grandads from their mid-forties all the way up to ninety and I don’t see the changes in their appearance that must have occurred. I mean, intellectually, I know they’re ninety and I know that ninety is old and yet I know I don’t really believe it, deep down. One of my aunts, now in her late sixties once said to me that every time she looks in the mirror, she’s surprised not to see a ten year old girl. I think I understand: the internal voice in my head hasn’t changed at all from my first memories as a little girl. Being an adult feels like pretend. Occasionally, when I take the car to the garage, or arrange insurance, or switch to a new mortgage provider, it does seem really adult to say stuff like ‘I’m going to ring the solicitor’. It makes me feel a bit weird.
However, over the last few years, my husband has said to me ‘you look really cross’ or ‘are you angry?’ when I’m not. And I have to tell him that no, that is my actual face, so I know I must look different with age. If my brain wants to double-blind me to that when I look in the mirror, then that’s cool with me.


^^^ low lighting and low resolution is this middle-aged woman’s best friend.
My grandad has a theory that every person has an optimal age. His was seventy, my dad says sixteen. If I had to choose I’d pick now. I like being a middle-aged woman, as I have the maximum number of relationships to other people. I look like I could be their sister, mother, aunt, niece, daughter, grand-daughter, potentially even grandmother, as I went to school with girls who did become grandmothers in their thirties. Everybody’s really nice to me, out and about, and it makes you feel that you’re approachable, which is lovely. It’s like they are already quite well-disposed to think the best of you.


And there are little petty pleasures, which make life interesting. The other day walking to the local shop, a fellow middle-aged woman in a boring hatchback drove into the car park, windows down blasting the Beastie Boys. She had my instant respect.
You also get to be a bit eccentric. During the height of the Pokemon Go app, it was tremendous fun to troll teenagers by pretending to spot rare pokemon when out with my kids. I’ve also instituted a gardening policy, as I hate gardening: it’s one of those adult obligations, like replacing a fence or having the boiler serviced, where I really begrudge spending time and/or money on dull. Now, I only garden by fire or axe, which has led to some unfortunate, but nethertheless interesting outcomes.
That’s not to say that life is always easy. My favourite children’s story is ‘The Happy Prince’ by Oscar Wilde and it reads very differently as a child and as an adult. As a child, you think the King is a bit of an idiot for building this high wall so that his son will not see the suffering in the world. As an adult, you think the King is a bit of an idiot for not building it higher. On reflection though, you realise that the child you is right because by not facing up to difficulties, you render yourself, or those you presume to ‘protect’ powerless. How can you know what it is to be happy if you do not know what it is to be sad? Can you live a complete life by only acknowledging the births, marriages, successes, but excusing yourself from the flipside of death, illness and suffering? I don’t think you can, and for that, you have to hold yourself accountable. there’s nobody else that can do that for you. Be brave.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There’s no real advantage to being older in that respect: it’s a function of being human, not of age. It is true, however, that when you hit your forties and life gets difficult, you’re the one who bears the responsibility of helping the people you love through those times.
This is what I have learnt from those older than me. I’ve seen them do it. I have that example. I have no excuse not to step up because I know how it feels to have those sort of people in my life. The kind that know that, as humans, we want to be known and we want to be understood and how much it means to have that acknowledgement. Therefore I try to be as good as them. I’m not saying I am, but that I try: I want to be good. This is life-long learning.
From my forties, I would offer the following advice:


Be the sort of person who notices. Not for easy praise, but for acknowledgement. People should leave your company feeling better about themselves. I don’t think you can teach someone empathy or compassion in the abstract, they have to know what it’s like to experience it. ‘You’re doing well’ is a fantastic thing to hear.
When someone you know is bereaved, write to them. Don’t ever shirk the opportunity to show that you, in some small way, ‘get’ the significance of what has happened to them.
Listen. Really listen. The internet is full of advice on how to look like you’re listening - eye contact, body language, repeating words - but like a smile, it can’t be faked. Why would you anyway? Aren’t their words of value? I know that I have a tendency to mentally start to cut and paste a response before they’ve finished speaking. That’s not listening.
Make sure you engage with people of all ages and backgrounds all your life. Otherwise, you’ll be reliant on what the media tells you about children these days or standards in education or the ‘selfish’ elderly. I think we are being told stories about each other that are not true. My general rule of thumb is that having read such stories, I look around at what I know and ask myself if my experience matches what I’m told.
There’s always someone older than you living well. It’s hard to be afraid of getting older when you see brilliant human beings in their eighties, nineties and beyond. When you look in their eyes, you see that spark, they look like good company, the sort of people it’s wonderful to be around.


Hold yourself to account. Don’t ever think you’re done learning. You can learn from a three year old, as much as you can from any Professor of Brainology, or whatever.
It’s always possible to be a better human being. It’s no bad thing to strive towards, but there’s no short-cut, you have to put in the time, thought and effort.
Turning forty hasn’t changed my outlook, nor has it made me wise. It would be great to be wise though, and working towards being wise is valuable in, and of, itself. I have other goals in life, the smaller kind, and some I’m deliberately saving for later years. I have never been to a posh hotel and ordered room service. I’ve always wanted to write a musical and I’ve started.
Two years ago, I fulfilled one of my small goals: to write an article and get it published in a real magazine, Scientific Inconsistencies in 1980s Pop Music: An Audio-Visual Analysis
I rediscovered that I liked writing. And shortly after accidentally came across Quora in the context of a question I’d have never thought to have asked, but on reading it really wanted an answer. having read about all kinds of stuff on Quora that I was previously unaware of, the list of little goals in life has lengthened somewhat, so there’s lots to do and learn in my forties and beyond.


Lisa Shields, former Writer, Free Lance (1999-2017)

Lisa Shields,前自由撰稿人(1999-2017)

This gives me the excuse to tell my favorite “Baby Buddha” story about my daughter.
I was looking in the mirror on my 40th birthday, and I was wondering where the time had gone. I felt neither young, nor old. And at that instant, my daughter came up behind me, put her arms around my waist (she was all of ten) peeked around so both of our reflections showed, and said this:
“Don't worry momma…they are all in there.”
“Who, baby?”
“All your Lisas. When you get a birthday, you get a new you…but the old one doesn't go away. It just gets crowded in there after a while. But all the Lisas are still there. They just get hard to see.”
Wow. Such amazing wisdom!
I loved turning 40. I didn't have to be a chick anymore! It was the most liberating birthday ever, and I have been better at life and living since.


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