2022-01-01 辽阔天空 8480

How do I stop hair fall and help to regrow it?


Nadir Now93
5 Tips to encourage hair growth and how to stop hair loss :
1. Eat a balanced diet:
To keep hair healthy, strong, and lustrous, eat a diet rich in proteins, biotin, vitamins, and vital fatty acids.
2. Don't take showers that are too hot or too cold:
Extreme water temperatures can damage your hair and leave it weak.
3. When your hair is wet, don't comb it:
When your hair is damp, it is more brittle, and combing it will cause breakage and hair loss.
4. Exercise frequently:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle by staying active and exercising on a regular basis.
5. Get plenty of rest:
Stress is one of the primary causes of hair loss, therefore it's important to unwind and get enough sleep.
While a regular hair care routine and topical application of natural products boost hair development, you need also follow these suggestions to keep your tresses healthy and lustrous.


2)-How To Stop Hair Loss
Understand What Causes Balding
In order to properly treat balding, it is important to understand why you are losing hair in the first place.
While the most common cause of hair loss is male pattern baldness, there are other potential conditions to make note of when considering why your hair falls out. Some of these include:
Medical Conditions
Thyroid conditions: Severe thyroid disorders like Hashimoto’s Disease can cause hair loss. However, if this is the cause, you will likely experience other symptoms, like fatigue or weight gain.
Malnutrition. Severe malnutrition, especially in protein, can result in hair changes. However, this cause is unlikely without extremely low intake of calories and protein.
Alopecia areata. This condition causes hair loss in small, typically unnoticeable patches. Alopecia areata occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles
Telogen effluvium. This is a temporary type of hair loss often caused by very stressful, anxiety inducing or traumatic events, hospitalization, or even certain side effects of medication. It can be confused with permanent hair loss, but it is reversible.
Tinea capitis. This condition is a fungal infection on the scalp that causes small, scaly spots and pustules on the scalp. Tinea capitis, if left untreated, can lead to hair loss from permanent scarring.
Other Causes Of Hair Loss
Excessive styling with harsh products (bleach, chemical straighteners)

甲状腺疾病: 严重的甲状腺疾病,如桥本氏病会导致脱发。然而,如果这是原因,你可能会经历其他症状,如疲劳或体重增加。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

First of all, you need to understand the causes of hair fall. It may be due to stress, pollution, hormonal changes (in case of women) or due to over-exposure to sun or any chemical reagent. If you find out that your hair fall is due to the above reasons, follow the below steps
Change your hair washing habits:
Never wash your hair in hot water. Always use cold/luke warm water to wash your hair as hot water may damage hair follicles and lead to hair fall.
If you’re using any shampoo to wash your hair, never apply it directly. Rather mix the shampoo with some water as this process will help dilute the chemical concentration in shampoo.
Wash your hair atleast twice a week which will help in protecting your hair against dust and pollution.


Improve your eating habits:
Take lot of protein rich food including Milk, Almonds, Pistachios, Cashews, Dried Dates, Raisins, Fruits etc. If you’re a Non-Vegetarian you can include a lot of fish recipes in your meal.
Avoid taking too much spicy food often. Especially, pickles. And also avoid the intake of bottled juices. These food has the capability to increase your body heat which is one of the main reasons for hair fall.
Drink atleast 8 glasses of water per day. Have tender coconut and buttermilk atleast 2 times a week. This will help in reducing your body heat drastically.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Improve your combing habits:
For Women: Never tuck your hair too high or use tight hair bands. Try to keep your hair loose while sleeping.
Use hair brush to remove hair tangles. Always keep your hair brush, comb, hair bands clean by washing them regularly.
Never use other’s hair brush/comb. When a person combs his/her hair their sweat sticks to the comb’s teeth. So when you use the same on your hair, there are high chances for dandruff.
Always brush/comb your hair from bottom to top. Take a section of your hair from bottom, comb it gently to remove tangles. Follow this procedure bottom-up.
Let the teeth of your comb/hair brush touch your scalp gently while combing. That’s another way of massaging your scalp.

女性: 不要把头发卷得太高,也不要用很紧的发带。 睡觉时尽量保持头发松散。
总是从下往上梳头发。从头发底部取一段头发,轻轻地梳去打结。 按照此过程自下而上梳头发。

Tips to reduce hair fall (All the below methods are proven ones gathered from my friends & relatives who have tried them and seen results):
Avoid applying hair oil every day. This will only make your hair greasy and as a result will attract more dust and may lead to dandruff which in turn will lead to hair fall. The primary purpose of applying hair oil everyday, apart from nourishing hair, is to reduce body heat. Follow the 3rd point above instead of applying hair oil everyday. It’s recommended to apply any hair oil 1–2 hours before washing your hair or the night before.
Apply curd to your hair 1–2 hours before washing it. It’s a good source of protein and will also help in getting a smooth & shiny hair after the wash. You can also add Fenugreek powder, Curry leaves powder, Gooseberry powder, Hibiscus powder to curd before applying it.
Try this method the night before washing your hair: Peel a garlic and cut it into half. Rub it gently on your scalp in small circular motion without applying much pressure. Repeat this process until you cover the whole scalp. Prepare Massaging Oil: Now heat some 4–5 spoons of coconut oil with 2–3 curry leaves and 2 drops of castor oil. Don’t make the oil too hot. Massage this oil in your scalp. Follow this for atleast 4 times a week. This is one of the powerful methods to stop hair fall and regrow hair. (Additional, it’s good to prepare massaging oil in a clean iron kadai)
Apply shallot onions’ juice to your scalp. Keep it for 10–15 mins before washing. This is one of the ancient methods for regrowing fallen hair.
Wash your hair with rice water. Rice water is rich in starch which will help in nourishing your hair.

减少头发脱落的小贴士(以下所有的方法都是从我的朋友和亲戚那里收集来的,他们已经尝试过并看到了效果) :
在洗头前一晚试试这个方法:剥大蒜,把它切成两半。轻轻地在头皮上做圆周运动,不要用力太大。重复这个过程,直到你覆盖整个头皮。准备按摩油:现在加热4-5勺椰子油,2 - 3片咖喱叶和2滴蓖麻油。不要把油烧得太热。用这种油在头皮上按摩。每周至少这样做4次。这是阻止头发脱落和再生的有效方法之一。(另外,在清洁的熨斗中准备按摩油也很好)

Some more tips:
Don’t change your hair oil/shampoo often. Use plain coconut oil (with 2–3 drops of castor oil(optional)) which is more than enough to nourish your hair. Otherwise, consult a dermatologist and stick to the products they suggest.
Don’t cover your hair with scarf/cap often. Covering your hair may lead to sweating and dandruff. If you happen to wear helmet, make it a habit to wash your hair 3 times a week.
Avoid taking too many chemical remedies for hair fall & hair growth and resort to natural remedies to avoid side effects.
Hope this helps!

不要经常换发油/洗发水。使用普通的椰子油 (加2-3滴蓖麻油(可选) ) 足以滋养你的头发。否则,咨询皮肤科医生,坚持使用他们建议的产品。

Preetam, studied at Sri Kumaran Composite Pre-University College
First find out wether your hair fall is genetic or non genetic.
How do you do that yourself without a doctor ?pick few strands of your fallen hair ( best from your pillow) and observe wether it is of normal thickness or very thin and fragile.
If it's of normal thickness then your hair fall is a non genetic hair fall caused by environmental factors, but mostly by your diet and lifestyle.
If it's thin and fragile then it's a genetic hair fall known as alopecia. Your hair follicles have DHT receptors making them sensitive to dht , which suffocates your hair follicle of nutrients making them to miniaturize over time, and eventually fall. This is the most common kind of genetic hair loss.


Another genetic condition maybe a thyroid problem, which affects the amount of thyroxine in your blood, causing hairloss. This thyroid problem can be controlled through medications for which you must consult your doctor, and a simple thyroid hormone test.
Now for the DHT issue the only solution is to inhibit conversion of testosterone to Dyhydrotestosterone. Now there is a drug called finasteride which stops this conversion by 70–80%. You get these tablets in a pharmacy. This is a FDA approved drug for Alopecia, but wait don't be so happy.


Please read the below information and consult your doctor!!!!!! before taking this drug .
This is strictly not for women, they mess with lot if your internal body functions, so please do not take them, healthy body before healthy hair.
As for men there are lot of side effects if this drug.


First of all know that DHT is an important hormone for men , it is not testosterone that gives the male triats but DHT. From strong voice , muscle tone , facial and body hair yo your libido. In the internet it is given only 2% of who use finasteride suffer from side effects, but as far as I have known sooner or later you will get few or all if these side effects.


Now when u stop the conversion of testosterone to dht, there is a lot of free testosterone in the blood which gets converted into estrogen !!!!, Which is a female hormone. The side effect of this is.
Your sex drive reduces, from reduction in semen production , erectile dysfunction.
You start putting on more weight than you should according to your current state of physical activity and calorie consumption.
Increase in depression , anxiety, loss of motivation, feeling weak and fatigue sooner.
This is rather embarrassing. You start growing Breast tissue around your nipple depositing fat. Now to how much extent this will progress will vary from one man to another, still a steep price to pay.
This is about genetic hairloss.

现在当你停止睾酮向双氢睾酮的转化,血液中有大量的游离睾酮会转化成雌性激素! 这是一种女性荷尔蒙。这样做的副作用是:

Now about non genetic hair loss . It's mainly because of your diet , level of stress you are under and your sugar level.
Stress is a state where the body detects that you have a problem either a physical or mental, though we are emphasizing on mental stress. Because of this mental problem you are facing the body is constantly on alx which is detrimental on the long run, causing hairloss. It also releases a stress hormone called cortisol which increases the body's capacity by pumping more blood and increasing sugar levels to solve your problem. So spike in blood sugar and pressure cause hairloss.


Eating lot of sugary goods also cause hairloss, but this is not a big reason on it's own.
Next is nutrition .
I'll list the nutrients which play key role in hair health.
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Any of these insufficient or deficient will cause hair fall.
Protein forms most of your hair
Iron needed for blood to carry enough oxygen to reach your scalp
Vitamin D-immunity levels, calcium absorption.
Zinc known for hair health, low levels connected to worsen alopecia
Vitamin C known for immunity and iron absorption.



维生素D 影响免疫水平,促进钙吸收。

Noteable nutrient is Omega 3 fatty acids.
So diet change for hair health.
Morning amla juice three spoons with warm water.
More protein in diet; eggs ,dal , sprouted pulses .
Peanuts wallnuts dates
Replace sugar in milk with jaggery
Morning sun light 30 min for vitamin D (best source), if not possible then add fish into diet twice a week, daily consumption of only two cod liver oil capsules.
For vegetarians add lots of mushrooms in diet
And non processed milk ( from milk vendors).
Lots of leafy vegetables everyday is very good or at least thrice or twice a week.
Night chia seeds powder for men, Flax seed powder for women, one spoon with warm water.
Increase water intake at least 3 litres of water.
Lifestyle changes
Reduce weight, increase physical activity, yoga if u can.

饮食中增加蛋白质; 鸡蛋,木豆,发芽的豆类。
早晨晒太阳 30 分钟以获得维生素 D(最佳来源),如果不能,则每周两次在饮食中添加鱼,每天仅食用两粒鱼肝油胶囊。
男人用奇亚子粉, 女士用亚麻籽粉,一勺粉加温水兑水喝。

For men with genetic hairloss , reduce fapping to twice a month,or stop it completely. Fapping causes nutrient loss, mainly protein and zinc.
Sulphate free shampoos, oil your hair 4 hrs before headbath.
Balayam or nail rubbing exercise and derma roller for hair ,for this watch on YouTube.
Do all this , for non genetic hairloss nutrition and lifestyle will totally reverse your baldness.
Genetic hairloss , your hairloss will reduce 60–70 %might grow back some of your hair , will help to maintain your current hair density and slow down hairloss for one two decades if you are consistent

用不含硫酸盐的洗发水,在洗头前 4 小时给头发上油。
Balayam 或指甲摩擦运动和用于头发的真皮滚轮,你可以在油管上观看。

Sukrut Vinayak, Hair Loss Researcher (2016-present)
First step is identify the possible causes of Hair Loss. It’s not always genetics as many people claim.
There are several reasons
Here is the flow chart which will tell you what can possibly contribute to hair loss
Inspired from Izabella Wentz's book "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis"
Identify the triggers, reduce or eliminate them and then use Nutrition, Lifestyle Changes to recover from it.


Here are possible reasons for hair thinning
Liver Problems
Fad Diets
Insufficient Nutrient Intake
Mental/Emotional Stress (If you have mental and emotional stress, no amount of diet, supplement can help you, so first deal with that)
Hormonal Changes (This is tricky to reverse although I have good success reversing it to a significant extent)
I am on the journey of reversing Hair loss and regrowing hair for last 3 years. Here are my photos so you know my advice is working for me.

荷尔蒙变化 (这很难扭转,尽管我在很大程度上成功地扭转了它 )

Pamela Arkin
I don't really expect much whenever I buy a hair care product because I've been disappointed with many hair growth products. But, I'm experiencing noticeable hair growth in the bald spots in the front of my hairline after using aherbal hair oil called "Amygrow". Some areas of my scalp were damaged because of using perms for a long time. I see a great improvement from my previous version. I'm so encouraged that I've decided to give my hair a fighting chance to grow a lot thicker by continuing to use Amygrow and stop using perms.

每当我买护发产品的时候,我并没有太多期望,因为我对很多护发产品都很失望。 但是,在使用名为“Amygrow”的草本发油后,我的发际线前方的秃顶部位出现了明显的毛发生长。由于长时间烫发,我的头皮有些部位受到了损伤。 我看到比我以前的版本有了很大的改进。我很受鼓舞,所以我决定继续使用“Amygrow”并停止烫发,让我的头发有机会变得更浓密。

Tusya Roy, studied Marketing at University of Sheffield
Hair regrowth is 100% possible with homeopathy. Homeopathy is one field of alternative medicine that is highly effective in promoting hair regrowth and reducing or curing baldness in the process. People with a penchant for having thick dense hair can turn to homeopathy for relief.
Dr Batra’s are leaders in hair treatments using homeopathic medicines and they have successfully treated millions of patients in India and abroad. Try visiting them, you will not be disappointed with the treatment.


Jigyasu, BSc Botany Honours, University of Delhi (2018)
You can apply onlion hair oil and rice water to you hair.
Both can be prepared at home easily.
For Onion oil :
Take 2 onions and chop them into small pieces then put a cup of oil in container on the gas stove. You can take any hair oil (coconut and mustard oil would be best). Add chopped onion into oil and start heating it till onion becomes brown. let it cool . After cooling pour it into bottle for future use. Use it twice a week for better results.

取2个洋葱,切成小块,然后在容器中倒入一杯油,放在煤气炉上。你可以用任何一种发油 (椰子油和芥子油最好)。将洋葱碎放入油中加热,直到洋葱变成棕色,让它冷却,冷却后倒入瓶中备用。每周使用两次效果会更好。

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