2022-01-05 龟兔赛跑 7207

What are the best ways to teach kids how to read?


Mario Padovesi, Teacher
You can start as early as you would like. If you notice that your child is naturally curious about the letters and words around him/her, then that is a good sign to start. Otherwise, I think a good age is around the age of 3 years old. This is a good age to start teaching the alphabet and the sounds that letters make. This phonic awareness will be your child’s first step reading.
I recommend using a program such as Preschool Prep Series to help engage your child in the learning process. We have tried many programs and this one really stuck with him. I’ve heard a lot of readers also agree that this program is top notch and worked their children as well. This series will teach your children the sounds of each letter in the alphabet and also around 50 different sight words.

你可以根据需要尽早开始。 如果你注意到你的孩子天生对他/她周围的字母和单词好奇,那么这是一个很好的开始。否则,我认为好的年龄是3岁左右,这是开始教孩子字母表和字母发音的好年龄。这种语音意识将是孩子阅读的第一步。
我建议使用诸如 Preschool Prep Series (学前预备系列)之类的程序来帮助你的孩子参与学习过程。 我们已经尝试了很多,这一个真的很适合他。我听说很多读者也同意这个程序是一流的,并且对他们的孩子也有帮助。本系列将教你的孩子字母表中每个字母的发音,以及大约50个不同的常见单词。

Teaching sight words early on will help build your child’s confidence later on when learning to read. Since sight words do not follow the basic decoding skills required to read, it helps for your children to know these words early on so that they are less likely to get confused when decoding words.
While I highly encourage you start with a strong foundation of something like Preschool Prep Series, it is just as important to follow that up with continuous review. After your child has mastered the basics these options are great for review and further learning.


–Teach Your Monster To Read is a great website that will engage children in the world of reading. Children get to create a monster avatar and help him through different levels of reading games. This site is fun and engaging and you might have a hard time getting your child off of the computer!
–Star Fall is another great free website that will help your children master their reading skills. I recommend starting with phonics and working your way up. If your child already knows their basic phonics still consider starting there. It will help them to build up reading confidence. Star Fall also offers fun printable activities for your kids as well as math review.

Teach Your Monster To Read 是一个很棒的网站,可以让孩子们进入阅读世界。 孩子们可以创建一个怪物头像并帮助他完成不同级别的阅读游戏。 这个网站很有趣,很吸引人,你可能很难让你的孩子离开电脑!
Star Fall 是另一个很棒的免费网站,可以帮助你的孩子掌握阅读技巧。 我建议从语音学开始,然后逐步提高。 如果你的孩子已经知道他们的基本发音仍然考虑从那里开始。这将帮助他们建立阅读信心。 Star Fall 还为你的孩子提供有趣的可打印活动以及数学复习。

-Netflix Leap Frog is a great free resource if you already subscribe to the Netflix service. If not you might be able to find these DVD’s at your local library. The following Leap Frog DVD’s are great for teaching your children how to read:
* Phonics Farm
* Amazing Alphabet
* The Letter Machine Rescue Team
* Amazing Word Explorers
* Talking Words Factory

如果您已经订阅了 Netflix 服务,Netflix Leap Frog 是一个很好的免费资源。如果没有,你可以在当地的图书馆找到这些DVD。下面的《跳跳蛙系列》的DVD非常适合教你的孩子如何阅读:

Caroline Says, gardener, scuba diver, mind wanderer
I once knew a woman, a high-powered corporate lawyer, the most ambitious and driven person I'd ever met in my life. I lost track of her after I broke up with my then-boyfriend, who was childhood friends with her finance.
What a surprise then, when I see her profiled on the news one night, many years later. With her two kids, both of whom she’d taught to read before they turned one year old. That’s not a typo. Twelve months. Using a system that apparently teaches kids to read as early as three months old, if you can believe it … you know, when most kids are just learning how to hold their heads up and burp.
How can you teach your kids to read at an early age? Apparently it’s not that hard. Go figure. There are several programs that do this, and you can probably buy them all on Amazon. The program used by the person I’m referring to was developed by Robert Titzer and it’s still available.
I should add that there’s no peer-reviewed evidence that suggests these kids are actually “reading”. It’s possible to train certain animals to “read” too. Plus there are a lot of people who think even if you could, why would you? I have to admit I’m one of them. But then again, I’m not a parent. If some parents want to do this, well, who am I to gainsay. My own mother taught me to read by 3, at my insistence as she tells it.

如何在孩子很小的时候就教会他们阅读? 显然这并不难。去搞清楚,有几个程序可以做到这一点,你可能可以在亚马逊上买到它们。我提到的这个人使用的程序是由Robert Titzer开发的,现在仍然可用。
我应该补充一点,没有同行评议的证据表明这些孩子实际上是在“阅读”。训练某些动物“阅读”也是可能的。另外,有很多人认为,即使你可以,你为什么要这样做? 我得承认我也是其中之一。但话说回来,我不是家长。如果有些父母想这么做,那么,我又有什么资格反对呢? 在我的坚持下,我的母亲在我3岁的时候教我阅读。

I will also add that in my opinion — as an avid reader and also someone who’s taught literature — the most important thing in terms of turning your kids into life-long readers, if that’s your ultimate goal, is helping them to find things that they are excited about reading. The best, best thing you can do is cultivate a love of reading, by making it enjoyable. If they love reading, they will read. It’s as simple as that.
One of the stumbling blocks is that not all kids are imaginatively wired to enjoy fiction. I loooved fiction, of all kinds, but many don’t. Some of those fiction-indifferent kids will enjoy non-fiction though. Books about sports or whatever their hobby is. Fashion. Art. Politics. Science. Philosophy. Current Affairs. Or maybe anime. Or even fan fiction that involves beloved characters in video games.
It can be anything really. But it has to tie into who they are and what they’re passionate about, if it’s going to work. Otherwise, at best, they’ll read when you’re around, but not so much outside of your influence. Reading a lot yourself might help too, as children tend to mirror parents more than listen to them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

McKayla Kennedy, English teacher, former substitute teacher
I don't know if there's a best, but I had good success with this:
Read to your kid. Often. A lot. Aloud. In as many languages as you can.
Read. Let your kid see you read. Often. A lot.
Start them with phonics. My daughter confused the nurse at her 2-year checkup by making "tuh" noises when they pointed to the + on the eye chart. She already knew that sound. She could associate some letters with sounds pretty early.
I went old school (literally) and bought The Original McGuffey's Eclectic Primer (and the rest of the books in that series) and just worked through them.
By age 4 and a half, when she entered Kindergarten, she could read pretty well. By Second or Third grade we had a kid who had to be told to put her book down to come and eat.

我用的是老方式(字面意思)买了McGuffey的The Original McGuffey’s Eclectic Primer(以及该系列的其他书籍),然后就把它们看完了。
4岁半上幼儿园时,她的阅读能力已经相当不错了。 到二年级或三年级时,我们有一个孩子必须被告知放下书来吃饭。

Mary Jenkins, Writer; co-author of Shakespeare Legends Alphabet
Read out loud to your baby as soon as they can sit up on your lap. Use voices and point to pictures and talk about them: “Look! Here is a blue cow! What does a cow say? Mooooo. I like ice cream and the cow gives us cream for it. Nice cow. Good cow.” You get the idea.
Be prepared at the age of three that they will want the same book read to them over and over every night. Let them hold the book, and you will see that they know when to turn the pages. They may begin to learn short words by sight.
Don’t stop reading out loud as they grow older. Let them read out loud to you as soon as they are able, and you will see how they are learning phonetics. Help them, but don’t make it a “lesson.” That may take the fun out of it. Let them choose the books, and ask them questions. Help them learn the alphabet.
And let them see you reading! My older sister always had her nose in a book. That made me want to look like her.

让他们看到你在读书! 我姐姐总是埋头读书,这让我也想像她一样埋头读书。

Tamara Wilhite, Freelance Technical Writer (2015-present)
At that age, start reading to them every night as well as multiple times throughout the day. If you don’t just read to them at bedtime, they won’t have a negative association with it.
Point to the things on the page and name them, so they associate words with the obxts. Then point to the words such as the animal’s name or the character’s name.
When you read, follow along with your finger. Kids may pick up “a”, “the” and a character’s name that way. You’re now on your way to teaching sight words.
Let the kids see you reading. This teaches them that adults read. When they want to know what you’re doing, have them sit beside you as you read the text to them. They may get bored after a few sentences of financial columns, but they may pick up other words when you read the comics to them. And they learn that you learn from reading.


Ivy Bedworth, B.A. Ancient History & Psychology, University of South Africa (2008)
Read to them from an early age, at their level of understanding.
Encourage them to enjoy books by acting out the characters.
Read well-written books by authors with good grammar, and teach them to speak and write with good grammar, make it fun, enjoyable something to look forward to, and let them see you with a book, reading. Take them to the library and even if you have to read the Tale of Peter Rabbit over and over and over again, do it.


Rachel Mitchell, lives in Harker Heights, TX
Read to them at night before they go to bed. Pick a chapter book that you think they might be interested in and read one chapter, or a set number of pages a night. I would recommend Percy Jackson, Beyonders, I Funny or another chapter book to get them engaged. They may decide to pick up the book on their own. Reading to them not only creates a love of reading but strengthens your bond with your child. You should be laughing and talking over whatever book you choose.

晚上睡觉前给他们朗读。选择一本你认为他们可能感兴趣的章节书,每晚阅读一章或一定数量的页面。我会推荐 Percy Jackson、Beyonders、I Funny 或其他章节书来让他们参与进来。他们可能决定自己去拿这本书。给他们读书不仅能培养对读书的热爱,还能加强你与孩子之间的联系。无论你选什么书,你都应该边笑边谈。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Miriam Davis, lives in Nazareth Illit
When I was reading the newspaper and my young children were sitting on my lap, I would point out the big letters in the headlines and ask them to find more of the same letter on the page. I would read them a lot of stories, especially at bedtime. Eventually they would be able to read some of the stories themselves. I started by asking them to read one sentence, and then one paragraph, while I would continue after they made that first effort.
My son told me about how he first realized that he could read. We were at a friend’s house and the television was on a Discovery program. My son was following the program intently, and then our friend asked him if he understood English, as the program was in English. We had not been teaching him English at home, so he only spoke Hebrew. The program had Hebrew subtitles, and all of a sudden my son realized he was reading the subtitles. He was about 5 years old at the time.


Excelsior American School, lives in Gurugram, Haryana, India
Kids generally start learning to read between the ages 3-5, which may sound shocking but are in fact, quite normal. But the main question is how do we teach our kids to read? Where do we start?
Here are the best ways to teach children how to read:

孩子们通常在3-5岁开始学习阅读,这听起来可能令人震惊,但实际上是很正常的。但主要的问题是我们如何教我们的孩子阅读? 我们从哪里开始?

1. Using Rhymes and Nursery songs is one of the easiest ways to teach toddlers how to read. Even though rhymes and nursery songs are for having fun and but this will help them hear the words and syllables which in turn would help them learn to read. By listening to such rhymes, which are curated specifically kids of these ages, they will get help in quickly remembering the words and would start reciting the songs. This activity is the perfect way to learn how to read as it is the perfect blend of fun and learning.
2. Using Word cards is another good way to teach kids reading. Word cards act as a quick method of teaching toddlers to read. Start with three-letter words such as cat, dog, mat, etc, and read the words together. Put a lot of emphasis on the sounds of the words and break the words by the letters. For example, for the word ‘cat’ break it down by each letter ‘c’, ‘a’, ‘t’, this would help them to learn the words quickly. This activity is essential in helping toddlers learn how to sound out words.

使用单词卡片是另一种教孩子阅读的好方法。单词卡片是教幼儿阅读的一种快速方法。从三个字母的单词开始,比如cat, dog, mat等,一起读这些单词。把重点放在单词的发音上,把单词的字母分开。例如,对于单词“cat”,用每个字母“c”、“a”、“t”来分解它,这将帮助他们快速学习单词。这个活动对于帮助幼儿学习如何发音是至关重要的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3. Using Word games at home or while traveling: This can be continued from the previous two ways, in which word games can be used at any time when you’re at home with your kids. The key focus should be here to encourage your kid to listen, identify and manipulate the sounds in words. For example, you can start with ‘What words rhyme with cat?” etc.
4. Using videos and mobile games: Nowadays parents use youtube or mobile video games to help their toddlers read. Indeed it is a good way to teach as they will learn quite quickly from. There are numerous videos available online which will be very interactive and grasp the attention of the child immediately. Same goes for mobile word games that are fun, simple and engaging for the kids to keep them interested. While there is a considerable level of precaution that parents have to take with this method, so as to not let their child get addicted, this method gives a higher result percentage.
5. Reading Books: One of the most important and classic ways is to read books with your children. This should be done on a day-to-day basis with your child during the day and before they go to sleep. By reading, you are showing them how to sound out / pronounce words, growing their vocabulary, and also help in building key comprehension skills. Keeping this as a daily routine would aid in developing a reading habit for your child.

在家里或旅行时玩文字游戏: 这可以延续前两种方式,在家和孩子一起玩文字游戏。关键的重点应该是鼓励你的孩子去听,识别和操纵语言中的声音。例如,可以从“哪些词与cat押韵?”开始。等等。
使用视频和手机游戏: 现在父母使用油管或手机视频游戏来帮助他们的孩子阅读。事实上,这是一个很好的教学方式,因为他们将很快从中学习。网上有很多互动的视频,可以立即抓住孩子的注意力。同样地,那些有趣、简单、吸引孩子的手机文字游戏也能让他们保持兴趣。虽然父母必须采取这种方法采取相当程度的预防措施,以免让他们的孩子上瘾,但这种方法的结果更好。
读书: 最重要也是最经典的方法之一就是和你的孩子一起读书。这应该都和你的孩子于白天和睡觉前进行,日复一日。通过阅读,你可以向他们展示如何发音,增加他们的词汇量,并帮助他们建立关键的理解能力。每天坚持这样做有助于培养孩子的阅读习惯。

These are some of the best ways that you can start using to help your child to read. After that, gradually you can up the level depending on how your child is keeping up. Every child would take his/her time so just be patient and go with the flow, and most importantly, remember to make it enjoyable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dafne Green
You have to BE THE EXAMPLE always.
Simple few lines on each page. Pronounce the words correctly, repeat repeat repeat!!!
We all learn by repetition. Do it often. They learn by listening. Bold pictures in a good book. Choose your story books from a person In a shop who understands children books.


Aishah Tan
Teaching kids to read is an intuitive process that requires their complete attention and appreciative involvement. Besides inculcating phonemic awareness, there are quite a few immersive strategies that parents and teachers can rely on to ensure holistic development, starting at an early age.
While parents can rely on word games and letter magnets to keep them engrossed productively, the approach taken by the teachers has a lot of bearing on their learning and absorption levels. For instance, any sought-after international preschool in Kuala Lumpur relies extensively on age-appropriate training methods to teach kids the basic caveats of reading.
Therefore, if you have shifted to Malaysia or any other country that takes preschool curriculum seriously, consider institutes that follow the Global Montessori Program for whetting your child's reading skills. This would involve focusing on print-rich ambiance, rhymes, playing fish, word families, and other activity-centric methodologies.

教孩子阅读是一个直观的过程,需要他们全神贯注和会欣赏。 除了灌输音素意识之外,家长和教师还可以依靠许多沉浸式策略,以确保孩子在很小的时候就能全面发展。

Mary Chialastri, MS Child Development & Early Childhood Special Education, Iowa State University (1981)
You can begin to develop literacy skills that will lead to reading by reading to your child daily. That is the single most influential factor in developing strong literacy skills in children. Have a good sextion of age appropriate books available. For toddlers, that means board books with colorful pictures. They experience their books in many different ways that often include putting them in their mouths, throwing them on the floor, standing on them etc. Hence, board books for this age. Young children should also see you reading…actual reading material that is around the house, not just digital. Provide plain paper, pencils, markers and crayons which foster written literacy skills. I could go on and on, but the most important thing is to read to your child and talk about what you are reading. If you don’t read well yourself, don’t stress. Just “read” the pictures.

你可以通过每天给你的孩子读书来培养孩子的识字技能。这是培养儿童良好读写能力的唯一最具影响力的因素。有很多适龄的书可供选择。 对于幼儿来说,这意味着有彩色图片的板书。他们用不同的方式体验他们的书,通常包括把书放进嘴里,扔在地板上,站在书上等等。因此,适合这个年龄段的书是板书。 年幼的孩子也应该看到你在阅读,阅读家里真正的资料,而不仅仅是数字化的资料。提供普通纸、铅笔、记号笔和蜡笔,以培养书写能力。我还可以继续讲下去,但最重要的是给孩子读书,并谈论你所读的内容。如果你自己读不好,不要有压力。只要“读”这些图片。

Joan Lockwood, BA (Hons)_ from University of Queensland (2007)
From babyhood, sit them on your knee and read little books to them, every day. Show them the words, while making it fun. I was reading at three, because my dad tried to shorten the comic book he was reading to me, and I pointed out the words he had missed. From that point, they knew I could read, and gave me my older brothers’ comics to read, plus books such as Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven and Famous Five books.


Michelle Tag, Graduate Nurse, Spokesperson for Hospital Facility at S. Florida (2016-present)
Repetition at a very early age. I was reading to both of my kids at just a few months old. Yeah I got all kids colorful books and got them to finger each and every color including shades. By the time they were about 18 months they could point out every letter of the alphabet………….usually, especially if they were caps.
By 5 they could read very short simple sentences. By 3rd grade their comprehension was fairly solid.
Fact: When you start use the same books pretty much always. Repetition is a key teaching method. They do NOT get bored usually. Yeah you can mix a little but be careful.

事实: 当你开始阅读时,使用相同的书,几乎总是如此。重复是一种重要的教学方法。他们通常不会感到无聊。是的,你可以混合一点其他的内容,但内容要精。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 3