2022-01-10 翻译熊 10703

Are Europeans shocked when they first come to the United States?


Ronald Van Bakel
There were only two things that shocked me when I came to the US.
the complete lack of maintenace for the infrastructure. I thought Americans loved to drive? So why not spend some money on maintenance. I’ve seen more potholes in 6 days in the Usa, than in my entire life in the Netherlands
the way police officers and other other uniformed people behaved. It already started on the airport at border security, all of the guys in uniform acted like they were the most important person in the world and we were just measly worms. Come on, I know you have a job to do, but why can’t you just try to be pollite? If Dutch police officers


Steve Dutch
Look up “Beamte” (“officed”) in a German dictionary. The behavior you’re describing is classic old-time Prussian bureaucratic behavior.


lexander Lotharson
Usually I love to rant about Americans and their culture but this time I have to disagree. I visited the USA some years ago and my experiences with Police, TSA, etc were very good. Especially the officers at the airports were surprisingly friendly, helpful and polite. My girlfriend and I were extremely nervous because of all the horrible stories we heard about airport officers. So we were very glad when we realized that everyone was nice, relaxed and patient.


Jon Bray
Agreed - I’ve only been to the US once but the security officials in the US airports were miles more welcoming than the ones at the Canadian airport we stopped over at (a surprise, because the stereotype is very much the other way around).


Henry Mortensson
About your second point: you are so right, man! Those supercilious assholes know that it is in their power to screw you big time, and they do make sure that you are aware of it. I always give them a mental middle finger.


Estelle Winwoode
Authority. So many videos and media bits and pieces make it look as though having authority is hugely important in the US. And what good is having something if you don’t get to wave it around?


Zigurd Folkman
I wonder if anyone can confirm it, but I’ve heard that they are employed using psychometric testing - screening for a specific personality type - borderline psychopathic narcissists lacking in empathy.


Alex Sloan
Supercilious, never heard that word before and looked up the meaning just now. What a great word.

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Richard Hallett
English is a beautiful language, one never stops learning it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Rawlins
I noticed on a visit to New York City in 2019 that the police looked and acted like the soldiers of an army of occupation. The body language and tone of voice adopted by most of the officers was almost comically arrogant. I was often tempted to mimic them but my wife insisted otherwise.


Phew, I thought you were going to list off other more damning things. I don’t know where you were but we fortunately do not have potholes. Guns and theft perhaps, but no potholes. In fact, I used my town’s citizen app the other day and sent a picture of an uneven side walk that a kid tripped on. They had it temporarily filled the next morning.


Héctor Rojas González
Maybe it was just a coincidence but some years ago, in a span of time of few months when I was around, in Atlanta several viaducts collapsed.
Later on, I read an article where experts were warning about the danger that suppose the lack of maintenance in infrastructures, specially damns and viaducts. Have you read about that? Is it an exaggeration?


Steve Haeger
I had to completely replace 5 tires at separate times in 2020 and 2021 from hitting potholes so deep the tires blew out. They were all in Atlanta or Sandy Springs..
While I have no recollection of the viaducts you refer to, it certainly is within the realm of possibility.


Reg Boyle
I blame Pearl Harbor. A paralysing fear of the Japanese or someone else doing it again, thus causing infrastructure cash to be frittered away on the military machine.


Terry Bowden
Spending on maintaining infrastructure does not excite the voting base, at least the Republican voting base. As a result, maintenance is neglected, often for decades, often, until something falls apart.

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Patrick Dieter
It’s because most countries like yours have “policing by consent” which means you understand that their main aim is to serve and protect you. In America, we have “policing by force.” They have stated, in so many words, that they are not here to protect us, but to “enforce laws,” which are more and more passed to protect the possessions and privileges of the very wealthy. I wish I knew how or why it devolved this way, but there ya have it!


Norbert Korzus
Generally the laws “to protect the possessions of the wealthy” exist in all developed countries. Police generally was first needed to enable safe trade. In abscence of police and military you gangs and mafias create to establish some sort of stability over trade. This is also you got gans in US prisons once the US prison got so big reputation and norms were not enough to enforce the unwritten rules of trade.
So that’s not the issue. I see many americans simply love the mean policeman idea. They assume policemen have to be mean to “punish” bad guys and if they are mean to someone that person is automatically a bad guy. Not to mention americans while on paper claim to be freedom loving in reality they love authority. Most of their leaders have to use a much more authoritarian rhetoric than Euro Politicians, The Army is also silly important in the US. The country also tends to rely more on role models than Europe.


Leah Lockhart
I think you are right about Americans loving authority. I’ve been considering this for a couple of days because I got stopped because of problems with my car the other day. I live in France. There were three policemen. I remember afterwards noticing myself thinking ,”why do the french police always seem like small, weak, insecure dorks?” Just observing that thought pass through, I realized that I am distrustful of them when they don’t exude a strong and assertive presence. I guess I have a conditioned idea that more passive people in such a position are more likely to fail (flee, if I am in need of protection) or even undertake petty unethical actions out of insecurity. I actually have more trust in people who act like they are confident, strong willed, and completely at ease in a position of power. (I am american).
I offer no excuse for us, I’m still learning about myself and the conditioning I have operating in me. Just an interesting observation)


Jan Krusat
American police (and similar institutions) see themselves as a separate class (more in line with the military) apart from ordinary “civilians”.
In Europe in most cases it is made clear that the police ARE civilians (except for some police units, which are attached to the real military, like the French Gendarmes, the Dutch Marechaussee or the Italian Carabinieri).
In Germany they even have a rank structure, with different terms than the military and different rank badges.


Maritsa Solares
In Spain we have the Guardia civil, which is a paramilitary unit. They get judged by a military tribunal and have a fasces on their badge. Says it all…and they strut, not walk.


Douglas Turner
6 days in the US and you saw a few potholes? Big deal. Maybe you should have gone a bit further afield and seen what the rest of the country has to offer….but you didn’t. BTW ….maintenance of huge numbers of highways in the huge US might require a wee bit more effort and funding than in the Netherlands!


Ronald Van Bakel
The question is what shocked me when I came to the USA for the first time. Not what shocked me after living there for a year.


A C Brown
Apparently China can do it in their huge country, which is as big as ours. Please do search online for photos of China’s infrastructure. The U.S. is an embarrassment in terms of infrastructure, and I’m an American. If you ‘don’t get out much’ tho you might not notice since you’re used to it. As an expat, whenever I return, I feel like I’m returning to a developing country in South America.

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Nicholas Stanway
Not all of China is brand new. The coastal cities are incredible and look like Blade Runner or something, but if you go to the poor provinces you will find bits that are still developing country


Nicholas Stanway
actually even the rich cities have really run down bits
I lived in Hangzhou which is one of the coolest cities in China and we were just outside of the city, but there was a restaurant street where we went for dinner sometimes that was developing country. All shacks with crazy food and animals as if it was Star Wars
Downtown was 2030 and the suburbs were 1980

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John Earthy
I am a Brit, and a naturalized US citizen, have lived here for 53 years on both east and west coasts. My careers involved extensive travel throughout the entire country in addition to extensive personal travel. In both cases a great amount of flying, driving and by rail. In general terms the ‘infrastructure’ of every aspect of the US is poor, in some cases an astonishing departure from the greatest economy impression America has always projected.
The new and massive infrastructure bill gives ample evidence to this yet even it falls well short of what’s needed for a country rapidly falling behind, China in particular, when it comes to quality, leading edge infrastructure.
Over the last 10 years I have traveled extensively throughout China: north, east, south and west, metropolitan and very rural. My journeys, mostly with locals, have been by extensive long distance driving and rail. Bottom line: China’s infrastructure in every aspect is an astonish model of best in class and continuing to rapidly advance. State of the art freeways, bridges, tunnels, very extensive modern rail systems with highly advanced bullet trains and modern stations everywhere! You can’t believe it unless you actually experience it. How advanced, how spotlessly clean it all is! All this a far departure from the sad reality of US infrastructure that despite massive financial infusions will continue to fall behind, in reality and in the impressions of many who visit the US, the biggest economy in the world, at the moment.
This is a factual, realistic first person experience absent politics and nationalism. Blunt though it may be for some, appreciate leaving such out of reply comments.

在过去的10年里,我走遍了中国的北部、东部、南部和西部,大城市和非常乡村的地方。我的旅行大多是和当地人一起,长途驾驶和坐火车。底线是:中国的基础设施在各个方面都是一流的惊人典范,并在继续快速发展。最先进的高速公路,桥梁,隧道,非常广泛的现代铁路系统,高度先进的子弹头列车和现代车站无处不在! 除非你亲身经历过,否则你不会相信。它是多么的先进,多么的干净!

Nicholas Stanway
The number one complaint that I have about China as someone who spent a long time there is that they still go ‘China is a developing country’ to justify stuff. It’s the second richest country in the world, the infrastructure really is astonishing, even the train system in Europe seems backwards after using the Chinese one, and the European train systems are a source of national pride (rightly so imo)


A C Brown
There are backward things going on in China for sure but the infrastructure is Definitely Not one of them…


Richard VanDyk
Another strange thing about America are the vast numbers of people without a passport that have never visited a civilized country. They have conclusions through their own thoughts and conjecture not reality.


Ronald Mills
Europe as a whole is about roughly the size of the US and they manage just fine. So does china. It’s about priorities not size. Bottom line we’re going to continue to ignore infrastructure until it bites us in the ass while other countries are investing in theirs and are economically passing us by because of it. Once we’re no longer the largest economy reality is going to hit pretty hard and it’s not going to fun. It not just about potholes it’s about economic competitiveness in which efficient infrastructure plays a massive role. Then it will be why didn’t we do something when we had the chance blah blah.


Norbert Korzus
The US generally has infrastructure issues. Even Local US agencies sound the alarm. Don’t be the fake patriot who thinks patriotism is denying anything is wrong with your country. By doing that you are weakening your country and in essence being anti patriotic. Work to make your country better not to pretend that it’s best. Sorry but even if you compare coastal US areas with high population density to something like Germany US infrastructe is bad. Not to mention your train infrastructure and public transport is a joke.


Paul Irving
There are 20 Americans for every person in the Netherlands, so they should be able to do a lot more road maintenance.
I suggest you compare your roads with Australia's.


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