2022-01-18 鹧鸪哨 13662

Christopher Aeneadas, BS Organizational Behavior & Management, University of San Francisco
I’m willing to entertain it.
All black people first need to get together and agree who is black. We have to know exactly who we are paying.Then they all agree on a per-person number ($). This is Forty acres and a mule with a lot of interest and penalties.Then they all agree that said number settles the books on slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, systemic racism, and everything else. Forever. Past present and future.
Then they agree that their children and all future generations will be bound by it in a Constitutional Amendment declaring race a social construct and making its future mention by any person or in any media a felony.
We have deconstructed the construct. We will have officially reached a post-racial society.
We pay. It goes away. That’s how legal settlements work.
So go have a conference with your clients. We’ll be waiting. Bring us a number.
I’d really like to get Civil Rights wrapped up before I hit 50 and never think about it again.
I’m really quite serious. This is exactly how I want to handle this.
We’ll fire up the Printing Press at the Treasury Bureau of Printing and Engraving. To hell with inflation. This is a one time deal. We’ll just accept the recession we know will happen when we dump that much cash into the economy all at once.
Can we make this work?

然后他们要都同意这个数字解决了奴隶制、种族隔离、吉姆 · 克劳、私刑、系统性种族主义以及其他一切问题。

Dennis Manning, studied at Mineral Area College
I think that’s a wonderful idea. Paying for wrongs done to someone is a noble thing.
So…let’s see about reparations for slavery. Any slaves here? No? It’s just as well…there are no slave owners to pay for those reparations anyway.
Oh, you are affected because three or four generations ago your ancestor was a slave. Okay. Since then, the Civil Rights Act has been passed, as well as a few amendments that made you a citizen with voting rights. Affirmative action helped get you into better schools, and welfare kept you from starving. Yeah, you’ve had some rough times. But there are things in place to help you now. Aren’t those reparations?
What if you are biracial? Do we get to cut your reparation in half? Or better yet, because you are half white/black, you can pay yourself. Wait, that’s not going to work, is it?
Oh, we’ve got a question from the white folks. What? Your family never owned slaves? They all came from Europe AFTER the Civil War? Why should you pay? Hmmm….
Now a statement from a Native American. You never invited any of us here, and we should all leave now? Hmmm….
Man, we’ve not thought this through. We have to answer a lot of questions. We have to make sure that only those whose ancestors contributed to the problem pay. We can only pay to those Black Americans who have proven ties to slavery.
This sure seems like a lot of unnecessary work for something that happened 155 years ago.
What’s that you say? You don’t see why people who haven’t been directly affected by slavery should be given reparations by people who’ve never practiced it? You got a point.
But what about benefits whites have enjoyed? Well, yeah, sure there’s been policy changes, economic downturns, and changes in existing law. So what are you saying? The benefits have dried up?
Sorry, folks. Doesn’t look like there will be any reparations. Trying to figure who gets paid and who does the paying is just too exhausting.


Chris Bast, Truck Driver
You know what? I'm in a good mood today, so I'll offer a compromise.
Yes, the United States should pay reparations to black Americans.
But in exchange, we end all race-based government programs.
So, Affirmative Action? Gone. Abolished forever.
Race-based quotas designed to encourage “diversity” in the workplace and in higher education? Over.
Government scholarships specifically targeted at minorities? Gone.
Government programs to encourage black home ownership or black entrepreneurship? Gone.
Every single thing the government does to promote the interests of black Americans ends overnight. Black Americans are now playing by the exact same rules as white Americans.
Sound like a plan?

平权法案? 没有了,永远消失了。
政府鼓励黑人拥有住房或黑人企业家精神的计划? 没有了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Supermodelsonya, Did you ever noticed that raceists can't spelle?.....:D
If not now, then when?
“This country was formed for the white, not for the black man,” “And looking upon African slavery from the same standpoint held by those noble frxrs of our Constitution, I for one have ever considered it one of the greatest blessings (both for themselves and us) that God ever bestowed upon a favored nation.”— John Wilkes Booth before assassinating Lincoln
I lose patience with arguments that state that because someone else did something, that others aren’t responsible for their actions and decisions but let’s clarify.
White people are not responsible for their ancestors. However we have to face the legacy of what they did and what they left behind. Everyone must do that.
So, because slavery existed somewhere else, if they aren’t acknowledging their past, why should I? I think that’s ludicrous and illogical.

“如何看待非洲奴隶,我和制定我们宪法的那些高尚的人持同样的观点,就我个人而言,这是上帝赐予一个受恩惠国家的最大的祝福之一(包括他们自己和我们) ”——刺杀林肯之前的约翰·威尔克斯·布斯
我对这样的论调失去了耐心 :
—— 我认为这是可笑的,也是不合逻辑的。

I also lose patience with the argument that since there are “no slaves alive from that era” then we shouldn’t pay reparations and punish a generation of people who had nothing to do with slavery.
First, reparations aren’t punitive. They are simply righting a wrong. It’s not like a summary judgement. It’s taking a stand and saying, “This was wrong.”
Do you know what the past generations thought about slavery and reparations? They didn’t. They simply didn’t even want to bring it up nor talk about it. How could African Americans get reparations right after the Civil War for them being slaves, when slaveholders were more focused on themselves getting some sort of reparations for themselves? They were more upset over their loss of property. Black people would often sue in court for things that they were not given relief for because they were….BLACK. DUH!
If not now, then when?
So when could Black people expect some sort of justice?
The people who were the victims of the Rosewood Massacre didn’t see justice until the 90s because the judicial system was so incredibly racist. They didn’t win based on the fact that it was the right thing to do, because the Republican legislature felt that taxpayers were being “punished” for something they had nothing to do with, despite the fact that previous legislative bodies were still incredibly racist and there was no way for them to get relief.
How did the Rosewood Massacre victims get a settlement? They had to focus on ‘PROPERTY LOSS’ and that was all. Then they were granted a settlement.
Reparations sends a powerful message to African Americans and the rest of the country that what happened to us had a real effect on our lives. The fact that we were enslaved for hundreds of years without no real future in this country. Then to face so much hardship with racism, discrimination, extrajudicial violence, and crushing poverty along with having to put on this face of being “true blue Americans”, against Communism and fighting in the military for Uncle Sam.
If not now, then when?
What would be justice? What should we do for these descendants that still face discrimination, racism, bigotry, bias, and prejudice today? Ignore it? Move on? I don’t know what it’s like to be a slave, so what do I need reparations for?

罗斯伍德大屠杀的受害者是如何获得赔偿的?司法系统不得不关注 "财产损失",这就是全部,仅此而已,然后他们得到了一个和解方案。
发生在我们身上的事情对我们的生活产生了真正的影响,我们被奴役了几百年,在这个国家没有真正的未来,然后面对种族主义、歧视、法外暴力和极度贫困的种种艰难困苦,同时不得不戴上“Blue Americans ”的面具,反对共产主义,在军中为山姆大叔作战。

A quick story …
My father was a sharecropper. He had to drop out of school in the 3rd grade so that EVERYONE in the family could work to get the crops out of the ground and on the tables of American families. They barely had time to work their own fields to grow their own foods. Due to this “peonage slavery”, many blacks had to work these long, hard hours as sharecroppers. Those who refused to work under the unfair, one sided BS agreements that whites had, were arrested and sent to jail.
He left school, dying at 50 before he could get the chance to teach himself to read. I could read at the age of two and I tried to help as much as I could. This is a society where he had to step off the sidewalk for 12 year old white BOYS. My father couldn’t take it anymore and literally escaped from the South to the North. IT was a tough decision to leave them behind. He was equally responsible for helping with the crops so he took a risk and gambled everything.
Leaving them behind was the hardest thing he had to do but he couldn’t risk getting lynched. Not with my dad’s attitude. He wasn’t for that subservient stuff. He would have been killed. So he left them behind and came to Chicago where things were a bit better.
African Americans still faced slavery after slavery. They were repeatedly robbed blind by white land owners who had no interest in actually being fair to these people who some had been on the same lands since the end of slavery. Many blacks snuck away in the night because they were fleeing away from the South. Since they were “contracted” to work in these inhumane conditions, living in shacks that Scotch tape and some rusted nails were holding up.
All of you stating that slavery ended 150 years ago, well you just have no clue what you’re talking about. Blacks have been living in slavery like conditions for years. Many blacks were sharecroppers in the late 60s, still on the same lands that their ancestors had worked. In the same conditions. Peonage, another system of slavery didn’t end until 1940. During this time, when did the court system become fair towards blacks? When could they have gotten a fair judgement from White America, with whom most believed that they had “too many rights as it is”?
Don’t understand yet?
Let me make it easy for you. When the formerly enslaved blacks were still alive, they wouldn’t have received justice in the first place.

我父亲是个佃农,他不得不在三年级时辍学,这样家里的每个人都可以工作,去地里种出庄稼来,放在美国家庭的餐桌上,他们几乎没有时间在自己的土地上种植自己的食物,由于这种 "奴役性奴隶制",许多黑人不得不像佃农那样长时间辛苦地工作,那些拒绝在不公平的、单方面的狗屁协议下为白人工作的人,被逮捕并送进监狱。

Idea #3: The Island
When many of you talk about reparations, you do so in a very interesting way that is very telling. Very telling, indeed.
“I’m half white, so should I have to pay?”
“My family fought for the unx, should I have to pay?”
“Should white people all have to open their wallets to pay black people?”
Do you know what this tells me? That you somehow see black people as separate entities from yourselves. In your mind, black people live on an island away from you so if there were reparations tomorrow, you see it as WHITE PEOPLE GIVING BLACK PEOPLE SOMETHING.
This infers that America and everything that comes with it and that Black people are asking for something that doesn’t belong to them.
I’m America too.
White people aren’t the only ones that pay taxes, you know. If someone pays Blacks reparations, that tax money would come from other black people.
Here’s a novel idea….if there were reparations, they would come from everyone. Not just white people. That also gets rid of this whole “punitive” aspect so many people feel. It’s not, “I’m punishing you for something your ancestors did.” It’s making something that was wrong, right.
Reparations should be tuition assistance, jobs programs, etc. Something along that nature instead of a check or monetary compensation. I’m sure most people would agree with me.
No matter how much so many of you want Black Americans to “get over it”, you can’t escape the fact that slavery made us the richest country in the world. It made many fortunes of people whose descendants are still here. There are companies and corporations still here today that benefitted from slavery. For a country that takes such pride in its history and accomplishments, I find it curious why you want to slip this one under the rug.

想法三: “岛屿”
你知道这说明了什么吗? 你把黑人和你自己分开看待,在你看来,黑人住在一个远离你的小岛上,所以如果哪天真赔款,你会认为是白人给予了黑人一些东西。

idea #4 Bad things happen to everyone
Yes, they do. So what does that have to do with this conversation?
History Note—- There were 24,000 acres of black owned land that was stolen from blacks through either deceit or just straight up…terror. They forced them from the land by threats and intimidation. For a country that believes so much in property rights, you can’t be okay with this. You can’t be okay with people not being compensated for land that was lawfully theirs. Right?
You can’t be okay with millions of blacks being owned actual salaries? Imagine going to work and your boss tells you, “Hey you owe me $1000.” This is the stuff that black people were going through. Now because I owe this money, guess what? I can’t go anywhere. I have to stay and work this off. This continued every single year for blacks. They could never get ahead. This is why I laugh at some of you ignorant people who claim blacks have had SOOOOO MUCH TIME TO GET AHEAD! WHY DON’T WE JUST RAISE OURSELVES OUT OF POVERTY?
You can’t be okay with millions of blacks fighting in the war but never actually benefitting from the GI Bill, where so many of YOUR GRANDPARENTS AND GREAT GRANDPARENTS became home owners for the first time. This builds wealth and yet the GI Bill didn’t do anything for black people because it didn’t apply to us.
Imagine what could have happened if these blacks were able to actually cash in on the American Dream? More like the American Nightmare. They were not allowed to even utilize this bill and were forced into segregated housing where many of them…… still live today.
Even those blacks who were able to purchase homes. Where would they live? Many of them were forced to live in poor black neighborhoods because guess what? No one would SELL them homes in better neighborhoods. Even those who would, they would have to face race riots just to get through the damn door or have bricks thrown in their windows.
Look at how redlining forced blacks, even those who could afford homes in ghettos basically next to poor blacks. Many affluent blacks are still more likely to live near or even in economically depressed neighborhoods because of the effective segregation that goes on till this day.

想法四: 每个人都会遭遇不幸


数百万黑人参加战争,但却从未真正受益于《退伍军人权利法案》 ,通过该法案,你的祖父母、曾祖父母第一次拥有了自己的房子,这种做法创造了财富,然而《退伍军人权利法案》对黑人没有任何帮助,因为它不适用于我们——这你能接受吗?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ya’ll not hearing me right now….
What should a country do that’s spread democracy around the world but will segregate an entire race to “black neighborhoods in Chicago”? What should a country with a document like the US Constitution do while blacks were met with mobs of angry white people just because one family dared to move in? What can black people do with that? What should black people think when they came home just to be lynched for simply wearing uniforms? Why did they fight in WWI for FRANCE because whites didn’t want these Negroes fighting for their own country? Why didn’t the GI Bill apply to Blacks? Why did they have to face segregation in the military, even as they worked to free Europe from Nazi Germany?
What can black people do with this?
We’ve been screaming over and over again that it’s just not about slavery. It’s slavery and all of these other things that just aren’t right and have no place in a functioning democracy. If you believe America is the greatest country in the world, then you can’t be okay with this either.
We should at least be able to have a conversation about reparations and what that could even look like without people shutting it down before it can get started.
I mean, this is America, right?


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