2022-01-21 魏晋余孽 12854

Is Germany poorer than the USA?


Jasmin Mous
I’m from Germany. I lived in the US for a bit. What I found shocking was one thing.
The amount of people who lived in absolute poverty in the US.
Poverty looked different than from what I had seen and lived through myself in Germany. Poverty meant not having enough. That was it.
Poverty in the US however meant being close to becoming homeless every single day. It meant not having a home, not having solid work, not having enough for food.
The amount of people who worked their arses off just to cover basic living expenses was painful to see.
Being poor in Germany is a luxury. There are many ways to escape poverty through higher education and work. You don’t need to worry so much.
In the US however it’s tougher to change and it heavily depends on what cards fate has dealt you.


Barry Weir
Great Answer!!
A great many people are shocked at the poverty in the US. In the Bavarian village where I lived, it wasn’t like people were “rich”, but the contrast with the US when I visited some years ago was pretty stark and more than a bit shocking.


Markku Jantunen
The US is a country of pioneers despite the fact that the pioneering days are long gone. That creates a discrepancy between the value system of many Americans and the day-to-day reality in which they live. This explains much of the apparent weirdness about the American way of life.


Profile photo for Brandon Hoffman
Same here, lived in NY. I was shocked at how expensive everything was and how many people are crippled on the streets. Prostitution and crime are normal. My friend paid 2000$ for an ambulance service. A very cutthroat economy and society for a “first world" country.


Norbert Hummer
That’s what capitalism is. Cut throat system. You are healthy fine you make money. You are sick you are on your own. While the rich fly with their jets on the weekend to play golf, the poor sleep under the bridge. Great. Nice system. It’s already breaking apart slowly but surely.


Dima Ma
Escape poverty through higher education in Europe? Amuse me… how? A 40 year old Mexican man who doesn’t speak English can earn an engineering degree via community college system. And achieve “American dream”. A 40 year old Mexican man in Germany will be washing floors till he dies.


Tony Clemens
They are both first world nations with diverse economics, the US is the largest economy and Germany is fourth. The top 10% are probably richer in the US while the rest are probably better in Germany. I imagine the bottom 50% are probably definitely better in Germany.


Jaime Garcia
I was an immigrant from Mexico at age 14. After high school, I spent 22 years on active duty in the U.S. Army. I had tours in S. Korea, Germany, S. America, Afganistan, Uzbekistan, and CONUS. Poverty and homelessness in the U.S. is different than it is abroad. The U.S. is an “on your own” society. Few Americans have defined pensions. Many are within 90 days of being homeless if they lost their jobs. Family structure appears weaker than in other places, so the nature of the poverty is different. It’s difficult to compare and explain? So, I would state that poverty in CONUS is worse than other places. I retired from the Army in 2018 and went to nursing school. The number of Americans without health insurance is astounding. The number of Americans with severe dental problems is astounding. So many Americans do not receive adequate treatment for hypertension, and on and on. All of this creates bad health, depression, anxiety, and dropping out of the workforce with nothing or not enough to live on. In places that are costly to live in there is work but housing is very expensive and homelessness is very common. Poverty in Europe is nowhere near as bad as it is here. Poverty in Mexico is different in ways that don’t exist here. The Republicans can say how great it is here. Great compare to what? The U.S. has more people imprisoned than anywhere else and I am sure they deserve to be imprisoned. Different ethnic groups hate each other. Liberals and Conservatives fight continually and never solve anything, or very little. In the end, dirt poor Asians, Hispanics, Africans can come to the U.S. and survive and maybe get social security? Conversely, poor Americans have no country to go back to. There is little doubt that things are getting generally worse here and when enough people become poor Americans will do something about it?


Marilou Zschuckelt
This is absolutely correct being Poor in Germany still a luxury I know a family who came here as refugees. 3yrs plus now they don’t have work but still can afford to have food, nice clothes living in a nice house, Buying expensive gifts to their kids, going to a language course and so on. They got so much help from the government. If I compared them to the people in my home country Philippines, they are already considered as middle class. Yes there are also homeless here but, they have choice to ask help from the Government. That’s called solidarity here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mitch Mitchel
The average villige idiot in the U.S. will never know what they never know. I have been throughout the E.U. and then some. I never wanted to leave, but, every year I’m in and out. I think back on what the u.s. was and now what it is, with nothing but regret for the place. it’s no longer desireable for many, and once you come to europe, forgetaboutit.


Mark Brennaman
Having lived in a foreign country for over a year taught me that you really don’t know what’s going on in that country unless you are of that country. The average U.S. citizen lives much wealthier than the average citizen in any other country. The economic opportunities for U.S. citizens is much greater than anywhere else. The U.S. is probably the only country in the world where people are lined up at the border with the desire to get in to work and not to get free stuff.


CanIsee .
I’ve been to Germany and have seen homeless people there. In the US people can go to college with financial aid. Student loans pay for tuition and living expenses and the student doesn’t have to start paying it back until 6 months after graduation. They can also defer payment due to financial hardship. The idea that it is financially difficult for people to receive higher education or to escape poverty in the US is exaggerated and used by liberals for political gain.


Norbert Hummer
Well if you are a refugee or migrant in Germany all basic and higher education is free and you get some financial assistant to pay rent and have good existance. One doesn’t need to beg to do that. Homelessness in Germany is very minor, and very few Germans are really homeless. Utter poverty and living under the bridge for a German or migrant or legal refugee is not known there. If you see people homeless in Germany they are usually illegals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

CanIsee .
It might be that being poor in much of Europe is more comfortable and easier to climb out of than in the US. I wonder, though, how the countries compare in terms of standard of living for the typical person. I believe the taxes in Germany are higher than in the US. This might mean it is more difficult to do well in Germany.


Norbert Hummer
High taxes doesn’t make living harder, on the contrary it makes living easier! I love to pay more tax I love it! But in the US more taxed people means for the government more military spending. In other words you get robbed by your own government!


Brijendra Sahye
I am from London and I have been and stayed in Germany few times back in the late 90's as a medical student doing elective program.I never saw any poverty.Poverty was virtually non existent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bishop Aj Yves
You don’t need to ask.
Americans are richer than Germans, so America is richer than Germany.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Brandon Hoffman
you mean 1% of Americans are richer than the richest 1% in Germany ? Probably. Talking globally ? As a a country ? Germany is way richer in every aspect if you compare it. America is a third world country on many aspects, including a very unfair and inequal economy. The European unx, and specially Germany is a first class society and economy. It doesn't matter if you have the top billionaires in the world if the economy is an unbalanced mess where most of people suffer.


Marsia Seydoux
I have a question. In the US, one major problem is the inequality of education. Many places, including many rural areas, have a very lower level thar precludes students from succeeding at university. Is thus the case in Germany? If you live in a very rural or poverty stricken area, are you still able to get a good education?


Norbert Hummer
I can only speak for Austria, next door to Bavaria Germany. No matter what location education is the same. There is no two tier system in the German speaking countries so far as I know. In Austria there are very few private schools. Tech colleges, uiversities are free. I don’t know any poverty stricken area, there is supposed to be one in Vienna a very small one, But this is not the same they are not downtrodden or delapidated as in the USA.


Kenneth Mbaegbu
Germany is a social country,in Germany government created institutions that fights for poverty especially homeless people and people who don't work, and this institutions helping people to live normal life. USA is a corrupt country, they are spending billions of dollars in the wars but they can't build common houses across USA for homeless people. What makes someone rich is how his family looks like, you can't be a rich man while your kids are hungry, naked and homeless… don't you see how rich man's kids looks like???? Germany is far richer than USA because the money is circulated to all people living in Germany while in USA only 10% of the population is controling 98% of USA GDP


Yustika Vitoria
I prefer to be poor in Germany than being poor in USA,I don't wanna be homeless ,eating cheap junkfood or do extrajob bcos 1 salary is not enough for living


Sunil Bhat
I have visited US several times & have realised that there are many, many poor people out there. Well, the number of poor is not comparable to the number in my country (India), but still I believe that for many folks the ‘American Dream’ that they live in is very tough.
One reason why even working folks are poor today (worldwide ?) is the severe disparity between the ‘pay’. Some jobs will always yield just the minimum. Also, healthcare costs can shatter families.


Jens Böttiger
Yes, Germany has a lot less money than the USA both in absolute terms and per capita.
The German economy is structured differently, leading to some of the lowest hours worked per year in the developed world (yes, lower than France), at about 20% fewer total hours worked than Americans. That’s a full extra day per week off on a US schedule, though functionally it’s just far less overtime and more vacation days.
That means less output per capita (about 13% less GDP per capita), but a better quality of life, not only because there is way more free time, but because work is less of a drag when you cut your least productive hours out and go live your life instead.
It also helps to have a health insurance system that isn’t both by far the most expensive and by far the least effective in the developed world. It saves a lot of money, most especially among lower earners, so I think Germans might actually have a higher disposable income per capita in those tax brackets.


Will Thomas
Yes, Germany’s real per capita GDP is lower than in the US. So on average, Americans are richer and Germans are poorer. That doesn’t mean that all Americans are richer than all Germans, not by any means. And Germans live a “rich country” lifestyle, so one couldn’t call them “poor.”
Germany also has a much smaller population than the US. So, the overall US economy is very much bigger than the German one. So in that sense, too, the US is richer and Germany is poorer. But with a big population for a European country, Germany has one of the world’s biggest economies.
German income distribution is much flatter than the US income distribution. So it could be that being on the lower end of the German income scale is more comfortable than being on the lower end of the US income scale. So those Germans are richer than comparable Americans.
German labor productivity is comparable to American average labor productivity. So the lower average real income in Germany turns out to be mainly due to the fact that Americans work more hours per year and Germans take more vacation. It’s not because Germans are less efficient than Americans.
Those are the facts. Look up the data if you want.


Alexander Major
Indeed, when you say in Germany “I work hard and long hours”, you are considered rather an idiot in Germany. When you say “I am too lazy to do all this, so I solved the problem in another way”, you are considered clever. If you really solved the problem.


Profile photo for Chandresh Patel
If you earn less than 50k EUR per year, then Germany is heaven. If you earn more than 100k USD, then the USA is better place to live. Services are pathetic in Germany compare to the USA. This you can see in restaurants, shops, and almost everywhere. You want to buy a new kitchen worth 5k EUR? Ok, stand in line to ask any questions you may have. Better be quick. Your kitchen will be delivered after 2 months and earliest appointment for the installation is available after 3 months. Take it or leave it. This kind of service. Last year I wanted to buy a car in Germany and visited few dealership. They are open usually from 9 to 5 or 6 during weekdays and till 1 PM on Saturday. Sunday no one works. You should take prior appointment before visiting dealership. Otherwise everyone will be busy and no one will attend you. I took test drive of one car and demanded test drive of second car. The person got offended and told me that you can’t test drive all the cars here. My budget was 25k EUR and wanted to buy brand new or second hand with only few thousands kilometers. Still it seemed that no one was interested to entertain me.
Secondly salaries are also more or less equal or comparable. In Germany, IT engineer gets around 60–80k which is decent but not much. A receptionist will also get around 35k which is not much less compare to IT engineer. Whereas in the USA this difference is quite big.

第二,两国工资也差不多相等或相当。在德国,IT工程师的收入大约在6- 8万,还算不错,但也不多。接待员也能挣大约35k,和IT工程师相比少不了多少。然而在美国,两个工作差异是相当大的。

Do you mean the country or the people in the country? I guess the USA is richer and there are far more billionaires in the U.S than in Germany, however, Germany is “poorer”, yet Germany doesn't have a lot of real poor people.
Logically, this makes Germany the richer country for me because what benefit do I have when I am rich and the rest around me is suffering? Crime increases, homelessness on the streets become more visible, I cannot walk through certain areas, I need to rely on my car and even then, criminals follow you home and rob you in your own garage/home like it is happening in bigger cities, especially San Francisco and Los Angeles. I truly feel more at peace in my own home in Germany. I always had to watch who was around me in the USA and even in my own home I felt not really comfortable.
The downside of the German lifestyle is that it is easier to stay mediocre. In the USA people aim high and it is ok to fall, after falling, just get up and try again. Many homeless people went back to college, had luck that someone gave them housing/support or managed to get back on track on their own. In the USA you are your own hero sometimes and in Germany people look down on you for falling. So spiritually, I like the American approach towards life better. Spiritually, the USA is richer.


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