2022-01-27 魏晋余孽 16826

Why does Warren Buffett portray a lifestyle of frugality when he’s a multi-billionaire?


Stanley R. Wigglesworth
Not to play mind-reader, but I suspect at least some aspect of his folksy image is meant to ward off kidnapping and extortion attempts.
He certainly gives off the impression that all his money is locked up and his modest house and McDonald’s runs are all he has to live on.
Everyone knows that’s not true
But it certainly narrows down the pool of people wishing to do him harm.


Just Dan
Let’s just admit that he lives modestly compared to his cohort. I know he lives in swanky hotels and has a chauffeur. His LA home sold and it did indeed show a guy who didn’t overly fret for frivolous details and upxes.


When your managing other peoples’ money you have to come off as modest and responsible. And he probably is modest and responsible given his own economic reach.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Korngold
Warren Buffet is very straightforward about his lifestyle. He frugal because he does not believe in spending money to acquire liabilities. He does not look at cars or expensive elaborate houses as perks of wealth but as liabilities to be eschewed. Therefore, having no interest in these things he does not try to acquire them. To the extent where it matters to him he does not hesitate to spend money. He writes in his book that he dislikes the inconvenience of travel and therefore spends excessively on private jets to take him from place to place. He writes that when Lehman Bros. Went into receivership and as the largest shareholder he was appointed to take over as he CEO, he was criticized for taking private jets everywhere he went even though he was only paid modestly for his efforts as CEO. When later in life he decided to buy his own private jet, his business partner, the equally frugal Charlie Munger who believes in the same principle of never acquiring liabilities, became upset at the cost of this acquisition. He told Buffett that buying it was indefensible because of it cost and dramatic deprecation. Buffett overruled him. It goes to show that whe Buffet is so inclined he does not hesitate to spend money, but as a lifestyle he believes in being frugal and lives that way as well.


Peter Boyle
In the 1990’s and 2000’s I worked at the New York Stock Exchange.
I had several colleagues who had hosted a meeting with him in the early 1990’s. They said that Buffet was extremely approachable and self-deprecating. They also said up into the mid 1990’s you could probably call his home in Omaha and he would answer the phone himself.
He is one of a kind.


K. Pryce
His generation isn’t the “take pictures of every food I eat, every car I drive, everything I buy,….and buy more to show the followers how wonderful my life is” There are so many people like him who do not advertise their wealth everywhere. As a matter of fact apart from celebrities, athletes, scammers, rich kids, small entrepreneurs seeking advertisement, who else actually takes pictures of everything they own or buy to show it to the followers on the web?


Carlo Amoroso
Smoke and mirrors,
he says he lives in his original house from way back, I’m sure for security measures he bought out all the houses on his block and across to create perimeter security zone. That anyone who begins to enter is spotted before they get to his house,


Bill Chen
I have several rich friends. One of them spent a full term on an air mattress through a cold winter rent free as a graduate student.
He didn't drive and took the bus everywhere. He ate and dressed simply. Healthy diet and never shabby. He never called attention to himself, and was friendly and polite to everyone. You know, the quiet, nice guy next door. Every class has one.
I had NO IDEA he was the scion of a rich family until years later when he invited me to be best man at his wedding in Taipei. As you have probably already guessed, I was the rent-free landlord that took pity on the poor chap who set the alarm at ungodly hours (central time) to call his then-girlfriend in Taiwan to gently wake her up for class.
His dogged dedication to the long distance relationship cemented our friendship. He wasn't just “nice”, but genuinely nice.
You don't want to know who were among the guests as I gave my little speech during the wedding dinner. There were faces I had only seen on TV staring back at me.
I once asked him why didn't he rent an apartment for the term. He explained it wasn't worth it because single term contracts were expensive and he didn't fancy the hassle of cleaning up when the term ended.
Over time, I began to piece together that he wasn't a miser. Rather, he makes spending decisions based on utility. For example, he will spend money to retain a trusted employee. Or find the best school and teachers for his twin daughters. But if there is a 3-4 star hotel within 30 minutes of his meeting, he will stay there instead of the 5 star hotel 20 minutes away.


Vivek Tulja
I can’t speak for Warren Buffett, but I do personally know a few people whose net worth is very high, and the following are my observations based on their behavior.
Some rich people are genuinely frugal. Many who fall into this category are self-made billionaires. It is much easier to spend your inheritance on Patek Phillippe watches and Bugatti’s but it is a little harder if you have toiled yourself for that money. (But people who are born into wealth generally are understated.)
Many people lose interest in material things once they know they can afford them. I am serious!
Most seriously rich people have a public persona and a private life that only the people in their innermost circle know about. The billionaire who wears a $50 Seiko and $75 shoes and a JC Penny suit in public also might own several mansions in the most expensive locations, a private island (or two) and a G700 (or two). But no one except those in his innermost circle would know about it.
But … it is really hard to spend so much money. Even a G700 or Bombardier Global 7500 won’t make much of a dent in a billionaire’s bank account. That is one reason why private islands and private yachts are so popular with billionaires. But what will you do with a private yacht? How many days can you spend idling in the middle of nowhere? (That’s why so many yacht owners eventually sell them or lease them out.)
Sorry to repeat myself, but it is really hard to spend serious amounts of money. I have been on vacations with some of my seriously rich friends. In a 3–4 day vacation, how much Royal Salute or expensive Cognac can you drink? How many Cuban cigars can you smoke? How much does the golf round at the ritziest, most exclusive golf club cost? How many steaks, how much caviar can you eat? So while at the end of these vacations I had burned a small hole in my bank account, my rich friends were disappointed they spent so little.
If you show your money off, there will be all kinds of people looking for a handout from you. How do you figure out who is a moocher and who is a truly deserving candidate for your help? Very hard to do when there are literally hundreds of individuals asking for your help, and hundreds of charities seeking your donation for a supposedly worthy cause. Putting up a public persona of frugality and simplicity is a way of fending them off.
Final point, and this is very important. It relates to privacy, security, and anonymity. When you show off, you attract attention to yourself. You paint a target on your back. Wear Walmart clothes, a $50 Casio watch, drive a Camry, and no one bothers you. And this is a very, very important concern for rich people. It seems, the happiest people are the ones who have enough money to afford whatever they want, but have jealously guarded their anonymity and privacy.

4,在公共场合戴着50美元的日本精工表、穿着75美元的鞋子和JC Penny西装的亿万富翁,可能还在最昂贵的地段拥有几处豪宅、一座(或两座)私人岛屿和一辆(或两座)G700。但除了他最亲密的圈子里的人,谁也不会知道这件事。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Geoffrey Widdison
It would be foolish to suggest that Buffett lives a life that’s deprived in any way. He buys whatever he wants to buy and does whatever he wants to do. But my impression of him is that he only spends his money on things he derives actual value from.
For example, he flies on private planes. He initially didn’t like the idea (he named his first plane “The Indefensible”), but realized that the ease of travel and the amount he could get done while flying made it a logical decision at his income level (he later renamed the plane “The Indispensable”). The point there is that he bought his private jets for the utility, not for the prestige. Ultimately, he came to the conclusion that he could get the same value for less money by chartering jets, and ended up acquiring NetJets, so he could make money in the process.
By the same token, he sometimes travels on yachts, because he has a lot of very rich friends, many of whom really want to earn his favor. But he doesn’t own a yacht, because what would be the point? It wouldn’t give him anything he wants that he doesn’t already have, except for the prestige. And, to all evidence, he has no interest in spending money to gather prestige.
he just doesn’t seem to have any interest in trying to convince other people that he’s rich and powerful. And once you take away that motivation, it changes all your decisions. Sure, you’ll buy expensive things, and do things that cost money, but only when they’re things you actually want. Buying things just to have them, or to show off to others, or to have the biggest and the best of something appears to be an ongoing motivation for a lot of rich people, and that’s just not in Buffett’s emotional make up.


Steven Hutson
I figure, these guys have no one left to impress. They will never apply for a job again, and they don’t work for the govt. So, let’s be comfortable!
When I saw Zuck testify before Congress recently, he wore a suit. But he clearly felt uncomfortable in it, and fidgeted with his collar. This was one rare occasion where a hoodie just wouldn’t do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Alek Trajkov
It is not lifestyle of frugality that he is portraying. It is the mindset. He and Munger always point out their success is not because they were too smart, but because they were not stupid.
He still lives in the same house, but his investor mindset tells him he does not need more and having a bigger house would only increase the maintenance costs, which in turn would make him poorer.
He is advocating sensible and intelligent lifestyle, with strong cost/benefit edge. He uses private jet when he travels and has personal security personnel. He says he wears expensive suits, but they look cheap on him. Thus, he is not frugal, but he invests money in things he truly needs.


Angela Birch
Because he understand spending money to spend money is not going to make you any happier than just pending for what you need. I know a fair number of very wealthy people, most live a pretty normal life. They do not eat 7 meals a day because they can afford it. Most do not have 9 cars because they can afford it. There is in addition a lot of satisfaction from spending wisely.
We have become very well off, we still enjoy cooking our own meals and to a great extent we eat what we like which is what we enjoyed when we were not well off. We have 3 cars. One for him, one for me and one when we need to haul something to the dump, the beast of burden. We clean our own house and do our own laundry because that is what WE WANT to do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lele C
That’s the difference between poor and rich people. I believe it was bill gates who said “Wall Street is the only place where people drive a rolls Royce to get advice from someone who rode the subway”.


Andy Christian
Well I wouldn’t say that he’s “frugal”.
But, if you are asking why he does not live a life of excessive luxury, most wealthy people don’t.
That’s how you get wealthy, is by being wise with your money.
I think Mark Zuckerberg, famously still drives his Kia or whatever it is.


Manish Shah
When i was working in travel agency. We had one client family of five. All of them were lawyers except their dog.
His family used to spend around 20 lac Indian rupees every year on foreign tour. As per Indian standard it is a big amount.
Every year he would come for planning of his family vacation and he would count every rupees which is being spent on this tour and he would always look out for cheapest options.
Once while planning his tour our tour planner asked this client jokingly, why are you crying( minding ) for the small amount when you are already spending 20 lacs on this tour?
My client's answer was that is how he makes money all his life.
True billionaires make money this way only. They work/bargain hard to save the money. This is why some people become rich.
True billionaires don't have to prove themselves to be billionaires.
In our life after some point money is just figure. It doesn't make difference to them. They just want to live their life,they are comfortable in.
For example Steve jobs might be comfortable in his jeans and turtle neck rather than expensive suit.
Warren Buffett is comfortable in his 40/50 year old house rather than new swanky and lavish home.


Ronald Kovacs
Not everybody wants the trappings of wealth, they serve no purpose and in the end are not investments, just big expenses that are a waste of money. Very seldom do these so called luxury items or toys ever appreciate in value.


Dean Thompson
To Warren Buffet everything is seen as an investment. Is this stock a good investment? This house? This vehicle? This meal? That's what made him one of the richest men in the world. To suddenly start buying jets and football teams would require a complete change on his part. Being rich is knowing you have enough. He's comfortable in his clothes. He has enough.


Neel Kumar
He does not live a modest life. He lives the life that he wants.
Yes, he lives in a relatively small house. But a bigger house will not bring him more happiness. He drinks coke rather than some artisanal kombucha because that is what he wants to drink. But when he needs to go somewhere far, he gets on his private jet and goes - he does not bother looking up the airline schedule.
I am sure when he needs to understand what a company is doing, he just calls up the CEO and asks rather than trying to suss it out via some online articles.


David Adam Suddit
Perhaps Buffett does not not spend money on things to impress other people. He may be one of those strange antisocial dudes that only spend money on things that they want. I can’t say this with any authority, because I don’t know Buffet. But, I can kinda understand the mindset, in spite of the fact that I’m a little short of $80 billion.
Then again, Buffet may just be following the habits of a miser. If I had $80b, I think I’d probably spend at least some of it on young women. Buffett obviously does not have the interest in young women that I do. Maybe that’s why he has more money.


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