2022-02-05 辽阔天空 10895

What is the most overrated tourist attraction in the United States?


Janet Christian, Chief Ceramicist (2008-present)

Janet Christian,首席陶艺家(2008年至今)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’d say it’s a toss up for me:
The French Quarter in New Orleans. Even people from other countries want to go there when they visit the US. But it’s dirty, sleazy, and has a high crime rate. It’s nothing but bars with overpriced, crappy cocktails; questionable “stage shows”; souvenir shops selling complete garbage (most made in China); and old houses, many of which are in disrepair. It’s also way too crowded to get any sense at all of the beauty and magic it once held.
Las Vegas. In the 70s, Vegas was still an amazing place. The Strip was 1+ miles of neon signs and unique architecture. You could gamble all day on $20 thanks to $1–2 blackjack and craps tables. Drinks were free as long as you gambled. Buffets were .99 and included shrimp and prime rib. People dressed up, especially at night. The whole place was a Disneyland for adults. Then it decided to be “family friendly”. Gone are all the neon and architecture. In their place are mega-hotels that look like any hotel anywhere else in the country. Gone are the cheap tables. Families don’t gamble, so the casinos have to make more money off each hand. The cheapest table I saw last time I was there was $25. Most were $50. PER HAND. Gone are the free drinks. The .99 buffet is now $9.99, or $19.99 if you still want prime rib and shrimp. The once-gorgeous strip is now nothing but a row of big-box, plain hotels with homeless everywhere. It was so much better when the mafia still ran it. I have no desire to ever see it again.


Rob Young, US citizen

Rob Young, 美国公民

The Statue of Liberty
I have gone to see Lady Liberty twice in my life. I don’t regret my visits, but if anyone were visiting NYC and asked me if it was worth it, I’d recommend that they go elsewhere.
It’s not that visiting the statue is a terrible idea. It’s just that Liberty Island tends to be loud, crowded, and packed with people hawking overpriced souvenirs. It’s the very definition of a tourist trap.
The only way I could recommend a visit to the Statue of Liberty is if you are also planning on going to Ellis Island, which is just a ferry ride away. In fact, I would go as far as to say it is a great way to spend an afternoon.


Ernest W. Adams, lived in The United States of America (1966-1999)

Ernest W. Adams, 生活在美利坚合众国(1966-1999)

Well, one person's complete waste of time is another's perfect vacation, so views are going to vary. For me, it's Las Vegas. I'm not a gambler, and I'm not interested in seeing concerts by washed-up celebrities of 30 years ago, or “revues” with flamboyant costumes and a moment or two of topless women.
At a time when we're all urged to save electricity to cut back on carbon emissions, one single casino uses an obscene amount of power for its glitzy signs. This is a town that shouldn't really exist. The weather is appalling and the place only amounted to something thanks to the invention of air conditioning.
Unfortunately, large numbers of British people like to visit Las Vegas just to see such extravagant excess. But apart from the excess and the opportunity to be parted from your money, there's not much that's interesting about it. Las Vegas has about as much to do with the rest of the United States as Buckingham Palace does with the rest of Britain.


Adam Algarin, Long time fan of Boxing
I am utterly amazed that amidst all of the answers to this question not one person mentioned Times Square. It checks every box for overrated tourist attractions and yet got nary a mention here.
Is it crowded? Hell yes. Maybe there is a span of a couple hours between the time all the drunks go home and all the employees start heading to their day jobs when it isn’t crowded but this place is just awash in humanity at all other times. New Year’s Eve? Good lord. You can’t even move.
Is it chock full of scam artists? Yes. If you want your children to be assaulted by a man in a Elmo costume who demands money for a picture this is your place to go.
Is it full of overpriced and underwhelming dining options? Absolutely. Bubba Gump. You broke my heart. The fried chicken was so tender and juicy. Why did you have to murder it by forgetting to add any seasoning whatsoever. Mashed potatoes should never be seasoned better than the chicken. Its a rule.
Is it full of cheap gift shops selling chochkies? Yup. One on almost every corner.
Are there things to do? Other than visit a cookie cutter Broadway show there is nothing really to do than watch random street performers and look around at all the billboards. There is the naked cowgirl but she would be more accurately described as ”methhead grandma in a cowboy hat and little else”


Alan Miller, B.S. Geography & History, Utah State University (1975)


Rather than focus on one attraction, I’d like to focus on San Francisco since it has historically been a top tourist destination. Unfortunately, the San Francisco of today is not what it was 20 or more years ago. It is mostly a piece of crap today. Some tourist agencies are even issuing tourist maps of where NOT to go in S.F….unless you dare step on feces and needles in the street. My advice is after arriving at SFO, head elsewhere….Monterey, Yosemite, Wine Country, Tahoe or visit the Coastal Redwoods. You’ll have a better time!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Darren Johnson, Have traveled a good deal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Las Vegas is wonderful, Car rentals there are super cheap, as well. I guess foreign visitors are used to mass transit, which, in the US, outside New York City, is for the people who can’t get a car for whatever reason. No way I’d list Las Vegas as “most overrated.”
I guess if I had to pick one overrated place in the States, technically, Niagara Falls, NEW YORK, is a bit run-down. However, just hop over the bridge and the Canadian version is cool.
San Francisco lost its soul. Now it’s full of boring dot-com millionaires and no affordable housing. seems more like a museum than living, breathing art. What a shame.


Jeff Pellarin, Fairly well-travelled, particularly in Europe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shopping malls. Almost everywhere you go there’s a mall you are told you must see. Mall of America, the one on the Vegas strip (I forget the name), and on and on.
They’re all the same, selling the very same stuff as each other and as the mall in your hometown (ok, the sextion might broaden a bit—instead of 5 each of Gucci handbags and Coach handbags, there might be 7).
For this, we flew for 3 hours?
I don’t mean to sound like I’m above the materialism. I’m not, I like stuff. But I find American (and Canadian) malls are all the same as each other. It gets very boring very quickly.


Katia Scopinich, lives in Houston, TX

Katia Scopinich,住在德克萨斯州休斯顿

In my opinion the Grand Canyon, don’t get me wrong, it is beautiful and impressive, but is overrated all over the world. Because of the huge number of visitors, you are limited in moving around on your own, you must park your car and then rely on buses to take you to the various interest points, I found it somewhat inefficient and time consuming. Bryce Canyon National Park, is in my opinion a more beautiful and spectacular park to visit and you are able to do it on your own pace; same for many other beautiful parks in the Southwest United States


Albert Cornelius Doyle, former M.S. in Epidemiology and Health Policy at Harvard School of Public Health (1988-1990)
The Alamo.
It’s small, boring, over-priced, and jam-packed with historical lies.
But hey, San Antonio is a fun city for one night, hanging around the Riverwalk, so see the Alamo the next morning, it only takes about 8 minutes.
Still, it’s total bullshit, the legend…..and it’s just not that interesting

Albert Cornelius Doyle,前哈佛公共卫生学院流行病学和卫生政策硕士(1988-1990)

E. G. Moye, Parented One Person to Adulthood
I was dragged into Epcot some years back. We were told that the best food was near the Norway Pavilion. So, there we went. I thought I would introduce my sister to the lutefisk I’d tried on a visit to Oslo a few years before. After finding it, it turned out there was a hotdog stand in front of that exhibit which had a few more toppings available than some of the other ones. Huge letdown.
Seriously, I know people who take their children on vacation to a Disney park each and every year. With a whole incredible country full of real experiences available, and a big beautiful world beyond. Disney? No, thanks.


David Hall, Retired Vietnam War Veteran 67-68


l can only think of the great places like Grand Canyon, Salt Lake, Yeah, Niagara Falls, and Yosemite National Park, and even Las Vegas for 2 nights, where l saw George Burns and Peggy Lee. I walked the Golden Gate Bridge. I even did Disneyland. l found a great Mexican Restaurant sports bar in Pasadena. Even San Diego was fun, and a day drive to Palm Springs, and l did Hawaii a few times.
These days l take shorter trips to Asia, but it is not cheap there anymore.

我只能想起大峡谷、盐湖、尼亚加拉大瀑布、约塞米蒂国家公园,甚至拉斯维加斯的两个晚上,在那里我看到了乔治·伯恩斯(喜剧演员)和佩姬李(美国著名演员,歌手,创作人)。我走过金门大桥,我甚至去过迪士尼乐园。我在 帕萨迪纳市(美国加州)找到一家很棒的墨西哥餐厅体育酒吧。就连圣地亚哥(美国加州港口城市)也很好玩,开车去棕榈泉要一天时间,我去过夏威夷几次。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian O'Sullivan, Mercenary Windscreen Decorator (2008-present)


Based on anecdotal evidence from friends and family, I would say The Alamo in San Antonio Texas.
The actual building was restored from the 1890s, so it's not even the original which was left in ruins from the 1840s?
It's 63 ft by 33ft. Not big. And yet some military genius thought it was the perfect defence post against an entire Mexican Army? Oh dear.
So tourists travel out there, realise what an utter waste of human life and pointlessness the building represents and they say “Is that it? That's all?”
There is a story Ozzy Osborne used to tell of him being caught going for a piss up against the wall of The Alamo.

奥兹·奥斯本(Ozzy Osborne)曾经讲过这样一个故事:他在阿拉莫的墙上撒尿时被抓住过。

Michael McGourty, Born and raised in Anaheim, CA: escaped to Pahrump, Nevada


I know my answer will probably be unpopular, but I think I can justify it. First off its in the middle of Los Angeles, a major crowded city, lots of homeless, aggressive panhandlers, and litter/trash. There really isn’t all that much to see, the walk of fame… big deal a bunch of names embedded in the sidewalk? signatures in cement… The Hollywood sign… even on a clear day its just a stupid sign. There is more to do, but not much.
There is plenty of things in and around LA to do and see, but I think Hollywood is a waste of time, I’d rather go to the beach or a nice museum.


Natalia Bisset, Student, lives in the U.S

娜塔莉亚·比塞特 学生,住在美国

Not so much attraction, but the cities that are completely overcrowded with tourists when there’s not even much to see. Los Angeles and New York City are both huge tourist destinations when there’s so many more beautiful places in the U.S that are so much less crowded. If you want to go to southern California, try San Francisco instead of LA. If you plan to go to New York, make a stop in Boston, Massachusetts as well.
If you only mean attraction, than the Statue of Liberty and Hollywood Walk of Fame aren’t really much to see.


Gladden Delk, Business Owner (1998-present)


I agree with most of the examples noted in other responses. I have traveled abroad alot and when I meet foreigners and ask them where they have been in the US they inevitably say either New York, LA or Disneyworld. At that point I think to myself ok, so you really haven't seen the real America and this is also true for many Americans that rarely travel. So, in addition to what has been mentioned I would add the following:
Disneyworld - I'm guessing its almost heresy to suggest this but to me it's like a Las Vegas for kids. It's a perfect fake world that people flock to again and again instead of exploring real places with incredible geographical features or different manifestations of American culture.
The Grand Canyon. It's basically a huge hole in the ground. I think it's so popular because you can see it without hiking to it. This works great for all of us out of shape Americans. A better choice nearby would be Zion or Bryce Canyon National Parks.
Many of the beaches on the east coast. South Beach, Daytona Beach and Myrtle Beach come to mind. The most unique beaches in America are found in Washington and Oregon with the best example being Rialto Beach in Olympic National Park. Be warned though, they are not commercialized so unfortunately all you see are incredible views.
Some of the cities in the South. They may be great places to live but all seem very sterile and suffer from a lack of vibrancy. Birmingham, Montgomery and Baton Rouge come to mind.
Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska. I'm sure the people that live their have much to be proud of but there just isn't much to attract a tourist that I can tell.
Niagra Falls. It's a good half day trip at best. Be sure to see it before you go someplace like Iguazu Falls in Argentina or you will be sorely dissapointed.
These are just a few places that come to mind which I didn't already see mentioned. I mean no disrespect to these destinations, after all I live in Ohio. Happy travels!


Stefan Stackhouse, former Government Finance Officer (1978-2017)


I would say any place where you have to spend a lot of time and money going out of your way to see just one thing, with very few, if any, other attractions or things to do nearby (other than the ubiquitous “tourist trap” junk stores and bogus “museums” that always spring up just before the entrance). Most of the cities that attract lots of tourists have multiple things to do and to see. Most national parks will offer multiple recreational opportunities. However, we have many national monuments, historic sites, curiosities, etc. that are located off the beaten path, and there is not much else around anywhere close to these things. I am thinking here of isolated sites in the more remote parts of the country, such as Mt. Rushmore, Devil’s Tower, etc. These may be worth a stop if you are headed by anyway on a cross-country trip. However, I would not recommend going out of your way to see these.
I am also tempted to say that anything that has been deliberately contrived with the express purpose of attracting tourists probably isn’t worth visiting.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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