2022-02-06 魏晋余孽 15350


Emmanuel Brun d'Aubignosc
It depends who you ask.
France has been united over the centuries. But it used to be a very divided country with different languages and cultural influences.
The people in the south consider themselves as Latins and consider the Italians and the Spanish as their cousins. The people in the most eastern part are very close to Germany, they eat about the same things as the Germans and used to speak Germanic dialects. The people in the far north are practically Belgians. The people from Brittany are culturally and ethnically closer to the Welsh. The Normans are the French Vikings who took over England at the battle of Hastings in 1066.
All French people share a common cultural references thanks to TV, a common language thank to school, but there still is a big difference between the north and the south. When I’m in the deep south it almost feels like a different country and I don’t always understand the people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Marquès
Perhaps we should remember that a similar argument can be made about Spain and Italy, where several different languages are spoken and there is a lot of cultural variety. It begs the question, what Italy or what Spain was the OP thinking of?
That ‘cultural-linguistic divide’ is not a Germanic-Romance opposition, anyway. French derived from vulgar Latin, just like Occitan and any other Romance language, and remains a Romance language today. Even by 842 AD, when Charlemagne’s succesors took posession of the eastern and western halves of the Carolingian empire, they had to take their oaths in Romance and Germanic, so the other side’s troops understood what they said. The Oaths of Strasbourg
are written proof of the linguistic and cultural east-west divide within the Carolingian Empire, long after the Franks settled in Latin-speaking Gaul. The old-French Romance that developed there, despite its borrowings, wasn’t mutually inteligible with the Germanic Frankish of their cousins. Yes, neighbouring countries will influence one another, but such differences settled and grew, making French a culture with a millennary history.


Cleyton Cabral
I met frech people from pretty much all parts of france and I never noticed that they consider themslves this or that but surely FRENCH. In my opinion people from all parts of france have a great sense of nationalism for France and its culture.


Kevin Bertet
Thank you very much! I never understood these theories that in the south they feel « Latin » and in the north « Germanic ». I’m from the South-West ( from Dordogne department, north-east of Bordeaux) and I don’t feel Spanish. When I went to Paris or anywhere in the northern part, I didn’t feel like a foreigner. Whether I’m in Lille or Toulouse, I feel home, I’m French. Period. Of course, it might’ve been different one or two centuries ago but still, France has been a unified and very centralized country for centuries. And I know for sure that people in the north of France don’t feel British, Dutch or German. They feel French too and they would always feel closer to a southern French than a citizen of the above mentioned countries. We live in the same country, speak the same language, we all had the same school experience, with the same subjects and topics. Almost everyone watch national channels on TV, and not regional. So, yeah, we’re French. Period.


Daniel Sullivan
Genetically Northern France or North Central Northwestern France genetically is closer to the British and Irish especially also in looks. Northeastern France Eastern France have mixtures with Germany. Southwestern part of France with Spain like Catalonians and Basques. They are genetically related since ancient times. Even down to dialects and languages. Southeastern France bordering Italy genetically and linguistically related since ancient times.


Lucas Villar
Italy/Spain by a large margin. Italy and Spain have Latin culture like France.
You can see that in many features, starting with language, French shares over an 80% lexical similarity with Italian and Spanish, being a Romance language, it also has the same grammatical base as them. France is Roman Catholic like the Mediterranean pair. France has a culture and lifestyle closer to Italy and Spain, starting with their love for food and extensive food culture especially wine and cheese which is universal of Latin countries but nothing like Britain or Germany. In terms of traditions too, Mediterranean France has Spanish traditions like bullfighting and ferias. If you look at it historically, not only is France more prolific in the same fields as the other Latins such as arts, France has always followed the same artistic styles and cultursl movements as Italy and Spain, many times literally copying them from one of the two (Picasso or Da Vinci made big apportions to French culture for example or architecture Paris neoclassicism or modernism are typically Spanish and Italian) that is hardly the case of the other ones, France rarely if ever has copied British and German culture for their own, mostly preferring the other two.


Benjamin Gessel
Indeed. Britain and Germany are/have always been more oriented around military might, economic power, industrial strength, etc.


Sandrine Chouard
True …
The North of France has lots of cultural similarities with the UK (and/or the Netherlands/Belgium).*
Alsace & Lorraine has a lot of similarities with Germany …
Brittany shares Celtic traits so maybe close to say, Ireland….
And ALL OF THIS is perhaps whats make France rather unique.


Christophe Gourraud
France is at the crossroads between Mediterranean and Northern European countries, between Latin and Germanic countries.
The South West is closer to Spain, the South East to Italy. Bretons feel close to Celtic countries of the British isles, Alsatians were Germans not so long ago.
The typical Northern French does not look like the typical Southern French. He is likely to speak in a different family of accents. But both share the equal French identity and culture. This is part of the French melting pot, that extends with people of other origins and skin colors. The black immigrant from today is not so different than the Breton from last century.


Liam Johnson
Difficult to say. France is a large country. On the whole, probably Spain/Italy. But the French don’t conform to the Latin stereotype. Italians, for example, are generally thought of as warm, emotional, passionate and hot-blooded. The French, in my experience, are more restrained and melancholic. I’ve never really thought of them as a Mediterranean people. Surprisingly, they are quite like the British in several ways. In fact, the artistic/intellectual/cultural elite of Paris and London have a great deal in common with each other – more than with their own working classes. The British and French have a long and intertwined history. Their elites had been fighting, but also exchanging ideas, for centuries before Germany even existed. If you look at the timeline of English and French literature, it is interesting to see the constant exchange: Shakespeare was influenced by Montaigne, Voltaire was influenced by Alexander Pope, Dickens was a Francophile, and so was Oscar Wilde, while Proust was influenced by John Ruskin, and so on. Then again, I’m an English Francophile, so I would say that!


Ann D'Amato
As a somewhat Parisian (for the younger years of my life) with a large French family that I visit regularly I would say unequivocally Italy/Spain.
Food in England and Germany is offensive to French palates, as is pale skin, perceived drabness and lack of passion and the excessive work ethic of the UK/Germany (all according to the French opinion, not my own).
The French consider themselves the perfect combination of Italian culture, beauty and dramatic flair, mixed in with Spanish food/music and vacations, with just the right infusion of UK/German brains professionalism.
But since French people hate being defined by business and professional effectiveness, they identify more with their Mediterranean neighbors.


Profile photo for George Géal-Killy
In that particular order, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK.
Although France is not culturally close to Germany and the UK, people living at the border with Germany share many things culturally for their territory belonged to both countries and they share Germanic language.
As for Britain, an entire sea separate them. Although part of France belongs to the Celtic world, that Celtic heritage is the only thing that a Breton has in common with a Welsh.


Alain Mullet
“An entire sea” well you can see the english coast from the french one in the north of France (at Calais for example)…


George Géal-Killy
Yeah, that's a 30 km far observation and only on good days. Now Italy, Spain, Germany etc are across the street over a border a thousand of km long.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Martin Oudot
I’m awsering from my own point of view, considering I’m from Lorraine.
You could think we share a lot with Germany, since it is very close, but not that much. Our alsatians neighbours, when they still feel very french, share a bit more culture wiuth the Germans.
I would say Italy is the closer one, followed by Spain and Germany, and finaly UK.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thomas Alegre de la Soujeole
An unending debate, that.
If you paint it with a broad brush, different regions of France tend to incorporate elements of the closest neighbor’s culture. You’ll find corrida in the south west, but clearly germanic local languages and architecture in the north-east. The language is a romance language closely related to other latin-based languages, yet our pronounciation is clearly leaning towards the germanic. Even our mindset has both components.
This mix may vary with individuals and territories, but as a general « cultural » item, it’s fairly balanced overall, really.


Marco Marcon
Continental European nations have much more in common with each other than they have with the UK


Matthieu Quénard
Italy/Spain clearly. From our shared historical foundation (the Roman Empire) to language, religion (Catholicism), food etc etc. This translates into very immediate connections with Spaniards or Italians when we meet. The way we socialize, eat, things we like to talk / argue about, a degree of spontanousness mixed with pride… there are very strong connections.


Jesus Torres
France has a unique culture.
the regions bordering other countries have adopted some cultural aspects of their neighboring countries.
based on language, French is considered a latin language so their language is closer to Spanish, Portuguese and Italian


Jonas Kanwald
I think as a whole its nearer to germany and uk , ive been in france before and when i compare paris and munich and london they are diffrent from rome or madrid


Manuel Capel
France is surprizingly very close to the UK on many aspects. The mentality is a bit close to Spain and Italy in the south, to Germany in the border region.
Well if you think about it, it’s not so surprizing that UK and France are so similar. Both have the same ethnic/cultural substrat (Celtic + Roman + Germanic, in different proportions but still) a long (and conflictuous) shared History, both fought to gain quite early their own democracy, both had their society shaped by the same kind of aristocracy, both expanded through the world and became multi-ethnic through it, both faced the same kind of economic problems (even if the reponses were different) etc. etc. As a result, both are economically at the same level now, have very similar mentality, similar society profile and problems, etc.


Vincent Stavroguine
Agree. I spent years in Paris, London, Austria, Germany, Italy. And I found Parisians and Londoners to have similar minds. Maybe cosmopolite, huge cities ? I found Americans really different, though.


Francesco Rossi
As an Italian, I feel south France close to us, especially the island of Corsica. To me, also Paris look Latin. But the north is more Germanic.


Gail Bergeleen
This is a very interesting discussion. As an American, I hadn't realized the subtle differences within the countries. Last year we spent a few months in Stuttgart, Germany, and were made familiar with the differences in culture between, for example, Munchen and Stuttgart and Frankfort and Berlin. I'm sure there are many more examples.
I have often noticed how many European discussions tend to lump all “American” culture and opinion as one, ignoring the broad spectrum between regions of the country.
I'm not criticizing these discussions. Rather, I'm recognizing how normal it is to try to put people in broad categories. I'm very glad that we can know one another as unique individuals also.


Francesco Rossi
dude, i can tell to you that I don’t put all Americans as simply Americans. I have got many Americans friends from every place around the country (and I love them everybody, you guys are so extroverted, like the Italians). They made me feel like if I were american, but my friends from Buffalo are different from the Ones in North Carolina (mostly they are from Raleigh), or the one in New York. However all Americans people are really nice, America is one of my favourite country in the world.


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