2022-02-09 魏晋余孽 31163

Why doesn't everybody live in America when it's the greatest country in the world?


Mats Andersson
You’ve got your thinking on backwards. This is how it works:
Premise 1. Most people want to live in a great country.
Premise 2. Most people don’t want to live in America.
Conclusion. Most people don’t think America is a great country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sara Raines
Can you imagine the zoo and dump the USA would become if the entire world population of around 8 billion and their pets lived in the USA? It is already being destroyed with pollution, ignorance, rightwing religious extremists and various types of criminal activities. The USA has become a country where criminals and corporations have more rights than honest citizens. Criminals of all types from greedy, wealthy CEOs to those with guns have people stomping around streets defending their CIVIL RIGHTS or those in Congress. No one, or very few, stomps around defending the CIVIL RIGHTS of their innocent victims nor of the average citizens. The USA is a country with varied and beautiful lands, but the country is being victimized and destroyed. I don't feel safe in the USA at all.


Barbara Gendron-Greene
To be fair, there are LOTS of people who DO want to live in America. At least in theory, it should be wonderful.


Robert Purser
Yeah, your right lots do. People from third world could think the USA is great. Plenty of people from third world countries go to those other first world countries too.
There are first worlders from other countries who go to the USA for very specific reasons. An example would James Corden.
He went to the US because he isn't funny to British people, it appears he makes Americans laugh. Fair play to him.


Mike Leslie
As a third world nation it is not bad. Except for shootings, a poor education system (especially geography, economics etc), poor health system when only the rich get doctors, and lack of care about others.


Mitch Cohen
I don’t see a lot of people moving to Sweden except from war-torn countries.


Jan Meyer
Sweden does not claim to be the greatest country in the world.


Mitch Cohen
Good point.
Neither does America, btw, though lots of Americans do.
If not for the United States, I wouldn’t exist and neither would my family. They would have been murdered by the Nazis and the Europeans who supported the Nazis.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rob Calder
The main reason the question is even asked is because a fair few Americans (clearly not all) do genuinely believe their country is the best in the world.
I’m not knocking America. I really enjoy the place and it has many things to be proud of but it has just as many glaring issues. I am married into an American family and have met many Americans who uncynically hold this view as something self-evident and unquestionable. This attitude can be a little bemusing to Europeans and it isn’t that we necessarily think we are better or that America doesnt have many positives but we tend to be more cynical and critical in outlook.
I blame pervasive propaganda from birth in the US. They pledge allegiance to their flag. They are constantly told they are a beacon of hope and aspiration to the world and that their form of government is the ideal to aspire to. They are frequently not very well informed about other countries, which is to some extent understandable given the size and power of the US.


Alan Farr
If you are ever in northern France maybe you could visit a few graves of the many Europeans who fought against the Nazis. Europeans who, by the way had been fighting for over 2 years before American forces arrived. Oh, and despite the blitz and the shortages of food and so on the British gave refuge to many German and other European Jews.


Lee James
You are aware that the US didn't enter WWII until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and actually refused to accept boats of European Jewish people fleeing the Nazi's. America First was Americans who supported Hitler like Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford.


Mitch Cohen
The US didn’t enter the war until the Japanese attack on P.H., correct. But it was already sending massive amounts of equipment and food to the UK and the USSR under lend-lease (loans that were never to be repaid) and were escorting British shipping to discourage German submarine warfare. Popular sentiment in the US didn’t want the US to get involved in another European war. Roosevelt knew war with the Nazis and Japan was inevitable, but since the US is a democracy, he knew he would not be reelected to CARRY ON the war if he entered it without what the average American would consider a good reason. P.H. was certainly reason enough.
Lindbergh, Ford, Joe Kennedy (Ambassador to the UK and father of JFK), and an influential Catholic preacher whose name escapes me at the moment were all fans of Hitler. And there was the “German Bund”, a whole organization of Americans of German descent who supported the Nazis. But they represented a minority. And once the US entered the war, Lindbergh became a military pilot and Kennedy’s sons, too, fought the Japanese.
As for the Soviets, they trained the German Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe in the 1920s and ’30s and supplied the Nazis with foodstuffs, raw materials, and fuel until Hitler shocked Stalin by attacking the USSR.
The USSR didn’t join the fight against the massively civilian-murdering Japanese Empire until after the US dropped BOTH A-bombs and all the USSR had to do was pick up the pieces in China to expand its control into that country.


David Rhys Price
If the questioner thinks the USA is the best country they really need to get out more and visit other developed countries
The scales would then fall from their eyes ad they realised their country is now well below yhe standards of most their contemporary nations I'm UK Europe and elsewhere


Profile photo for Patricia Bromley
When it becomes the greatest country in the world, do please let us know. Until then, nothing would induce me to live in the current America.


Alan McCullough
As I get older I realise how lucky we are to have our NHS even with its faults. It has saved my life, my wife’s life and my eldest son’s life and countless relatives. Yes of course we complain about income tax and National Insurance but I least if I need medical treatment I don’t have to sell my house to fund the treatment. Our wee UK may not be perfect but compared to the US of A it’s a Utopia


Robert Fauchon
A friend of mine had a place in Palm Springs. He was an Asthma sufferer and used his puffer when he needed to. One day, he was boarding a flight to Canada, when he pulled out his puffer. The Cabin crew refused him to board, then called an ambulance, which took him to hospital. Even though he didn’t need the ambulance or the hospital (He discharged himself right away) He was charged $25,000 for services he never received. THAT’s one reason why I’d never ever choose to live in America.


Scott Welch
I’m a good person to answer this question, since I was born in the USA and work in a field where the USA is a top employer (software).
In my case, I believe that for me, the USA is not the greatest country in the world. Canada is a much better country for me to live and raise a family in.
It’s as simple as that.


Profile photo for Geoffrey Thorndyke
I appreciate you feel that the USA is the “greatest” country in the world, but you really need to appreciate that most of the World does not agree with you.
Anyway if we all moved there it would get pretty crowded.


First, even if the USA were the greatest country in the world, people usually don’t migrate unless they live in a “shithole country”. Migrating is a very big deal. Unless your situation is intolerable, you usually don’t do it.
Second, even if people want to migrate, the USA makes it hard.
Third, the USA is, by most measures, NOT the greatest country in the world. Yes, we are the most powerful, but …. so what?
We aren’t #1 in life expectancy
We aren’t #1 in literacy
We are very unequal by GINI coefficient
While we have very good doctors, our health care system is arguably the worst of any developed country
We have high levels of bigotry
So, why don’t I move to, say, Canada or Sweden or some place like that? See the first two items. My situation doesn’t suck. Moving would be a big deal. And other countries won’t necessarily let me in.


Tadala Kapengule
I will answer this one as a citizen of a ‘shithole country'. Though an economically developed country, there are a couple of things that will never make America attractive to me, ever.
HEALTH CARE. I know this has been the focus of a couple of ranting answers here. My country has been rated ‘one of world's poorest countries’ and a less than ideal health system but I dont have to pay a dime when I visit the hospital and see a specialist. As someone who has had a couple of health issues over the years, this will always be something I will always consider when thinking of moving to a new country. If I could equate numerous hospital visits and medications to America, I would have been broke.
GUN VIOLENCE. I know that news reports could sometimes be inflated and/or focus on the bad things but I surmised that it's a big problem in the US and that's quite scary.
America does have a lot of pluses. It is so diverse (culture, weather, opportunities) but I think it's not somewhere you could establish a comfortable life.


Robert Catone
America was and can again be “the greatest country in the world”, but, right now that is not the case by far. Our politics are at best toxic, our housing is very low on the lower economic end, our feeding of the poor is pathetic, our education - mainly at the secondary level is below world standards in the STEM programs, our military is so bloated that it puts us on a par with North Korea as a nation starving its public to feed a military/industrial complex that is the largest in the history of the world. We starve the young and the old in order to sate the appetites of the very rich individuals and corporations. We allow our CEO’s to be paid obscene amounts of money while paying their workers below world standard wages and benefits. As of today, we have nearly one-billion guns in this country, many, many in the hands of the felonious, violent, unpredictable and flat out insane of this country. No my friend, we are NOT the greatest country in the world, there are many European nations and some Asian nations that put our totally out of whack priorities to shame. Maybe, if someday, we are willing to set our ship on a steady course, pay down our national debt, straighten out our tax inequities, control the spread of guns, hate and stupidity and truly show love for this nation, we can rejoin the ranks of the “greatest.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Brianna LaPoint
I am Native American and i do not believe America is the greatest country in the world. I think Japan and Scotland are much better in so many ways, but i cannot afford to move.
Denmark and Iceland treat their citizens far better than the AMerican governement.
I dont like the pledge of allegiance either,t hat is brainwashing Nazi garbage.


Rick Kitson
By no obxtive standard is the USA the greatest country in the world.
Every freedom index published pits the US out if the top 10, sometimes out if the top 20.
Democracy indexes often put the US out of the top 20 as well.
Health care, equality, standard of living, all very bad ratings.
A better question is why would anyone want to live in such a deteriorating shithole country like the US.


James Henry
I lived half my life in Canada and half in Australia. I used to see the US as a pretty cool country.
By most ratings the USA isn’t in the top ten counrties. (Freedom, happiness, quality of healthcare). It is in the top ten countries for number of incarcerated people, number of homeless people, number of bankruptcies, number of firearms deaths, etc. The are bad things to be in the top ten of.
Beyond that people in other first world countries look at the US and are dismayed by your crazy gun ownership, your crazy religious zealots, your crazy private healthcare, and by the fact you could elect a grifter like Trump as president. And after a disasterous four years a large number of people still idolise him. Geez.
The US just reached $30T in federal debt (that is $90K/person). Your infrastructure deficit is close to that amount. And you have a federal governmental system that is completely broken.
Finally, who would want to live in a country full of deluded, ignorant people who blindly worship their constitution without a clue how much better run most other first world countries are.


Profile photo for Stijn Hommes
The United States of America hasn’t signed any climate treaties because the US government doesn’t believe they have to listen to anyone else. Yet somehow, they haven’t made a plan to limit the damage the millions of cars are causing to the environment themselves either. A recent president even refused to believe climate change is happening.
In the US you can go bankrupt from medical bills.
They spend billions on the military, but somehow spending enough money on healthcare and education is too much to ask.
Your country has some nice nature spots and some great movie culture going for it, but on most other fronts it’s simply not that great.


Elaine Evans
It isn’t the greatest country in the world, you’ve been brainwashed.
Most of us are only too relieved that we were not born in the U.S.A. with its gun culture, police with far less training whose policy is to shoot first and ask questions after and lack of universal health care. Not to mention the racism, unhealthy food which wouldn’t pass our health and safety regulations. You can’t even cross the road without being arrested for jay walking-it’s not a crime in any other country.
We don’t live there because we wouldn’t, even if you paid us.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Patricia Gilks
Apart from the fact the question is ridiculous it is even more so to suggest the world lives in America. As for being the greatest country (not actually a country) in the world you are delusional. I would not live there if I was paid to.


Alan Wood
For starters they make it difficult to get in especially if you are coming from the direction of Mexico. However it might once have been the greatest country but it’s slipping backwards at an alarming rate nowadays and is fast approaching third world status.


Kevin Flynn
You only think it’s the greatest country because you don’t know anything else. It’s OK to be ignorant but you really shouldn’t advertise it!!!!
Stay in your shithole and don’t bother the rest of us!!!


It is so great that I can’t understand why they want to invade and occupy Korea, Hawaii, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and so many others.
If America is so good why don’t Americans want to stay at home and leave other countries in peace?


Kevin Bolt
Some parts of America are really good and well worth emigrating to. These include Canada, and the majority of the Caribbean island nations. Unfortunately the USA isn’t on the list.


Rune Bjørnsen
Because we don’t agree that the USA is the greatest nation on earth to live in. Personally I would not even go there for a holliday.


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