2022-02-12 魏晋余孽 21246

How are Japanese people amongst the healthiest people on Earth when their food contains lots of salt and sugar?


Sara Choe
I'm not Japanese..
I've traveled to Japan though and immersed myself in their culture while I studied abroad in school. I was also raised in a Korean household and I think Korea and Japan have a lot of similarities in food culture. I'll answer this question to the best of my abilities .. it may not be 100% accurate ! :)
I had yakitori maybe once or twice during my visit to Japan. It's not an everyday food therefore the sauce and sodium intake is much less than you're thinking.
Similarly, red bean paste is also NOT an everyday food it is a dessert. It goes along the same lines as the yakitori. Red bean paste is a common food item in China and Korea as well and I've really only seen it eaten as a treat.
A Japanese meal might be some sort of protein (like fish, beef, or chicken), veggies or salad, rice, and miso soup. These food items are all generally healthy and low in fat and sugar/sodium levels.
BUT the number one thing that stood out to me in Japan is the size of their portions. They're tiny (to me). I was born and raised in California so I'm all about the huge portions but in Japan, your meal is just enough to fill you up no more no less!


Maggie Carter
I’m not Japanese either but I’ve been to Japan with a Japanese friend and I ate as she ate and let me tell you the one thing I noticed was the LACK of sugar in particular. For example, if you buy a can of green tea from a vending machine, that’s what you get, green tea, no sugar. Green tea drinks you buy in western countries are packed with sugar. It took a bit of aclimatisation but in the end I was absolutely loving it. The food we ate was always fresh, simple, lovingly prepared, healthy and DELICIOUS!


Peter Y Cho
As a Korean growing up on a vegetarian diet I can tell you that traditional Korean cuisine is very high in vegetables (fiber) and very low fat. It was only after Koreans became wealthy did they add a lot of meat to their diet.


Profile photo for Sidney Raphael
One important Japanese diet fact was omitted: Japanese use very little oil in food preparation. Very little. Very, very little. On the opposite side of the scale, Chinese cooking uses a great deal of oil. Oil usually increases the taste. But it can accumulate in the body. If you own apartments and rent them out to Asian people, after you rent to Japanese people your kitchen walls can be as clean as the day you rent them out. Chinese renters use a lot of oil in their food, so the kitchen walls will have momentoes of the oilier diet.


Leah Ma
That reminds me of my niece (Chinese) who is married to a Japanese. Her first pregnancy she about went nuts with the Japanese diet. There was just nothing that satisfied her! Finally she went home to Taiwan for awhile (where she’d grown up till the age of 14) so she could get some food she liked. I guess she’s gotten used to it now though since she just had twins and spent the entire time in Japan.


Boris Touzeau
I have a question, how can Japanese food be that healthy and yet have one of the highest rate of stomach cancer in the world (third position in 2012) ?


Profile photo for Sandra Tsang
I think most asian countries eat healthily. I have never been to south east asia, but I have been to north east asia, and we have delicious and healthy food.


Jim Attrill
I had one meal in an upmarket Japanese restaurant here in South Africa. Very nice but we had to stop for a takeaway on the way home! The unhealthy takeaway destroyed the goodness of the healthy but small meal. I must add that I am a small eater - one US starter does me for a day!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

OMG! Is it any wonder why they are super skinny? It’s like they don’t like food so I could not live ever in Japan. I did visit my girlfriend who’s Japanese but she was raised in Hawaii and she lived with my family and trust me, Hawaiian loooove to eat…LARGE portions too. She was thick and had a nice shape. It seems they have a fascination with being rail thin for some reason. Except if you’re a sumo wrestler. But the culture is cool and all. The food portions are very small its like they are serving children’s portions when you go out to eat.


Gianfranco Fertino Hwandiano
They're not healthier. They're just thinner. Health is a broad definition. Many people assume health is associated with being thin. Other people assume health is associated with being athletic, or rarely get sick. If it's the former then yes i agree japan is better since they eat less. However if it's the latter than i have to disagree. Their food is pretty bad, you're right. It's either fried with vegetable oil or extremely sugary, choose one.


Rich Hernandez
Interesting points about the sodium and sugar. Also the portion size. But one thing in question is that of the quality of the ingredients. The industrialization of our foods seems to be different in a very significant way. Not all sodium and sugar are the same i’ve noticed. We have “refined” sugar here for example.


Robert Machin
Japan also has the highest per capita consumption of cigarettes in the world - figure that one out. The same goes for Greece in Europe, which has the highest cigarette consumption and the highest life expectancy)…


Michael Gardner
Greece ranks 24th in life expectancy in the World, behind most European countries, so not really a good example.
Australia where I live ranks 4th and Japan is top. Australians tend follow a high salt and high sugar typical Industrial Western diet. One reason for the high life expectancy here and in Japan is more likely to be the well funded advanced public health and hospital system. For example my 82 year old friend gets a free home visit and assessment twice a year from a district nurse, with regular screening by the local medical practice and an annual flu shot. All free apart from prescxtion meds that are around $6 a pack.


Jacqueline Mae Virtudes
I ve been to Japan and actually what I observed in their food is it is LACK of salt and sugar. and our Japanese tour guides said that Japanese dont like too much salt and sugar on food. And commonly, the staple food&drink on their meals are a miso soup and tea. Both have great benefits to health. and their meals are always a balanced diet.


Carrie La Seur
Not eating very much has to be a large part of it. I stayed with a host family while teaching English in Japan one summer. I ate the same diet as my host family (I wasn’t going to demand extra food, and I didn’t have a lot of access to restaurants or grocery stores). I’m not overweight but a head taller than the average Japanese with correspondingly higher caloric needs. In a little over 2 months, I lost about 20 pounds. It just wasn’t enough food, but all the chilled green tea I could drink!


Paolo Cuzzato
It is not entirely true. Indeed, while Japan has a low incidence of cancer overall, it has the third-highest incidence in the world for stomach cancer - which some have related to the diet.


Whats in a Japanese diet that could lead to cancer? Also, the only staple food I see is white rice. Japanese people eat white rice everyday. In the US, we are told to stay away from white rice because it is bad for us. It converts to sugar and can lead to obesity. I often wondered how Japanese people (Asians) could eat that much white rice (even if the portions are small and eaten everyday with every meal) always manage to stay skinny!!


Rol Wal
Two things it has in abundance: Seaweed and fish. We know that fish is high in omegas which improve the circulatory system and aid in the cells. Polar bears only eat omegas in the form of fat, mostly from sea mammals and fish. Seaweed is a superfood which chelates poisons out of the body. Seaweed is not a vegetable, but an algae. Algae chelate most anything anaerobic, meaning things that do not breathe oxygen such as bad bacteria, poisons and heavy metals, so if one eats it every day, one’s health should improve even though Japanese tend to be heavy smokers.

日本拥有两种丰富的东西:藻类和鱼。我们知道鱼富含脂肪酸, 脂肪酸可以改善循环系统,帮助细胞生长。北极熊只吃脂肪形式的脂肪酸,就主要来自海洋哺乳动物和鱼类。海藻是一种能螯合毒素排出体外的超级食物。海藻不是一种蔬菜,而是一种藻类。海藻能螯合大多数厌氧物质,也就是那些不能吸入氧气的物质,如有害细菌、毒物和重金属。因此,即使日本人是烟瘾很大的人,如果每天吃海藻,健康状况也会得到改善。

Geoffrey Thomas
I would dispute your assertion that their food contains a lot of salt and sugar. You must be thinking of a typical American diet?
the Japanese consume a very healthy diet: small portions of a wide variety of foods. Very little sugar in my experience.
Focusing on salt and sugar as if they alone could be responsible for possible unhealthy eating is a distraction. Fat, in particular animal fat, and processed foods with empty calories offered up in huge portions is the killer. Japanese consumption of sugar per capita is half that of the US.


Robert Steinberg
You know most of the things people have said are true, but a few other things could be said: THERE IS A TON OF DIABETES IN JAPAN. We in the west associate diabetes with obesity, but a lot of the diabetics in Japan are bone skinny. The speculation that I hear is that this is largely genetic, but also influenced by the large rice intake, as carbs convert to sugar in the body. Also that elevated sake intake contributes to diabetes appearance in drinkers. Aside from that there seems to be some lix between high levels of stomach cancer and regular consumption of the salty pickles that are common in the traditional diet.


Andrew Raffety
It depends on if you are eating actually Japanese food or the much much saltier and sugary Americanized dishes. Traditional Japanese food is typically much lower in sodium and sugar than its American “counter parts”.I've personally never been to Japan but having friends who have lived there helps a lot when discerning more traditional meals from the American ones.


Jeffrey Rennie
Even your question demonstrates a cultural bias. You’re looking for answers in food. Maybe the answer has nothing to do with food or exercise.
I lived in Japan for about 20 months. I observed their culture. It’s an amazingly tight-knit culture. The whole concept of rugged independence that is ingrained in American culture is nowhere to be found in Japanese culture. In their culture, you are part of a family and community.
I think this cultural cohesion that plays a critical part in their health. Mental health has a measurable effect on physical health. Consider Chernobyl. After Chernobyl, the government tried to kick everyone out of a quarantine zone. A few stubborn people stayed and continue to live in an environment with high radiation levels. Now, who has a longer life expectancy: the people who moved out of the quarantine zone, or the people who stayed? The answer is, surprisingly, the people who stayed. It turns out the emotional trauma of leaving their hometown was more dexerious to health than elevated levels of radiation.
Similarly, I believe living in a tightly-knit community plays a very positive role in the health of the Japanese.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Khadijah Bint Muhammad
One of the things that always strikes me when I’m in Japan is the emphasis on freshness. In the US, a steak you buy in the grocery has probably been dead for two weeks or more. In Japan, I doubt that’s the case. And if you go for sushi or seafood, good chance the fish was alive an hour before. (I have actually been served sashimi in Tokyo where the fish was actually still alive on the plate.)
Also, the Japanese breakfast is ultrahealthy, usually including soup, which is a fabulous way to get your system going after sleep.


Profile photo for Luc Chase
Vitamin K2 and fermented foods might be part of their secret. Fermented foods supply this absolutely vital nutrient. It keeps calcium fixed in the correct parts of the body, preventing hardening of blood vessels and other soft tissue. The fermented food also seems to moderate the effects of both salt and sugar.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Helene Lazar
The Japanese eat a lot of raw fish which is really healthy. They eat small amounts of beef and pork. They work longer hours than any other country. They walk a lot, too.


Wendy Dinsmore
These days, many Japanese have access to some very unhealthy diets (thanks to the availability of fast food and some of the most glorious snack food I have ever seen anywhere—it’s even seasonal!), and many struggle with their waistlines. I know I had to struggle with keeping away from fried foods and fatty foods when eating with coworkers and at the company cafe. What I can attribute the healthy folks to is this:
1) Smaller portion sizes. Even with unhealthy foods, the portions are much smaller—maybe half—than what you see in the US.
2) Exercise. If you live in the cities, you walk. A lot. Everywhere. People often struggled with weight in the countryside where you drove everywhere.
3) Traditional life habits: If you lived traditional Japanese style, sitting and sleeping on the floor, you were forced to get up from and down to the floor, which keeps your joints and muscles accustomed to the practice and is healthier. School and office exercise programs keep you more conscious of exercise habits, though your mileage may vary. And using traditional squat toilets are better for “clearing the pipes,” so to speak (which is why an inventor in the US is making good money off the “Squatty Potty,” a stool that lets you mimic the squatting position on American toilets).


First off are we talking authentic Japanese or Americanized Japanese. It’s not one and the same. A lot of ethnic cuisine - Chinese, Indian, etc. - is aimed for an Americanized palate (example a “Chinese restaurant” serving pizza or hamburgers) in Anglophone countries & that means catering more to whatever Anglophones are used to instead of authentic food.
Not to mention not all cuisine calls for either excessive salt or sugars - Japanese cuisine can vary quite a bit depending on what prefecture you are in.


Zijian He
Red bean paste does include alot of sugar. I actually decrease the sugar dramatically when i make it myself. And the mochi it is often encased in often has sugar too. I used to buy a box and eat them but that would mean i couldn’t eat at least one meal (if i ate alot i could not eat for a whole day or more)! Mochi are very chewy and actually can be hard to digest if you eat alot. That said i don’t think most japanese are that extreme and they are just eaten now and again or for special occasions.
You are right that yakitori and teriyaki sauce also contains alot of sugar. But the flip side is that portions are small. If you order a plate you don’t get that much. It also satisfies the craving for a sweet dessert so that actually could be an overall saving. When you look at lunch boxes i agree there are often fried items in them but the portions are down right stingy.


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