2022-03-03 JOJOyu 22020


First, Chinese athletes have advantage over their competitors from other countries in the world in some sporting events such as diving, weightlifting and table tennis.
Second, they are self-disciplined and practice hard.
Third, they can gain huge fame by winning a gold medal as many people in China have deep interest in the Olympics.
Fourth, like all the athletes in the world, they want to push the physical limits of human being, through strength, speed and skills.


Jon Vowles
, Spent my youth training with a secret society of assassins,Lives in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
There are 1.4 billion Chinese people.
That means they have 4 times the population ,of the US, 7 times the population of Russia, 20 times the population of the UK.
In theory they should win 1/5 of all medals.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Now if we add the fact that China sees international sports as a way to build the pride and spirit of the country and they have lots of cash to spend on elite sports training and it's all government funded and the government is totalitarian and doesn't have to ask for permission…. They should do even better than that.
The real question should be why does India do so badly in the Olympics….


Abhinav Singh
, Electrical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (2022)
Because they have one of the best sports infrastructure. They have around more than 5000 stadiums in their country starting from lower level to upper level.
They start training their athletes from very start age nearly around 6–7 years.
They are physically and mentally strong.


They have dream of becoming world superpower so they have to defeat USA in every field and they have to be in top in olympics too.
They have largest population in world and they judicialy utilised their population into making them world champions.
They have nerve of steel, they do not falter or become nervous at world stage because they believe they are the best.


Eric Barbehenn
, Photoshop Artist (2010-present)
so go back 40 years and china was no where near the top of the medal list. It was a third world country where getting by was far more important than sport probably. But over the last few decades china has changed dramatically, and part of that has clearly been trying to come out on the world stage. And olympic medal counts are clearly part of that goal.


China has the world’s second biggest economy and the world largest population by far. So if you take the top .1 percent of athletes from each country and consider them to be of possible oylmpic caliber, then china has 4 times as many candidates as India, and 10 times as many candidtates as the USA….and now it has the many to spend on it. So population + money means China should be dominating the medal count at the oylmpics in the next few years..

中国是世界第二大经济体,也是世界上人口最多的国家。所以,如果你把每个国家前 0.1% 的运动员视为可能具有奥运会水平,那么中国的候选人数量将是印度的 4 倍,美国的 10 倍……因此,人口+金钱意味着中国将在未来几年的奥运会奖牌数量上占据主导地位。

Now I know that it’s not an exact correlation, I mean look at Norway in the winter oylmpics, or Australia in the summer oylmpics. Those countries just love there sports and tend to do very well even being small. But I bet in you you ran the statistics, size of the economy/spending on athletes and poplulation go a long way toward winning….


Santosh Kumar
, studied at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra,Lives in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
There is a method and a system. This is along expected lines as nations rise up and build economic muscle they are able to focus resources on sports. Sports is very expensive at international competitive level. A single medal is years of dedication from the athlete, multiple coaches which have to be supported by funding, infrastructure, and other support staff such as dieticians, scientists. The players have to be motivated and looked after. The Chinese system has amazingly managed to do all at scale and precision which is amazing. They spot talent early and nurture them with everything they have. Thus the results.


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
, Lawyer,Lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
#1 They sext their Sports very wisely
They stick to Badminton, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Shooting, Diving, Underweight Boxing Archery etc where their Naturally lithe bodies and stamina are an asset rather than a liability.
Mary Kom and Mirabhai may be Indians but look at their facial features. They have a lot of Genetic Similarities with the Oriental Genes and so do well in such sports as Weightlifting or Boxing etc.
They rarely expect wins in sports where sheer Strength is involved and rarely win in Tennis or Shot Put or Javelin etc where you need very strong muscles.
Even Swimming is a rarity and they prefer diving

#1 他们非常明智地选择了他们的运动项目

Mary Kom和Mirabhai可能是印度人,但看看他们的面部特征,它们与东方人的基因有很多相似之处,因此在举重或拳击等运动中表现出色。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

#2 They are a Pure Meritocracy
They look at only Performance
They dont look at Sob Stories about the poor mother or father being a coolie etc.
You are worth $4 Billion but you perform well, you get through.

#2 他们执行的是纯粹的精英制度

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

#3 Their sextors are former Champions and Worthy
MSK Prasad who has Zero experience being a ball boy in a World Cup sexting a world cup team!!!
Utterly worthless two bit players being in charge of sextion of champions. Those who havent even been within 5000 miles of the Olympics.
Even worse you have Bureaucrats in lower level sextions.
Thats India BTW
China - Its a No No
The sextion is entirely done by experts and more experts. Bureaucracts serve tea and stamp papers. Thats it.

#3 他们的选拔者是前冠军和名人
MSK Prasad没有任何参加世界杯的经验却担当了选拔世界杯队伍的重任!!!

#4 Money
Training starts from a Young age. 8–12
It costs money to train a Kid before sponsorships come.
China has sponsors from 8 yrs of age. They invest in the long run. You have 8–9 yr olds running families with sponsor money, shoes, access to pools etc.

#4 钱

#5 Politics is a No No
No interference from Politicians. No worthless MP or MLA calling and saying “sext her or him”.
Nobody interferes.
#6 Secure Career
The 15000 Chosen ones get secure Jobs and Bypass the Gaokao.
It gives a big reassurance
And good jobs, not Havildar or TT who suddenly becomes a Addl Superintendent of Police.

#5 远离政治

#7 Nationalism
Chinese are Proud to be Chinese. The Pride is ingrained. Its not generated by Global Times or Eurasian Times or Mann Ki Baat.
Its ingrained with Success and more Success and efficiency.
#8 No Pandering to Mediocrity
You Win or Lose
Chinese dont pander to mediocrity.
They dont worship one medal or make millionaires for decent achievements.
You have to be the best
Bronze Medallists get a Handshake
Silver Medallists get a Handshake and a Pat
Gold Medallists get a Newspaper Article and a Firm Handshake and a Pat on the Back
Thats it

#7 民族主义
中国人为自己是中国人而自豪,这种自豪感根深蒂固,它不是由《环球时报》或《欧亚时报》或《Mann Ki Baat》这样的媒体灌输的。
#8 不迎合平庸

No BMW Cars for a Bronzer and No Biopics for Athletes who havent won a Single Global Professional Tournament or a Gold medal.
This ensures that the Best Talent always gets picked and do their best.
Same for many countries like S.KOREA or RUSSIA
Except for one country !!!!!


Mahesh Rallabandi
Oh you forgot about doping������. Their own coach went to US and revealed how much Chinese atheletes are into Doping.
Mahesh Rallabandi

哦,你忘了说兴奋剂了������. 他们自己的教练去了美国,并告诉美国人中国运动员有多喜欢服用xxx。

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Doubt it highly
Most if such remarks are made by absconding criminals from China who take advantage of US and its naive view of human rights in China
Frauds, Rapists flee China to avoid capture and go to UK or US and stay there and scream “Bogus Stories”


Deblina Mitra
The most important of all is training. China is known to sext children from primary schools who are good in sports and train them rigourously for the next 10–15 years with the best facilities available. They're driven both physically and mentally from a very young age towards winning gold and defeating USA by occupying all three podiums in the games.
Compare that to most of our sportspeople journeys. Many start late. Many start early however take it seriously much later. Only a handful gets competent training facilities in their initial years. Indian sportspeople struggle a lot no doubt, but most of that doesn't add to rather takes away from their performances.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Advay Aundhekar
Agree with everything except the Nationalism part. Are you serious? Indian athletes (whatever their results may be) have some sort of pseudonationalistic pride generated by Mann Ki Baat/other RW propaganda, and not actual love for the country?
You say a lot of sensible things but sometimes just get it SO offensively wrong. Totally agree that we suck at organising sports and have pathetic infrastructure, but there's a limit to how negative someone can be. I don't know whether it's your age or your upbringing in the red-tape era, but such negative thought is toxic. Please don't question our athletes love for the country atleast? They put in blood, sweat and tears and deal with all the bureaucratic BS just for the country.


George Cao
Always enjoy your posts Kanthaswamy. Well, China has 1.4 billion people with 56 ethnic groups. So body types differ by the thousands.
Hence, there is a lot of talent and potential to be cultivated for EVERY sport. But there is a huge problem: culture.
You see, with all the gold medals that China gets every olympics, they’re still lagging behind A LOT. They mis-use resources, and do not cultivate talent/potential.


I grew up in sports-centric California, and 30% of the student body gets trained in a sport starting at around age 12 (7th grade). We got facilities, and coaches, and American culture pushing us “be the best we can be” on the sports field. This is because America has accumulated wealth from the past 50 years, and has lots of open spaces. Americans can afford to dedicate their lives to extracurricular activities.


In China, in order to catch up economically due to the past hundred years of mismanagement and foreign invasion, kids study hella hard so that we as a nation get the foundations of a prosperous society first. That way, we have a roof over our head, and food on the table. Only then, can we think about extracurricular activities like sports. This has been the issue with sports performance in China.


I’ll use a simple example: Jeremy Lin. Why is it that only 4 million Asian Americans in California can produce someone like Jeremy Lin, but 1.4 billion in China couldn’t do it? Its because the Lins already have an upper-middle class background, and that allows the Lin brothers to participate in extracurricular activities where they get state of the art training, practice, and facility.
We’re all people. Chinese, Indians, Americans…etc. When we have the background, the money, the training, and the support, we’ll get better at it, and the results will naturally show.


Chris Crox
I would hesitate to use Jeremy Lin as an example of how middle-upper class lifestyles facilitate sporting excellence. Especially in low-middle class games such as basketball where the start up for infrastructure is nothing more than concrete, a net and a ball.
Jeremy Lin is a freak. A talented freak. A freak in the sense that he navigated the US sporting system unconventionally through Harvard and not a traditional sports school via the sports scholarship route. He got to where he is in spite of his middle class upbringing and his race.

林书豪是个怪胎,一个才华横溢的怪胎。在某种意义上说,他是一个怪胎,因为他通过哈佛大学(Harvard)而非传统体育学校(traditional sports school)以非传统方式而不是通过体育奖学金路线引领了美国的体育体系。尽管他受过中产阶级的教育,也有自己的种族背景,但他还是取得了现在的成就。

George Cao
I came and settled in China back in 2013. Guys who are Jeremy Lin’s height are dime a dozen here. The big difference is that they come from a poor and developing background where they NEED the basic necessities first.
The guy needs to pay the bills so he can have a roof over his head, good food on the table, and more money down the road in order to get married and have a family. Almost everyone here can go through school, get an internship, and find a job. The chances of them making it and earning good money is pretty good.


But if you tell them, hey! You’re 6′3, 200 pounds, you should play basketball and earn money from that. So we do some research and see that the chances of earning money by playing basketball (or any sport) anywhere is 0.0000008%….
This isn’t just a China issue. It is a human issue. Jeremy Lin made it because he has a huge safety net underneath him in case he fails. The fact that he succeeded is because he has his family’s backing, as well as basketball-centric Cali environment. Most Chinese parents won’t put their 6′3 sons down this path because they have nothing to fall back on.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Haipo Chan
China did produce Yao Ming who arguably is held in higher regards than Jeremy Lin.


Praneeth Kumar
Also considering the fact that the population of Japan is almost half that of Uttar Pradesh.


Siddharth Thakur
All other points are reasonable except “pandering to mediocrity”. It makes no sense at all.
For example, if you say we are celebrating mediocrity (bronze medals), why aren’t there more Bronze medals?
The problem lies in the structure of our organizations. But, I guarantee this can be turned around within 4 years if someone really wants to. One has to look at the Bangladesh U19 team for example.
The biggest problem in our country is inefficiency, much less mediocrity.


Shyam Kumar
“ lot of Genetic Similarities with the Oriental Genes and so do well in such sports as Weightlifting or Boxing”
I am sorry but I find your claim absurd.
I had trained in Olympic weightlifting (dont think it means that all the hundreds of people who train are even eligible for participating in the Olympics - just because that word is in it) - a lot of it has to do with training and so on.
There have been Olympic lifters and boxers who are huge names today and are not Asian in genes. Bury that illusion.


The Russian weightlifters were not Asian - Klokov was not Asian (for me Klokov is what Sachin is for a cricket fan - helps that Klokov’s wife is attractive).
Choosing sports where the people are good at - would have been a more reasonable claim.
Anyway I would agree on other points perhaps.


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