2022-03-12 魏晋余孽 14556

How far do you have to be from a nuclear bomb to survive?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Scott Hanson
Far too many variables to give you a fixed answer.
How big a nuclear explosion are we talking about?
A 22 kiloton “Nagasaki” sized atomic blast is not the same thing as a W-88 Thermonuclear warhead.
Also… safe from what exactly? the physical blast wave, the ionizing radiation pulse, the thermal pulse, fallout? Different effects are bigger than others given the size of the bomb Yield. The different effects do not scale the same so by way of example, is smaller detonations the thermal pulse is not as far reaching as the blast wave itself, but as you go bigger ad bigger, the blast wave tails off more rapidly with distance and does not scale up the same way as the thermal pulse. With the bigger nukes, you can be well outside the blast radius and still receive lethal thermal exposure and die of massive 3rd degree burns to your body if exposed to line of sight to the fireball.
For the blast itself it depends on what sort of shelter you are in. The blast gets progressively weaker the further you are and what may not be good shelter close in, would be adequate further out. far enough out and you can survive the blast wave in the open (provided you are not struck by debris thrown outwards from further in).
Don’t be downwind or in the immediate vicinity.


For a 1 megaton ground detonation, outside of about 10–12 miles you should be reasonably safe so long as you have some sort of decent shelter, (much the same as sheltering from a tornado). At 20 miles, the blast would barely break windows, don’t stand near them or you may be injured by flying glass.
Being outside however, you would still be in danger from the thermal pulse (heat wave) radiating from the fireball, but so long as you were out of direct line of sight of the fireball itself, you would be fine.
I would say that as long as you had some sort of physical barrier between you and direct line-of-sight to the fireball, you would be safe from just about every typical nuclear weapon out there as long as you were at least 20–25 miles from ground zero (and not downwind from fallout)
The above is a 1 megaton example. Most nukes are not that big.
The two most common nukes in the US inventory are 475 and 500 kilotons
500 kiloton is 1/2 a megaton.


Alexander Finnegan
It isn’t easy. Some believe that if all the nuclear warheads were launched the earth might be uninhabitable anyway. This would be true if the new version of the Russian nuclear bombs are implemented, which scatter radioactive materials which would circulate everywhere. But there is a reasonable possibility that a nuclear winter would not happen and if you survived the initial war and you lived in a nation that was not destroyed you might survive.


Profile photo for Rajan Bhavnani
As is true with most modern weapons systems, the answer is, it depends on a number of complex factors.
Just off the top of my head:
The kind of nuclear blast makes a huge difference. A dirty bomb will just scatter around radioactive dust in the immediate area. A modern hydrogen bomb can easily destroy an entire city with the initial blast alone; that’s to say nothing of the long term radiation danger. Problem at your local nuclear power plant? The immediate danger zone is almost certainly less than 10-20 miles from the plant.


If we’re talking about a “launched” nuclear warhead then the detonation altitude also becomes relevant. In general, the lower the detonation altitude the more “focused” the blast area will be. Nukes launched against reinforced military targets detonate at lower altitudes to do more damage in a smaller area. This allows the blast to be strong enough to destroy appropriately strong/shielded military buildings. Nukes launched against general civilian targets detonate higher because civilian buildings are frequently easier to knock down so spreading the force across a larger area results in more buildings being destroyed.
When in comes to the dangers of radioactive fallout time, location, and weather matter.
In general, it takes time for radiation to fall back to earth after a nuclear warhead is detonated; usually something between 12–24 hours.
In that case, assuming you survive the initial blast it’s key to head upwind of the larger area weather patterns and generally in the opposite direction of the jet stream (that usually means head West in the Northern Hemisphere, and head East in the Southern Hemisphere) before radioactive fallout starts coming down.
A major nuclear explosion from a military device will almost certainly result in retaliation, and then (potentially) further attacks and counter attacks by additional parties. At some point, this is expected to trigger a nuclear winter; killing plants, animals, and causing global temperatures to plummet to a new ice age. Between the multiple blasts and the immeasurable devastation of a nuclear winter event most people’s chances of survival are essentially zero.


Clifford Heseltine
Generally, with proper security clearances, you can get within inches of a nuclear weapon and be perfectly safe.
If the thing actually detonates, however, there is no reliable way to determine “safe".
Close enough, you won't have time to worry.
Far enough to survive the blast you will worry about if medical care survived and will reach you in time.


Loring Chien
The range of explosive yields of nuclear weapons spans more than 5000:1. There are thermonuclear weapons with 50 megaton yields and tactical nukes of well under 10 kilotons. Hiroshima sized weapons are about 15 kilotons.
And then there's the question of whether the bomb was exploded at the surface or a air blast. Some bombs are meant to drill into the earth and explode below ground to destroy hardened bunkers and launchers rather than cities, buildings and people. That affects how it destroys its surroundings.
Whether or not you have an adequate shelter is also a factor.
Finally what do you mean survive? Survive the initial blast but be injured, survive the initial blast to succomb to radiation poisoning three days later, survive without incident for 30 years, or live to be 90 without your chances of getting cancer increasing by more than 10%?
Too many variables you did not specify.


Robert Sytek
The answer depends upon many variables, and whether you mean surviving the initial blast, or the exposure to radiation afterwards.
The initial explosion can vary in yield and intensity. Is it a ground strike or an airburst? Conventional or neutron bomb?
Ground zero is not survivable at the center blast radius. Temperatures here are hotter than the surface of the sun.
The initial explosion surges outwards creating a shockwave at hundreds of miles per hour. This shockwave carries debris that can strike and kill you. This initial blast also coincides with a strong electromagnetic pulse of Gamma radiation.
The blast reaches its apex as the vacuum created at ground zero pulls all of the debris back to the center and upwards (which can also strike you), forming the iconic mushroom cloud.
The debris pulled back into the cloud is irradiated. Depending upon speeds of winds aloft and the yield of the weapon, this irradiated debris can scatter downwind for many miles in the shape of a cone.
Earth, concrete, lead, and stone have low transmission factors. This means if you are protected from the initial explosion and your shelter has a low transmission factor, your odds are good that your shelter protected you from the gamma radiation pulse.
The irradiated debris from the fallout cloud is mostly an Alpha and Beta radiation hazzard. If you keep from prolonged dust exposure against your skin and clothing you can prevent ‘beta burns'. A bandana or facemask should keep the alpha radiation out of your lungs.
Hopefully you can find non-contaminated water.
As you can see, a lot of factors come into play, so my answer is - it depends.


Edward Bashaw
It depends on whether it is a 10 kiloton bomb or a 1 megaton bomb. Weapon yield, geography, physical structures, and weather can have a dramatic effect.
without that kind of information a real answer cannot be given


D.W. Nugent
At least 10 miles and up wind of the blast to avoid fallout. Also NEVER use conditioner in your hair as it binds to radioactive material.


George Dukesh
Unable to answer without details such as;
type of nuclear blast ( fission or fission-fusion, enhanced radiation, etc)
The yield of the blast
Whether a surface, subsurface or air burst, and if an air burst, what altitude.
It also depends on your definition of survival
Give me those details and I will tell you.


Raymond Lockey
The variables include: if it is an air blast or ground zero detonation; the kiloton or megaton yield of the detonation; weather conditions; geological barriers; concrete-steel structures versus wood frxd buildings; exposed above ground versus seeking shelter below ground; overlay of earth and/or other shelter characteristics providing a shield to radiation, overpressure and blast wave of detonation.
Generally, most nuclear weapons in today’s arsenals of the nuclear powers are in the low megaton or high kiloton range. Strategic changes in the use of nuclear weapons has over time gone from ground zero detonations of a high megaton yielding device, to multiple air blasts of lower yielding megaton to higher yielding kiloton devices. This change limits radioactive particles being carried into the atmosphere but expands the blast zone and the resulting blast wave created. It also generally dilutes the overpressure across a wider radius, but still generally sufficient to flatten standard constructed structures and seriously damage more robust concrete-steel structures.
In what is considered to be an “average” detonation, the radius from an air blast suffering the most damage, including to human life, will be between 2–3 miles; less if sheltering in various types of structures especially below ground. Ground zero blasts affect a smaller radius from the detonation center, down to >1 mile.
Within the calculus there is a range of variables which will determine the immediate survivability of a person, however, exposure to high levels of radiation can result in death over the course of weeks, and cancer rates proportionally increase with exposure as well.


Profile photo for Loc Green
This includes effects from the blast, such as radiation
I'm not a physicist, and certainly not a nuclear one. Also while a lot of information is available about these types of weapon systems some is still classified.
The answer to your question would depend on many factors such as the yield of the device, the specific method of delivery, the elevation at the point of detonation, geography and terrain considerations, weather, and no doubt many others, such as the materials your home is built from, or the source of your drinking water.
The yield of the device is relevant because it tells you something about the size of the blast, and the amount of radioactivity.
The method of delivery and elevation of detonation can effect the blast radius, and cratering, as well as the fallout.
The makeup of the terrain and geography can play a roll in the blast and subsequent fallout.
The weather can have a huge effect on the dispersion of fallout after the blast. For one thing, if the wind blows the fallout away from you then you will be able to be much closer to the blast site .
I have also read that the most dangerous radioactivity of the fallout decays by 90% after 49 hours, and another 90% after two weeks.
I just simply am not knowledgeable enough on the subject to answer your question, but I hope my answer has some relevant information to further considerations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fred Wilson
Wow! It's an explosion, so you have the blast radius. There is also heat, and radiation. The yield of the weapon determines the safe distance for all three. If you hope for survival you must find a protected location, one heat resistant, sound against blast overpressure, and impervious to radiation. In short, either dig a very deep hole or don't be exposed in the first place.


Paul Wilson
As mentioned by Mark Werner the size of the bomb, and the kind of bomb, as well as where you are when the bomb went off. Including how far from the bomb's ground zero. All these aspects would be critical to an accurate answer. Another aspect not mentioned here would be what type of detonation of the bomb would occur.
There are three types:
Air burst: the bomb explodes high in the air, so the fire ball does not touch the ground. Heat energy and ionizing radiation would be the most intense. Less fallout radiation.
Ground burst: the bomb explodes lower, but still in the atmosphere. The fireball does touch the ground. More heat, more ionizing radiation, more shock wave energy, more fallout radiation. Less radius of damage. Still anti-personnel, but greater facilities damage as well.
Subterranean burst: bomb hits the ground than detonates. Smaller radius of damage, but damage is more severe in that radius. Heat and ionizing radiation does not extend as far either, but there is a crater. Therefore shock wave travels through the ground similar to an earthquake. Fallout radiation is drawn up greater over a large area, for a longer period of time, and goes downwind further. Of course less anti-personnel, but death is 100% at ground zero and to the extent of the crater.
An instance where the bomb was small, and an air burst was the bomb over Hiroshima.


Duncan Christakos
Based on the two dropped on Japan, at least eight miles, or six or seven if you are behind a thick stone wall. Hiroshima was destroyed in a ten mile radius around the bomb dropped on it, but there were survivors, though not many, within that radius. However, hydrogen bombs are far more powerful than atomic bombs, so you would either need a really, really thick stone wall or well over fourteen miles distance. Fourteen MILES!!! My goodness!

根据两颗落在日本的原子弹来看,至少要有8英里,如果你躲在一堵厚厚的石墙后面,大概是6或7英里。广岛在10英里的范围内被摧毁,炸弹在它上方掉了下来,但在这个半径范围内,仍有幸存者,尽管没有多少。然而,氢弹比原子弹威力大得多,所以你要么需要一堵非常非常厚的石墙,要么需要14英里以上的距离。14英里! !我的天哪!

R. Weston
As with many things, it depends.
It depends upon the size (yield) of the weapon. Just like a conventional bomb or explosion, the larger the yield, the more distance required.
It depends upon one’s protection. Standing in the open will require far more distance; sitting in an underground bunker will require far less distance. Because blast waves travel line-of-site and earth is a good radiation absorber, even lying down in a ditch, foxhole, or other depression in the ground can enable one to survive both the blast and the radiation much closer to the detonation.
Then, of course, it also can depend upon many other factors. Is the detonation an airburst or ground burst? The latter will create fallout, which means wind direction, wind speed, and other weather features will come into play. With fallout, one may require much more distance from the blast downwind than upwind. If it is raining, less distance may be required, even downwind, to survive fallout.
In sum, however, a little bit of training, thought, preparation, and protection can enable folks to survive far closer to a nuclear blast than one might imagine.


Omar Martinez
To put into reference I will use San Francisco. If the bomb were to hit dead center, all of those in the city would perish. Those across the Bay Bridge, near Oakland would be safe, but would probably have burns, scrapes, and many would also die due to buildings collapsing. So about 10–20 miles out side of the zone you should be fine. Due be wary that fallout can spread hundreds of miles.


Luke Moravec
the spread of radioactive fallout Depends on an incredible number of different things.
1 the yield, which you have helpfully set at 1 megaton
2 the altitude of detonation
3 and a variety of environmental conditions especially wind patterns.
if the weapon is detonated in the air high enough that the fire ball doesn’t touch the ground, then fallout will be limited.
The more of the fireball that touches the ground, the more Radioactive material gets thrown up into the air for the wind to scatter. The exact distance possible for the fallout to be carried is hard to say, but I’d imagine with a ground detonation and strong wind currents you could detect some radioactive material from insane distances. As for distances where dangerous levels of fallout occur, that depends on weather patterns and altitude of detonation. Remember, the greater the area the fallout is scattered across, the lower the radioactivity in that area.
hopefully someone will come by and give some actual numbers, but I’d imagine they’d have to set some more parameters in order to do so
as for how long the fallout is dangerous, after 2 weeks it should be plenty safe to leave shelter and evacuate. I wouldn’t want to stick around outside though
remember that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt fairly quickly, so the fallout wasn’t a long lasting issue.


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