2022-03-13 魏晋余孽 12709

Why can't the UK just give Gibraltar back to Spain?


Paul Rodgers
We could.
But then, we could also give them Clapham.
Though if we did, the people of Clapham would probably be just as upset as the people of Gibraltar would be.
Which part of your country are you giving away at the moment?
Please make sure it’s a good bit. We don’t want any of your trash.


Profile photo for Colin Riegels
Because, under international law, you are not supposed to. The people of Gibraltar have a right to self determination, and they overwhelmingly and repeatedly vote to remain British.
The more interesting question is why Spain wants to violate international law and overrule the Gibraltarians right of self determination.


James Flack
Because the UK respects the wishes of the people. It has referendums, and actually follows the results.
Gibraltar has had several referendums on remaining British or becoming Spanish. The results are very one sided- well over 90% of residents of Gibraltar don’t want to join Spain.
Not quite as one sided as the Falklands though.. There, it is over 99% want to remain British!


Profile photo for Steve Davies
Because Gibraltarians are proud to be a British territory and wish to remain so.
The only way that would change would be if Gibraltar wanted independence.
As democracy and self-determination is not something that the Spanish government appears to recognise (it’s actions in the Basque region and more recently in Catalonia, are proof of that), the people of Gibraltar are perfectly happy to have the protection and security of remaining as part of the British Empire.
It’s also hypocritical of the Spanish government to maintain it’s position over Gibraltar when just across the Straights, Spain holds on to the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the coast of Morocco.


Stefan Gebhardt
Why can't the USA give the 13 original colonies back to the UK? Why can't they give Louisiana back to the French? Why can't they give California back to Mexico? Why can't Brazil give their country back to Portugal? Why can't Mexico give their country to Spain?
I could do this all day. And it's always the same answer. That's not how it works. The people that live there decide who they want to belong to. People in Gibraltar want to be British. Mexicans want to be Mexicans. Californians want to be American (I guess, not sure though in that case).
Gibraltar has been British for over 300 years. Spain agreed to give it to Britain back then. Sure they won it in a war. Only if the people of Gibraltar voted to become Spanish, and ONLY THEN, would it be possible for Gibraltar to be part of Spain.


Neil Ballou
Because the people of Gibraltar have the right to self-determination, and they consistently vote against being handed over to Spain. They overwhelmingly prefer being British. As long as that remains true, Gibraltar will continue to be rightfully British territory.
Besides, if the UK does decide to “just give Gibraltar back to Spain”, will Spain likewise agree to “just give” Ceuta and Melilla back to Morocco? I have my doubts.


Profile photo for J.A. Rubio
Because it’s a British territory full of people which have stated that they want to be british. It’s not that hard to understand once you think of it under that light.
Besides, in contrast to what the tabloids here and there and some ‘supernationalist’ and populist politicians say, Spain is not constantly asking for that, nor the Spanish population talks often about the matter. It’s been 300 years british, that’s quite some time to undestand the status quo.
There are issues around Gibraltar, mind you, but those are nothing rare among countries that share borders and are matters to be tackled by diplomats.


Alcuin Mark Hipwell
Why can't the US just give Alaska back to the Inupiat, Yuit, Athabascans, Tlingit and Haida? (Because the Russians sold it to the US?)
Why can't the US just give Puerto Rico back to the Taíno?
Why can't the US just give Hawaii back to the Hawaiians?
Why can't the US just give the whole US back to the the native Americans?
2 reasons:
The ancestors of the people currently in charge stole those places by force and murder from the people who lived there first for centuries and they DO NOT WANT TO GIVE THEM BACK. This applies to the whole of South America, as well as North America. You don’t belong there. F**k off back to Spain and Portugal where you all came from. Unfortunately, this logic that means Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and a whole bunch of other places will have to send a bunch of people back to the UK, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland as well. Not very realistic.
The local inhabitants like things just the way they are, thanks. This applies to Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands, among others, and their right of self-determination is enshrined in international law. Also, Gibraltar was ceded to the UK by Spain FOREVER.


Craig Schiller
Because Gibraltar has people who live there, and cannot be traded away like meat.
It’s populated by British citizens, who have an inalienable right to remain British citizens. And they cannot be forced to move if they want to maintain their British citizenship, either: not only do they have an inalienable right to remain British citizens, they also have an inalienable right to remain British citizens while remaining in Gibraltar.
It’s not up to the government of the United Kingdom, and it’s not up to the government of Spain. It’s up to the people of Gibraltar, and the people of Gibraltar have not expressed any collective desire to change their citizenship status.


Monty Slocombe
Because it’s not a territory issue, but a people issue. The Spanish speaking politicians have difficulty understanding this principle, i.e. the Falklands. To “give” Gibraltar to Spain would be to abandon democracy. Perhaps France should consider asking England to give it back to the French Normans? Or Wales could ask the Anglo Saxons to give it back Britain? Or Argentina to give it back to the native Indian population?


Fergus Mason
Why should we? Spain gave it to us under an international treaty, and they gave it to us “in perpetuity”. That means forever, i.e. they don’t get it back. In reality we will give it back as soon as a majority of the people who live there want us to, i.e. never.


Graham Brownbill
Why cant the us just give back florida to spain?
If the people in a country, state or colony 100,% want to stay the way they are why should an outsider have the right to say different.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bennet Chantler
Consider two points.
The residents of Gibraltar consider themselves British and wish to remain so.
2. Spain owns Ceuta and Melilla on the North African coast. If Spain gave those back, the UK might consider the request for Gibraltar more seriously. Point 1 would probably still prevail, but it might be given a moment's consideration


Profile photo for Sim Hedges
Because the UK believes in Self Determination and the Gibraltarians do not want to be part of Spain. After all, although Gibraltar belonged to Spain for 250 years, it has been British for over 300, so that’s not too surprising.


Kyle Dring
The people of Gibraltar have a right to self determination, and they repeatedly vote to remain owned by the British. It’s international law. Spain can’t have it because the people don’t want to leave.
And pretty much every country has been owned by another in history. The United States was owned by we Brits for a short period, I think it was a day or so.
So, if that’s the case then many countries would have to give up to the original owners.


Steven Miller
I know Quora is about answering the question already in place, but I have to ask: why do so many people have zero respect for the majority wishes of a local population?
Gibraltar wishes to remain lixed with the UK, the Falklands wish to remain lixed with the UK, Northern Ireland wishes to remain directly part of the UK. Until THEY decide otherwise, that is how it will be and any foreign attempt to alter this by military force will get the full Galtieri treatment.


Jorge Ferreira
Short answer? Because the people don't want to.
Long answer?
There's a legal aspect to this, a moral aspect and the matter of how legal matters from 300 years ago work with modern legal standards.
The Kingdom of Spain did in fact legally cede Gibraltar to the United Kingdom in 1713. That, to begin with, grants them legal ownership of the rock.
There is the matter of how the UK ended up occupying more land than was granted in the treaty, however after more than 300 years have passed this becomes irrelevant in the face of entire countries (one could argue it's every country on this earth) standing on land that once belonged to somebody else, particularly when not a living soul remains that can claim to have been affected by it. We're not talking about people loosing their homes in WW2, we're talking about a meaningless rock that nobody can relate tell who lived on it back then and who had any rights over any of it.
And regardless of all that, there's the fact that you can't legally hand over territories and their people to another government. It IS true that countries have an obligation to decolonize, and it IS weird to me that Gobraltar remains in this intentionally grey area… however the people did vote. And they voted to stay with Britain. This alone should be enough.


If Spain is patient there may yet be a solution for a matter that is, in my experience, fsr more relevant to the average Spaniard; tax evasion. While Gibraltar has historically been clearly pro-britain, that nay no oonger be the case after Brexit, given that they depend heavily on the local economy to prosper. This may drive the local government to pursue a new treaty, on its own, with the EU, which would alnost inevitably lead to the matter of tax evasion, online gambling and off-shore banking, which have been a pain in the a** for Spain and the EU for quite some time.
Contrary to what some might believe, most Spaniards don't care too much about Gibraltar, it's only a fringe group of nationalists that really want it back, and it only really pops on the news about once every five or six years. Most Spaniards do feel some level of discomfort or strangeness with the Rock's status, but it's less a matter of “it should be ours" and more a matter of “why is Britain even here?”, specially given that Spainards share with the rest if the world a strong dislike of England. Scots are usually well liked, though.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nigel Boon
For the same reason that the USA don’t give Louisiana back to the French and Alaska to the Russians : nobody stole these territories because they were the result of historic agreements.


Steve Freeman
Because the UK doesn’t ‘own’ Gibraltar, the Gibraltarians do. They are the ones who decide their own fate.


Gareth Patterson
Well it could. It doesn’t want to though. Control of Gibraltar effectively lets Britain control who can come and go into and out of the Mediterranean which is something few nations would willingly give up - especially maritime powers like the UK. Despite concerns over democracy, I rather suspect those are secondary concerns in the minds of the Government


Kancheepuram Narasimhan
Your majesty must know that Spain has enclaves in Morocco. Ceuta and Melilla are two 'enclaves' on the northern coast of Africa that have been Spanish for centuries
if your majesty make Spain to give Ceuta/ Melilla back to Morocco, next day UK will Gibraltar to Spain. Will you honor do that?


Reg Ellis
The locals want to stay as they are. But why would they want to give up ANY of their lands or territories? If they were gonna do that, I wish they'd start with Scotland! Ooops, I kinda stepped on my own point there but the fact is, the Gibralarians don't WANT to be Spanish.


Richard Deane
Because Gibraltar is not Spanish. There are treaties:
Under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 Gibraltar was ceded to Britain. This treaty stated “the town, castle and fortifications were to be held and enjoyed for ever without any exception or impediment whatsoever.” This treaty was renewed again in 1763 by the Treaty of Paris, and in 1783 by the Treaty of Versailles.
Why would the Spanish wish to renege on this?
Also don’t forget that Spain has colonies (there may be other technical names applicable) in North Africa that they have no desire themselves to hand back to the North African communities.


Profile photo for Pablo Lu
Why can't the UK just give Gibraltar back to Spain?
You mean like when the UK “just gave back” (the whole of) Hong Kong to China?
Here is why:
China had (at the time and still has) nuclear weapons. Spain doesn’t.
China had and still has a permanent seat at UN Security Comission. Spain hasn’t.
China has a 2.8 million strong military. Spain has 120K.
Not a reason but interesting to note: Spain is a modern, western democracy with very high HDI, member of European unx and founding member of OCDE. China … not quite.


PS: in case you need a refresher of the specific nuances of Hong Kong and Gibraltar, read on:
HONG KONG: downtown Hong Kong (Victoria Island Kowloon) and some minor islands were ceded in perpetuity in 1842 and 1860. The surrounding so called New Territories were leased for 99 years starting 1898. ALL territories were returned to China at the lease due date, with no referendum was held, no human rights garantees negotiatied from Beijing and, naturally, no concessions demanded re. North Korea, Taiwan or the Spratley Islands.
GIBRALTAR: Contrary to popular bellief, the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 ceded possesion of Gibraltar to the UK but not sovereignity: Spain still has de jure sovereignity over Gibraltar. Of course this did not deter the UK from annexing additional neutral territory to the north and building an airport on refilled land claimed from spanish territorial waters.


Mark Horton
The reason that the UK handed honk Kong back to China was nothing to do with those things. The UK NEVER owned Hong Kong, it was on a 99 year lease which was up. China chose not to let it be renewed.


Pablo Lu
Sorry, you are wrong. Only a piece of Hong Kong was leased for 99 years,tge central areas had been ceded in perpetuity. Gibraltar OTOH was leased but not ceded: Spain retains de jure sovereignty.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gibraltar was indeed ceded; article X of the Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht between Spain and Great Britain states:
“The Catholic King does hereby, for himself, his heirs and successors, yield to the Crown of Great Britain the full and entire propriety of the town and castle of Gibraltar, together with the port, fortifications, and forts thereunto belonging; and he gives up the said propriety to be held and enjoyed absolutely with all manner of right for ever, without any exception or impediment whatsoever.”
Spain does not retain de jure sovereignty.


Because they cannot accept that the empire is gone, and the UK is no longer a major world power, they are desperately trying to hold onto gibraltar, the falkland and northern ireland. All of them should be handed back.


Why is Spain attempting to gain Gibraltar from the UK when it won’t give up Malila and Ceuta?
I am not sure that Spain is trying the regain Gibraltar, at least not in any meaningful way.
The difference between Melilla/Ceuta and Gibraltar is that the former are integral parts of Spain, electing members to the Congress of Deputies, whereas Gibraltar is not part of the UK, being a British Overseas Territory.
However, Spain always seems to forget that the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht ceded Gibraltar to Great Britain as follows: “the town, castle and fortifications were to be held and enjoyed for ever without any exception or impediment whatsoever.” This was renewed again in 1763 by the Treaty of Paris, and in 1783 by the Treaty of Versailles.


James Flack
A time travel machine to return to the early 18th century, and re-write the treaty of Utrecht
The people of Gibraltar voting to become part of Spain..


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