2022-03-15 wolface 24397

On the edge of collapse? Lol..It has already collapesed!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

nyc king
I'm Indian and i can tell you 100% we are a dumb people, our average IQ is according to science 70. there are great masses (1 billion people) who are dumb in this country. Only minority is smart.


Andy F
It is a sad reality that Modi spends on Religious festivals, military weapons and a space program that has failed miserably. Anyone with the right frx of mind would put their priorities first such as health care, hygiene and other important things for a country. It is not all about spending and hoping to get results. India lacks the capability and direction that is why despite all the spending there is nothing to show. Just a wounded ego and dellusional pride.
To top it off India creates enemies with it's surrounding neighbours. The Modi regime is desperately trying to cover up for their failings in managing Covid19, tanking economy, social unrest but diverts public attention in boarder wars.


36 /Abhigyan
How: Irresponsible people, incompetent leadership, politics, ignorance, denial and economic hardship. These are the reasons why my country is devastated by this virus. Hope for better future.
Jai Hind.


Kunal Kawale
When will all this ever stop ....india experienced earth quakes, typhoons on both coasts, floods ..god what else is remaining..


Ben Chod
Recent research also found Covid 19 in sewage and water treatment plants. With India's poor water treatment facilities and sewage, this would be just the beginning considering the number of slums


shiv kumar
India spend more than 65 billions dollar just on religious festival every year , and mere 10 billion dollars in healthcare, now indians must have realised what is more important...

NATTV(回复shiv kumar)

They also bought fighter jets and missiles and spent lots of money in space program because they want go to the moon.

Zeli Ang(回复NATTV)

90000+ homless in LA still USA spend Billions on wars why?

Calvin Kaysee(回复Zeli Ang)

Because US is an inhumane and warmongering country who pillages and ravages other countries for their own interest under the guise of national security and policing the world against terror plus they get to sell their weapons so their investment in weapons is business..


flamma 28
govt. is busy in building useless statues


ewald zieger
This just goes to show that the health care around the world is inadequate to serve people of various countries ..... governments need to take health care more seriously ....... the most valuable resource a country had is its people and they are more often than not just taken for granted........ this is a world wide issue..... hopefully we will all learn to protect our people first and foremost


Siva Subbu
In addition to the usual social and economic problems, India's population to too large to handle this pandemic.


I am an indian . India's health care is always in a collapsed state nothing new . its too over populated country and an over loaded infrastructure . i am sure this is going to get worst


Messed up system is just revealed by pandemic....


Saeng Naveunsay
They've a lot of money to buy fighter jets but not for the the people.

PhoenixDC(回复Saeng Naveunsay)

What can we do? Our "Friendly" neighbours won't let us live in peace. Also, this is a result of generations of corrupt and incompetent politicians.


India would like to invest much more in fight jets and tanks than health care system to saving own people :)


Kaushal Batavia
It's in control I have 6 patient in my alley but BMC is treating them and also there's going to be a curfew imposed in my area for next 12 days . The Delhi situation worse though despite having good health infrastructure and per capital income is severely due to state governments mismanagement


kumar Harshwardhan
Indian believe in talking with emotion and political parties n it's leaders take advantage to make people fool.
This pandemic has shown everyone mirror, still both sides nonsense will be in continuity


Oh why u tell ppl the truth about India? Just translate the news from Modi's supporting tv channels!


Melo Mel
They have 1.3 billion people, what do you expect?

Shi Hao Ng(回复Melo Mel)

china have 1.4 billion.


Josh Fernandez
Edge of collapse it's already collapsed unreporting and hiding figures of deaths we have only tested something like 65 lakh which is not even 1 % of our population.. many viral video and true journalism how hospital treats patients and the recovery is false because they want to make everyone believe everything is going good.


Edison Bernard
Yes it's true I'm from South India...tamilnadu... don't come to India.. fakes reports everywhere


Arkadeep Halder
Every country is having difficulty in managing it's health care system. It's no different in India. So far there hasn't been an overwhelming crisis. But it's likely to be. I just hope we do overcome that.

Neil Mathews(回复Arkadeep Halder)

crisis started when virus first started to spread in india. Although the govt knew about the lack of health infrastructure , still nothing was done to over come it in time. India has actually moved beyond crisis stage.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

pranit ghildyal
Reservations in medical science is the only reason for the this situation. Good dedicated doctors cannot be natured in this quota system . .
In govt. hospitals the promotions too carry this quota system . .
shameless quota hungry people have put India in this plight.


Enrique E.M.
8.6% of people in India are older than 60. While in Europe the percentage is around 22%. When someone wonders why more people died in Europe than in india, that's the reason. Not because India is doing a better job as I red in some comments.
Plus in India I doubt that the government is aware of the amount of people who actually dies per day ( for corona or any other reason) since there is not control whatsoever. Who knows how many people actually died in there. Really sad thing.


Jarrod Yuki
india needs: 1. one child policy 2. clean the rivers 3. nuclear reactors 4. gene drives 5. hsr and subways. 6. social credit system. 7. steal tech from US 8. control religion with registration and text editing. become like china autocratic ethnically pure with a real stake in global politics.


AS Roma
I am Chinese, I admire India as a great country, what I believe the most crucial things India should do now is to prevent their talented youth to immigrate to US...

Zeli An(回复AS Roma)

U admire us a great Country lol


Yes,India definitely is a great country and ordinary people are great. But the governance is a big problem. It seemed that India governance was designed to divide people, not to unify people for one goal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Miles Huff
It's really unfortunate that beards ruin the efficacy of respirators, because obesrvant Sikhs can't shave. The valved mask being used by the man interviewed in the video is little more effective than a standard doctor's mask, as a result.

Jordan Sami(回复Miles Huff)

Is it true ?? Please elaborate ..

Miles Huff(回复Jordan Sami)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When you have a beard, an N95 respirator cannot make an airtight seal with the face. Air will just seep in through the gaps in the beard hairs.


Joe Kerr
My US manager told me that we should go to India to meet their country manager. As the Asia Pacific functional head , I was supposed to go there first while my US manager was supposed to follow suit. Instead this US manager decided to make a preplanned last minute change to his itinerary and visited South Korea instead. He never wanted to visit India.
I hate the lying Yanks !


Prakash Parajuli
And there is Modi who fights with neighbouring countries to divert the public attention from corona virus


Tomas Euler
India needs peace and economy to pass this tough time. The wars with three countries will destroy India!


yesterday india just announced that they will buy 33 new jet fighters from russia in an emergency purchase. see where their government's priorities lies?


orge pearl
this is not a matter of how much you spend in the health system, the virus is new and doctors don't know how to treat it, closing borders, etc would have been better, downplaying the virus by leaders have been almost universal, so blame politicians, millions will die because of them


Steve L
They didn't mention how multiple pregnant women were turned away from hospitals because they're diagnostic with COVID-19, eventually resolve in their death because of childbirth. Sicken me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

tvb nut
Real numbers are much much higher in India. Problem with India is it does not have an independent policy toward COVID-19. It follows trump and USA and that’s a death trap.


mary hewitt
Indian government should stop licensing for private practice, private hospitals are the main problem of differentiating rich and poor even on death beds, those hospitals who had refuse to give care for Covid patients should be fined or refuse licensing to practice


People worry too much. India will be fine. The virus will be gone soon they say in August.


Choi chisauking
Same story, different country. No money for the sick, the poor, the hospitals, schools.....but billions for bombs & fighter jets.
1 Fighter jet(F35) can cost $130,000,000. How many Indians could that feed? How many hospitals can 1 jet build? How many schools?
They claim to be the world's largest democracy. Does the millions of Indians have a say in how their tax money is spent?
Of course, the Indian government would say its their neighbours that caused them to spend trillions on weapons and bombs....but before India could afford so many weapons and bombs, were their country taken by their neighbours? Are the Indians to believe the trillions that they spent on weapons and bombs wouldn't have been better spent on their people, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc?
Remember, my friends, you can't claim to be friendly & peaceful whilst spending billions on weapons & bombs.
No government can get away with neglecting their people....."Oh look! the Chinese are stealing our land!"

他们称自己是世界上最大的民主国家,但是,数百万印度人有权决定自己的税款用于何处吗?当然了,印度政府可以甩锅给邻国,说正是因为他们才导致印度花数万亿美元购买武器和弹药...... 但是,在印度有钱购买这么多武器和弹药之前,这个国家有被这些邻国占领吗?难道印度人会相信,把钱花在武器弹药上要好于投资人民、基建、学校和医院吗?

Zsari Maxim
No worry. Just have Bollywood shoot a movie on how India triumph against the virus, and everyone will be happy again.


Free Soul

India facing huge problem. govt is not testing enough. Only testing just one third of people who are infected. Right now we are getting 15k daily now. After 1 month we will have 1 lakh case a day. In village corona had suffered.锚点 Uttar pradesh state has population of 21 crore has tested only 0.26% of its population. foreign media to do reporting in india. Total 55 journalist have come under FIR because of reporting of corona.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ryan cliff
India: losing in war, losing against corona.. Losing.


Western media criticizes India for imposing the lockdown, they criticize India for not providing enough support.
India is and has been a poor country where most poor people could not get healthcare.
Instead of writing articles about us, why can't they send us money and and help us.


India should ask China for help.


John Davis
China is really weakening India, China would win the war.


This could not be true. India is a superpower, with a very advanced medical industry.


rishi mohan chourey
It's not a problem in India, Everywhere medical system is collapsed. The population of Delhi is 20 Million which is a population of 2 European countries. To manage that population is a cumbersome task.


Yotuber Pakistani
90 percent of indians live on less than 10 dollars a day. Atleast Chinese growth was equitable, more spread out. India has just created more inequality. It would be short growth story and after this pandemic it would most probably collapse. Lets not forget hungry, destitute millions who would riot and cause collapse of the state. There u go world's largest( incompetent) democracy


Herojit Thokchom
Think abt Mumbai, Chennai n Kolkata it's already collapse.. They are hiding the actual number.. More over Indian media is more busy on the Bollywood nepotism.....


You see our government is on its way to implement the most successful population control program, like ever!!!


I am an Indian and my whole family has been infected with covid including me . Thank god we've had only mild infection but when we reached out to hospital when one of my loved one wasn't making it all the hosipitals have run out of bed and oxygen and i could see people crying themselves to death after losing their loved ones and it was heart breaking seeing how our health care system has colapsed . I hope all this ends and nobody gets hurt .


Marc W. Chiasson (music production)
When they showed in recent weeks the massive gatherings for celebrations and religious celebrations, did NO ONE see this coming? And WHY did the leaders allow this? Now they're in a situation that is absolutely horrible! This should NOT have happened. This is sad and frustrating to the ones trying to keep everyone healthy.


India did well in 1st wave of covid till January 2021 it was going ok...
To be honest what happened after January, election declared in some states in india then politician party started rallies throughout the states and then govt is afraid to ban festival and mega functions in fear of setback they may face in upcoming elections if they ban these festivals.
Now even though election are over results will be out only next month, which means caretaker govt is ruling till next month which have less power.
Some times being a democratic country is a curse.
Mumbai is actually worst affected city but that state have resource hence they are going okay till now.
But the case of Delhi is it depends on other states for oxygen supply, when covid case rises in other states they too denying oxygen supply to Delhi..
Also there is no co-ordination between Central govt and Delhi govt as they are ruled by different party.

Also india have more than enough medical oxygen but锚点 cryogenic tankers to transport to specified location is not enough under current situation.

Moreover covid varient in india is double mutated new varient which is spreading like a wild fire than other varient...


Bijnbin Gadz
Corruption in system is reason ..
Often and hospital mght are from political background without basic knowledge of healthcare.


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