2022-03-17 李千锦 14604

Why does England get more tourists than Scotland when Scotland is much prettier, it has the best scenery, and people are friendlier?


Patricia Bromley
Must be asked by a Scot. The people are friendlier? Last time I was in a pub in Scotland, I was in the middle of ordering drinks when the man standing next to me at the bar turned and said ‘why don’t you fuck off back where you came from?’ Very friendly. The scenery in England is just as beautiful as Scotland, just different and we don’t get eaten by midges.


Bob Stanton
You looking for unfriendly? Try Wales. We went into a small pub one Sunday lunchtime for a half while on a road trip a few years ago. As soon as we ordered and the locals heard our accent it went totally quiet for a few moments, then their conversation switched to Welsh and we were stared at continuously while we downed our drinks in record time and got the hell out of there.


Profile photo for Russell Mowbray
Unfortunate experience but all too common from Nationalists. Scotland generally is welcoming to all including the English but the divisive culture of nationalism has harmed that and there is always the risk of meeting a xenophobic flag waving idiot. They are a minority though despite what they would like you to think so come to Scotland and enjoy the friendly people and beautiful scenery and ignore the idiots and midges. PS England is just as beautiful too so why not visit both.


Peter Allan
I was born in scotland and because I have what might be called a neutral accent,I was treated in an appallingly racist way by scots in Glasgow,as a result I will not visit my home town ever again
Imagine the fun I had trying to explain to my English born children and wife why scots were such absolute small minded racist armholes.


Danny P
Yes I am1/4 Scottish and some druck in Aberdeen started screeming ‘fuck off you English cunts’ at me and my friends when minding our own business walking between bars.


Brian Raine
My family and I lived in Scotland for 4 plus years, the abuse was “silence” or being ignored when shopping. A Scottish couple from Glasgow came to Aberdeen and they complained about the abuse they got from the locals. Friendly as a Rotweiller on heat.


Carl Grove
Thank Goodness I haven’t had any violent encounters with Scots, but I would question whether Scotland is much prettier and has the best scenary. To me Scotland’s scenary is impressive but not really beautiful, all rather cold and uninviting. I don’t think it can compete with lovelier English landscapes such as the Downs or Wiltshire. The buildings are like the landscape, rather bleak looking.


Judith Maizel-Long
As an English person who loves Scotland and Scottish culture, and most Scottish people, as I appreciate Welsh culture and Welsh people, why do we have to confront one another with negative stereotypes? You must be very insecure in your own identity. These islands of the north-west Atlantic are beautiful enough for us all and we should all welcome friendly visitors.


Mark Jones
Larger country, more well-known landmarks in England than Scotland . People aren't any friendlier in Scotland as they are in England. They're about the same except Scots can be typically a lot more “anti-English" vs the English being “anti-Scottish" but that's also par for the course of where you are I suppose.
There is more monasteries and landmarks to visit in England. I'll admit, some of the major cities for tourism aren't as nice looking as the likes of Edinburgh or Glasgow but at least the weather is a *little* bit better so you don't always have to spend the day inside or carrying an umbrella. Besides that, outside of the more urban areas, a vast majority of ruins, old monasteries and similar are in more rural areas of England which for the most part, are just as beautiful compared with Scotland.


Profile photo for Benjamin Murphy
The most popular destination for foreign tourists in the UK is London.
It is a big city. You don’t go there for the scenery (although there are some nice parks), you go there for museums, theatres, shops, concert halls and so on. Like any big city, most people are in a hurry and, being surrounded by crowds, they like to walk around in a bubble, undisturbed. Tourists who flock to big cities to see the sights are used to big city behaviour.
There’s so much more to Great Britain than London: there’s great countryside in England, Wales and Scotland, and London is not the only great city. But it is entirely understandable that plenty of tourists fly into London, make that the centre of their visit, and don’t have time to get all the way to Scotland.


Scotland is the same as England;
ie; the scenery(it’s an island!) is all the same with minor variations in terrain.
The people are all just as lovely and just as hateful.
It’s all down to individuals.
On a more obxtive line of thought;
Scotland’s weather leaves a lot to be desired, as does England, however in southern England you will experience the loveliness of the Scottish countryside but with the sun shining


Stuart Tickle
I guess most people don't agree with you're opinion. The Lake District is frankly far more beutiful than the Cairngorms and we don't tell tourists to fuck off home, like the Scots so often do according to these comments.
Ok that's perhaps unfairly blunt, but there is a point here.
The appeal of Scotland is more that it is quiet and remote, with beutifuly rugged scenery, snow capped mountains and some nice castles. The downsides being terrible weather & infrastructure, also flying insects. The scenery can also be hit and miss due to major scale forestry and logging. Terrible phone signal and WiFi in most rural areas.
Forestry here is much more controlled. Our national parks are very well cared for and highly accessible with multiple large tourist attractions. Also excellent infrastructure for such a rural area. We have a lot more lush plants and trees naturally occuring, thanks to the better (albeit not great) weather. Pair that with the attitude towards gardening in the lake district and you end up with an unbelievably quaint place. I can also get full phone signal on most of the mountains and in most valleys in Cumbria. Many also visit purely because of Wordsworth, Wainwright — much to our confusion too.
Of course we have other parks like the Yorkshire dales that are not as popular, but beautiful in their own right. I would agree it's more baron over there, quieter, less infrastructure. Then we have the southern national parks, with some really beautiful lowland areas, proper sun, better connected. So there is a variation and choice of how you want your scenery here.
I used to go to Scotland a lot for holidays, I stopped going around 5 years ago after two consecutive visits where I got verbal abuse simply for being English (Cumbrian dialect). I was also told to 'fuck off home’.
I am fond of the place and always hoped to move there, my grandfather was Scottish (McPhee) and I've always disliked the bustle of the lake district despite its extreme beauty.
Unfortunately, since I stopped going to Scotland there have been numerous national news reports of xenophobic, racist and hateful attitudes from the Scots, so I can't say it's any more inviting today. I should be able to call either Scotland or England home by right of birth and blood. We don't abuse the many Scots that live and work here, or the Welsh. We are quite fond of them in all honesty.
A lot of English also grew up visiting Scotland. We still have more in common than seperates us, but I'll let you figure what will continue to happen to those tourism numbers if attitudes don't shift.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nicky Flynn
I find the scenery equally beautiful in all parts of the UK, I haven't seen anything in Scotland that I haven't seen in Yorkshire or Cumbria. And I beg to differ on the friendly part, on a visit to Scotland a few years ago I was called a sassenack and not in a friendly manner, I was told to feck off back to the land of softies.
Now I know some pretty amazing Scottish people, my best friend is from the Borders but I can honestly say I have never been told to fuck off by anyone in a pub anywhere I have visited in the UK except Scotland.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steve Black
It is London that gets the tourists and it is simply because most people in the world could sadly not name any Scottish tourist attraction apart from maybe Edinburgh castle and Loch Ness. While everyone knows the sights of London.


Profile photo for Gill Grant
The most scenic parts of Scotland are just too far for most tours to get to on the whirlwind stops that a lot of the big tour companies do of the UK. They fly them into London, do the London sights then up to the Lake District, finishing in Edinburgh before going straight back to London. Moreover the most scenic parts of Scotland do not have the infrastructure to host hords of tourists .


Barry Howard
England has more famous sights and must-see places, such as the London landmarks. As English visitors to Scotland, I and my friends were shocked at the open hostility we experienced, even from those working in the hospitality and tourism industries. This includes all age groups and at all times of day. I've always wondered why I meet so many Scots who have relocated to England.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Khengsiong Chew
I have never been to UK, but I could answer this question.
London is the gateway to UK. Tourists from Continental Europe, on the other hand, could enter England via the Channel Tunnel.
Scotland, unfortunately, just isn't very convenient.
England may not have the scenery of Scotland, but London is an interesting city.
Meanwhile, many football fans would want to visit Manchester and Liverpool. Music lovers also want to make pilgrimage to the hometown of Beatles.


David Rushent
All of the main airports, ports have somehow arranged themselves, to be in England. The BBC magically produces travelogues, which start “Best of British. But never get further north than Carlisle or further west than Derbyshire.


Barny Brain
Scotland is pretty in some places. Some of the people are friendly but a huge number of them have a massive chip on their shoulder and spend their lives utterly fixated on England.
Scotland used to be good to visit but unfortunately it has become eyewateringly expensive. Thirty years ago I toured Scotland extensively and really fell in love with it. But a decade and a half of SNP governance have turned many Scots into hate filled bigots and have milked the tourism industry dry to the point that even the mostly flat south east of England is a more attractive prospect for tourists. If tourists want beautiful hills and friendly folk, Wales, the north and west of England can offer it in spades for cheaper and without the obligatory side order of hate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Emily Willmoth
England has a higher population so there are more places with things to do and exciting things happening. These places are spaced closer together than in Scotland and, due to a higher urban concentration with less wild countryside, roads and public transport are generally better. Also, England has better weather.
England is just an easier place to be a tourist, I think. Scotland's main attraction is also its main downside: that it's got such a lot of wild, isolated nature, and you have to be a specific type of tourist to prioritise that.


Kevin O'Connor
You can arrive in London, see the main tourist attractions and then have beautiful scenery within a reasonable traveling distance outside of the city. Most of what you can see and do in Scotland, you can do in England.
If you were to just visit Scotland, you wouldn't really have seen that much of the UK.


Nck Berry
I'm English but have lived in Scotland since I was three now twenty seven. Scots hate the English with a passion, dont know why.
A lot of Scotland is grey 1970's council housing or fields. It's not particularly pretty for the most part unless far up north where you freeze and get blown around and soaked.
There is so much sectarianism and racism it's unbelievable particularly central belt.


Profile photo for Eveline Van't Foort
Australian here. I have never been to England and have no desire to go there, but I spent two weeks in Scotland, most of it in the highlands, and yes, it is beautiful.
I remember conversing with a local about how few tourists there were. We stopped for lunch in this lovely little village by the sea near some obscure place called Applecross. I commented on how surprised I was that places like this were not teeming with tourists and overdeveloped. You would expect a place of such beauty to be completely overrun. "That's because most days it's raining flat out sideways - you got lucky", he said. We did get lucky; I think it only rained once the whole time we were there, although I can't remember seeing the sun at all, and everyone kept telling us how lucky we were. So I've always assumed it's the weather that keeps people away.
My favourite things: the scenery, castles, lochs; Scottland truly is beautiful. "Heelan coo's" and those cute sheep with black faces that you don't see in Australia. Pub food, the people were friendly, lentil soup… We were told repeatedly “don’t go to Glasgow”, so we didn’t.
But seriously, people, what's with the coffee? I don't know what the rest of the UK is like, but nowhere in Scotland could we get a decent cup of coffee. It was terrible, undrinkable, by far the worst coffee we've ever had!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Roberts
England has at least as much to offer in terms of scenery, the cotswolds, lake district and the devon and cornish seaside towns and villages. But I think that England gets more tourism because the English are more acceptable and friendly plus to avoid confusion , only the females wear skirts in England.


Martin Odoni
Are the people ‘friendlier’? I was living there for eight years and I was still waiting in the final year to meet these legendary “friendlier” people. It was the same as any country. Some people were nice, some were lovely, some were nasty, some were loathsome. The innate anglophobia was very uncomfortable as well.
Is Scotland ‘prettier’? To some people maybe, but beauty/beholder etc. London is far more beautiful than the hideous Glasgow. Edinburgh is far more beautiful than the ghastly Birmingham, so stalemate in the cities.
Countryside? Well, Scotland is more dramatically shaped. But it also has a lot of dark, grey, colourless landscapes that can be a bit sobering and joyless to look at. England has more colour, but tends not to be as shapely. But even so, places like Cumbria, the West Country and the Hope Valley are as beautiful as anything you’ll find in Scotland.


Anton Van Niekerk
Most tourists do not come to Britain for the scenery, because although we are not an unattractive country, we are hardly in the same league as somewhere like Norway or France when it comes to the scenery…..most people don’t come to Britain for the friendly people, because we all know that people are the same where ever you go, most people come to Britain for the English culture, the shopping, the museums, the theatres, the night life, the tourist sites, or to visit their friends and family, and for all those things, the South East (as in London) has more of it that anywhere else in the UK, and with 3 out of 5 of the UK’s busiest airports all being in London, the amount of flights touching down in the London area amounts for over 80% of every plane that lands in the UK, so obviously, Edinburgh can’t compete in terms of numbers, but do go there if you can because its really a lovely place to visit if you have a few extra days,


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