2022-03-27 李千锦 16087

How do poor Vietnamese live?


Tam Vu
I cannot speak for all poor Vietnamese. I came from a poor family, so let me tell you how do we live.
I’m from Hai Phong, a city in the northern region of Vietnam. My family lived in the countryside, near the sea. My parents raised shrimp and crab for living, it used to be good and provide us a comfortable life, but things gradually became worse because of environmental issues, we had to grow rice, raise pigs, chickens, and work as part-time construction workers beside the shrimp and crab farming industry.
My parents wake up early, around 4–5 AM, and also go to bed early, 8–9 PM. For breakfast, we have rice and left over food from the dinner before. Nothing special for lunch and dinner, every meals must have vegetables or vegetable soup ( I think this is typical for Vietnamese ). We use both gas and wood stove for cooking. We have dogs as guards.
So basically, we can supply food ourselves, except for dairy products - it’s quite luxury to our standards, we just need money for school, to buy a motorbike, or to build/maintain our house.
The situation is the same for our neighborhood, when things went too bad, we sold a piece of our land to pay the debt. The children are sent to school for the hope of a better future and they’d support their parents when they have jobs.


As I am writing this, I don’t know what is the difference between the poor and the rich, I only know the poor life.
Now I have a job, live far away from my parents and I am also poor, just in a different way with my parents. I am an engineer, have an okay life with my salary. I support my parents by covering my bother’s school fee and monthly expense, so I do not have much for myself. I do not have a motorbike, I commute by public bus. Rarely travel, go to watch movies, eat out in KFC, restaurants, etc. For clothes, I have a limit for the price and always try to buy sale off products, etc. As I get used to this poor life, and to have a job a an engineer is a dream came true to me, I am okay with this life.
I hope this answer is helpful.
Thank you for requesting an answer from me. It’s a chance for me to look back our lives and think about where we are.

Shaipudin Shah Harun(回复楼上)

Malaysian here. That was my life when I was a kid. The best years in my life. We were poor in money but rich in life. My grandparents were padi farmers. We had our own rice and chickens and ducks were range free. None of those commercially reared. Sweetest meat ever. My grandfather was a hunter and I grew up on a diet of wild venison. Beats wagyu beef anytime. Now my children and grandchildren know nothing of this and my stories are but “tales of the ancient”. So for those who are still living this lives savour it, for it will go away and only faded memories remain.


Profile photo for Arlene Alvarez
One day you will look back and see how very rich you were coming from a self-sufficient background. Like you, I would say I can from a working poor class family by economic definition. We did not own land. My dad had an eight grade education, my mom did not finish her last year of college, because they got married and I came along. . Somehow my dad finish his education and became a civil engineer for a university. He was a natural at physics. Imagine that? My mom was a fashion Illustrator for a famous department store and we were still working class living from paycheck to paycheck. To keep us off the streets, my mom put us in music and dance. We spent our weekends in museums and hated it, but it did enrich our lives. They saved for a house and we entered the lower middle class in the suburbs. My sister became an accountant and I studied economics, because we never, ever wanted to be poor. We entered middle class. Yet, I became an international banker still poor in a city with crazy rising prices. So I get you. When the economic collapse happened, international banks purged and I learned how much a degree was worth, but coming from a place where people worked their butts off to achieve high standards, losing hurt, but was not scary. Instead with what I learned in college and life struggles, it was a freeing moment to re-create and learn how to be self-sufficient. Being poor has it advantages, but self-sufficiency is not easy. Nevertheless, your inner drive just kicks into gear. Now, I live in a rural area where people raise chickens and cows on the outskirts of my town and I think how wonderful.


Anuj Saxena
Good luck my friend, you are a light for your parents, keep working hard. I appreciate that you have given the answer very honestly. I have been living in Vietnam for the last 17 years and as per my experience, people look very much satisfied with their work (whatever they do) but most of the people are financially tight because they have high sense of responsibility and take care of the need of their family left behind.


Profile photo for Long Dinh Sy
Where did you learn English? Your English Writing skills are really good. Not many people in Vietnam can speak English as it can cost a lot to learn


Profile photo for Ha Duc
You have a same life just like many normal Vietnamese people who grow up from countryside but one thing that different is motorbike. Mostly people even they could be called poor but they have a motorbike for moving. You’re an engineer and you have full ability to buy one. Maybe you like moving by public transportation, that is a good idea too


Profile photo for Tam Vu
Yeah. I have one now. I just did not like the idea to borrow money to buy a motorbike. I only want to buy it with cash. That’s why I kept delaying. Normally a used mortorbike is about 10mil VND. I bought one for 3 mil. Since normally many companies provide shuttle bus, and if not I can use public buses. It is also safer than riding a motorbike to work.


Fergus Watt
Yours is a very good descxtion of life here. I like Haiphong and admire the work ethic and attitude of the people here. I have been living in Haiphong for months and I see people are working hard and developing the city..it is quite a bit more developed than in 2012 when I last lived here. I see new buildings going up and 5 star hotels too. Good luck with your future in HCMC. .

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nguyễn Nam
Read the answer, I can see that you are good at English writing, I think English speaking you are good at, too. And you are an engineer which job still can not give you a middle-class life, I am, too. I think it’s a sad thing when we’re talking about Vietnam.
Many Vietnamese people want to be an officer for the government, just because at that position can give them power to get corrupt money from other Vietnamese people.
But many Vietnamese people both young and old are trying to change the situations. For example, online magazines, medias are getting more and more space to express the truth and knowledges, … More and more space for religions and innovation thoughts. All these things are signs predict that Vietnam is developing in many aspects, these can affect to the economy, make it better for all of us.


Profile photo for Quynh Anh Le Nguyen
That’s really amazed cause your English seems really good. My family was very poor in the past and we just got by every month. But it’s really different between a poor family in the central of city and a poor family from the countryside. In spite of our poverty, I was still in a good condition to go to school, but I thought it is very hard for those living in countryside cause they don’t have anyway to get money. I was in a public campaign to help poor children in Soc Trang province and I heard a conversation between a teacher and student’s mother about letting her kid go to HCMC and be a waiter to earn some money and help their family. So that kid could not keep studying anymore, it was really sad. Anyway, thanks for your answer.

真是令人惊讶,因为你的英语看起来真的不错。我们家过去很穷,每个月都只勉强糊口。但是市中心的贫困家庭和农村的贫困家庭是非常不同的。尽管我们贫穷,我仍然有一个良好的条件去上学,但我认为那些生活在农村的人是非常困难的,因为他们没有办法赚到钱。我参加了一个帮助Soc 朔庄省贫困儿童的公共活动,我听到一个老师和学生的母亲关于让她孩子去胡志明市的对话,说要做一个服务员赚些钱,以帮助她的家人。所以那个孩子不能继续学习了,这真的很悲伤。不管怎样,谢谢你的回答。

Tam Vu
Thank you for the compliment. This answer was edited with suggestions from an native English speaker. I was lucky that my parents did every things they could for me to finish college. It’s sad to hear your story, and I know that it’s very common in our country. Some of my younger relatives, were born in 1999, 2000, couldn’t finish high school, it’s not only poverty to blame but also their parents’ lack of responsibility and caring for their children.


Karl Vanbrabant
Nice answer! I’ve lived in Vietnam for 5 and a half years, some of it in Bien Hoa, but most of it in Hanoi. You seem to be one of the new generation that’s standing up : young people who want to move ahead. They think long term, work hard, and they have higher moral standards than average. They hate the corruption, and they take things into their own hands. I saw more and more people like that. That new generation is Vietnam’s best hope for the future.


V Ng
THis is NOt a poor family in Viet Nam, have you seen little kids, handicapped veterans selling lotto tickets on the street earning less than 5 cents a piece, have you seen a 70 year old woman wading the cold water to catch little clamps to feed her grand children, have you seen women laboring on the rice field for about 1 -2 dollar a day, they are poor and lots of them

这不算是一个贫穷的越南家庭。你有没有见过小孩子、残疾退伍军人在街上卖彩票,每张赚不到5美分,你见过一位70岁的老妇人淌过冰冷的河水去抓鱼虾喂她的孙子吗,你有没有见过妇女在稻田里劳作,每天挣1 -2美元。他们很穷,而且人数很多。

Banh Dau
They are struggling. There are different kinds of poor people. City folks, and rural folks. Rural folks have it the hardest, since there are fewer job opportunities for them, and the pay is low in the provinces.
In Saigon, the poorest people are usually migrants from the provinces. They don’t have a home, so they either rent a room, which will cost them a third to half of their income, or they live on the streets. Lucky people can find jobs, but their income barely covers room, food, and gas. There’ll be no savings.
There is a guy in my old neighborhood in Saigon, his family is very poor. Last summer when I was back there, I had coffee with him. He said since Uber and Grab came to Vietnam, he was not doing well as a moto taxi driver, people didn’t hire him much any more, so he switched to construction jobs.


Since he was only an apprentice, he made about VND 200,000 a day. That’s about $8.70 a day, or roughly $175 a month. His rent was about VND 2 million ($87) a month, so that ate up half his monthly income. He told me his daughter’s school had just raised the tuition to VND 1 million a month, so that’s another quarter of his income. With VND 1 million left (less than $45), it would be hard to live in Saigon. Even combined with his wife income of about 4–5 million, the family was struggling.
The guy could not afford even a cheap smart phone, he was using an old Nokia phone, but he wanted to be a Grab Bike or Uber Moto driver, so I gave him one of my old smart phones.
A cousin of mine in the Mekong delta is even poorer. He’s also an apprentice worker, making about VND 80,000 to 120,000 a day ($3.50–4.30), but the cost of living there is a little bit lower.

因为他只是个学徒,所以每天只能挣20万越南盾。每天大约8.7美元,或者一个月大约175美元。他每月的房租约为200万越南盾(87美元),这花掉了他半个月的收入。他告诉我,他女儿所在的学校刚刚把学费提高到每月100万越南盾,所以这是他收入的又一个四分之一。剩下的100万越南盾(不到45美元)很难在西贡生活。即使加上他妻子大约400万到500万美元的收入,这个家庭还是很艰难。这家伙连便宜的智能手机都买不起,他用的是老式的诺基亚手机,但他想当一名Grab Bike或Uber Moto司机,所以我给了他一部我的旧智能手机。我在湄公河三角洲的一个表弟更穷。他还是一名学徒,每天能挣8万到12万越南盾(3.5 - 4.30美元),但那里的生活成本要低一些。

Adria Luong
There are many kinds of poor people in Vietnam:
The immigrant: they are usually people from the neighboring provinces of a city, moving in for work. Their accommodation are flats that are found in slums close to where they work and these slums are full of problems: prostitution, drugs, gambles, violence, etc. Despite that, there are markets with food and there are accesses to viable services, such as gas, electricity, water, internet and cable TV. They are are poor but acceptable.
The homeless: they can be found everywhere in the city sleeping on park benches, under bridges or in the front porches in dirty clothes. Most of them selling anything from lottery tickets to chewing gums or alike. Since they live in the city and there are many charitable groups to help them out, lives are not really bad.
The isolate: they are people living in the most remote areas of Vietnam, like the highlands or the jungles or where they are almost no access to viable services and food is scarce. The reasons keep them from moving away are the sense of home, in most case, financial, bureaucratic and educational problems.
The victim: they are people suffered from disasters, like a fire or 1 of the annual tropical storms. They tend to stay and rebuild everything rather than moving away.
The media always telling about the government’s efforts to help the above poor people but I doubt that, like billions and billions dongs being wasted and almost nothing about the people’s lives changes.


Nghi Lam
I can’t really give a straightforward answer because I was born in a middle class family. However, I can use some examples from my cousins to describe how poor Vietnamese live.
My mother was born in an extremely poor family. She was the first born out of three daughters. Her father always went out with his friends. No matter how much money he had, he used his money on his friends, despite the fact that he had to take care of his three daughters. Her mother worked all day as a food seller lady. So my mother’s mother technically single-handedly raised her three daughters.
Regardless of how horrible her life was, she grew up with a mindset of making her family better than what she went through. She married my dad in her early 20s and ever since, all they have done were to make my life and my sister’s life better.


My two aunts, however, were not fortunate like my mom. They finished high school but decided to not pursue higher education like my mom because they did not have money. They work as retail workers, they change from jobs to jobs and never have a definite mindset. They do marry into good family but their husbands’ jobs are something similar to blue collar workers’ jobs. Each of my two aunts has two kids, the second one has a son and a daughter, while the third one has two sons. The third one’s oldest son (we’ll call him B for now) is the same age as my sister so they are best friend. Since I move to the U.S, my parents always take my sister and B to wherever they go to. My parents treat him as if he was their son. My sister is kinda spoiled because my dad would buy whatever she wants but it has to be reasonable, my mom let her do whatever she wants if it is a right thing to do. Whatever my sister has, B also has IF he was with my family. So B often feel sad about why his family is not like my family.


My family is not rich, we just have enough to enjoy luxury things sometimes but not often. Whereas my cousin’s family only have enough to cover a small amount of their expenses. B doesn’t have a lot of things that my sister does. My sister gets to travel to places by planes (plane ticket is pretty expensive in Vietnam), B doesn’t have that opportunity. My sister gets to travel more than B, and the list goes on.
We are just middle class family but I can still see the differences between my family and my cousin’s family.
Despite the fact that my family is in debt because of my school’s tuition, we can still live a better life than some people in Vietnam. My parents always try to help my two aunts when they are in need. They help paying for B’s school uniforms or even take him to travel with them sometimes. And that is how my mom taught me. You don’t have to give someone all you have, but you can always share with what you have.
I apologize for my long story but I hope it helps you see the differences.


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