2022-03-28 黎明晖烬 6837

What is your stance on human euthanasia?


My grandfather was just put to rest today. He had an appointment. Monday at 11 o'clock. The nurse and doctor came to his home and helped him be comfortable and anxiety free, and then the doctor brought the cocktail and injected into his iv. The program deals with body removal and my grandmother arranged for a cremation.
He lives--lived in Canada and did it through MAID He had terminal cancer and was suffering essentially lying in bed for weeks on drugs to abate the pain, not a way to live, he decided.
He had to have his main doctor (oncologist) okay it and sign off and then met with another doctor who reviewed his case to verify that he was a candidate, and then was signed off for it by a psychologist who decided he was in his right mind to make this decision for himslef.
It's hard, but it was his decision and I support him. My grandmother got to handle things pragmatically and prepare and he gets to "go home" as he said. He just kept saying, "I'm going home today!"


Currently going through this with my father. He is supposed to come home today on hospice and he has clearly said that his wish is to end it now as there is nothing more that can be done and he is unable to move or function independently. I've spent some time talking to him and I am fully confident that he knows what is is asking for and why.
The doctor told us that the hospital won't do it and neither will Hospice. I'm presuming it's a legal issue. But the guy has lived many good years and wants to be done before he loses himself.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My father in law did it through MAID in December 2019 and it was just a fantastic way to go. I hope it’s available for me when it’s my time.

我的岳父在2019年12月通过MAID(Medical Assistance In Dying

I think it's just such a blessing that it is an option for them.. not everyone has this choice. They were excellent, and made it as smooth as it could have been I think.


I helped a friend through the last 2-3 weeks of his mother's terminal cancer, I temp moved in with them to take shifts taking care of her. She was still with it when I came, but a week after she just plummeted. With what little strength she had, she begged me to kill her. When I'd administer morphine along her gums, slowly, she'd resist, thinking it was keeping her alive vs relieving pain.
I think she would've loved the option, she was an incredibly strong, independent woman, with conviction who raised my friend all on her own


My friend passed away in his 40’s last year thanks to MAID. He was terminal and so thankful for the choice to end his life on his terms.
Side note: Family dog had to be put down last week - awful - but brought up discourse on ending life with dignity. I am in the US, but knowing of the MAID program in Canada, family agreed we need the same options. Full support.


A Canadian dying with dignity law that gives people control over when they die.


Should have expected someone was going to cut onions in here. I'm happy he got to go home


Sorry, I'll take these onions elsewhere.


Canada has had time to pass the law and to upxe once already.
USA can do it.
Edit: Found this:
Assisted suicide is more widely available than euthanasia. Among the places where people can choose to end their life this way are Switzerland and a number of US states including California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington state, Vermont and the District of Columbia.

编辑:我发现了这个: 辅助自杀比安乐死更普遍。可以选择以这种方式结束生命的地方包括瑞士和美国的一些州,包括加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、夏威夷、新泽西州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州、佛蒙特州和哥伦比亚特区等。

Even in Canada, MAID didn't come about until a 2014 Supreme Court of Canada decision that our right to "life, liberty, and security of the person" also included a right to die with dignity. And it took another court decision to get the govt to loosen the restrictions on it because the first version was way too limited.
If it took us a couple of court decisions to get this, I don't know how much hope I have that America will get there anytime soon.


Well it's the United States.
We gotta be dragged, kicking and screaming, into doing the right thing.


Well yeah, they need to bankrupt your family for medical bills first!


"You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they've tried everything else."


Plus this way you can actually do a living funeral the day before their appointment.
We had a family friend in his 50s with inoperable stage 4 brain cancer, as soon as he started losing normal functions he made an appointment, same rigamarol as you said, but the day before his appointment we rented out a hall had a mock funeral where probably 300 people came by to say kind regards to him while he was still alive, and then about 50 stayed and partied late into the night with him.


I guess he had a few too many glasses of wine because his widow told us when the doctors showed up the next day he just looked at her with a straight face and said, “thank god they’re here, this hangover is killing me!” Apparently the doctors were confused as to why they were both laughing themselves to tears when he walked in. She told us the last thing she expected was to be laughing with her husband minutes before he was dead, but that she wouldn’t trade that memory for the world.
If I ever get a terminal illness, that’s how I want to go too, not shitting and pissing myself while barely coherent in a hospital connected to a bunch of machines barely keeping me alive.


This is the way it should be done. At a certain point, we have to realize that we are selfishly forcing our loved ones to hang on for every last breath because we can't let go.


My grandmother started having Dimentia when she was in her early 80s, and she lived until she was 96. By the time she hit 90 years old she barely could keep herself together, and she never knew who/where she was. She would wake up in the middle of the night frightened to death, not knowing who her husband was or what was happening. She was arthritic and wheelchair bound, so she would jump out of bed and hurt herself even further. I remember my last few Christmas's with her, and every year thinking "this might be the last year....", but she would keep kicking for another year. I don't remember the last time I felt like I actually talked with my grandma, because I don't think she was there for at least 5 years. It honestly felt like everyone was forcing her to stay alive for , but the reasons were never for my grandma, they were for everyone else who dealt with her.
If I ever get to be in the same situation as my grandmother, I want to be euthanized. The amount of "me" that is still there isn't me anymore, and I don't want my loved ones to have to suffer because of it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My mother “committed” assisted suicide two weeks ago after battling colon cancer for 6 years.
First and foremost, I recognize that this was the best course of action for her. She had exhausted all treatment options and was in a mind-boggling amount of pain. She couldn’t tolerate most forms of pain mitigation, so she was simply suffering. Once she decided to stop all treatment, this seemed like the natural and obvious choice for her, and it was one my sister and I respected.
It is, however, important to note how deeply and truly traumatizing it was to watch my mom kill herself. I cannot escape the image of how her skin turned gray and how I watched her heart sputter and stop. Every time I close my eyes, I see her neck as I watched her pulse slow. I am well and truly struggling to deal with the process, and I think it needs to be said that it is a deeply disturbing part of the reality.


That being said, it is a distinct luxury and privilege to know when, where, and how your loved one will pass. I got to talk to her about how she was feeling in the days leading up to it, and I got to hug and kiss her and say goodbye. A lot of people do not get to do that, and absolute beauty of that is not lost on me. I am deeply grateful to have sat next to her and held her hand while she drifted to sleep.
Despite the tragedy and trauma of it all, I genuinely see her “euthanasia” as her final act of love. I support assisted suicide and believe, without hesitation, that it is the most humane and compassionate option we can offer to those who are suffering.
I realize the alternative is worse, and I’m not claiming otherwise. Let me process my shit on reddit, sheesh.


My mom died this way. She was suffering terribly from ALS. She was able to die being held by those who loved her. Right after we gave her the fatal dose she said to me “This is what I wanted. I’ll miss you.” In the face of a fatal disease, I believe everyone should have the right to decide how they want their ending to look instead of being forced to suffer a painful death.


Also here to say watching someone die from ALS will convince you that Death with Dignity should absolutely be legal. It was horrific watching someone go through it, and in the end being trapped in their useless body. There is no cure, and your only outlook is a slow, painful death.


When I was a little girl I used to go to a very old church with mostly older folks. There was an older woman (prob in her sixties) who I really adored for some reason. She was sweet, I sat beside her and probably chatted her ears off in that annoying way children do. One Sunday she didn't show and she didn't show for the rest of the Sundays after that. She went home after a service, wrote a note for everyone and apologized before she killed herself. Because she was suffering the late stages of cancer and it was so painful that this God fearing woman who never missed a service felt that the only option was to kill herself. Think of how differently that would have went for her surviving family who found her and the rest of us if euthanasia was positively received. She could have said goodbye on better terms. I don't think she would have been so desperate.


I watched my sister go through it, and it was devastating for everyone who loved her. I don't think she would have chosen euthanasia...but it if were me I wouldn't have wanted to suffer as long as she did with no hope. After being told she was terminal, she had numerous surgeries, nephrostomy bags, colonoscopy bags, couldn't walk very far...cancer had spread to almost every area in her body within 6 months from diagnosis.


My sister(35) wanted to stick around 6 months longer to see her son graduate high school, instead she watched a mock graduation done with the High School administration, family and the football teams from the high school(we were all alumni from this same school). She did get pictures with her son in his cap and gown, and she watched his "graduation" on skype from her hospice bed about 5 days before she passed, but her bucket list was almost completed.


I was diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer, it had already spread to my liver and lungs, I had spots all over.
They gave me 1-2 years left to live.
That was 8 years ago, and I am now cancer free.
Don't give up hope.


I want it legalized before I get old...
I cant make my kids suffer when I cant take care of myself

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I worked as a caregiver for elderly people and I witnessed this first hand. Most of residents had no automony, they couldn't feed themselves, they couldn't go to the bathroom or take a shower by themselves and pretty much all of them suffered from some kind of mental illness on top of that. If I get to this point in the future, I just want to have the option to leave this world with a bit of dignity.


It's considered cruel to not put your pets down when they're suffering and there's no chance for recovery.
But when it's someone who can actually ask for it themselves and consent suddenly it's a horrible crime that must be stopped?
Sorry, that's bullshit. I love grandma more than I love my dog, so why would I want to treat her worse?


Exactly. You took the words out of my mouth.


I’m not going to say my own opinion but I think it’s worth pointing out that autonomy is not always clear cut, and there are more ethical considerations to be made.
For autonomy to be respected, the person needs to demonstrate capacity to consent. The (UK) criteria generally are: ability to understand information, to rationalise and to communicate their decision. Not all patients can demonstrate these criteria so how do you judge? If someone is in pain but has severe enough detriment that they cannot speak coherently, what do you do?


Assisted dying can be divided into: classic euthanasia - a healthcare provider (HCP) actively administering a lethal agent, Assisted suicide - HCP giving the patient the means to take their own life with the knowledge of their intentions, and passive euthanasia - withdrawing/withholding life support or life saving treatment.
Under UK law, assisted suicide and classic euthanasia are very illegal and one can be tried for murder, regardless of the patient’s consent. In the UK, you cannot consent to being killed. Passive euthanasia is legal, if considered to be in the patient’s best medical interest.


Moving on, If a 20 year old with clinical depression asks their doctor to help them take their own life, should the doctor help them? The person has the right to autonomy, and is in mental pain. Shouldn’t they be allowed to die if they so wish? Do mental health conditions undermine autonomy? Is it damaging their judgement? What if the person is severely disabled and in great physical pain too? Should their doctor, someone vowed to do no harm, be allowed to provide the means for a 20 year old to die? Wouldn’t they be doing more harm to leave their patient in pain, mental or physical?


If classic euthanasia were to be legalised, how would we safeguard against abuse? I know people love their grandmas but not all relatives are caring, some want their inheritance. How do you differentiate? If gran either cannot consent or is being secretly coerced into consenting against her will, how do you manage that? Should a patient’s family be allowed input?
Euthanasia is a complex ethical debate with many many grey areas and potential to save or to damn vulnerable people. It’s a topic that should be discussed with care.


This is also a very valid point. Moral dilemmas are rarely black and white.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Moving on, If a 20 year old with clinical depression asks their doctor to help them take their own life, should the doctor help them? The person has the right to autonomy, and is in mental pain. Shouldn’t they be allowed to die if they so wish?
Unpopular opinion: Yes.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't still be working on improving the poor quality of mental health care, but if someone wants to die and is capable of expressing that request to a medical professional and asking for their assistance in doing so they should be allowed to die.


I think in the case of depression they should have to show they tried other methods/drugs first. It should be something that is left as a last resort thing but I do think it should be an option. It would be kinder to everyone involved. The depressed person for allowing a much kinder death than whatever they can come up with on their own and also to whoever would otherwise have to find them after they did the deed (and clean up after it).
I mean my point is we should try to make sure first we can't find a way to make their life better but if there just is no help (cause it would be foolish to say there never is a case that it can't be fixed), I do think it is kinder to just let them decide to end it (and do so in as painless way as possible).


That's pretty much how we do it in NL I think. The amount of depressed people asking for euthanasia is relatively small and only around 10% of those are granted. Over 80% of requests is from final stage cancerpatients.


NL here. I can't even get my psychiatrist to explore more options than SSRI's, benzos, a couple of antipsychotics and some Z drugs. (all for the primary purpose of depression and sleep) that clearly do not work for me. Hell, i don't even think my diagnosis are accurate but bring that up and they brush it off too.
Can't even imagine that 10% of those are granted if they don't even want to explore other options first.


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