2022-04-01 李千锦 16397

Which is more powerful country, Saudi Arabia or Iran?


Profile photo for Ashton Carlsson
Let’s take allies and the military first. Iran has the third strongest military in the Middle East only lagging behind Egypt and Turkey. They have missiles capable of putting out Saudi Arabia’s economy in days, it’s just to attack Saudi Arabia’s oil fields to ruin their economy.
Iran has a larger military and population than Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a more modern military but Iran’s navy and ground force is very capable and well trained. Iran also has a homegrown defence industry. In the recent years Iraq has drifted further away from the west and is now very close to Iran. Iran is Iraq’s most important trading partner so Iraq can be seen as an economic ally. Iran is also an important trading partner of Turkey so Turkey as well can be seen as an economic ally.


And for military allies Iran has various Shia militias including many that I don’t know the name of and Hezbollah. They also have Syria, Lebanon, Houthi’s, Russia, China, Armenia and probably Palestine.
As for military Saudi Arabia’s military is not that well trained compared to Iran. You can see by their casualties in Yemen.
As for allies Saudi Arabia have Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Hadi led government in Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, United States and most of NATO.
However, most of NATO members would not support Saudi Arabia in a war because of their war crimes in Yemen. Germany refused to sell them Leopard 2 tanks because of their war crimes in Yemen.
Egypt is also wavering as a Saudi ally, they had a border dispute with them and Egypt is now getting increasingly close to Russia.
Even though Iran’s economy is smaller they remain the most influential and powerful country in the Middle East. Iran has a superior navy to Saudi Arabia and little, if any Saudi oil is getting through the strait of Hormuz.


Profile photo for A Ashraf Ayu
I’m from the Maldives. Our closest neighbours begin from India, Srilanka, Pakistan and it goes on. And of course we have the most powerful countries of the region (and even globally) as allies: including india, the United States and basically the entire western world.
There’s one thing that any Maldivian would never discuss with: the comparison of power/strength between the Maldives and any other country with an armed force. Also, if we hear such a discussion: we maintain absolute silence. In most cases, we do not hear.
I wish if Bedouins (and their supporters) truly knows that maintaining absolute silence at certain moments of life is the best thing they could do.
ps. Allies and supporters could be not the same. Eg. Most citizens of the USA are not supporters of Saudi Arabia, but Washington is the closest wes western ally of Riyad.


Najeeb Aldroubi
Comparing between Two Countries by Following : Statics 2018–2019
1) Global Fire Power : [ Iran : 14/137 Countries , Saudi Arabia : 25/137 Countries ]
2) Population : [ Iran ; 83 Million , Saudi Arabia : 30 Million ]
3) Manpower : [ Iran : 47.3 Million , Saudi Arabia : 17.7 Million ]
4) Defense Budget : [ Iran : 6.3 B $ , Saudi Arabia : 70 B $ ]
5) External Debt : [ Iran : 8 B$ , Saudi Arabia : 205 B$ ]
6) Foreign Receive : [ Iran : 120.6 Billion $ , Saudi Arabia : 500 Billion $ ]
Note : Saudi Arabia Has Money more than Iran , but Iran Has Strategical Power Points more than Saudi Arabia .
one Weakness point Saudi Arabia has also about water .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for MD Khan Bhai
in middle east iran is a super power…there is no super power usa, israel or russia if they comes to middle east with full power… like wise if iran goes out of middle east then they are not powerful..but in middle east iran is super power and can defeat any army/navy/air force… their big weapon is oil that they can flow in sea and lit it… Iran doesnt need nuke to kill someone who is so weak like ant Israel/America) just match stick is enough… and nuke is for weak people not for real warriors


Profile photo for Buff Parry
Without the full purchased force of Pakistan and the USA backing up Saudi Arabia, it is Iran hands down. But with Saudi Arabia’s defense-posture dependency on Pakistan and the USA, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the more powerful.


Bashar Farhat
With no doubt, Saudi Arabia.
KSA has a very advanced army compared to Iran, and a strong economy. Moreover, KSA has strong allies such as GCC countries (rich countries) and Pakistan (Pakistan army’s oath includes defending the holy mosques).
On the other hand, Iran has a 5 times population of KSA, and many militias around the world. These militias will have limited impact on any direct confrontation. The big handicap of Iran is its fragile economy and recently, the regime seems lacking people’s support. Iran cannot withstand a war nowadays, and the proof, they are just counting the Israeli attacks on their troops in Syria… Iran threw some hollow threats in the beginning, but when Israel kept hitting them, they just pretend they were not attacked :-) Israel’s population and surface are far less than KSA, and does not have neighboring allies, but still Iranians do not dare responding to its attacks…
Moreover, when KSA started the war against Iran allies in Yemen (Houthis), Iranians threatened to interfere a lot, but never dared to to do anything.
I think this gives a clear indication…


Elissa Dagher
Iran's military equipment is very old and of poor quality, while Saudi Arabia uses the most modern weapons. Iran, with a population of 83 million and conscxtion, has brought 600,000 soldiers into the army by force and without consent, which is why the Iranian army seems to be strong.


Andrew James Wright
Saudi Arabia has more oil and money, American backing and effectively leads the Sunni camp in the Middle East.
Iran has a bigger population, but also more diplomatic Clout in the Middle East as she opposed America and Israel as Saudi Arabia is often seen as a puppet of America.
Both have domestic opposition who want democracy and an end to old elite rule.
I’m not sure which is stronger but both of their regimes are probably doomed in the end,

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Syed N Jaffri
Just because you have superior armoury doesn't mean to say you are more powerful and will win a war. My money would be on Iran because of the guts and determination in their army, just look at the Iran/Iraq war. Iran was poorly armed yet still captured Iraqi territory from an Iraqi state backed by the western world.
Pakistan would not intervene because Iran will never attack any religious sites, USA would be the main ally and I don't think they would want to get bogged down in another Vietnam/Afghanistan/Iraq etc.


Saudi Arabia is not a country. It is a despotic family enterprise that would collapse in a heartbeat if it were not supported by the US. It can’t even win a war with Yemen. No one in the well equipped Saudi Army wants to die for his king… it is basically a mercenary army in it for the money. There are five thousand Saudi princes, a handful of other tribal factions, and a population of 25 million or so mostly poor people with no great love for their despot.
Iran has a population of 80 million, a majority of whom are proud nationalists, with a long history of not being pushed around.


Naser Pour Aryan
I’m an Iranian who’s lived in Germany now for a long time, actually longer than that portion of my life when I’ve been in Iran. Whenever I go back there I realize a very important resemblance between Germany and Iran: Discipline and order.
I think the huge difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia is history and culture. While Iran has had a long history and its culture has many pre-islamic elements, Saudi Arabia’s culture is defined by nothing but the Koran, where I see Saudi Arabia’s main weekness. Iranians have long been organized and have lots of experience with running a government and even with striving to have a democracy, what they’re exercizing to some extent, which although is far from perfect, it’s not comparable to a country without a real constitution (Saudi Arabian consider the Koran and Sunnah (prophet’s conduct) as their constitution!).
Saudi Arabia’s State is only some decades old, not comparable in experience to Iran, the heir of the ancient Persia.


Tony Sabour
Iran is independent, self-reliant, and has a legitimate government. Iran spends its money on development, self-sufficiency, and armament. It can protect itself.
Saudi Arabia on the hand is dependent on US protection, has western imposed rulers, and spends its money on casinos, luxury palaces, and weapons from the west.
Furthermore, the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia cannot be considered an alliance, because alliances are usually among equals with shared interests and common enemies. It is rather a master-slave relationship whereby Saudi Arabia follows and executes American policies in the region in return for protection of the regime.
Saudi Arabia is a puppet regime of the US empire in a very important part of the world. A puppet cannot be a regional power.


Granville Phillips
They are both regional powers. However:
a) Iran has been around for centuries. Saudi Arabia is a new country.
b) Iran has a diversified economy. Saudi is basically an oil well.
c) Iran can stand on her own. Saudi requires its strategic allies
d) Iran has a larger, better educated population.
e) Iran has more complex, developed political systems and a better developed and implemented legal process.
f) The countries are at odds which means both strive for greater regional power or influence.


Mohammad Reza Ataii
Saudi Arabia is backed by the US and its allies. That modern military couldn’t defeat Yemeni people which are the poorest and less advanced people in the Arab world. While Iran is even not afraid of confronting the US arms force. They survived confrontations against Soviets and The US. Their military is independent both in terms of producing weapons and devising strategies. Iran is also a cyber power and a power in electronic warfare as shown in ‘the Iran-US RQ-170 incident’.
The judiciary system and government are also outdated.
Regarding economy. You should note that Iran has been suffering from devastating sanctions for more than 40 years and a complicated economic war with the US. Having that in mind I’d say Iranians are doing a great job. Besides Iran’s economy is more diverse, more resilient, and highly independent. While the Saudi regime relies on Western contractors, Iranian contractors are helping other suppressed countries from Central Asia to Latin America.
Iranians are also by far more educated and the country is self-sustained while Saudi Arabia is even dependent on foreign workers and foot soldiers.
In my opinion, Iran sees the US regime as its rival and does not take the Saudi Family as an opponent.
To talk about this needs lots of time.


Profile photo for Mohammad Zamin
This is essentially based on political will and potential.
Iran unlike Saudi Arabia has a much more diversified economy.
They are not an expatriate country like Saudi that needs to import millions of people in order to do their work for them.
They have fought a long war with Iraq and held their own, Saudi on the other hand has fought no wars at all. A minor uprising in Bahrain where unarmed people were beaten is not a war for most people, nor is bombing innocent civilians in Yemen a war.
Iran has a much larger population as well which is very educated compared to Saudi.
Once again Saudi is expatriate run and this has led to high unemployment levels within the Saudi community. They are trying to change this but its a slow process as its difficult to get used to work after years of doing nothing.
Finally and most importantly, Iran control more of the Middle East than Saudi Arabia now, the cold war is almost won and Yemen will be the final nail in the coffin.
Iraq is already pro Iran as is Lebanon, Syria, Shia uprising in Bahrain will take its toll and Yemen will also rise to have a Shia (Pro Iran Government).


John Clark
Iran has a long history, which the people in Iran identify with. The Persian Empire stands to them, as the Roman Empire stands to the West in terms of heritage and traditions.
On the other hand, despite the existence of Mecca as a central element in Islam, the Saudis were essentially tribespeople until the post WWI era. The Ottoman Empire had over various centuries put down rebellions of these tribal groups, for example various expeditionary actions using Egyptian troops in Arabia, but the British used tribal 'guerilla' style organization and tactics to wage a war of attrition on the outer edges of the decrepit Empire.
The British were unable to take land away from the Empire in places such as Gallipoli but was able to take land in Arabia and Palestine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Basil Keilani
It is one of the regional powers. You have three regional powers, at least. You have Turkey, Iran, and Israel. Some may include Egypt. Iran has a much larger military than Saudi Arabia, and it produce most of its weapons. Iran has 8 times more soldiers, more tanks, and Iran has more fighter air craft. Of course, Saudi Arabia has some advanced American systems, but Iran has more combat experience, more weapons, more soldiers. Saudi Arabia would have a hard time facing a much larger, more experienced force like that. Saudi Arabia hasn’t fought a war in recent memory except the one in Yemen, which is not going well, not that winning in Yemen would be easy for any military.


Hamit Topçu
Ksa is not even a state. It is a bronze age society and a ramshackle pseudo “state” which is being run by a family business. Nothing more. Without help from mercenaries they hired from south america, even bare footed yemenites kicked them in the nut.
As for Iran, they have great potential and a culture which goes back 5000 years and despite arabic colonialism even the religious Iranians are proud of that history. If they can get rid of theocratic yoke, there is no reason why they can not be like a european country in a generation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mohammad Khaneghahi
Saudi Arabia is a one product country, on the other hand Iran or old Persia with seven thousand years of history has a rich culture with 80 million mostly young and educated people who can produce whatever US needs and can buy everything US can sell!!
Iran and US are the only two countries in the world that can produce any agricultural products.
Besides Oil Saudi Arabia does not have nothing.
It has military hardware but not good personnel to operate it.


Ali Demir
People do not follow countries. They follow ideas and ideals. Iran and Saudi Arabia represent different ideas with different set of followers in the region. Thus no matter how powerful Saudi Arabia is, there are people who are against what it represents.
Iran is in the center of the Silk Road. Saudi Arabia is not. Iran has a shot at controlling the Middle East to create an Empire because Iran has a state tradition of an Empire. Saudi Arabia does not.


Profile photo for Danielle Norris
Iran has more hard and soft power. As of 2017, Iran has the 20th strongest military in the world by capability and firepower even though its lees modern and is not aided by the United States and Pakistan as Saudi is (ranked 24th). Iran has a 4000 year-old rich Persian history, full of artistic and scientific achievements. It's a diverse society and that makes it influential and attractive. Saudi Arabia popped up on the map fairly recently and for a long list of reasons has a less attractive and influential culture.


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