2022-04-27 bluebit 41589

Brazilian boy born with TWO penises because of a one-in-5million defect gets his bigger duplicate chopped off
Brazilian boy from Sao Paulo was born with two penises due to a rare birth defect
Medics were originally planning on removing the smaller of the two sex organs
But plans were halted after his mother said he only urinated from the smaller
By JOHN ELY SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 10:12 BST, 19 April 2022 | upxeD: 10:39 BST, 19 April 2022


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A Brazilian boy born with two penises ended up having his bigger one chopped off, medics have revealed.
His members were conjoined at the base because of his one-in-5million birth defect.


Doctors at the Federal University of Sao Paulo were originally planning on removing the two-year-old's right penis — which was smaller.
Examinations showed his left penis didn't function correctly because its urethra was too narrow for urine to pass through.


The boy, who wasn't identified, wasn't even left with a stump because surgeons were able to completely detach his extra penis.
Detailing the case in the Journal of Pediatric Urology, surgeons did not explain why the boy's issue was only fixed when he was two.


The authors also didn't say how much bigger his left penis was.
Marcela Leal da Cruz and colleagues said the defect — known as diphallia — has only ever been spotted 100 times in history, with the first known case in 1609.

Marcela Leal da Cruz对他的同事说,这种被称为“双阴茎”的缺陷在历史上只被发现过一百次,首次发现是在1609年。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Experts estimate the condition affects about one out of every five to six million baby boys.
How diphallia occurs is unclear with no known single risk factor — but it's thought to happen by chance when genitalia develops in the womb.


Patients can either have complete diphallia, when both penises are well developed, such as in the Brazilian boy's case, or partial diphallia, when one penis is smaller or deformed.
Earlier this month MailOnline reported a case of an Uzbekistani boy born with two completely functional penises.


The unidentified boy, from the country's capital, Tashkent, lived with the condition for seven years without physical discomfort.
Unlike the Brazilian boy, the Uzbekistani child was able to pass urine out of both of his penises, which were conjoined at the shaft.


The case comes after a world first last year where Iraqi medics reported a boy being born with three penises, a defect known as triphalia.
Born with more than one penis: The one-in-6million condition
Diphallia is an extraordinarily rare defect where a boy is born with two penises, with the first recorded case dating back to the 1600s.


Triphallia — which hadn't ever been recorded in medical literature until now — is the term for having three penises.
The condition is associated with other abnormalities, including being born with two scrotums or anuses.


An estimated one in every six million boys is born with the condition, according to researchers.
There is also a higher risk of spina bifida, a developmental congenital condition which causes some vertebrate protecting the spinal cord not fully form and remain open.


In most cases the penises are the same size and sit side by side.
In some men, the smaller penis will sit above the larger.
A man with two penises can urinate or ejaculate from one or both, according to reports.


RayReese, Grass Valley, United States,
Someone's going to be really PO'd when he hits 16 and finds out "...gets his bigger duplicate chopped off"... OMG!

当某人16岁的时候,他会发现。”怎么能把他那更大的那根给割掉呢”…我的天 !
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

OOONOO, Chichester, United Kingdom,
He might wanted to keep them both


Buffalo Break Dancer, Buffalo, United States,
The future that child had in rpon. Solo DP scenes.


Buffalo Break Dancer, Buffalo, United States,
Just thought of the title. One Man, One Woman. . . DP


Memfo, Pottersville, United States,
Wished I two , be like a pinball machine.


Mr Chung Chung, London, United Kingdom,
Terrible mother, wait till the son is older and he learns they chopped the bigger one off, why not keep them both?


Sentinell, Brisbane, Australia,
You should have seen my other one !!!!!!


McDavey, Sydney, Australia,
The author of this article seems to be fixated on size...


ScottieLies, JennysFAULT, Australia,
why did they screw this kid over, surely they could have fixed the bigger dong.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Davidbm, Hadera, Israel,
Who are DM trolling to get this?


Dulchie, Down the Lough, Ireland,
Poor little guy.


Scrapper One, Arlington, United States,
Double your pleasure, double your fun, while chewing Wrigleys Spearmint gum!


son-of-sam, chicago, United States,
pretty sure i know one dude that's going to be angry with his parents


Shears, Maine , United States,
Well, they just reduced his chances of making bad decisions later in life by 50%.


Peanut_Gallery, Your Neighbor, Canada,
How about leave it until he's old enough to decide.


Dulchie, Down the Lough, Ireland,
He would probably want to keep both.


username42, Saarfffff, United Kingdom,
With a masectomy do we say that she's had her breasts 'chopped off'?


Tucker77, Worcs., United Kingdom,
Poor Pookie! I hope he makes a speedy recovery!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Easter 19571, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Wouldn't you think the surgeons would have checked the function of both rather than say we will cut the smaller one off. Thank goodness for his mother.


DuckMan, TriValley, United States,
Why didn't they just leave them there for a while. No one outside the family is going to see them until gym class in junior high!


blackmath, Anchorage, United States,
Should have left it alone, what guy wouldn't want this condition?!


chris, liverpool, United Kingdom,
Must have stumbled on Doris s problem.


Will, London,
I would've kept them


fdjt_again, Efftrumpland, United States,
Talk about being between a rock and a HARD place! lol


Ecosafe, Overtherainbow, United Kingdom,
I've heard of a dog with two.....but this???

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

numptydo, just moved to it, United Kingdom,
Good job it was removed. He would have had a hell of a job finding a woman with three legs

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

stumpinater, warrington, United Kingdom,
poor kid. They could of stretched the urethra so it was functioning instead.... or left it alone and let him decide what to do with his spare tool when he was older.


Korvette, St Malo, France,
"Chopped off"??!! Good to see that DM is using proper/correct medical terminology.

“割掉”? ? ! !很高兴看到《每日邮报》没写错医学术语。

Eat Freeeeeessssshh, Subway, South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands,
Stop, you're making me laugh


taxpayer, Tyne and Wear,
Would the word 'removed' be better used than 'chopped off' when describing a 3 year old little boy


PienMash, Home , United Kingdom,
Why the bigger one?


BlueHouston, Houston, United States,
That was the first question on my mind.


Captain-Bligh, Christchurch, United Kingdom,
This is why we have two hands!


Little Joey, Scrubland, Australia,
That's why us women have 2 holes!


Anubis, In the Dog house,
Well, that's his career as a Pron star over before it started....!


easter1234, sidcup, United Kingdom,
I'm pretty sure this happened to me as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

CantonBoBo, Canton, United States,
....you sure this isnt India?????


Old Cynic 60, Londinium, United Kingdom,
Wrong choice. Should have chopped off the smaller chopper.


The Redeemer, From everywhere , United Kingdom,
They chopped the bigger one!!


DannyUK, UK, United Kingdom,
Double pen.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

DC68, The Midlands, United Kingdom,
He wont be happy about the bigger one being chopped off when he becomes an adult


Paul-Andrew Paris, Paris, France,
Keep both hands busy.


dawntredder, london, Australia,
I keep telling the ladies i once had a bigger one, but they never believed me.


BROUT NOW, BRISTOL, United Kingdom,
woah, stop - wrong one!


Messina Stools, Sydney, Australia,
I actually nursed a man with this in the 1980s. He was at the end of his life then and it was something he felt had ruined his life because in his birth village there was no fixing it and later when coming to Australia never sought help if it was available. Only one functioned and the other was just dead weight.


RivergodLS, Barcelona , Spain,
What a surgeon..!!!


KingOfEngland, Unknown, United Kingdom,
I would've kept it. Smash two birds at once.


Gaisha, nowhere, United Kingdom,
I'm sure he will thank his parents for that at some point.


MissMelanie, Manchester,
Considering he couldn't even urinate out of the larger one...


NoLeftTurnUnstoned, Hampshire, United Kingdom,
And when he hits his mid-teens: "What do you mean you chopped the big one off?"


Strawberry Gorilla, Scotland, United Kingdom,
The big one, according to his mother, wasn't working. He couldn't urinate with it.


XYXZ, London, United Kingdom,
Should have let him be. No one knows how he would develop.


Æthelric_the_Proud, Bradford, United Kingdom,
I wouldnt mind having 2 no.bs..........Double my pleasure!


Strawberry Gorilla, Scotland, United Kingdom,
...and that of the ladies too.

当然, 女士们也是这么想的

Denis Barre, Lisieux, France,
Rather strange to define "functionality" solely by the ability to pass urine. It does have other uses, you know.....


A03991, Wherever my VPN server is..., United Kingdom,
Yes, but the ability to urinate correctly is a lot more important then it's other uses. Would you rather he die because he can't get rid of the toxins in his body?


Strawberry Gorilla, Scotland, United Kingdom,
Having one big one and one smaller one is not such a good look. It's like having one ear bigger than the other. One had to go.


Erica83, cambridgeshire, United Kingdom,
Why not leave him both until he's of age and could choose to get surgery to regain use of the larger or take one off if he wanted? Neither were causing problems, so why not give him the choice when he's older?


SugarAndSpice101, Ireland, Ireland,
I would imagine doctors know what's best for the patient in this case.


NoLeftTurnUnstoned, Hampshire, United Kingdom,
Because removing one after puberty would be a serious surgical risk, doing it to an infant is a simple operation with minimal risk.


kitty, Cheshire, United Kingdom,
Hang on, they only changed which one they were going to remove AFTER the mother told them which one is functioning? They didn't check functionality themselves before making such a surgical decision and made the choice simply based on which was bigger? Let me guess, the surgeons were men....

等等,医生们只是凭孩子母亲说哪个丁丁正常,然后医生们才决定要割哪个丁丁的么?医生在做决定之前,就没两只都好好检查一下么,难道只是简单地根据哪个更大就决定割掉哪个?我猜,这个外科医生肯定是男的.... (妒忌)

NoLeftTurnUnstoned, Hampshire, United Kingdom,
Did you actually read the article? If you did you didn't understand it.


Upep, birmingham, United Kingdom,
That's life, some you win, some you loose


im a senior, Oooop Norff Somewhere Wet, Anguilla,
I think somebody lopped my big one off at birth!!


Sonsofgod, Melbourne , North Korea,
And your a whining little snowflake

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aussie ado, Brisbane, Australia,
Not sure these odds are correct. How is it one in 6 million but only 100 recorded cases since the 1600s? So currently somewhere in the world, theres over 1100 guys secretly walking around with 2 fellas?


T5576, Sydney, Australia,
typical fodder from a low rate rag for the gronks out there..this is not a human interest story..just a cheap grab for hits


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