2022-05-12 天工开物 15366

Why was Ste
1.Paul Denlinger
I watch what he does, and listen to what he says. And I read books about him.
Aman Gupta
, former Machine Learning Engineer at Apple (2016-2019) and Matt Sephton
, former Technology Evangelist at Apple
Steve Jobs bought Pixar.
Pixar went public in 1995, right after the release of Toy Story. Steve Jobs made his first billion off that IPO.
Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 and became CEO. Eventually, he was offered a very generous stock package.
Later, Disney bought Pixar, making Steve Jobs Disney's largest single shareholder.
Steve Wozniak did not do any of those things.


1.1Gordon Miller
Woz also gave away most of his money to charity.


And no one is making movies / writing books on him or consider him as an example to live by. “Net worth” is the standard of values, sadly.

令人难过的是,“净资产”是衡量一个人价值的标准,没有人以史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克为题材拍电影或写书,也没有人把他当作生活的榜样。 Anand
He himself credits Steve for his showmanship and it's his words that Apple wouldn't have taken off otherwise. It's sad but true that woz couldn't have sold a single apple PC back in the day on his own. It was jobs who brought the persistence and product-centricity into the company.


1.2Andrew Hillman
Woz gave away a lot of his stock to Apple employees who played a role in Apple's success. Woz felt they deserved stock and Steve didn't. I think woz gave something like $10m in stock away to co-workers. $10m was considered a ton of money back then. A shit ton. Still is, but you get my point. Woz is the Man.


1.2.1Robert McCann
Actually I agree with this more than with the original answer. If Wozniak had held on to his shares he would today be would certainly be worth more than Jobs notwithstanding Pixar etc which Jobs had to do after he divested himself substantially of Apple. Although to be fair if Jobs had not sold his shares and left to begin with he (now his estate) would have been the richest on earth so both deserve some credit for standing up for something.


1.2.2Katherine Giron Pe
Steve Wozniak didn't care much about money. But he did the work while Steve Jobs blabbered a lot!


1.3Sat Tara S Khalsa
Curiously, this was not the case before Jobs bought Pixar and started Next. Steve and Steve both unloaded a lot of their Apple stock in the early 80's. (Woz first) The stock was priced in the (as I recall - it's been a long time) 60-70 Dollar range when Woz sold his. Later, when Steve (Jobs) sold his it was valued at $17. This is from memory, but pretty close to accurate. Woz actually made more money per share from Apple than Jobs, at least at that point in time. Both Steves had left Apple, for a while. When Jobs returned it was under very different circumstances. As with all questions, timing and context are everything. If you posed the question in the mid 80's and simply looked at market timing, Woz appeared to be a much more astute businessman than Jobs. His Apple stock was worth about 3 times as much as Jobs' when they each sold.


1.4Larry Siegel
Woz is a friend of a friend of mine. My short answer would be that he did not care much about money, and still became rich beyond his wildest dreams, so he bailed out early.


1.4.1Steven Gold
I’ve met Woz twice, been out to eat with him, and even was shocked when he responded to a Facebook comment I posted. He really is a genuinely nice person. Fame and money don’t interest him much. Remember — he wanted to give away the plans for the first Apple for free until Jobs insisted there was money to be made.


1.4.2David Abraham
Lol. Woz is your friend. Proofs please.

哈哈。沃兹是你的朋友 ,请证明。 Siegel
Reading comprehension? He is the ex-brother-in-law of a friend. I said "friend of a friend."


1.5Bonnie McCoy
Jobs would eat and kill his own for a dollar. Woz would not.


1.5.1Katrina Lim
No businessman or person has ever become a billionaire without being ruthless. One way or the other, sacrifices has to be made to be and stay on top.

没有一个商人或一个人在成为亿万富翁之前不冷酷的,不管怎样,要想保持领先的地位,就必须做出相应的牺牲。 Nash
This is not true. There are lots of Billinoirs who did were not as ruthless as Steve Jobs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1.6Nirav Kapasi
You are right,he did not do any of those things,plus he sold off his stock early because he wanted to focus on just the technical part of computers. I believe that is why he did what he did and was not as rich as Jobs. This is,of course,from what I have read on Wikipedia.


1.7Russ Turner
They were two individuals with different characteristics which ultimatley led to different bank balances, the media always judge success pounds and dollars. They should be celebrating and discussing when what they should be talking about is the overall remarkleable achievement of two great men.. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. My Facebook friend Woz has a net worth of $100 million.. when is enough money ever enough?


1.7.1Justin Wang
Good points. Sure, Jobs had the bigger bank account, and the higher public profile, but I think Woz was and is a happier person. Probably a function of personality.


1.8Adam Lumbley
From your descxtion, it seems like Steve made more money from Disney/Pixar than Apple. Is this correct?


1.8.1Ian Schmidt
Correct. It's pretty widely documented that Apple made him a millionaire but Pixar made him a billionaire.


1.8.2Lei Zhao
He sold his Apple stock right after leaving Apple and then in 2002 when price was low. So he didn't make much money from Apple.


1.8.3Partheeban Bharati
Almost certainly correct


1.8.4Eric Eugene Lawrence
If he had lived longer this may have swung to more on the Apple side given their continued success.


2.Balaji Viswanathan
, finance geek, MBA, ran a fintech company.
Jim Dovey
, tvOS Senior Engineer at Apple (2020-present) and
Vladimir Novakovski
, Silicon Valley CTO and Advisor
Biggest portion of Steve Jobs wealth was not because he founded Apple. In 1985 he sold all his shares for millions and just kept 1 share to get an annual report. That is the same year Steve Wozniak too left the company again with millions worth in stocks, but not billions. So we are mostly even at this point. After Apple, Jobs went on to found Pixar and when it went public that is when Steve Jobs became a billionaire. After Apple, Woz didn’t go on to build a similarly successful company. In the meanwhile the company went on through a decade of bad patch that destroyed the value of their Apple stocks and whatever stake the early employees had was diluted.


And most importantly, Steve Jobs came back to Apple, got new shares and took the company to its heights that we know of — the Mac OS, iPod, iPhone, iPad etc. To put it in context Apple’s biggest win came 22 years after Woz quit the company. And that is why Woz is not as rich as Jobs — he was not part of the most successful phase of Apple. Wozniak is great — but give Steve Jobs his due. Woz was a nice guy, but could not have been this wealthy without Jobs and his vision. And Jobs’ wealth is not because of the company they founded in the garage in 1970s, but the iPod and iPhone that came 3 decades later.

最为重要的是,在沃兹离开苹果公司的22年后,史蒂夫·乔布斯回到了苹果公司,获得了新的股份,他把苹果公司带到了我们所广为人知的高度——像Mac OS,iPod,iPhone,iPad等等,这就是苹果最大的胜利,而苹果这一最成功的阶段沃兹并没有参与,这就是为什么沃兹没有乔布斯富有原因。20世纪70年代,乔布斯和沃兹在车库里创建的苹果公司,乔布斯的财富并不是因为他们在20世纪70年代在车库里创建的公司,乔布斯的财富主要是因为在最初创立苹果公司的30年后出现的iPod和iPhone,沃兹确实是个很棒很好的人,但是如果没有乔布斯和他的远见卓识,沃兹不可能如此富有,这一点上需要给乔布斯一个公道。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2.1Hansu Lee
This goes the same to Steve. Woz’s technical acumen was critical for Steve’s skills and visions of Apple. Without Woz, there was no Apple.


2.2Animesh Sharma
The most apt answer I have read about Woz and Jobs. People don’t want to credit Jobs for the success of Apple.


2.3Shatrughan Singh
Balaji, Jobs wasn't a founder of Pixar. Pixar was a spinoff from Lucasfilm. Jobs founded NeXT after leaving Apple. He invested in Pixar.


2.3.1Praveen Sharma
From Wiki:
Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division, before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the majority shareholder.


2.4Nandish Gowda
One doubt though, didn't the company they founded together in 70’s in that garage started the culture of innovation and pool of talented people that helped the company for its success during its later era of ipods and iphones.


2.4.1Balaji Viswanathan
That company and culture was mostly dead by 1990s — it was completely rebuilt by Jobs from 1998. Remember it took 30 years from the first successful Apple machines to iPhones. Majority of their workforce would have retired in the meanwhile even if the company had a normal course.

到20世纪90年代,苹果公司的文化基本已经消亡,1998年乔布斯重新建立了苹果公司的文化。要知道,从第一台成功的苹果电脑到iPhone,这期间经历了30年时间,在此期间,即使苹果公司有正常的流程,但是,苹果公司的大多数员工都已经退休了。大的Nirmal Manoj

But can you say that the experience Jobs gained from his friendship with Woz and the work they had done together has nothing to do with Job's later successes?

但是你能确信,乔布斯后来的成功,与他当年和沃兹友谊和他们一起做的工作没有任何关系吗? Krishnan
One can say this about anything. Your education, people you met, previous ark experience etc. all likely help you be effective later. So what?


2.5Rishabh Dudeja
Hii, Balaji Sir,
You are currently my encyclopedia. Every question in my mind, Quota has an answer written by you. How come you have such a deep insight on every topic? Just curious…


2.5.1Pablo Escobedo
Of course, he would do a research in internet before he answered.


2.6Christian Benesch
Also Wozniak is quite rich anyhow, by anyone’s standards.


3.Ryan White
, Student
Evan Asano
, Entrepreneur, founder and CEO and
Trevor Hatfield
, B2B SaaS Growth. Co-Founder Inturact, Taggg, InnerTrends
Paul earlier gave basically a perfect answer for your question.
Although there is one point that he didn't mention, that I will.
Before Apple Computer held its initial public offering (or IPO) in 1980, Steve Jobs played a bit of a dickish move.
Jobs decided not to grant stock options to a few of the earliest Apple employees - such as Daniel Kottke, Chris Espinosa and Bill Fernandez.
As a result, these men who helped found a soon to be billion dollar company were to make no money from the upcoming IPO, which would be the biggest since Ford Motors in 1956.
Here's what Wozniak did.
Wozniak sold some of his own shares to his friends (at very low prices) because he thought Jobs was being an unfair anal cavity.

乔布斯决定不给苹果公司早期员工的股票期权,这些早期员工包括丹尼尔·科特基、克里斯·埃斯皮诺萨和比尔·费尔南德斯。 可结果却是,正是在这些人的帮助下,才使得苹果公司在美国成为一家市值即将达到10亿美元的公司,他们这些人,将是自1956年以来福特汽车最大的IPO,然而,他们却没有从即将到来的IPO中赚到钱,与乔布斯不同,沃兹尼亚克是这样做的。沃兹尼亚克认为乔布斯是坏人,做的事情不公平。所以,沃兹尼亚克把自己的股份以很低的价格卖给了朋友。

So at the end of it, Wozniak was left with fewer shares than Jobs and so made less money than Jobs after the IPO. Steve Jobs eventually went on to invest very wisely in Pixar Animation Studios, which made him a healthy $1B when Pixar held its very own IPO. He founded his own computer company, after leaving Apple in 1985, which was called 'NeXT'. When Steve Jobs finally returned to Apple, he eventually got a megagrant of stock which made him another twenty or thirty million USD. So it was out of both Wozniak's generosity and Jobs's own investments that put Jobs valued at about $8 Billion, whereas Steve Wozniak's net worth is estimated to be somewhere around US$100 million today. Wozniak is still richer than most, and his hobbies involve riding on Segways.
- Happy Woz on a Segway.


3.1Richard Hulbert
Who is actually richer in any real sense? I don't claim to have met either of them but Woz strikes me as a contented happy person living a great life. Alas poor Steve is dead and so as things stand I would say that Woz is immeasurably richer.


3.1.1Serdar Yalçın
You are right, but not because he is dead because he got cancer. But while one working for his and other persons happiness, the other one working for his ambitions. If I have to choose (not that I don't love my father) Jobs or Woz as my father, my choice would be Woz.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处 Margulies
Yes, but he had a fairly good chance of surviving the cancer if he had put his ego aside and listened to the doctors.


3.1.2Matthew Verhage
Totally this! I'll take an extra 15-20 years alive and well as a hundred millionaire vs being a billionaire anyday!

说的是太对了!我宁愿做个百万富翁,多活15~20年。而不是做个亿万富翁,却死了。 Kamat
Me too. Get me US$5mil, convert it into Indian Rupees I want to live hale and hearty, dont count my years.


3.1.3Saw kek Leng
Okay. All said, in the ends Jobs couldn't take all his wealth to the other world whereas Wozniak can buy as many Segways as he wanted.

好吧。所有人都说,乔布斯到最后都无法带着他所有的财富到另外一个世界,而沃兹尼亚克却可以想买多少辆赛格威就买多少辆。 Tong
The world has mostly forgotten the Wozniak name while Jobs’ will be talked about in history and economics books. Steve Jobs made a lasting impression on the world. Steve Wozniak is another fat guy on a Segway.


3.2Alan Luckow
Having known Woz for many years, I can attest, without a shadow of a doubt, Woz is living a much happier live than Jobs did.I don’t think he measures himself in the sense of how much he is worth. He also doesn’t measure his days by connecting the lines of his conquests. He’d rather spread a little joy.


3.2.1Terry E. Cohen
Always liked Wozniak. Human guy.


3.2.2Sridhar Reddy
_without a shadow of a doubt, Woz is more humanitarian than Jobs_ is truthful. I am sure Jobs loved what he did till the end of his time.


3.2.3Jim F Wallace
The stories you read about Jobs make him sound almost inhuman. Brilliant guy. But a seeming disregard for the feelings of those around him. I read a story on his daughter with his first wife where he basically treated her like crap.


4.Terry Lambert
, worked at Apple
Erik Fair
, former Postmaster, Hostmaster, software/network engineer at Apple (1988-1997) and
Connor Hendrix
, former Software Engineer at Apple
Woz did a lot of coasting on his Apple money. The other companies he founded were not massively successful. Jobs, after being kicked out of Apple founded a multibilliondallr company, Pixar, which he sold to Disney, and a second multibillion dollar company, NeXT, which he ended up selling to Apple, and which heralded his return to Apple. Woz never was hugely strong on the business side of things. But don’t worry, he’s not living in a cardboard boz eating cat food.

沃兹在苹果公司上花了很多钱,他创立的其他公司都没有取得巨大成功。乔布斯在被赶出苹果公司后,创立了两家公司,分别是皮克斯和NeXT,这两家公司价值都是数十亿美元。后来,乔布斯将皮克斯卖给了迪士尼,而NeXT 则卖给了苹果公司,这也标志着他重返苹果。在商业方面,沃兹从来都不是很强。但是也不用担心,沃兹又不是住在纸板箱里面吃猫粮的猫。

4.1Liam Arbuckle
He never founded Pixar. That was spun out of Industrial Light and Magic, from Lucasfilm. Steve Jobs just bought it for less than 10M in the 80s


4.2James Andrada
Woz also sold a lot of his tock to other early employees when Jobs wouldn’t give them any authorize any stock for them.


4.2.1Terry Lambert
Do you honestly think Steve Jobs didn’t sell any stock, and was able to live on he $1/year salary?


5.Trausti Thor Johannsson
, Read everything there is about Steve Jobs
Shilpi Khanna
, Content Editor at Apple (2017-present) and
Jim Dovey
, tvOS Senior Engineer at Apple (2020-present)
Steve Jobs sold all but one of his stocks in Apple when he left in 1985, when Apple stock was at an all time low. He founded NeXT and was the majority owner when Apple bought the company, though at that point he was almost out of money, on the brink of bankruptcy. He also bought Pixar and it has been rolling out blockbusters every other year for 20 years. He also invested in other companies. Toy Story alone made Steve Jobs a billionaire because Pixar was publicly traded company. Woz on the other hand gave away a lot of his stock. He financed more than a few huge rock concerts that lost a lot of money. He started a company making remote controls that failed and lost money. He got divorced more than a few times. He helps old Apple employees that are out of luck and deal with sickness. He gives away a lot of his money. But you don't need to worry about him, he still has a lot and he is according to everyone who actually knows him, a super nice guy. He was never in it to have money, he just wanted a computer that he could fiddle with.

在1985年,史蒂夫·乔布斯离开苹果时苹果的股票处于历史最低点,他卖掉了他持有的所有股票,只剩下一股。而后创立了NEXT,苹果公司收购NeXT时,乔布斯是该公司的大股东,尽管当时他几乎没有钱,处于破产的边缘。乔布斯还收购了皮克斯,因为皮克斯是一家上市公司,之后的20年期间,皮克斯每隔一年就推出一部大片,单是《玩具总动员》就使史蒂夫·乔布斯成为了亿万富翁,乔布斯还投资了其他公司。 相比之下,沃兹在抛出大量苹果股票后,资助了几场大型摇滚音乐会,这些音乐会损失了很多钱;另外,沃兹还创办了一家制造遥控器的公司,但是也失败了,还亏了钱;他还离婚过好几次,还帮助健康不佳的苹果老员工治疗疾病,还捐出了好多钱。但是无需担心他,他仍然有很多钱,每个真正了解他的人说,他是一个超级好的人,他努力从来都不是为了钱,只是想要一台他可以摆弄的电脑。

5.1Dan Pres
Makes you wonder, which of the two ended up happier. The one that Held his money closely and used it to create an empire or the one who used his money to create happiness in others and to help those in need. I think I know which one I would rather be. I guess that's why I am not a Billionaire... or a millionaire... Or a thousandaire...


5.1.1Byron Warner
Everybody is different, I don't think Steve Jobs would have been happy tinkering away on his hobbies. Who knows how happy either of them has been. I bet Woz has had ups and downs just like the rest of us.


5.2Abhisek Sarmah
Woz is to Tesla, and Jobs is to Edison!


5.2.1Trausti Thor Johannsson
Oh how wrong you are. Tesla was so much more than Woz that just trying to compare them two is not worthy


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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