起点小说《黎明之剑》webnovel书评 4.44分/5分
2022-05-20 ofooo 21590

During Gawain transmigration, a little problem occurs.
After hovering in the sky above the land of a strange world for over hundreds of thousands of years, he realizes that perhaps his transmigration is completed by acquiring a physical body.
Never did he imagine that he would have to guide the body out of a coffin after going through great difficulties to obtain it, only to come face-to-face with his two extremely shocked great-great-great-great... great-granddaughters, and also—
Be thrust into a world that's the verge of its era’s end.


burntpotato 5星

FINALLY HERE!!! I'm gonna copy paste someone's review from NU @c600. By:criticalmind

终于到了!!!我要从 NU @c600 复制粘贴某人的评论。作者:批判性思维
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

An awesome novel. It's a kingdom building novel where the MC becoes a duke and starts reforming his territory with universal education, science and abolishing slavery etc. At the same time, he's fighting against evil cults, the church, various nobles and preparing for armageddon. It reminds me quite a bit of Release that witch except for the lack of romance and the fact that most of the rules of science are not the same and have to be rediscovered.


The MC is likeable, actually uses whatever knowledge he has. He's not completely OP and depends on a large number of people. He uses his brain far more often than his predecessor's supposedly legendary strength.


The other characters are memorable and well developed. There are a few 'genius' characters who turn his ideas into reality and even improve upon them quite a bit. The antagonists are quite smart. Their actions are more or less logical and they actually win some of the time.


TL;DR An awesome, must read, kingdom building, tech building, political and action novel with a lot happening and a well written cast of characters.

简而言之: 一本很棒的必读的王国建设、科技建设、政治和动作小说,其中发生了很多事情,而且角色写得很好。
Zafarak55 5星

Finally!!! the top novel that can be treated the same as RTW and Lord of the Mysteries. This novel is slow in the beginning but the story is incredibly intriguing and picks up the pace after 30-40 chaps. i even braved the risk and read in MTL and the story is simply fantastic. a mix of Politics, kingdom building and Mystery. Along for the ride are Dragons,Elfs, and sirens.So steel yourself and begin your journey, youll never regret it.

最后!!!可以与放开那个女巫RTW和诡秘之主同等对待的顶级小说。这本小说一开始很慢,但故事非常有趣,在 30-40 章后加快了步伐。我甚至冒着风险读了 MTL,这个故事简直太棒了。政治、王国建设和神秘的混合体。随行的是龙、精灵和警报器。所以鼓起勇气,开始你的旅程,你永远不会后悔。


Boomshakalaka007 5星

Finally, finally, finally.... Can't wait for this get picked up.... I hope you can also translate xiling empire, as it is where it all starts :)

TYErannical 2星

I don't understand the point of making him a transmigrated hero, who before transmitting fully had to spend hundreds of thousands of years observing the world, if your going to make his past knowledge completely useless. He has proven to be unreliable and useless when it came to any type of information throughout the entirety of the chapters I read.


The main character, having past acclamations as being a world observing hundreds of thousands year old entity, as well as an accomplished hero, is written in a way that makes him feel ordinary and not special in any regards.


The story is written in such a way that it brings no emotions from the reader. I can't exactly pin point the exact reasons why, but I have managed to get a basic generalization an this is. First, the bland descxtions of actions,places, and things. Serves to make the story take a very one note plot.


Secondly, the lack of character descxtions when it comes to the characters emotions and actions makes the story even more monotonous. Couple this reason with the first then you've got a very bland story that doesn't manifest any good emotions when reading it.


Oh and I read the first 60 chapters not just 15 like it says.

哦,我读了前 60 章,而不是像它说的那样只读了 15 章。
sixerninerfives 1星

The pace is so slow that it quickly become extremely boring, I dropped after 8 chapters of them talking and descxtions, there was 1 fight and the point of that fight was just to make tje characters TALK EVEN MORE

EsliEsma 4星

It's a wonderful read. The first two chapters threw me off making me think here we go again a harem, but I was pleasantly surprised. There is a bit of everything and the premise is refreshing. Hello ancestor.

arbiter 3星

High expectations because of top reviews here but... sigh..


For me, its just average, in bad terms, its lame :/


I was expecting a somewhat op but not overly op, just strong to stronger genre, cause you know, an ancestor, strongest hero/warrior, first pioneer, blablabla, he even was a somewhat like a soul in the sky watching everything formed, but nothing note-worthy advantage, it was like useless, i dont even know why the author introduced him like that. His personality is cringe for me, i was expecting a somewhat like Overlord vibes, but meh its so far from that.


Ofcourse i didnt really read everything, well because its locked starting chapter 40, didn't want to continue cause its boring for me, mostly because already 39 chapters but still didnt hooked me, but maybe, perhaps that later on it'll hit my spot if i continued and everything i questioned so far is explained, but i don't wanna waste coins and pass if im not sure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I rarely leave bad reviews to a novel, i usually support everything because i understood them, especially those novels from originals, but because of too high expectations from the top reviews gave me, i'll be just honest with my review.


Well i understand that everyone has different taste, it just disappointed me, first with reviews, and second with what i read from early chapters, i really thought that there will be an Overlord vibes with the way i read it, some famous strong ancestor take over, some benefits and advantages with his state from the beginning, but nothing like that so far, he even struggled at the beginning fighting some mobs(supposedly), in my words, i dont like a grand opening but lame performance.

Shadowles_Immortal 4星

First of all if you hate slow novels this ain't for you like seriously am at chapter 60 and their honest hasn't been nothing exciting about it but this is how slow novels are they build up a good world with good character and from their slowly build up the excitement. So hopefully this kicks up after say most slow novels do in about the 100 chapter.

首先,如果您讨厌慢热小说,坦诚的说在前 60 章确实没有什么令人兴奋的。但这就是慢热小说建立一个具有良好品格的好世界的描写方式。这类小说逐渐建立起兴奋感。因此大多数慢热小说在大约 100 章之后这种情况会有所改善。
FedEx 5星

The world building is realistic & logical. After 50 chapters, there is still no stereotypical trope of using modern knowledge to make glass/ gun/cement to speed up civilization nonsense. The MC understands that he has to use this world knowledge of magic with modern society ideology of social structure to build his kingdom.

世界观是现实和合乎逻辑的。 50章之后,仍然没有刻板的比喻,用现代知识制造玻璃/枪/水泥来加速文明这类胡说八道。 主角明白他必须利用这个世界的魔法知识和现代社会的社会结构意识形态来建立他的王国。
NagaKarat 4星

This is surprisingly a good read, the protaganist is intelligent and crafty. He use his brains more than his brawn. It has interesting side character as well. I hope this book get sexted because I really wants to know what happens next.

Tyrannical_Book 5星
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it was truly gem among gem sad everyone dropping bcuz of story slow pace sigh.

Sleeping_Racoon 4星

A quite enjoyable kingdom building story so far. The beginning is slow, and so far it's about building/talking stuffs, There's not much of a fight, so if you're looking for action, looks elsewhere. Can't say much about the characters other than the mc and one of the side chars, as they still lack developments.

到目前为止,一个非常有趣的王国建设故事。开始很慢,它是关于王国构建的内容,没有太多的战斗,所以如果你正在寻找动作小说,请看别的小说吧。除了主角 和一个配角之外的其他角色的描写不多,因为他们仍然缺乏展开。

The mc himself is somewhat good. Logical most of the times, but careless sometimes (when first adapting to his new body and regarding stuffs related to his secrets). Other than his carelessness, he is good at trying to adapt to this new world. Trying to understand the world's rules and work with them, instead of just using modern knowledge as if the world is the same one.


While one of the side character is annoying for me. Like other reviewer said, she is a chatterbox. She is also more "developed" than the mc's descendants, as it seems she would be used more in the plot with her mysterious background, and interact more with him than his own descendants.


The world building is not that bad, you got politics, multiple races, studying magic, divine power and gods, as well as alien? (Connection to the author's other novel?).
Good potential, I'd say.

世界建设还不错,你有政治,多种族,学魔法,神通神灵,还有外星人? (与作者另一部小说的联系?)。
HighMaintenance 5星

Kingdom Building novel ohh yeahhh! Please pick up this novel it was great novel im so excited about the story development. And i got the vibe from RTW hehehe

王国建设小说哦耶!请拿起这本小说,这是一部很棒的小说,我对故事的发展感到非常兴奋。我从 放开那个女巫RTW 那里得到了氛围,呵呵

很赞 2