2022-06-04 翻译熊 12214
Is it true that Jupiter is so large that it does not orbit around the sun?


Prerak Sharma
Yes!Jupiter, The biggest planet in our solar system. It is so massive that 1300 earths could fit inside of this planet. Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive than all the other planets in our solar system combined!
This is our tiny earth compared to the Jupiter:
Jupiter is so big that the center of gravity of the sun and Jupiter is outside of sun. Although extremely close to the surface of the sun.
So the sun and Jupiter both orbit around their center of gravity which is also known as barycenter.
Barycenter is the center of mass of two or more bodies that orbit one another and is the point about which the bodies orbit.
Technically Jupiter orbits around the barycenter of sun and Jupiter which is located outside of the sun.


So, Yes! Jupiter is so large that it doesn't orbit around the sun. Fascinating!
Now other planets in solar system are so small that barycenter of the sun and a planet like earth lies inside of the sun. (Also very near to the center of sun.)
So it looks like other planets are orbiting the center of the sun.
To understand this you can also imagine spinning a kid like this:
(Could be dangerous. Imagine only.)
The center of gravity of you and the kid would be somewhere very near to your feet. So you're spinning almost at the same place but the kid is orbiting around you. This is exactly what happens with the sun and the other planets.
By the way, this is how two stars with nearly same weights orbit around their common barycenter in binary star system:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



Manikanta Reddy
hope this type of animated explanation for all schools is needed to understand easily and eliminate mugging


Your Lord and Savior Lucifer Morningstar
Technically, no obxt orbits around any other obxt. They always orbit the center of mass of the system. Just because the center of mass may be physically within one of the obxts doesn't mean the other obxt “orbits around” it in any meaningful sense.


Sahil Zele
i have a doubt, so we can conclude that sun is revolving around its barycenter because of presence of jupiter, does it means that when all the other planets revolving around the sun completes their revolution at different places everytime in space
or shall I say that each revolution of earth occurs at different places in space, if it is true then should it affect the earth in any terms?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Paul Greenman
There is a lot of semantics here in these answers, but the simple version is that Jupiter, and all the planets, and the asteroids, and the comets in the solar system orbit around the Sun.
Because all of these obxts are free in space (i.e. they are not anchored anywhere), including the sun, they move a little bit with respect to each other. This is like two children holding hands and spinning around each other - both children will rotate around some common point between them. If one of the people is an adult, then they will spin in a much tighter circle than the (smaller) child.
The same thing happens with the Sun and the planets - and because Jupiter is the biggest planet, it and the Sun actually spin around a point just above the surface of the Sun - but Jupiter is still the little guy here circling around the sun because the Sun is literally 1000x bigger than Jupiter.


Matthew Oswald
The point around which both a planet and the Sun orbits is called the Barycentre, For all the planets except Jupiter, their Barycentre with the Sun is within the Sun.


Madison Selene
Jupiter certainly orbits the Sun but what you may be thinking of is the Sun-Jupiter barycenter, which is outside the volume of the Sun. A barycenter is the center of mass of a multi-body system. If you have two obxts of equal mass orbiting each other, their center of mass would be directly between the two, well outside of either of them. They would appear to circle through space around this empty point rather than one clearly going around the other. Jupiter is about 1/1,000 the mass of the Sun and orbits at about 5 au. This places the common center of mass of the two bodies between Jupiter and the Sun but shifted toward the Sun about 99.9%. This means the barycenter is about 30,000 miles above the surface of the Sun. If you watched only the Sun and Jupiter, the Sun would actually move around in a circle, rather than just spinning, because of the gravitational pull of Jupiter. The other planets affect this somewhat but their mass is so much less than Jupiter (which out weighs the rest of the planets combined) that they are negligible. I don't know where the barycenter of the entire solar system is but I expect it to be outside the sun as well, meaning the sun actually wobbles around as the planets (mostly Jupiter) tug it different directions.
Edit: I finally did the actual math! Also, LaTeX formatting…
=778.5×109×1.898×10271.898×1027+1.989×1030=778.5×109×1.898×10271.898×1027+1.989×1030 (In m and kg)
= 742,000 km from the center of the sun
The sun’s radius is 696,000km so the barycenter is 742,000–696,000 =46,000km or 28,500mi above the surface (I did plenty of rounding so this is just a rough approximation).

如果有两个质量相等的天体绕着对方转,它们的重心就会在这两个天体之间,都在它们的外面。它们似乎是围绕着这个空点在空间中旋转的,而不是一个明显地围绕着另一个。木星的质量约为太阳的1/ 1000,公转轨道约为5天文单位。(译注:天文单位——地球与太阳间的平均距离,约为9300万英里,约合14.96亿公里)
补充:我算出来啦!……距离太阳中心74.2万公里。太阳的半径是69.6万公里,所以重心位于太阳表面之上的742000 - 696000 =46000公里 (我做了大量的四舍五入,所以这只是一个粗略的估计)。

David Greenhalgh
Nearer at home this also applies to the Moon-Earth system which some think should be regarded as a double planet as they revolve round their common centre of gravity. The Moon is much larger (compared to Earth) than say the stellites of Jupiter.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ivar Wind Skovgaard
In short, no, it isn’t true.
Jupiter orbits the Sun, as the Sun is so humongously much bigger than Jupiter, that it completely dominates the system, and Jupiter is gravitationally bound to the Solar System.
Of course it is mostly a matter of semantics, but unless someone believes our Solar System should be described as a binary star, just go with Jupiter orbiting the Sun.
A slightly longer answer, barycenter, bla bla bla, others have written it, and it is correct, as long as you assume the Solar System is only the Sun and Jupiter. To a good approximation it is, but only in the short term.
However, looking at the full Solar System, the planets do not orbit the Solar System barycenter!
For illustration imagine the Earth being between the Sun and Jupiter (i.e. the SS barycenter is closer to Earth than the Sun is), the Earth will then experience a weaker gravitational pull from the direction of the Sun because Jupiter is pulling in the opposite direction, cancelling some of the gravitational effect of the Sun.
Meanwhile if the Earth is on the opposite side from the Sun, the gravitational pull will be greater because both the Sun and Jupiter pull in the same direction, but the barycenter is further away than the Sun.
This in short, is the exact opposite of what you would see, if the Earth was orbiting the SS barycenter!
The reason of course, is that barycenters are a mathematical tool and can be used exactly in calculations for two-body problems, but only as approximations for special cases of three- or more-body problems where e.g. the third and smallest body is much further away from the other two bodies, than they are from each other, or two small bodies are in a close orbit around each other while together they are orbiting a third massive body far away, or something else along those lines.


The reason of course, is that barycenters are a mathematical tool and can be used exactly in calculations for two-body problems, but only as approximations for special cases of three- or more-body problems where e.g. the third and smallest body is much further away from the other two bodies, than they are from each other, or two small bodies are in a close orbit around each other while together they are orbiting a third massive body far away, or something else along those lines.
In other words, the barycenter can be used, when for any given body in the system, all the other bodies can be meaningfully described by a spherical distribution of mass with a distance to the given body greater than the radius of the sphere. (In Newtonian mechanics, a spherical mass distribution can easily be shown to have the same gravitational effect outside the sphere as a point at the center containing all the mass - but only outside the sphere!)
For the Sun-Earth-Jupiter system, the Earth would have to be much further from the Sun, than Jupiter is, for the two heavy obxts to approach anything remotely like a spherical distribution of mass, as seen from the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth-Moon barycenter is a good approximation for what is actually orbiting the Sun.
If planets really did orbit the barycenter, three-body problems would be just as easy to solve as two-body problems… and they definitely are not!
So, does Jupiter orbit the Sun-Jupiter barycenter? Well, to a good first approximation it can be described so. But the big planets further out can mess up the calculations - and if you’re talking the entire Solar System barycenter, you couldn’t even do any calculations, because we don’t really know how much mass is there or how exactly it is distributed! A single ten Earth-mass planet orbiting six or so light months out, would put the SS barycenter somewhere in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Fortunately it doesn’t matter, because most of the unknown mass is extremely far out and either cancels out or affects all bodies in the inner Solar System equally - as would my hypothetical ten Earth-mass planet.
In any case, saying that Jupiter orbits the Sun is perfectly true. Saying it “really” doesn’t is basically trying to be smart and failing.


Ron S. Friedman
Technically, it is true. Barely.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system; its mass is about 0.1% of the mass of the sun.
Jupiter is the only planet in the solar system where the center of gravity between it and the sun is outside the surface of the sun - though by only 7% of the sun’s radius. That means that technically, you’re correct. Jupiter does not orbit the sun. Instead, both Jupiter and the sun are orbiting a point outside the sun, very very very close to the sun.


C.S. Friedman
Isn’t it the case with almost all orbiting bodies that instead of one orbiting the other, both are orbiting a point somewhere between them? And…another Friedman SF writer? Too cool, I will have to look up your work. Do you have an author page?


Ron S. Friedman
Two orbiting bodies will orbit their center of gravity.
When you have a small body orbiting a massive body, typically, that center of gravity (barycenter), although not in the center of the massive body, will still be a point within the massive body.
For example: In the Moon-Earth system, the barycenter is located on average 4,671 km from Earth center. That point is still within Earth. (Earth radius is 6,371 km)
The barycenter between the Sun and all the planets except for Jupiter is within the Sun. The barycenter between the Sun and Jupiter is outside the Sun.


Erik Ruser
The thing is, there's isn't nothing “special” about whether the barycenter is “inside” one of the bodies or not. From an orbital mechanics perspective, all that matters is each body’s center of mass. The fact that the Jupiter-Sun barycenter is outside the sun and the Earth-Sun barycenter is inside is simply a curiosity as the calculations to determine the two orbits are exactly the same. Eventually, the sun will become a red giant and swell, resulting in the Jupiter-Sun barycenter being inside the sun. However, that will have no effect whatsoever on Jupiter’s orbit.


Ron S. Friedman
As for my work, so far I only published short stories. My first novel will be released next year by WordFire press. My Quora profile is pretty up-to-date.
Are we related? My grandparents came from a Jewish family in Poland.


C.S. Friedman
Could be. My great grandparents were from Russia and Poland, with one grandparent from Hungary. Don’t have any records from before they got here, though.


Mark Brandon Printup
So, if Pluto is a planetoid and not a planet because it and its moon’s orbital CG is outside the radius of Pluto, does that mean Jupiter is not a planet since it’s orbital CG is outside of the Sun’s radius? If so, then what is it?


Ron S. Friedman
The International Astronomical unx (IAU) still defines Jupiter as a planet.


Richard Landers
You’re swapping scope. Pluto is a planetoid (in part) because it’s not big enough for its own moons to orbit around it. Charon is about half the diameter of Pluto and they sort of orbit each other. It’s more accurate to think of Pluto and its moons as a “system”, and that system orbits the Sun. Jupiter has plenty of moons and they all have their own stable orbits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bernhard Erasmus
Richard as a pure amateurist I want to say thank you for your comment that has put every in perspective and simultaneously answered every other debate. Most of all thank you for dumbing it down. Keep it up.


Unnikrishnan Menon
Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, gas giant, is huge. Huge. I mean HUGE!
It's so huge, in fact, that it doesn't actually orbit the sun. Not exactly. With 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined, it's big enough that the center of gravity between Jupiter and the sun doesn't actually reside inside the sun - rather, at a point in space just above the sun's surface.
Here's how that works.
When a small obxt orbits a big obxt in space, the less massive one doesn't really travel in a perfect circle around the larger one. Rather, both obxts orbit a combined center of gravity.
In situations we're familiar with - like Earth orbiting the much-larger sun - the center of gravity resides so close to the center of the larger obxt that the impact of this phenomenon is negligible. The bigger obxt doesn't seem to move, and the smaller one draws a circle around it.
But reality is always more complicated.
For example: When the International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth, both the Earth and the space station orbit their combined center of gravity. But that center of gravity is so absurdly close to the center of the Earth that the planet's motion around the point is impossible to spot - and the ISS describes a near-perfect circle around the whole planet.
The same truth holds when most planets orbit the sun. Sun is just so much larger than Earth, Venus, Mercury, or even Saturn that their centers of mass with the sun all lie deep within the star itself.
Not so with Jupiter.
The gas giant is so big that its center of mass with the sun, or barycentre, actually lies 1.07 solar radii from the middle of the Sun- or 7% of a sun-radius above the sun's surface. Both the Sun and Jupiter orbit around that point in space.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


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