2022-06-06 jiangye111 9212
UK takes in fewer Ukrainians per capita than most of Europe
-Figure of 10 Ukrainian refugees per 10,000 population is lowest but one out of 28 European countries


(Refugees from Ukraine queue for further transport at the Medyka border crossing in south-east Poland in March.)


The UK has taken in fewer Ukrainian refugees per capita than all but one of 28 European countries, a Guardian analysis of official figures from across the continent has found.


Seven million people have fled Ukraine for other European countries since Russia invaded on 24 February, according to the United Nations high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR).


The Home Office put the number of Ukrainians who had arrived in the UK as of 29 May at 65,700 – equivalent to about 10 refugees per 10,000 population.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As of 11 May, 720,000 Ukrainian refugees had arrived in Germany, which has a population of similar size to the UK’s, working out at 87 per 10,000 population.


France is the only European country with a roughly equivalent per capita figure to the UK’s, with just over 57,500 arrivals as of 25 May, or nine refugees per 10,000 population – although figures from individual prefectures indicate that 93,000 have now arrived in the country, significantly more than the most recently available official figure.


Some much smaller countries by population, including Austria, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, have admitted many more refugees in both absolute and relative terms, according to their governments. Bulgaria, for example, was the initial destination for more than 290,000 people fleeing the war, equating to 423 per 10,000 population.


The countries bordering Ukraine have, as would be expected, admitted many more still: UNHCR data shows that a combined 5 million refugees have entered Poland, Romania and Hungary. Poland has admitted the highest rate of Ukrainian refugees of any EU country, taking in 957 refugees per 10,000 population.


While it is the case that many refugees move on to other countries, and some return to Ukraine – an Austrian official indicated that as many as 80% of arrivals had not stayed – the figures highlight the restrictiveness of the UK’s schemes, applicants to which are directed to wait for visas to be granted before they travel.


The UK’s visa schemes have been widely criticised for the lengthy delays experienced by many applicants. Hundreds of Ukrainian families have chosen to withdraw their applications to come to the UK because of these delays, according to a recent Observer report.


Refugee charities have said the sponsorship scheme, called Homes for Ukraine, could be exploited by predatory hosts, though the government insists that all hosts are subject to “security and criminal checks”.


While the Guardian research only considers figures for refugees arriving in each country, the UK also fares poorly in comparison with countries that publish only the number of applications for protection or asylum. Denmark and Finland, for example, have received roughly twice as many applications as the UK visa schemes per capita.


The UK government’s two Ukraine visa schemes – one for Ukrainians with family in the UK, the other a sponsorship-based scheme – were launched in March. The website for the schemes shows that 144,000 applications had been received as of 30 May, and 120,000 visas issued. However, just over half that figure – 65,700 refugees – had arrived in the UK as of 29 May.


A Home Office spokesperson said: “65,700 Ukrainians have now arrived safely in the UK through our two new Ukraine visa schemes and others have arrived here on other types of visas which are not shown in these figures. Together, our uncapped Ukraine family scheme and Homes for Ukraine routes are amongst the fastest and biggest visa schemes in UK history. 120,200 visas have now been issued, showing the work we’ve done to speed up the process is working and improving daily.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They added that European countries may record refugee arrivals differently and that the figures were therefore difficult to compare directly.


The extent to which Ukrainians have been uprooted by the conflict is catastrophic: the 6.8 million people who have fled the country, combined with the 8 million people displaced internally, constitutes more than a third – 36% – of Ukraine’s total population prior to the Russian invasion.


The Guardian figures represent the numbers of Ukrainian refugees arriving in the country or, where these were unavailable, the numbers who have registered as refugees or are otherwise recognised by the government as being in the country. It excludes countries that have only published figures for the number of applications by Ukrainian refugees for protection or asylum – as is the case for Denmark and Finland – and Spain, for which the only published figures date from April.


We are an appreciably smaller country than many others - with problems of our own, in excess of some other countries - too!


Then the government shouldn't have promised to help so many out while making it almost impossible... FFS even the Ukrainian ambassador's wife was fucked about due to the impossible requirements
Note.... using bold / shouting doesn't make you any more correct when you're actually wrong


If is was ‘almost impossible’ there wouldn’t be over 60k Ukrainians already here.
What is totally lost on this sub and most people is that the UK made a choice to process every refugee prior to landing, which is normally standard procedure. Now you can argue that we should have suspended this processing to address the urgency of the situation, but the Home Office and intelligence services argued that scrapping processing creates too much risk.
Nearly every EU member state didn’t have any choice in this matter, their relative ‘per-capita’ success isn’t due to being more accompanying or welcoming or pro-immigrant, it’s because the border states of Ukraine had to open their borders and once they’d done so every state in Schengen was obligated to follow the same policy. To do otherwise would have meant suspending Schengen rules and all the political baggage that comes with.
The UK and Ireland aren’t in Schengen, and therefore were able to exercise discretion, either process or let in whoever comes. Ireland went with the latter and the UK the former.
Choosing processing leaves you vulnerable to the efficiency and effectiveness of your immigration system, in the case of the UK, the Home Office. Yeah, their performance has been a shambles, which isn’t really surprising given it’s structural biases and staffing issues, never mind the political oversight.
To be fair, they have acknowledged the inadequacy of the effort, and things have improved. Let’s hope that it picks up further still and many more Ukrainians are able to come here.


The UK has taken in fewer Ukrainian refugees per capita than all but one of 28 European countries
I get that we're not right next door to Ukraine but this is still pretty poor, especially considering that we talked such a big game about welcoming Ukrainian refugees at the start of the invasion. As the article makes clear a big part of the problem is that the government intentionally made it very difficult for people to get in when they actually attempted to.


Danqazmlp0United Kingdom
Talking a big game is all we do nowadays. Even now, there is so much bullshit around taking in refugees from Ukraine, making it look like we are doing loads.
In respect though, the people are generally trying to do loads, but are hqmstrung by xenophobic government red tape.


Yeah normal people generally are very supportive of Ukrainian refugees but this government is so instinctively hostile towards all refugees that their schemes were naturally very complicated and difficult.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's not that we aren't welcoming them, people don't want to live here.
Since brexit the UK is slowly devolving into a horrible place to live. Terrible public transport infrastructure with astronomical cost (compared to EU nations), welfare programmes being slashed, insane energy prices, university fees one of the highest in the world, shit weather and climate, country run by racist, lying buffoons.
I could go on and on, the UK sucks right now.


Well, we are further from Ukr than most of Europe.
If Ireland got into trouble, we'd take in the lion's share of refugees.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Funny you should mention Ireland. They took in 6 times more Ukrainian refugees per capita than The UK did. Even though they're further away.


Though in defence of the UK, we have 280 people/km squared, Ireland has 70 people/km squared.


That's a reasonable point, and got me curious about how much of that is undeveloped land, how many vacant properties each country has, and what the overall approach each country has taken has been.
We're not talking huge numbers of refugees. The population has increased by less than 0.1% so far with the 60,000 refugees we've taken in. There are also 48 other countries more densely populated than The UK, some of which have also taken in refugees. The UK has far more developed land, and more than triple the amount of vacant properties Ireland has at the moment. So that population density difference is largely because there are more fields in Ireland. Unless we're expecting refugees to live in tents in winter in our climates, we should probably rule that out as a major reason as to why we didn't take as many refugees.
Ireland are also building new properties solely for the sake of housing refugees, as well as giving local councils the authority to move refugees into properties which are currently sitting vacant. The UK briefly considered seizing oligarchs homes to house refugees, but that never went any further.
We have the means to house more refugees We currently have a government that recognizes they were elected by people who wanted to 'take back control' of our borders. Which is why the hostile environment policy is still in place. It's not that we can't take more refugees, it's that we mostly don't want to. Which is fine, but let's at least be honest about it.


All good points. I completely support the UK taking more refugees btw, but I think overall as a country we have provided significant support to Ukraine.
It one of the few things I support the gov on, and we’ve done much more than Germany for example.


We've pledged more in terms of military aid than any other European country. Even if the motivation for doing so might be questionable, there's a strong argument that was the right move. But when we're talking about taking in refugees, there's very little doubt that we have the capacity to do more. Germany put us to shame in that department, as they have for a long time when it comes to refugees.


This might sound controversial but I think everyone who is talking about Britain not taking in Ukrainian refugees is being hypocritical.
For the last 20 years there have been refugees coming from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Syria, and a number of other countries where Muslims are refugees. They have been marginalised, kept out, abused and told to go home when their countries are still dangerous. Where is the compassion for them?


Well all know the reason why there is this double standard!!!


Obviously. They're not white.


BULLSHIT. Hong Kongers aren't white, how many people have you heard obxting to them getting the right to come here?
The difference is that there's no major organisation of terrorists in Ukraine or Hong Kong who want to kill us. We aren't enemies with Ukraine or Hong Kong, we have a positive relationship with them.
If loads of Russians wanted to come here, if they were walking across Europe and jumping in dinghies to cross the channel, do you really think people would say no problem, bring them over?
There was also a huge amount of anti-immigrant sentiment over the EU, which is exclusively made up of majority white countries.


We're literally an island with multiple safe countries between us and them.


Oh, the island issue isn’t a problem. These days we have boats and planes to mitigate that issue.
You people really go back a few millennia when justifying your bigotry.


They aren't leaving Ukraine, they are leaving an already safe country they have already entered that is more closely aligned with their culture
Give me one reason why any Ukrainian is leaving Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania etc


I can give you a few reasons, although I suspect that you’ll move those goalposts again, now we’ve established that being an island is irrelevant.
English is the most commonly learned second language, and I suspect many refugees would quite like to support themselves. No, Polish, Czech are not easy to pick up for a Ukrainian or Russian speaker, and Romanian is in a completely different language group altogether. That, I thought, would have been sublimely obvious but no, I actually have to explain this to you people.
Then there’s the fact that many refugees already have family in the UK. One would suspect that they would want to be together, especially in times of war and when loved ones at home are getting killed.
Ample job opportunities is another one, in addition to the language. Why you demand that they attempt the Romanian job market is beyond me.
And that’s not even addressing the fact that the UK is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, that can absorb them with ease. Perhaps, for the sake of international relations during a time when you’re pissing your neighbours off, we can take on some of the load.
But hey, I suppose we should prioritise your ethnic sensitivities over people fleeing destruction, murder and rape. I mean, good fucking God what a miserable little country the UK has become.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Okay I get where this could be coming from and we should 100% be trying to do as much as we can to help but I don't think this stat is the right (at least surely not a complete) way to measure our response.
I'm not exactly sure what "refugees per capita" is trying to show? Does having a larger population mean you should take more refugees? Has it not more to do with your capability to house and take care of people? I know that a number of refugees have been housed through our social care system where remembers of the public have agreed to allow refugees to live with them and are offering up spare rooms etc. I am unsure what percentage of refugees to the UK have been housed this way but I am also unaware of what other methods are being utilised.
Obviously anywhere is better than a literal warzone but it's still not acceptable to put people straight onto the streets so there have to be minimum acceptable conditions to provide.
Maybe I'm missing the point here or have misunderstood somewhere...


Unless Ukrainian refugees aren’t being able to find refuge in any other country I fail to see why this is an issue.


BlackCaesarNTGreater London (now Berlin)
I remember when everyone was wanking off about how UK was the best because we donated loads of Weapons and Germany offered helmets, that it was a bit simplistic to frx it that way as Germany was receiving more refugees in a day than the UK received in a year.
I still stand by that position though. Yeah the UK isn't doing much on the refugee front, but it is helping with the overall war.
Different characters play different roles in a team.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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