2022-06-06 大司空 6581

Suryasis Hirok Paul
I proposed to a girl, she told me that I deserve better.
I proposed to another girl, she told me that I deserve better.
I proposed to a third girl, she told me that I deserve still better.
At last I concluded that only I deserve myself.
P.S : In case you think this is a joke, it is not. It is something that really happened to me. It is short and humorous . But it exposes an important issue and that is instead of letting others judge you and getting rejected , one must work for oneself and be his own judge. I believe in self improvement , that is why I am single nowadays.


Hillari Hunter
Because many men claim they want a good woman, but many men don’t want to do what it takes to keep one. I’m not compromising about issues like faithfulness and loyalty. I never wanted kids. I don’t play games, and I’m not tolerating that in relationships. I refused to be a part of harems. I don’t believe in bed-hopping.


Rohan Jain
Over the past few years, I have observed a pattern. Whenever I like a girl, I become friends with her. But I am never able to express my feelings to her, primarily due to two reasons:
Fear of rejection, and losing her even as a friend
Fear of choosing the wrong person, and suffering a heartbreak later
This has happened quite a few times now. I guess I am afraid of commitment. Or I just keep procrastinating until it is too late.


Harshita Sharma
I am still single because I take time to fall for people. In my college, I found only two people interesting. One was my senior and other one was my professor. I couldn't date that senior because of our ego issues and professor because of age differences. So, no affairs in college.
One of the reasons of being single is that 90% people don't approach me assuming I must already be in a relationship. I don't blame them. :D
Another reason could be that I rarely find people I can emotionally connect with. That's a must for me.
I didn't have feelings for my friends who fell for me.
Apart from career is my priority and I am scared of failure of relationship, I think it would be difficult for a person to accept me with my past. I have had a failed relationship and I was the reason. So I guess I deserve that.
So basically these are the main reasons of me being single. Though I can change my relationship status within minutes. That's not a big deal for me. But I am single by choice. At least for now. Looking for the right guy, I guess.


Mike Berring
I'm still single because I don't know how to be in a relationship. I've only recently (within the past 10 to15 years) learned how to live.
I have had one marriage, and several relationships, and managed them all in such a way that I've wound up alone (although I am on good terms with all of my exes, except for one or two). And now, I hardly have the patience for meeting new people, going through the time to get to know them all on a remote chance that I might find someone compatible with a 'road less travelled’ sonofamother like myself.
So I put my efforts into my work, which I am pretty good at, and my hobbies are helping friends fix their cars, cellphones, computers, whatever, and reading on Quora, and I call it a life.
I wish it were different. But I have made a lot of mistakes in the past, and never really had a good foundation, or sense of direction, and have had to learn a great deal of stuff by trial and error, things that a lot of people learn from their parents. For example, I learned at 50 years old why 'rebound relationships' are something to be avoided.
For better or worse, I'm going it alone. I wish. But if everyone was able to live the good life, what would be so good about it? If everyone was able to have a successful relationship that lasts forever, then what would be so special about it?


Ari Earl
I think the fruit of love isn’t a pomegranate or an apple from the garden of Eden, but a humble orange. And when I meet someone I genuinely care about, I peel back the mottled skin of my heart, break off a segment, and ask them to take of it. To savor it, to love it, to remember it. If someone is really lucky, or I trust them to love that slice as much as I do, I might even give them two or three segments.
The act of partitioning oneself and distributing it among the masses is a difficult affair. If you’ve ever split an orange along its seams, you’ll know the pith makes the segments rather fond of each other, and prizing one of the sisters from another is not always an easy thing. Sometimes the pith tears a segment apart, so that small juice filled sacs from one sister refuse to abandon another.


So, pulling myself apart to distribute to those I love is a difficult thing for me, because my pith is the strong and stubborn variety. Those of you who have chanced upon an orange who seemed to refuse to be peeled, will know the kind of heart I have.
But, there is something far scarier than giving away little carpels of my heart. In fact, I’d say that the act of segmentation is a conservative one, so that if it is ground underfoot or carelessly tossed away, the entire fruit won’t be compromised. I am single because I am scared and selfish with my oranges. Peeling back my skin and letting someone hold my entire orange, vulnerable and naked, so that they may crush it or cherish it at their leisure, is to be brave and in love.
As of yet, I’ve not been able to peel that skin away, of my own volition, and hand my orange to another person. To fold their hands over the peeled fruit, and say “I don’t need to ask you to take care of this, because I already know you will”. That is why I’m single.


The day after I turned 23 this year, a friend of six-year proposed to me.
He has it all. Smart, Ambitious. Respectful. Soft-spoken. He never questioned my credentials. He has always been just a call away. A real charming person who would always talk soft and cheer you up without complaining.
Previously,I liked a guy and while talking he casually mentioned that his colleagues were tired of their wives calling them just to tell them that they miss them and how they(colleagues) were irritated. I made it point to never ever contact him during the day until it's late at night when he is free. I changed my schedule. I try to change myself for the person I like. I try to fit myself in their schedule.
I remember wishing the same guy a good night at 9 o clock only to return at midnight to complain about his absence the whole day since I terribly missed him. I am too clingy.
I asked about his health. His day. He did not. I surprised him on his birthday. He did not. I felt bad. I expect a lot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was failing in career and was very depressed and wanted ex-boyfriend to be my savior. I become emotionally dependent.
When my ex-boyfriend left me in the middle of the road at night. He apologized. I agreed it was my fault that I couldn't enjoy being in the crowd. I get easily manipulated.
When I was preparing for CAT, ex-boyfriend was settling in his first-ever job and simultaneously preparing for the same. I was irritated for not getting enough motivation from him when he himself was caught in the situation. I lack understanding. Maybe the biggest flaw.
As a result, I become apathetic towards the people no matter how much I like them or no matter how committed I am.
Sometimes I keep being with the person for the sake of it until it's decomposed.
Time for another relationship?
Maybe no.
I am not as insecure as a person. I don't have trust issues.
Yet, I have a lot of qualities to ruin a beautiful relationship if it happens again.
I have realized that I have a big room for progress. As a human I am not devoid of flaws, I have a lot of things to improve. Too many things actually.
And improving myself as a human is and should my top priority right now.
Maybe that is why I am single?


Ethan Young
Because my first and only serious girlfriend dumped me because I wouldn’t have premarital sex with her.Seriously.
Does that surprise you? I don’t blame you if it does. It’s supposed to be the other way around, isn’t it?
I grew up in a family of devout Baptists, with all the stern morality and old-fashioned values that such an upbringing entails. No drinking. No porn. No gambling. And especially no sex before marriage. And I was fortunate enough to have two male role models—my father and grandfather—who not only preached those values, but lived them right in front of me.
My ex and I first met during my first year of grad school. She was a business major, I was a history geek. We started shooting the breeze one day in the library, and we got along so well that I felt emboldened enough to ask her out to coffee later. In retrospect, I’m not sure what surprised me more: that I had enough courage to ask her out at all, or that she actually agreed. I can still remember how happy I was when I heard her say that; I’ve never been very good at talking to women, or socialization in general, so I was thrilled (and yeah, I know that you’ve probably seen that in a lot of other answers, but it’s just as true for me. I suck at talking to women that I’m attracted to).
The date went well. Very well. We both had a fantastic time, and when I began lapsing into one of my long-winded ramblings about history, she actually leaned in and listened instead of asking to change the subject. What’s more, she enjoyed it. She even laughed at my jokes, for heaven’s sake, and I’ll be the first to admit that my dry, irreverent sense of humor is definitely not for everyone.


We met for coffee a few more times, and after that it wasn’t a hard decision for us to start dating. It made perfect sense. And it felt right. She made me so happy, and I like to think I did the same for her—at least at first.
You have to understand that getting a girlfriend was something I never really thought would happen to me. I’d never been very smooth with girls, to put it mildly, and the only other person I’d “dated” was in high school, when a girl I was crushing on asked if we could see a movie on my sixteenth birthday. That one doesn’t really count, though, because it turned out to be a ruse so she and some of her friends could pelt me with eggs in the parking lot. The experience was so traumatizing that I gave up on dating right up until I met my girlfriend that sunny afternoon.
It felt like winning the lottery. I’d never been so happy.
We dated for a few weeks. Then for a few months. We did everything together: study, play, meals, you name it. Somehow, I was actually getting the hang of this dating thing. I even became—according to her—a very good kisser. After all, I had lots of practice. It was, by all appearances, a happy and stable relationship.


But then something changed.
We had been dating for about six months when, one afternoon, I got back to my apartment and decided to take a shower. I was out getting pizza, you see, because she and I were going to have a marathon study session to prepare for finals. I told my girlfriend that I’d be out of the bath in about fifteen or twenty minutes, but then she asked me something I didn’t expect:
“Can I come in with you?”
I’d be a bald-faced liar if I said that the idea didn’t appeal to a certain side of me, but I forced it down—along with all the mental images that came with it—and told her that I didn’t think it would be a good idea. Things could, shall we say, escalate, and I didn’t want to dishonor her or myself by letting that happen. I assured her that I thought she was beautiful, that she was perfect to me in every way, and she said she understood. I showered alone, ate the pizza, we studied, and I thought that was the end of the matter.
But it wasn’t.
A few weeks later, she tried to push that boundary a second time. She was studying at her computer and looked tired, so I walked up behind her and hugged her. She stood, turned, and we began kissing—but then her hands started teasing at my belt.
The effect was roughly equivalent to being splashed in the face with ice-cold water.
I told her again that we couldn’t go that far, that I could not and would not do something like that outside of marriage. I told her that I loved her and it was because I loved her that I wanted to wait. Once again, she backed down.


But it only grew worse. She tried, over and over, to get me to sleep with her, and each time I refused. At some point—don’t really remember when—we began to argue each time I turned her down.
Perhaps I should have ended things then, but I didn’t. I wanted so badly to make things work between us. I’d waited so long for my turn at romance. Almost everyone else I knew had already found their “special someone,” and didn’t I deserve my chance at it too?
So I kept saying no. I kept asking—pleading—with her to wait.
But then one day, she just got tired of waiting.
When again I refused her, she called me old-fashioned and said that the values I was raised with belonged with the dead men in my history books. She ended our relationship, walked out, and never spoke to me again.
But I never slept with her.
I did the right thing.
I stuck to my morals, held true to my values, and maintained my honor and hers.
And she dumped me for it.
That’s why I gave up on dating. I don’t want to go through that kind of heartache again. Going through it once is more than enough. We had something good—really, really good—and she ruined it because she thought my moral code was an anachronism. But if sticking to my principles means being alone, so be it. If it means coming home to a silent house, so be it. If it means getting into an empty bed at night, so be it.
At least my conscience is clear.


Darrell Talley
I have been single for a while since my divorce. I liked living by myself and I am understanding that even more now. It tends to be less drama and issues being single. I have been living with my girlfriend for about a year. She moved into my house after an offer when the Condo she leased was being sold. Lo and behold she decided to move in although she said she would never live with anyone before marriage. I have always liked being single. You can do what you want to and when you want to. It is true freedom. When you live with someone things change. My decor is changing here and there along the way. Thank God I do have TV’s in various parts of my house because otherwise that would be a struggle. I also appreciate that I have two bedrooms because when she snores I can go into another room. You have to compromise with someone and answering for yourself ONLY is non existent. If I want to go out I have to say that I am leaving, if I get something to eat or cook then I have to ask her what she wants. If I want to go to an event or trip alone it is a question for whether I should include her also. When she cooks then that is what I eat. I mean I do appreciate it but this is an example of shared spaces. I remember when she first moved in I had to be quiet because I went to bed after her. I am starting to think it is best to live alone and therefore marrying again may be out of the question. She has never been married before but not sure I am up for it. There are Pros and Cons with each. It just depends on the person. Overall if I had to choose living with someone versus being single or living alone I would choose living alone.


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