2022-06-07 熊猫永不为奴 22432


"They only built roads from resources to port to make "loot" even more profitable"
Yeah, no. "Looting" something wasn't as profitable as colonising and controlling its production and trade. Again, I made that clear before. But when did I say they built roads? Like did you actually read my comment or did you just respond?
"i can literally write essays on countless of issues"
Of course you can.


@Ewoud Alliet wow you literally got so much time to write here and I'm too impatient to read all your comment. Sorry. Anyway Taiwan doesn't even represent 0.01% of colonial empire by Europeans. I think you believe millions dead where shot dead or something no kid. Millions died because Europeans took the Land and forced people to grow crops that benefits European trade for example Indigo but there wasn't enough food crop to feed the farmers as a result famine killed millions every season. Same for cotton, spices even Bananas! occasionally wiped out those who refused to obey even in the previous century! Go read some more books. Colonialism had different faces depending on the region from panama to Africa but one thing common is the suffering of the local peoole. Your pretentious soft words towards your ancestors sound biased when you simply generalised "Mongols" as if genghis & Kublai ruled the same way! Typical western education lol btw I'm not into politics the argument here is simply academic.


@Noobydooby Those territories chose to remain French, English etc. And the UN says Spain has no colonial remains...


@Ewoud Alliet That's not modern colonialism... I'm talking about modern colonialism. Most historians agree that 1415 is the date when colonialism starts. And the end... well... that could change in the future, but right now 1999 is most correct answer. But of course, there's lots of territories that still remain colonies, Puerto Rico, Siberia...


@Blaang Yet the best continent to live...


Sven Svensson
@Ewoud Alliet just want tp say that i appreciate your comments.


Ewoud Alliet
@Noobydooby Hmmm... so you're not going to read all of my comment, but you are going to respond to it and debate it? Be my guest, but then don't be the one calling me the pseudohistorian if you can't have a proper discussion.
"Anyway Taiwan doesn't even represent 0.01% of colonial empire by Europeans."
Congratulations. You'd know that I wouldn't make such claims if you read the entire comment. But "colonial empire by Europeans", what colonial empire? There were multiple European colonial empires... just had to point that out. And as for the Dutch; Formosa/Taiwan was definitely more than 0.01% of their colonial empire.


"I think you believe millions dead where shot dead or something no kid. Millions died because Europeans took the Land and forced people to grow crops that benefits European trade"
You wrote:
"They killed millions just to grow crops in these territories?"
A little lesson about English grammar; "just to grow crops" implies that they killed them "in order to do something" and not "because of doing something"; in other words it implies a goal and not a causation. So, no; I didn't think that, but I did have to discuss it after your poor phrasing.


"as a result famine killed millions every season"
Of all the negative things you can say about colonialisation... this is just about one of the least impressive ones. Famines were common back then; across the globe and also in Europe. And no, millions didn't die "every season"; that's a gross overestimation. Every famine that exceeds 1 million people is documented in history as a "major famine"; and I'm pretty sure not every season had a "major famine" (otherwise it wouldn't be "major" anymore; would it) - also; losing millions every season wouldn't be very good for your labour force; as explained before (so you still haven't figured out how colonies worked, have you?).


"Same for cotton, spices even Bananas! occasionally wiped out those who refused to obey even in the previous century!"


"Go read some more books."
No, I'm fine. I've read plenty.


"Colonialism had different faces depending on the region"
Oh, so you finally get my point about Taiwan... great! But a lot also depended on the coloniser, the locals, the geography, the climate etc.


"from panama to Africa but one thing common is the suffering of the local peoole."
Mmh, not "always". I mean, as I said before, some colonies had no local population; like the Falklands (it's pretty hard to make them suffer when they don't exist); and sometimes the locals were even left be or even given considerably better lives - like in Hong Kong or Singapore - (that depended a lot on the colonisers and type of colony) or even undiscovered (which was extremely rare). Or sometimes the Europeans came in and maintained the status quo (like for locals who were occupied by others). A lot also depended on the individual. Sometimes people got special positions which greatly improved their lives (though this was often also used as a divide and conquer tactic; by administering a local to govern the region and that often turned out to be very vicious; e.g. Dutch Indonesia, Congo Free State).


"Your pretentious soft words towards your ancestors sound biased when you simply generalised "Mongols" as if genghis & Kublai ruled the same way!"
So, who were my ancestors? Do I hear assumptions?
I never said Genghis and Kublai ruled the same way; I simply refered to the Mongols in a very specific case and anyone who knows anything about the Mongolian history will know what I meant. It's actually quite ironic (and hypocritical) for you to make this argument. You blame me for justifying colonialism when I talk about a very specific case (and then generalise that and make a straw man argument). But you then do the exact same for the Mongols and claim that I generalise them. Intriguing...
What's even more is that it perfectly shows you bias. You haven't made the same argument for "the Europeans", you did the opposite. I was merely talking about Dutch colonialism and here you are talking about Europeans... (to put it differently; with your own words, just to point out the hypocrisy: Your pretentious soft words sound biased when you simply generalised "Europeans" as if they colonised the same way (or even at all)).
Very intriguing... and funny


"Typical western education lol btw I'm not into politics the argument here is simply academic."
Explain to me what typical Western education entails then?
It's funny how you managed to attack "Western" education, whilst claiming that you're not politically motivated in one sentence.


Ewoud Alliet
@Ikad Okay; so you're talking about it as if it's a period (defined by the process/act of colonising)? Whilst I'm talking about the actual process/act (and the period of time in which it has "existed"). I can understand that.
I can't find anything about modern colonialism in my comment towards you. However, I did mention it in another one. By "modern colonialism" I didn't mean "neocolonialism", but "contemporary colonialism". I can understand the confusion I caused due to using "modern".


Immanuel Herman
1. Europeans have this addiction since time immemorial. You can say Pericles (Athenian leader who help solidified Athenian empire), or maybe Agamemnon (semi-legendary Greek warlord during Trojan war) started it.
If not them, definitely Alexander the Great, he went on rampage from Macedon all the way to Northern India.
2. Non-europeans have the same addiction too, people like Assurbanipal, Qin Shi Huang, Nebucadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Ramesses the great, Hannibal Barca, Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor Wu of Han, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Shaka Zulu, Pachacuti of Inca, Gajah Mada, etc.

1. 欧洲人自古以来就有这种癖好。你可以说是伯里克利(帮助巩固雅典帝国的雅典领袖),或者是阿伽门农(特洛伊战争中半传奇的希腊军阀)。
2. 非欧洲人也有同样的癖好,比如阿苏尔巴尼帕尔、秦始皇、尼布甲尼撒、居鲁士大帝、拉美西斯大帝、汉尼拔·巴尔卡、钱德拉古普塔·孔雀、汉武帝、匈奴王阿提拉、成吉思汗、沙卡·祖鲁、印加人帕恰库提、加迦·玛达等等。

The Boxer Rebellion was one of the most unequal conflicts in history, it was UK, Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Germany and USA against the Qing Dynasty.


the combine population would still be less than china?


@HaiLsKuNkY Yes. And China still got its ass kicked.


Le roi arouf


Le roi arouf
Add france we dit half the job in the south of china


philipp felix
11 nations were involved including austria and france


Dodotikk henk
@Le roi arouf Payback time will come soon france boy.Just wait


Salvador Henriquez
@Dodotikk henk from who?


add Austria-Hungary to tht list


Anime protagonist
Unequal, as in the Chinese outnumbered all of them combined many times over? + All those nations had their homelands (with the exception of Japan) on the other side of the globe?


It was unequal because they were all small countries against a giant one?
Or because the small countries were fighting on the other side of the world?


Rohan Kishibe
No wonder china grew to have a vendetta against the world.


@Chakravartin remember they had trash equipment try fighting a modern army with swords and bows


@T they already had guns.


Louis Wu
@Chakravartin the key point is not the population. the key is China was not fully united and China hadn't finished industrialization at that time. empire rises and sets. right now China rise up again. I think its time to see how many countries can China fight in this century.
but firstly China still need time to win from US.


@Louis Wu If China continues on its present path of aggression and imperialism, you'll get another coalition against you, don't worry.


Emile Chen
@HaiLsKuNkY what you say makes no sense, at that time Chinese population was not 1,4 billion and Europeans countries with its colonies have much more peoples and lands than Qing China,


Emile Chen
@Chakravartin so basically the ex-colonial and imperial countries accuse China to be imperalist as lon as they are unable to submit China today,


Emile Chen
@Everyones favorite CCP Anime protagonist what you say makes no sense, during the Boxer revolt, Euorpeans hace almost colonized all continents,
they had colonies in Asia such as India, Vietnam, Malaysia, so they had much more people and lands than China,
but never mind, 50 years later, Communist China managed to defeat 17 nations alliance in Korean war,


Il Campigiano
in fact, only the Republic of San Marino and the Principality of Monaco were missing


@Emile Chen Is that how you Chinese justify it to yourselves? China has attacked several countries that never did anything to China. Ask any Vietnamese or Indian, lol.


Emile Chen
@Chakravartin when you say "attack several countries", you cant even give their name except Vietnam, lol,
after Korean war, US troops stay in South Korea, but China doesnt have a single soldier in North Koera,
after the last conflict with Vietnam in 70, China is not in war anymore with any countries,


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@Emile Chen Are you illiterate, "Emile"? I literally mentioned India in the same comment you replied to.


Emile Chen
when KMT had several mllions with US military equipments and occupying 3/4 of Mainland China,
much more powerful than the Communist and threat them,
did anyone mind?
in 60s, 70s, Taiwan still had air superiority and could send fighter and even bomber to Maindland China,
did anybody tell Taiwan to stop?
and we should remind one thing, China is the winner of WWII, and Japan is the loser, Japan is alreday lucky that not be occupied by Chinese troops, like Germany,
as the loser of WWII, Japan still jave islands disputes with all its neighnours like Russia and even South Korea,


Ewoud Alliet
@Louis Wu Dude, what kind of perception of the world do you have?
China was fully united back then. Yes, it wasn't industrialised, but it even refused to do so, as they refused to do business with European and Western countries. In fact, they looked down on them and thought of themselves as superior. As opposed to the Japanese who were very eager to learn about Western technology and adopt it. Ever wondered why Japan industrialised faster than China did? That's why. Another reason is that China was utterly corrupt (hence also why Opium became such a big problem).


"China rise up again"... Yes, China is doing well in terms of its economy. But important question: WHY? Oh, just magically, because it's time for China to rise? No. Empires rise and fall for a reason. China is currently doing well because of the way it's participating in world trade (of course there are more reasons to this). If China were to declare the world another war; then the Chinese economy would collapse in a matter of hours and China would be falling again.


"I think its time to see how many countries can China fight in this century."
I think you're mentally sick.
Don't you get the irony. China is currently succesful because it decided to cooperate (but also, and far more importantly, because the world decided to cooperate with China); and here you are eagerly waiting for China to do the exact opposite. That just sounds a lot like that Qing mentality.


"firstly China still need time to win from US."
This isn't a game. This is about people's lives. This isn't about "winning and losing" (what are you, a 5yo?). What we all should want is for people's lives to improve.


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