2022-06-10 飞雪似炀花 12306
When did homo sapiens become black? Were homo sapiens black 50,000 years ago? Were ancient Egyptians black 5,000 years ago? How black were the Canaanites and Israelites 3,200 years ago?



Claire Jordan, worked at National Health Service
Well, we’re closely related to chimps, and many chimps are pink-skinned. They can afford to be because their fur protects them from sunburn. So I suspect our ancestors became dark round about the time they became *naked* apes. And the closer they lived to the equator the darker they were, to protect them from UV.
At least some of the people who settled in northern Europe after the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, were very dark. But by 5,000 years ago most people in North Africa and points north seem to have been a light brown - as are the KhoiSan, because they live well south of the equator.


Malmgren, lives in Sweden
Since homo sapiens came from what is now considered to be Africa, your question should probably be “When did Homo sapiens become white”.


Ian Sawyer
, Facts Matter! Business Consultant, INTJ, Mensan, Atheist.
You have this the wrong way round! You should be asking when did homo sapiens become white!
Homo sapiens evolved in what’s now East Africa, under an intense tropical sun, and had black, or at least, very dark brown, skin as a protection against the damaging effects of UV in strong sunlight. The pigment which causes this skin colour is called melanin. But UV light (or at least, UVB) isn’t entirely damaging since it’s a necessary way for the body to produce vitamin D.
Some 70,000 or so years ago our ancient ancestors started to leave Africa, and over the next 30–40,000 or so years had spread to many parts of the Earth. Many who made that long journey, over many hundreds of generations, stayed within the largely equatorial belt and thus retained their very dark skin with its higher melanin content.

你搞错了! 你应该问的是,智人是什么时候变成白人的!?

Others moved further north into colder climates with much less sunshine, however as they did this, their bodies adapted to reduce the amounts of melanin produced, thus lightening their skin as a way of allowing sunshine to produce more of the essential vitamin D in their bodies.
The further north these ancient ancestors of ours went, the lighter their skins became, until homo sapiens had developed a complete range of skin colours from the almost black of some Africans, to the very pale, almost white, colour of most northern Europeans.


Those ‘white’ people from north-east Asia who migrated to North America some 15–20,000 years ago, and eventually moved down the whole length of the American continent, started to produce more melanin again as they reached and settled in tropical latitudes where the sun was more intense, and hence it’s UV content was higher.


Over the last 5,000 years or so, skin colour and distribution would have been very much as it is today, with people in Egypt ranging in colour from the typical light brown of people living on the southern Mediterranean coast, to dark brown and even black of people from tribes who’d migrated northwards, There’s no evidence to suggest that the Canaanites and early Israelites had skin colours any different to those living in the Middle East today.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alexander Balogun, African history Ph.D.
Ancient Egyptians were dark Africans endowed with melanin and very distinct from West Asians. The Canaanites and Israelites were white just as described in the image below. The image is a depiction of King Ahmose of ancient Egypt smithing the Hyksos. The Hyksos were from the Levant region and they were possible reflection on how the Canaanites and Israelites looked like.


Ancient Egyptians were indigenous to the Nile Valley which cuts across Africa. Claiming the ancient Egyptians were akin to West Asians is a blatant lie and totally incorrect.
West Asians invaded and settled in Northern Egypt for thousands of years. Hyksos, Assyrians, Persians, Arabs, Turks… These people integrated into most part of Northern Egypt, interbreeding with the natives and effecting the demography of ancient Egypt into what it is today (Arabic).
But the indigenous people of ancient Egypt were indigenous to the Nile Valley. History tells us that ancient Egyptians came from the Southern Nile Valley and not the Northern delta region or from West Asia.



Ygor Coelho
, Brazilian fascinated by world history, cultures & genetics.
The modern Homo sapiens sapiens, a.k.a “all of us”, probably became dark-skinned very early in their history, as they lost their natural anti-solar radiation protection, a heavy fur covering. Our closest primate cousins have light skin underneath their black-colored fur, and our species was probably born in low latitudes under heavy solar radiation and in an environment that was more probably like a savannah or steppe than a dense rainforest with a protection of tight tree canopy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So, most scientists estimate that, basically, modern humans appeared, 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, as a dark-skinned population, though not necessarily as dark as some modern African populations, because recent genetic research has demonstrated intra-African-specific active sextion in some gene alleles that are related not just to the lightening, but also the darkening of one’s skin.


That suggests that, since thousands of years ago, even within Africa, the skin of some human populations became much lighter and in others it became much darker. Probably the “original” skin color of the first humans was somewhere in between, an average - not too light, not too dark - black-skinned person.


Increasingly lighter skin probably appeared with the accumulation of several mutations that appeared in different populations, in different historic periods, and they seem to have combined to form light-skinned people around the Mesolithic era (circa 10,000–15,000 years ago) and especially during the Neolithic era with the huge expansion of some agriculturalist and pastorlaist peoples that carried (and spread) some of the main genes for skin depigmentation, like those from Anatolia, Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Levant and - via a completely different set of mutations - East Asia (mainly from China).

越来越浅的皮肤可能是在不同历史时期出现在不同人群中的几种突变的积累下出现的,它们似乎出现在中石器时代(大约10000-15000年之前), 特别是在新石器时代,随着一些携带(和传播)一些主要皮肤脱色基因的农业和游牧民族的大举扩张,如来自安纳托利亚、高加索、东欧、黎凡特和(通过一套完全不同的突变而产生的)东亚(主要来自中国)民族。

The huge genetic and demographic transformations brought by the Neolithic Revolution seem to have been associated with a simultaneous huge expansion of the gene alleles related to lighter skin, especially in Asia, and it also seems like the productive, but also much more nutritionally weak agricultural lifestyle somehow favored the sextion of skin-lightening genes in places without sufficient exposure to sun radiation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

By the Bronze Age (~3,500–5,000 years ago), virtually all the ancient DNA samples of people from Europe, Middle East (that includes the lands of Canaanites and Israelites), Central Asia and East Asia harbored at least some of the alleles that cause skin depigmentation, so their skin had at the very least a lighter shade of brown tone.


The lightening of the skin of most populations of the world was the gradual result of positive sextion of those pigmentation-related mutations along hundreds of generations, and as late as 2,000–4,000 years ago people were still being actively sexted for increasingly lighter skin in higher latitudes, like Europe and much of the Middle East. It wasn’t just a simple process between “fully black” and “fully white”, there were dozens of intermediary shades between one phenotype and the other.


The ancient DNA samples recovered until now from the Neolithic and especially the Bronze Age Levant (where Canaanites and Israelites lived) show the presence of those skin-lightening gene alleles, so they were probably lighter-skinned, but most probably not exactly white by traditional European standards. Ditto for Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age (circa 5,000 years ago) individuals from Europe, who were definitely light-skinned, but not very pale like modern North Europeans, and more probably moderately light like most modern Armenians and Turks.


As for Ancient Egyptians, there is a very hot and unfortunately also politicized controversy over their skin color and even their genetic and culural origins, and scientists themselves are still beginning to find better evidences, through paleogenomics, to answer those questions in a less speculative way.


All we can say for sure is that the very few ancient DNA samples recovered from ancient Egyptian tombs - but not from the earliest periods of Ancient Egypt, actually from the New Kingdom (Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age) as far as the Hellenistc/Roman Era - suggests that those individuals were also moderately depigmented, more or less in the same fashion as Bronze Age Canaanites, with a skin tone that would probably be now considered light-brown like that of a large proportion of modern Egyptians.


Patrick Foley, PhD in evolutionary genetics UCDavis, 30 years university teaching experience
Our relatives the chimps are pinkish under their fur. The fur intercepts uv for them, and they are more forest creatures than Hominins, so the trees do likewise.
When Hominins began to move into open habitats (perhaps 7 MYA there may have been a first wave of natural sextion to get more melanin into the skin.
And as we became more mobile and naked, the sextion became stronger, because we needed to stay cool when traveling, especially while running after game. Clearly by the time of Homo erectus 2MYA, when our brains had doubled in size we must have been using fire and hunting game in a very aerobic fashion. So the transition from pink skin to dark brown probably was completed by this time.


Rik Elswit, Music Teacher (1963-present)
Homo Sapiens was originally black, for protection against the equatorial sun beneath which we evolved, and we remained black until we migrated to colder climates. Then the clothes we had to invent to keep ourselves warm interfered with our ability to get vitamin D from sunlight, and the mutation for paler skin gave those individuals who had it a better ability to use the sunlight that was received by the little skin that was left exposed. Their paler skin made them healthier, and gave them an evolutionary advantage.
Recent genetic studies have shown that the original humans on what are now the British Isles had dark skin and brown eyes. Racists in modern day England are just appalled at that knowledge. And blue eyes are a very recent mutation which only goes back about 6000 years.
When you go back far enough, and we’re all Africans.


Stephen Jackson
, former Retired (1972-2015)
Your question is either a indication that you know nothing of human evolution, or else is some sort of attempt at racism. Rephrase your question to ask when did Homo sapiens become white and it will make sense!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Duncan Cairncross, Retired Engineer
When did homo sapiens become black? Were homo sapiens black 100,000 years ago? Were ancient Egyptians black 5,000 years ago? How black were the Canaanites and Israelites 1,200 years ago?
Homo Sapiens started out black - somewhere between 50,000 years ago and 200,000 years ago
A more useful question would be when did the “white mutation” occur?
I suspect that it occurred quite early on among people living in cold areas where they had to wrap up and did not get enough sunshine to produce their vitamin D - maybe 40,000 years ago?
With that I expect the current skin colours and areas would have been “set” in much the same patterns as now at least 10,000 years ago


James Swingland, Data Scientist
Humans came from Africa. In Africa white skin would be a negative due to the intense sunlight. Thus everyone had dark skin.
Africans then migrated from Africa.
In Europe, black skin was a distinct disadvantage as there was not enough sunlight to synthesise vitamin D. Paler skin increases the efficiency of this, allowing more vitamin D. However the disadvantage was that people like me (very pale) get sunburn easily. This is also why “native" skin colour gets paler as you go north in eyrope. Less sunlight, less vitamin D, but less sunburn risk.
In places like India, the conditions were largely in between, so an in-between colour became dominant.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Dague, B.S. Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (1991)
Homo Sapiens became white when they bred with Neanderthals that were living in Europe and Asia. Neanderthals had been living in Eurasia for several hundred thousand years before Homo Sapiens arrived, so they were adapted to cold climates. Some Neanderthals had light skin and red hair. They had thick straight hair, thick beards, and prominent noses. Neanderthals were aggressive hunters, carnivores, and occasionally cannibals. Breeding with Neanderthals eventually led to new traits of modern humans, some of these traits included aggressive individuals whose survival strategy included war, plundering, murdering men, raping women, and exploitation of others. So when you see news of violence and war, this is the legacy of our Neanderthal ancestors. Neanderthal hybrid people committed the first organized warfare 13,000 years ago in Egypt’s Nile Valley. Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were likely to be ancestors of aggressive Neanderthals, so probably had lighter skin than their African slaves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jungwon SOH
, former Advocate for ASIAN/ Asian Americans
Everyone then was different complexions , the birth of Rome and Greece was multiracial, but many where different common ancestors to either white or black. Also you can live in a place from migration but by DNA , be different. Example Abraham.
Creoles are closer to Black as Italians are closer to White as both are multiracial….
Regardless of the complexion of your where a Canaanite by DNA, not by Citizenship of the land of Canaan, look up the aboriginal or indigenous populations of the land of Canaan. Remember Japheth and Ham share a percentage of Greece and Rome , and the Edomites for fathers where Israelites , and where also enemy to the Israelites.
Africa was destroyed during the flood , so there was no West Africa or South Africa inhabitants.
Afro Asian , are similar to Ancient Egypt being persons of more melanin, not the European closer common ancestor ones. Afro Asian are also some Ethiopians and depend on the mix Arabs. Although Arabs are mostly labeled as White.
Canaan wife was a lady of color. In many bibles Ham the father of Canaan means hot , black, or Heat.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John Stockwell, former Research Associate (Retired) at Colorado School of Mines
A better question is to ask when people became white.


James Packer, worked at U.S. Marine Corps (1999-2004)
The best explanation for the current racial makeup of the human species across the Earth is a combination of geographical determinism and interspecies breeding. Current models demonstrate there were at least two migrations out of Africa of anatomically modern Homo Sapiens. Possibly, this out of Africa migration took place in waves or pulses. These first migrants when they went out into the world, found that they were not alone. There were multiple human species sharing the Earth with them, including Neanderthals and the Denisovans; and genetic science indicates there were a few others which we are as yet, unaware. Neanderthals seem to have been concentrated around the Middleeast and Southern Europe. Denisovans were more heavily concentrated in East Asia and Southeast Asia and Oceana. Genetic analysis shows Neanderthal genetics to be most present in Caucasian populations while Denisovans genetics are more concentrated among East Asians and Australasians. Among modern humans, only persons of pure sub-Saharan descent are known to lack Neanderthal genetics. Denisovan genetic admixture is somewhat more varied. The remainder of human racial characteristics is mostly the result of environmental adaptation.


Simon Alberti, worked at Real Estate Investing
Homo sapiens is supposed to have originated in Africa and was originally a yellowish brown colour, similar to Bushmen. The early Egyptians were slightly lighter than today. Then the close relations with Nubia and the import of slaves from black Africa made them a little darker.


Greg Tingey, MSc Engineering Metrology & Physics BSc, Brunel University London (1994)
Obviously a question asked by a US racist.
What do you mean by “black”?
I presume you mean some shade of brown as opposed to pink?
The question is so badly frxd as to be , probably, unanswerable.


John Biles, Ph.D History, University of Kansas (2005)
Humanity started out black and probably got dark skin when our pre-human ancestors ended up in savannah near the equator and needed protection from skin cancer.
The ancient Egyptians were darker than white people and lighter than black people, they way they are today, though there were darker people in their society and lighter since they intermixed with their neighbors.
The Canaanites and Israelites looked much like the inhabitants of the area look today
Whiteness basically emerges in Europe around the time of the rise of agriculture.


Ranasinghe Seneviratne Udaya, studied MBA in Entrepreneurship & iNNovation at University of Moratuwa (2019)
I have read somewhere that major gene responsible for fair skin color of non East Asians arose among ancestrals of present Hindu Gujarati population and it had dispersed upto Atlantic Ocean in waves.


Dominic Roy Accampo, Material Handler, Offload Operations (2001-present)
2000 years ago no body mentions race, they only mention nationality. Now people with light or blond hair were considered to be demons in Asia, but even here, race, or skin color, was not mentioned at all.


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