2022-06-14 辽阔天空 8019

How can you get a British girl to even know you exist?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tom Groves, lives in The United Kingdom
I used to work with a British guy in New York. He went out on a few dates with some American women he met online, and got on well with one of them. They went out maybe a dozen times over a month or two and things were going well, when she dropped the bombshell…
“I think maybe it’s time we take this relationship to the next level, what do you think?”
As far as he was concerned when someone you consider to be your girlfriend says that, there is only one more level. He liked this woman, but marriage? Already?! WTF?!?
Of course she was just wanting to formally upgrade their relationship from “dating” to “exclusively dating”. He wasn’t even aware that such categories existed. He’d never been in a situation where these things were explicitly stated like this before.
In general, it’s less structured, less formal here in the UK. In the US there are tons of unwritten rules about how you’re supposed to behave, when you call, who pays for what, how many people you may be seeing at any given time, how many people you may be sleeping with at any given time, when you are “dating” and when you’re girlfriend/boyfriend. In the UK, people tend to muddle through haphazardly much more. Haphazard muddling is much more our style.


Chris Young
Do British girls date or marry Indian boys?
Yes, sometimes. Sometimes conflicting cultural expectations make it difficult. A young white English friend of mine dated an Indian guy she was really into, but had to break it off when he made it clear that he would expect her to abandon her career as a doctor. But that was just one guy being a jerk. A white English guy I know married an Indian girl and they’ve been very happy for 30 years.


Julian Beirne
I take it you are a ham shank (Yank) .
Brits have an inward culture, Americans have an outward culture. They do not mix.
With a Brit you talk about everything except personal topics like, How much money do you have, how many times have you been divorced, do you spit or swallow.
You should not tell her about how big your ranch/car/bank balance/ cock is until very much later in the relationship.
An American becomes friends by discussing personal details.
A Brit becomes friends by NOT discussing personal details.
When she starts to tell you personal things then it is time to tell her something small back.
The Brits will not do (generally) anything to embarrass or inconvenience another person and that will be at the front of their mind at all times.
Of course there are thousands of British girls who do not fit in to this template, but as it was a general question, you got a general answer.


Sol Rainha
Is getting a girlfriend in England difficult?
I’m not from England but I’m sure that getting a girlfriend there is as difficult - or not - as getting one anywhere else.
Depending on what you’re looking for in a relationship you may or may not have your life easy when it comes to finding a girlfriend. Some girls are harder to get than others, some are right and some are wrong for what you’re looking for.
Girlfriend is not some kind of merchandise that’s cheaper in some countries than others. If you want a relationship, be you a man or a woman, you gotta earn it.


Sharon Talbot
I want to marry a British man. How can I?
I agree with Anonymous that going to the UK is probably easiest if you can afford it. Perhaps attend school there or try to get a job (not easy!). I’ve met many British people (men and women) online and developed friendships over the years. One guy even offered to fly me to London and pay for everything! It wasn’t for marriage but I’m pretty sure he was serious. If I hadn’t been happily married, I’d have been tempted.
Just remember that if you do marry a British guy, you will probably be expected to…make tea!


Jonathan Trueman
It is constant joy, a cavalcade of culture, wit, wisdom, aesthetic delight at his classical good looks and, of course, amazing carnal encounters.
Terms and conditions apply. Product may obsess over association and/or rugby football, trains, stamps or pigeons, complain about weather, drink excessively by international standards, be excessively sarcastic and/or pessimistic . Warranty on classical good looks limited to 30 days after purchase, manufacturer assumes no liability for product’s hair, teeth, jowls or waistline thereafter. Quality of carnal encounters may be ‘amazing’ in more ways than one.


Christian Semmens
As usual, it depends upon what you mean.
If we take your question at face value and ignore any potential for a euphamistic interpretaion of “easy going”, I doubt that there are any particularly glaring differences between British girls and those from other places. The spread of attitudes is more dependent upon economic circumstance and place of residence than upon nationality or gender.
To broadly generalise, I’d say that , on the whole, yes they are.
Individuals will differ in large ways from this broad sterotype, so although you may find most people accepting and easy going, others may not be so accommodating.
So, I suppose, the answer is yes, but not everyone is.


Matt Sutton
There are more than 30 million British women. Astonishingly, scientists have recently discovered that they are all individuals. Some of them certainly are independent, mature, clever and good looking, but some of them won't be all or even any of those things.
As such, your question is unanswerable. As there is no universal 'British woman', there is no single experience of being in a relationship with one. In fact, your question is even more unanswerable because the experience of being in a relationship with someone depends on both the people in it.
This is a little off-topic, but if you're interested in being in a relationship with a woman, I would suggest trying to think of them as individuals. The way your question is worded seems to suggest you think British women are interchangeable, and that's very dehumanizing, which is not very attractive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andrew Crawford
Can a Canadian kid date a British girl
Obviously, there’s no law against Brits and Canucks dating each other, and they’re both human so there are no natural barriers other than the Atlantic Ocean. Cultural differences are an obstacle for some couples but should be negligible in this case.
Whether or not long-distance relationships are workable is a different question, and it depends on the couple and their specific circumstances. It’s not impossible.
and do British girls find Canadians attractive
What? Do all ~30m British women find all ~15m Canadian men attractive? Obviously not. Is there something unique and universal to Canadians that renders them unattractive to the British? Obviously not. The average Canadian looks quite a bit like the average Briton.


Kelsey L. Haye
There is no monolithic “British man” type. British men are just as diverse, for better or worse, as men from any other place (to say nothing of the cultural differences between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).
My British husband is a quiet, shy science geek. He’s not 1990s Hugh Grant or James Bond. I quite like being married to him — he’s a good husband — but I wouldn’t use my experience with him to make generalizations about British men.
I’ve known British men who were absolute class snobs, some who cheated on their girlfriends/wives, some who were conspiracy theorists or cranks and some who got blind, belligerently drunk on the weekends. I’ve known others who were devoted partners and fathers, who were decent and kind, who worked hard and who had fun without turning into total louts. Their humor has ranged from dry wit to dad jokes to esoteric puns to self-deprecation to goofball antics.
They’re individual people like any other. I’d advise against thinking of them as some collective group that can be solved or predicted. They’re just guys, and there’s no guarantee that one will bear any resemblance to the next.


Andrew Crawford
Meet at least one British woman.
Ask her out on a date.
If yes, congratulations, you are now dating a British woman.
If no, repeat as necessary.
“What are British girls into?” You’re talking millions of people - it is not possible to generalise. In any case, the best dating advice is always “be yourself” - don’t affect traits or interests that you don’t honestly have, or you will end up dating someone who’s company you struggle to enjoy.
Meet some women and find out what they’re into. If it’s broadly similar to what you’re into, you’re golden. If not, keep meeting people.
Obviously the best place to meet British women is in Britain, but you will meet some in the US as well, mainly in the larger and more cosmopolitan cities like New York and San Francisco.


Sam van Lekker
I’m a British dude.
some but not all are crazy and will punch you if you mess her around. We get the least sun in Europe, salaries are low and life is expensive.. our country doesn’t treat us as well as other Western European nations, so we grow up angry, moody and stressed. As a result we are ready to flip if we suspect fowl play they don’t always expect a man to be a man in situations where you have to be a man. For example if something happens they are perfectly capable of standing their ground and will even stand up for their men. Remember how I said some are crazy? They however love it if a man is a gentleman. (This is big in Britain - to Be a gentleman). Take her coat off for her, hold the door open for her, carry her bags for her. british girls think this kind of stuff is super sweet.
You have to have a sense of humour. Humour is a big thing in the UK. We may not be the best looking in Europe, but personality wise and humour wise we are awesome. Study what BANTER means and get good at it. You could be the best looking man in the world but if you don’t have banter a british girl will use you then chuck you.
don’t ever tease british girls (trash talk) - in Britain we are fast talkers and have a fast sense of humour. You try tease we will put you to your knees. Guys and girls. The scotts are especially good at this as well as the Irish (although not all of Ireland is british) Remember how mcgregor became famous by Being a good trash talker. Britain and Ireland is full to the brim with such characters.
they can drink you under the table although some British girls are tough they are also girly girls. They love dressing up and trying to look their best for dates, parties etc..
our best looking girls are as good as any in Europe, but other European nations tend to have a higher proportion of good looking girls. Sadly this means that allot of our good looking girls have attitude and think their looks will take them through life. Which it sadly kind of does to some extent. They know they are part of an exclusive club. In Europe the prence is higher, especially in Eastern European nations. You find knock out girls there who are very down to earth and have varied interests Other than how good looking they are.


Bethany Davies
Okay. There really isn't much to it as far as ‘curious facts’ go.
As for tea, I'm more of a coffee person, but we Brits do love a good cuppa.
We’re moody as hell - usually with good reason, although sometimes because we want to see how far we can push our OH and will start arguments for no reason, wait for you to get mad and then ask ‘why are you so stressed?!’
We (most of us) have a good sense of humour and believe it or not are not overly sensitive to harmless sexist jokes. - Just make sure you know your girl well enough first.
A lot of us love football, drinking pints and playing play station, we’re not all girly girls.
The little things mean the most - we don’t always want bunches of flowers, expensive chocolates and fancy meals. Sometimes it’s as simple as remembering the 50p chocolate bar we loved as a kid, or our favourite home made dinner because it reminds us of our mum.
Like above, show us you listen. Even if you don’t half the time, just make a point of remembering the little things. It really shows us you care.
Always tell the truth, even if it seems like a harmless white lie. In a matter of days, maybe hours, your girls network of girlfriends will find out exactly what happened and it will unleash a whole can of worms that could of been avoided with the truth because they will find out everything you have ever lied about not just the one thing.
Don’t get caught up in the whole ‘women should cook and clean’ 1940’s thing. A lot of the younger generation of British boys (I don’t like referring to them as men) have lost their respect of women, for whatever reason. We will treat you with as much respect as you treat us with.
All in all, we are just like any other women, and as in any relationship, you get out what you put in.
P.S Please don’t think I'm painting all men with the same brush in my last point, I have the most thoughtful, caring boyfriend who would do absolutely anything to make me happy, but like in any culture there are still men that think they are superior to women and just wanted to point out that is not an attractive trait to us :-)


Guy Blackwell
As a man who's not been on a date this century Im probably the worst person to answer this but I will have a go with some 20th century experience and what my (exclusively) female colleagues tell me.
You can't pay them an honest compliment. 9 times out of 10 they will think it's false flattery even if it wasn't.. They don't much like bragging and can recognise bullshit a mile off. They are not really interested in how much, how big, how fast. If this is their motivation then good luck cos what you have there is probably a gold-digger. Do not try to get too “handy” too soon. British girls are quite caperble of giving you the green light when they are ready. They are also able to say no and mean it. As with all dating and relationships, be respectful. They do like confidence, good grooming, courtesy and fun. The best thing you can do to make your date go well, is be interested in her as a person, her interests and personal take on things. Be genuine and honest about yourself. If you can make her laugh without being offensive then that's the best aphrodisiac there is. Most of all be respectful that is someone's daughter, sister, cousin.


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