IMDB影评:侏罗纪世界:统治 (2022)
2022-06-15 Harmony 11000

Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs now live--and hunt--alongside humans all over the world. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether human beings are to remain the apex predators on a planet they now share with history's most fearsome creatures in a new Era.


"You made a promise.... to a dinosaur?"
Colin Trevorrow was so preoccupied with weather he could squeeze all his ideas into a film, he didn't stop to think if he should try and squeeze them all into his film. The narrative is so overstuffed it would fill a Mosasaurus, the action frustratingly lacks any kind of tension, horror or real threat to the main characters and the occasional call backs seen in JW and JW:FK are now as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. That's not to say its a bad film, there's some excellent character moments with the original cast and Jeff Goldblum is brilliant, injecting some much needed humour into this otherwise pretty dry sequel. Being a huge JP fan, this could simply be a case of high expectations getting the better of me but the lack of exhilaration and awe upon leaving the cinema is painful.

科林·特雷福罗(Colin Trevorrow)是如此专注于是否可以将自己的所有想法都挤进一部电影,他没有停下来思考是否应该将它们全部挤进自己的电影。故事情节过于夸张,让人觉得摩萨龙满目疮痍,令人沮丧的是,这部电影中主要角色没有任何紧张、恐怖或真正的威胁,而《侏罗纪世界》和《侏罗纪世界:失落王国》中偶尔出现的回电微妙得就像一把大锤打在脸上。这并不是说这是一部糟糕的电影,原演员阵容中有一些精彩瞬间,杰夫·戈德布鲁姆(Jeff Goldblum)也很出色,为这部原本相当枯燥的续集注入了一些急需的幽默。作为一个侏罗纪公园的超级粉丝,只能说对这部电影期望值很高,但离开电影院时缺乏兴奋和敬畏也很痛苦的。

A generic, lifeless adventure movie that happens to have dinosaurs
If I were to list out all the things this movie focuses on, dinosaurs would be fifth or sixth, behind multiple storylines that range from bland to useless. I'm baffled by how little focus is on dinosaurs. And I don't just mean they are barely onscreen. The original Jurassic Park barely had any for the first hour. But everything leading up to that, the story, dialogue and themes, were all focused on dinosaurs.
That's not the case with Dominion. The majority of the storylines are tangentially related at best, completely unrelated at worst. Imagine watching Taken but Liam Neeson has to watch out for dinosaurs... that's one storyline. You could replace dinosaurs with any scary creatures and it would make little difference to the plot.
On top of that, they did a poor job of balancing so many storylines with different characters. Or maybe it's because every single one is uninteresting. And the moment when the different characters come together falls completely flat. I compare it to Stranger Things, when the stories converge and the crew is finally together, those moments are so impactful and exciting. They feel earned and elevate everything after. In Dominion, you don't feel any kind of magic.
Some parts were so bad they made me cringe or roll my eyes. But that wasn't the case for the majority of the movie. So why such a harsh score? Because this movie, which is the definition of a popcorn flick here to entertain us, is unbelievably boring. I had 8 hours of sleep last night and drank a Red Bull, yet I was struggling to stay awake. I had to un-recline.
All of the action scenes are forgettable. Literally. It's only been a few hours and I can remember maybe a couple cool moments. And one thing I couldn't believe, the climax action sequence is straight-up copied from one of the previous movies. I won't say which one, but I'm baffled they went this route. It's even sadder when you realize it's worse than what it copied in every way.
As for the dinosaur effects, at times the animatronic dinosaurs look like toys. And the CGI dinosaurs look a bit off. I don't think it's poor CGI but something about it doesn't feel right.
I loved the first Jurassic World. And while the second is highly flawed, it's still entertaining and filled with tension and suspense. I felt none of that with Dominion.


They forgot why we loved Jurassic Park
When I go to a Jurassic Park movie, I want something above all else-hyper realistic dinosaurs in cool environments, seeing them frolic in natural habitat, defend territory, battle other dinos for dominance, hunt humans, and the like. From the opening island scene with the brachiosaurus to the T-Rex reveal in the rainstorm, dinosaurs were front and center in the original Jurassic Park, inspiring a sense of grandeur and awe. The dinosaurs were what mattered, and everything else was peripheral-even the plot to get off the island. We all wanted another glimpse of the T-Rex, or were anxious to discover where the raptors were lurking.
So that was the first one. Now in this sixth installment, not only are dinosaurs relegated to a commercialized product that's seen on every tv screen in the movie, but they're demoted below the humans, genetics, and even mutated locusts in terms of importance. In a two and a half hour movie, one would expect dinosaurs to fill almost half that time, and yet they pale in screen time comparison to all the human characters. Instead, the director tried to insert cameos of the legacy characters in forced interactions and honestly cringey dialogue, shifting the focus away from the real meaning in the Jurassic Park franchise-awe for dinosaurs. The wonder is now gone.
I have given it six stars in respect for the franchise and the limited appearances of some of my favorite dinosaurs, but I'm sad to see that the director forgot what made Jurassic Park so special in the first place.


I absolutely hated this film... legacy characters used as bait for box office numbers, a horrible plot that makes the incredibly long runtime absolutely insufferable. The actors aren't at fault, the visuals are good (as you might expect from a movie this expensive), but the scxt is atrocious, and "the epic conclusion" is not very much a conclusion, the main issue is not solved, and everything that was wrong in the previous films is just elevated in this film, absolutely terrible film, don't watch it.


Is anyone else tired of Chris Pratt and that damned hand?
It's just amazing that no dinosaur hasn't bitten it off yet. In what promises to be the conclusion to the series, all the main cast members of the previous shows are here. "Alan Grant....... Ellie Sattler", I actually liked the new characters. DaWanda Wise and Mamoudou Athie better than the old ones - they are the only ones that come out of this unscathed. The special effects are, as expected, first class although really? A Gigilomopoloposaurus??? - they just keep getting bigger (the dinosaurs AND the names). Not sure that it's worth the Hollywood Blvd/Times Sq ticket prices ($20+) , but it's an okay way to spend a summer afternoon. I think tho, I'd wait til next weekend when the crowds will be 65% less.


Absolute trash
This movie attempts to exploit the nostalgia of the original characters and it fails miserably at every level. The action, the editing, the direction, it's all terrible. The movie has no focus, too many characters that have nothing to do and nothing to do with each other. The only positive thing I can say about this movie is they did use plenty of "real" props for some of the dinosaurs, so it's not like the actors are always looking at a green screen. However, everyone just feels kind of disconnected from the movie. Like everyone involved knew the scxt was trash and the movie would just be a cash grab because they knew idiots like myself would go and see it. Oh well. Just Hollywood doing what they do best.


Stop messing with Jurassic Park!
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the franchise, specially the two original films directed by Spielberg and based on Chriton's books. Jurassic Park is the film of my childhood, but enough is enough.
The last two films lost it way completely. This one has a couple of really nice action sequences, but leaves us with the feeling there are more locusts and humans in scene than dinosaurs, despite the myriad of species featured, they get displicent attention and really short screen time in a plot deficient story.
It is sad to have to admit it, but it's high time they leave the franchise in peace. I hope this is the final one. The only reason I give it an average 6 is for the return of the original cast, the dylophosaurs and pure sentimental value.
But this was quite disappointing and one more missed opportunity.


Lazy writing
Result of Poor writing . Only thing that satisfied me was action sequence before the interval , it really gave a seat edge experience , other than that whole movie was underwhelming . scxt was too weak and lame . Except few places , film majorly missed the engaging factor . First half was slow and second half was predictable and boring . 2hrs 30mins was too long , literally tested my patience . Cast done their job . Technically visuals were good . Editing was inferior . Overall , unexpectedly a disastrous end to Jurassic saga . Watch at your own risk .


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