2022-06-27 飞雪似炀花 13229
The new New Democrats' 62-point plan is devoid of a single good idea for fixing the economy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A coalition of so-called New Democrats (the last New Democrat was Bill Clinton, whose administration gave us corporate buy-backs, repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, veto of the TEAM Act allowing building-level unxs, and jettisoning of the work of Barbara Jordan’s Commission on Immigration) has now proposed a 62-point plan to combat inflation.


As an exercise in missing the point, this document is impossible to improve upon. Two essential elements are missing from this anthology of K Street wish lists: meaningful reduction of future budget deficits and removal of constraints on energy production.


It is clear that there is now an inflation problem, in part fueled by rising energy prices, resulting from constraints on domestic energy production and the effect of the Ukraine war on foreign supplies. The New Democrats propose nothing to deal with this problem other than some acceleration of leasing on private lands. The recent pipeline bans, including the one protecting lizards on a minute fraction of the Appalachian Trail, remain in full force and effect, as do the delays imposed on energy projects by the National Environmental Policy Act, the failure to develop the Nevada site for high-level nuclear waste, and restrictions on fracking, hydroelectric high-tension wires, and even offshore wind turbines. Expectations of the future feed into the present, and these constraints invite OPEC and other foreign suppliers to charge what the traffic will bear without much fear of future domestic competition.


The other source of inflation is a vista of future budget deficits, unlikely to be curbed by tax increases. The burden of curbing excess demand will thus be thrust entirely on monetary policy, interest rates, and the Federal Reserve Board. We saw in the 1970s where this leads: to high interest rates and the collapse of the construction industry, real estate values, and consumer confidence; in short, to stagflation.


The Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan contains new “soak the rich” taxes, which are not as obxtionable as some Republicans make them out to be. The proceeds are to be wholly devoted to socialistic schemes for elder care, day care, dental care, and electric-car subsidies, not to deficit reduction.There is a case for combining the proposed taxes with a reconciliation bill including only the two most worthy spending projects: expansion of the family tax credit (with a work requirement as proposed by Senator Mike Lee to avoid re-creation of the AFDC program) and a revived Civilian Conservation Corps with a substantial role for the military in training (to duplicate the success of the original CCC and avoid the experience of the Johnson administration Job Corps, which assembled juvenile delinquents in high-rise urban buildings). The lion’s share of new revenues should be devoted to deficit reduction, reducing pressure on monetary policy, interest rates, and the Federal Reserve Board.


The political realities are such that an early reconciliation bill before the congressional elections is the only way Congress is likely to enact tax increases. It may be possible to find two or three Republican votes for it if most of the spending programs are stripped out. If this is not done, there will be no new revenues until after the next presidential election, and therefore steadily escalating interest rates with all the consequences those entail.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yet the New Democrats say nothing about the overhang of future budget deficits. Their proposals will not meaningfully address the country’s macroeconomic issues.


Their microeconomic proposals are similarly trivial. They propose efforts to reform local zoning by withholding federal grant funds pending the submission of state plans for its liberalization. This top-down approach is akin to attempting to put spaghetti through a keyhole, and was utterly ineffective when tried by Education Secretary Arne Duncan during the Obama administration. The logical reform here would be to provide modest tax credits for the installation of second kitchens to create accessory apartments in owner-occupied homes. The pressure to reform zoning would then come from below, not above, and would be far more effective.


In the realm of education, there are pious gestures toward more apprenticeships and vocational education. There is no attention to the more fundamental reforms instituted by Britain, Australia, and New Zealand: a requirement that there be a community board for each school; that not more than one term of education-methods courses be required as a condition of a teaching license so as not to exclude 90 percent of college graduates from the teaching force; that there be extra pay for teachers in scarce disciplines; and that the supply of high-school science and computer-science teachers be increased by special immigration provisions for Eastern European, South Asian, and Far Eastern science graduates committed to high-school teaching.


Many of the proposals are exercises in self-parody, for example, the call to manipulate shipping rates without repealing the Jones Act, which bars foreign vessels from coastal shipping and is beloved by the unxs. The program as a whole is a declaration of intellectual bankruptcy. It will not, even if adopted, curb inflation so long as tax revenues and domestic energy supply are constrained. It is an exercise in evasion, the product of soft minds—or cynical ones.


Gerald Ford knew how to fight inflation. Remember his W.I.N. lapel clips?


Budget deficits in and of themselves aren't inflationary. The government is creating new money and putting it in the economy when it spends. But by law, the Fed issues a corresponding amount of Treasury bills that absorb that new money back. But budget deficits can be inflationary when it shifts spending. So if deficit spending causes a shift in demand, and there is inadequate supply to meet that demand, then you get inflation. Our current inflation is primarily a function of old deficit spending. When the government shut down the economy under Trump and printed money, it shifted spending from, for example, from cars to computers. So chip manufacturers shutdown their car chip facilities and ramped up computer chip manufacturing. As a result supply of car chips collapsed, new car supply collapsed, and as demand came back, car prices inflated. Biden doubled down when he took over and we ended up with massive demand increases at a time of supply chain collapse.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But as long as the government doesn't do anything new and stupid (asking a lot I know), the effects of the budget deficit on inflation will recede and recede pretty quickly. The bigger issue we have now is supply constraints due to the continuing Chinese shutdowns over COVID. Much of our current inflation is coming from China passing along increased costs to American consumers. The only good solution to that is moving manufacturing back home, but that can't be done quickly. It takes years to plan new production facilities and get the staffing trained and working.


Gas prices are a function of oil prices, and oil prices have similar issues. Prices are high because global inventories are low. Global inventories are low because demand has jumped as COVID has collapsed, and producers aren't producing enough to meet that demand. Hopefully, higher prices will lead producers to want to maximize profits, produce more and grab market share. The author sites a number of, in my opinion, minor factors. If producers don't get prices down, the market will react over the long term in negative ways for them: people will buy more fuel efficient vehicles and permanently lower demand.


What The Kent
Your peeps in DC want to get rid of oil and they aren’t building nuclear plants or any other viable, large scale energy sources to enlarge the grid as they allow millions of featherdusters to steam into America.
Good plan Chimps.


What The Kent
Societal suicide is well underway here in the USA. Sooner than later this will also severely affect you, not just some hapless working class stiff. Karma is a beach.
Your heroes have assigned ESG scores to corporations based on their adherence to the mechanizations of the Green Movement, thus allowing or disallowing access to capital.


Winston Smith Kent
Republicans aren't the ones labeling half the country as deplorable insurrectionists.


MoisheSenberg Winston Smith
Just labeling half of the country “groomers” and “communists”.


Science Badger DGaS MoisheSenberg
Sometimes the "reaction" in "reactionary" is completely reasonable & logical.
For example:
1. When insane ed schools & their bonkers teacher grads push creepy gender ideology, sexual overeducation, "drag" shows & even freakish hormones on children... often w/o the parents knowledge. In other words: "grooming."
2. When the department heads of interior & energy are literally trying to TAKE DOWN OIL COMPANIES & raise the price of gas thus MAKE WAR ON THE POOR for some STUPID spurious "benefit" that China & India will completely ignore & override. In other words: moronic "green" socialism.
Meanwhile Raggedy Antoinette & her FOUL ilk tell the poor "just drive electric cars you revolting plebe."
If the cap fits you get to WEAR it Moishe. Worst. Administration. Ever. A "reactionary" wants things to go back to the way they were. Most Americans are now REACTIONARY. All ones with any sense certainly. You gotta be one of the Very Smart People to be STUPID as a Biden puppeteer.

1. 当疯狂的教育学校和他们疯狂的教师毕业生把令人毛骨悚然的性别意识形态、性教育过度、“变装”表演乃至畸形的荷尔蒙推给孩子时——这往往是在父母不知情的情况下。换句话说,这是“诱导”。
2. 当内政部和能源部的负责人试图摧毁石油公司,提高油价,从而向穷人开战,以获得一些愚蠢的虚假“利益”,而中国和印度将完全无视和超越这些利益。换句话说:这是低能的“绿色”社会主义。

Winston Smith MoisheSenberg
I guess when you groom children while creating a socialist paradise you are accurately categorized thusly. That simply makes Republicans accurate reporters of what is happening in the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

MPC Kent
The right is basically reacting to constant cultural provocations from the left and getting more and more bent out of shape and panicked. The left needs to chill it, this time.


Kent MPC
I couldn't agree more. The provocations seem designed to distract the population from far more important issues.


MPC Kent
In my ideal world we can call a truce and run a national program designed to just reign in the polarization and stop the country from falling apart. No ideological pet projects for anyone.


Kent YT14
The Republicans had the presidency and both houses in GWBs first term and the first two years of Trump's term. It doesn't make a lick of difference who gets elected. Both parties just have different excuses for not doing what the people need to get done. And with the filibuster, they get to act like its the other parties fault. Remember repealing and replacing Obamacare? LOL! How often is that brought up on Fox News lately?


Adam Kolasinski Kent
Budget deficits can be inflationary if people expect that the debt used to finance them will be monetized.
Think of it this way. Deficits are financed with Treasury Bills, which are a near perfect substitute for money. If people expect the Bills to be repaid with printed money rather than tax money when they mature, then there is no substantive difference between printing new money to cover deficits or issuing Treasury Bills to cover them. Which makes the deficit inflationary. But again, it all depends on expectations about how the debt will be handled when it comes due.


Kent Adam Kolasinski
I see where you are coming from but I don't think it actually works that way in our system. On one side of the ledger is expenditures. On the other is debt and taxes (revenues). Nobody will ever know whether the debt is being paid with taxes or printed money. As long as the government can raise money through the issuance of treasury bonds, it never has to get to a point where it has to say "we don't have the money to pay the debt, so we're just going to print the money". And in our system, the government can always raise the money because it is sitting in the banking system under federal reserve control, and the banks will always use that money to replace the cash for interest bearing bonds.


Adam Kolasinski Kent
The Treasury will always be able to raise money by issuing notes, bills and bonds, but not necessarily to investors. At some point, investors will be unwilling to buy them at a rate the Treasury is willing to pay. Then the only way the government will be able to finance deficits is if the Federal Reserve buys them with newly created money, which results in inflation.
So now step back to today. There is enough investor interest to finance the deficit by selling Treasuries to investors. However, everyone expects that when these securities come due, the Fed will have to step in and create the money to redeem them. Then everyone expects future money supply to grow, which means people expect future inflation. Now it doesn't make a difference if the deficit in financed by selling Treasuries or creating new money, as the two have become equivalent. So even if you can raise the funds by selling Treasuries to investors today, markets react the same as if you just printed a bunch of money to finance the deficit.
Expectations about future monetary policy is as important to current inflation as current monetary policy.


Kent Adam Kolasinski
I appreciate that thought, but I'd ask you to read up on the role of the primary dealer banks. They are always the "investors" of last resort. They are required by contract with the Federal Reserve to make the market in treasuries.
I agree that in theory expectations drive a lot of the market. But the big money movers know that there is no need for the FR to print money. The design of the system is actually brilliant: the federal government prints money, the money ends up in the banks, the FR issues treasury bonds equivalent to the amount of that money, the banks exchange the printed money for the bonds. It works regardless of the size of the deficits.
My issue with budget deficits is more along the lines that it removes any sense of financial responsibility from politicians, whether it is democrats spending frivolously or Republicans cutting revenues frivolously.


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