2022-06-29 青丘国的守护者 16609
Why has there never been a powerful African nation like Rome, Persia, or the Aztecs?


Nadhiya Athaide
Wait, seriously? “Never been a powerful African nation”?
I’d presume you’ve never heard of these before:
Zulu Kingdom? (They crushed the British in their first battle and wrecked havoc on the Boers)


Malian Empire? (Home to one of the richest Kings in human history)
Kingdom of Axum? (One of the centers of African civilization & one of the world’s first Christian states, centuries before any European civilization)
Ancient Egypt? (One of the centers of civilization)
Kingdom of Kush? (Which has more pyramids than Egypt by the way)
Ashanti Empire? (One of the most powerful and wealthiest states of the 18th-19th century)

阿散蒂帝国:18-19 世纪最强大和最富有的国家之一。

The various African Kingdoms and empires were quite well known in Imperial Iran/Persia. The Sassanid & Nubian Kinmms in particular were quite familiar with each other. In fact, Persian traders and travelers extensively traveled the coastlines of modern-day East & North Africa bringing back various cuisines, spices, technologies, and in certain instances; slaves and laborers. Many Africans who came to Iran even became highly skilled soldiers and commanders in the Imperial Army.


The number of disgusting people in this comments section absolutely baffles me. In 2022, you’re till viewing and treating Black-skinned Africans as inferior? Yikes. I’m extremely glad some of you are not educators or parents.


Shivam Pattanayak
In Western India, Malik Ambar, originally a slave from Ethiopia, made the Ahmadnagar Sultanate quite a powerful kingdom in the early 1600s and led it for two decades. The Sultanate fell to the Mughals after Malik Ambar's death.

在印度西部,来自埃塞俄比亚的奴隶马利克·安巴尔(Malik Ambar)在1600年代初使艾哈迈德讷格尔苏丹国成为一个非常强大的王国,并统治其二十年。苏丹国在马利克·安巴尔死后落入莫卧儿王朝之手。

Hariharan Sivan
There was also a black samurai.


Noor Giebitz
It is unlikely that Yasuke was the samurai class/caste. He was, undeniably, Japan’s shogun, Nobunaga Oda’s bodyguard. In European terms, he was a man-at-arms (professional soldier), not a knight with the privileges and the responsibilities of a knight.


Alex Cable
The Caste system was imposed by Hideyoshi, Nobunaga’s successor after the older Ashigaga system of Samurai nobility became irrelevant in the warring states period. There was no strict line between soldiers and Samurai under the Oda.
The Knight/Man at arms split isn’t that clear cut in Europe either and varies by time period and kingdom/principality. Any man at arms who served long enough under the favour of a high enough rank noble would be knighted no matter his personal background. The bodyguard of an official of Oda’s rank would always be knighted in European society.
Even under the Hideyoshi/Tokugawa class system an armed retainer was of Samurai rank, only the levies and footsoldiers weren’t.


Leeroy Him
Knights are commonly misunderstood due to heavily sensationalized media. Which funy enough, also apply to Samurai (and Ninjas)


Xicotencatl Xayacate
To me, it’s mind-blowing trying to imagine a black guy from Africa ruling India, too far from Africa and not familiarized with black people...


Richard Amoako
There are millions of dark skin people in India, in fact some are even darker than some Africans….


Djibi Ndom
The color of the skin is about geographical position and climate condition. That's why there are native black people also in Oceania


Eric Tyrone Washington
If your migrating out of Africa during the last ice age, your leaving via Ethiopian/Somalia across the land bridge that now the Red Sea into southern Arabia. Across the Southern Iranian coast and continuing east and south east your final destination is India. There are millions of dark skin “Indians” in India because their ancient ancestors made this trip over generations from Africa.


P Pate
Read “guns, germs and steel" by Diamond. Every set of humans had success and accomplishments. Some developed “more" sooner, having “more" generally meant that that group of humans “won". No humans are intellectually deficient, groups have different access to raw materials.


Hagi Ein
Yep this is really it. Every advancement humanity has made has been due to a combination of geographical factors


Paula R. Stiles
You mean, like the Almohads and Almoravids (who conquered Christian Spain—twice), the Mali Empire (which dominated West and Central African trade for four centuries during the Middle Ages), the Zulu Kingdom (which kicked the crap out of the Boers and destroyed an entire British army), the Kingdom of Zimbabwe (which ruled Southern Africa while the Aztecs were at their height), or the Candaces of Ethiopia (who drove the Romans back to Egypt and forced them to stay there), to name but a few?
Just because you’ve never heard of them, doesn’t mean Africa has lacked for empires.

埃塞俄比亚的坎迪斯(将罗马人赶回埃及并强迫他们留在了那里) , 这仅仅是列举的一小部分。
(译注:穆拉比特王朝,又译作木兰皮国, 是11世纪由来自撒哈拉的柏柏尔人在西非所建立的王朝。“穆拉比特”一名来自阿拉伯语,意为“武僧”。在这个王朝的鼎盛时期,其势力范围包括现今的摩洛哥、西撒哈拉、毛里塔尼亚、直布罗陀、阿尔及利亚的特莱姆森,南面囊括大部分的塞内加尔及马里,北面则包括大部分的西班牙及葡萄牙。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bill Herman
I find at times talking about Egypt, many people really have no clue. They either have no idea where Egypt is located or say somewhere in the Middle East. This includes some college students.


Oscar Mateo
As everybody knows, Egypt is somewhere in Mexico. They will have to pay for their part of the Wall :P


Luke Hatherton
A prevailing sentiment is that ancient Egypt was a Mediterranean or Middle Eastern culture, not an ‘African’ one - which of course is untrue, it was all of these.

一种普遍的看法是,古埃及是地中海或中东文化,而不是“非洲”文化 。 我认为这是无稽之谈,胡说八道。

Paula R. Stiles
I’ve also seen this sentiment expressed a lot, even to the point of denying that Egypt is an African civilization. Yet, I never see anyone say that Rome is a Mediterranean civilization in denying that it is also (and primarily) European.
First and foremost, Egypt is an African civilization, which had a lot of interaction with and influences from other African civilizations. It just also happens to be a Mediterranean civilization.


Luke Hatherton
Yes. That’s what I said.


Pike Lynch
But, it's apart of the continent. So how can it not? I'm a bit confused.


Pike Lynch
So it's more regional thing? An Arab thing than sub Sahara.


Susan Maneck
The Egyptians weren’t originally Arabs.


Susan Maneck
Psst. Egyptians had lighter skin.


Nikhil Bellarykar
Because for many, African = sub-Saharan African.


Du Toit van Schalkwyk
Mm, while not massive, I would rather say the Zulu Empire instead of the Zulu Kingdom. The way they acted was pretty imperialistic.


Paula R. Stiles
Well, there’s that. It’s been called both.


Sarat Modugu
Actually it is incredible massive, almost Alexander like in its size when u remember this empire was carved out by foot ALONE. Almost every empire/confederation that didn’t use boats or horses end up being the size of around New Jersey at the most. The Zulu expanded it to the size of Italy.


Peter Gee
The Zulu Kingdom was tiny compared to Alexander’s empire and was never the size of Italy. It was also very short lived, basically a 90 year affair from the foundation by Shaka early in 1800’s to it’s defeat by the British in the late 18th century.
History is not myth and we should not make it up.


Sarat Modugu
And u completely forgot my point their empire was conquered and ran entirely by foot with no pack animals or boats unlike the rest of the world in so short of time.
Name me an empire that never used horses or boats as transport. Creating an empire with that much space without any use of boats and Horses is insane.


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